HomeMy WebLinkAboutLicenses TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH PERMIT TO OPERATE A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: #10-121 FEE: 35.00 In accordance with regulations promulgated tmder suthority of Chapter 94,Section 305A and Chapter I 11,Secrion 5 of the General Laws,a permit is hereby granted to: M.Victoria Schuh, 438 Route 6A, Yazmouthport, MA Whose place of business is: Blueberrv Manor Type of business: Continental Breakfast To operate a food establishment in: Town of Yarmouth Permit expires: December 31. 2010 BOARD oF HE�.TH: �cicut�I�ta�ittEat�Senitl�, 'C.�tuixmpn Jns, �1�natgrn,ea�, `uiee C'�a"ci�rneaac RESTIucTioxs: Guests only. wQ��,[lZI1'b a�..Sf1lel[1Li��� c,� ?����. �� !` �� � � J�'�..lJ. February 19,2010 Bnxce G.Muiphy,MP , .S.,CHO Director of Health THE COMMONWEALTI�OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMQUTH PERMIT NUMBER: #10-006 FEE: $SS.Op THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT AN INNHOLDER'S LICENSE is hereby granted to M.Victoria Schuh d/bla Blueberry Manor at 4�8 R��t .6A, Yarnt_ n�nnrt, MA in said Town of Yarmauth And at thai place only and expires Decembet thirty-first,2010 unless sooner suspend� or revoked for violation of the laws of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of innholders. This license is issued in conformity with the authority granted to the licensing authorities by General Laws,Chapter 140,and amendmenis thereto and is subject to sections twenty-two to thiriy-two, inclusive, and of said chapter and sections twenty-five to twenty- seven,inclusive,of Chapter 272. In Testimony Whereo�the undersigned have hereunto affixed their offcial signatures,this Nineteenth day of Febn�ary A.D. 2010. BOARD OF HEALTH: .�QIt.��f�ltt�/trSllt�Ry �(�i(�IfIRQIt Number of bedrooms: J 1�qJ�tL�t�LI��� �lCe�,�IJrfttQ7l 1�Floor—1 Bedroom in rear 2[JQ��f� t e. SfI,OIUt�ft Ill� ��� 2°d Floor—3 Bedrooms i�rt� ��l�G� `�ilO��i�il��.Jk 17. Bruce G.Murphy, , ., HO Director of Health