HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter Re: Pool Safety Rules and Regulations� _ ;�- _ � _ f I . � . -- --� � � � �� o� o a ��� . � � , �r � U � v� vvr� -� �, $ � ����G� vc. �,( � ' y )�,t S � �t � ,���� � `(''11 S , � �o �va, S ro.CC�� � �v 5 � W� � �r a S � � � 1 s � �- �� � ' � � o ��� � E � � .� � - � --c� � s: . _�... e � . ^ � . Y�ro v � �, cQ� � � _ ._ � � �� 1 . S �a v . _—�� __. � �� �n � � �� � � l01/2010 01:45 203-287-8Br3 ABLE IRRIGATION PAGE 02/64 EEACIiWOOD C(�NDQM�N'IUM ASSOCxATION POOL RULES ,AND - REGULATxONB `ao��. 1 • T��a pool season wil�, be �rom Jun.e 1, 20� thru Sep�e_Twex 30, 20'�,�-� ��1� � . The pool hours a� opexation will be from 10: 00a.m till �: OOp.m, 3. The authoriaatiar� far use o� the pool is limited �o the pool and the irnmediate adjacent area only. 4 - The authori:zed users will be Owne�s and their a.mmed�.a�e faznily and/or guests accompanied by the owner. 'T�nants will be a1.low�d pool priv.ileges, and wi11 recei�re a k�y from. the Board of Managers, when they pravide to the Board of Managers a"valid CPR certificate, a valid First Aid cerfii�icate, and a valid Town a� Yarmouth Watez Safety certificate. Tenants eligible for cansideration o� pool privileges are an,ly fihose tez�ants listed on the lease provided to the Association. In additian only thase tenants listed an �he lease may a,ccompany an authorized tenant �n the pool ar�a. Au�horizecl �enants may nat �.nvi�e guests �o the pabl area and may not invi-�e tenants �rom other Ur�its �o t�e paol area. Owr�ers that do nat want �his privilege afforded ta �heir tenants must put this restricti.o� in the lease az�d notify �he Baard af Managers of this clause. Far aiJ. Units the Treasurer rnusfi verify that all monies owed to the Association tar said Uni� are ,paid in full and a currez�t Leas� is ox� fi1.e with the �lssociatian. Onlv two ke�s wi11 be issued per IInit. If at any time during the season an owner, guests and/or �en�nts should became delinquent in mainta�ning ' their positive s�atus witt� �,he Assoc�ation a11 privileges, for the owner and/or the tenant will be revoked unti� such ' time as the specific shortcomings are rectified_ 5_ The minimum age �or any person unaccompanied by a responsible adult is 18 years of age. 6. The pool gate wi11 be locked at all times, even when �:�e pool area is occupied by users. Each entzant .as well as ___��� user departing wi11 be r�sponsible ta assure that the _��e is locked behind �hem. Under no circumstances is a �.s�r �o open the gate For another party, It is each �: 1 � /01/2010 01:45 203-267-B873 ABLE IRRIGATION PAGE 03/04 . individual's zesponsibiiity to provide their own �ey and to � > � police themselves_ t � 7. All us�rs and guests are required to sign in and out . . of the poo� area. A log book wi.11 be provided" for this ; ' �unction. j � 6• Tf an authorized user shot�.ld leave �he pool axea for � any reason (includin,g ta utilize lavatory facilities) all � parties in the poo1. area with that au�.horized us�r then become unapproved users azad must lea�re with their hast. 9. Rltkzough it is strongly recammended that no iz�dividual swim alone (alar�e being without another responsible .adult accompanying them) any person possessing the three required certifications wz7.l not be held to this requirem�nt. All 1 non-certifi.ed users will require a responsible adult poolside at a11 times while utilizing the poal for recreational purposes. 10. Any perceived violation of these Rules and Regulat.ion wi11 be submitted to fihe Baazd of Nlanagers by the persan interp,reting the o�fense, The Board of Managers will. review the submissian with bath the submitter of the comp�aint and the part�* against whom the complai.nt has been �odged. Zf the Boazd of Manaqers after conferring with both parties deem that a vio�.ata.on has occurred �xta,cle I1 will be invoked. There will be no appeal process for this proceedi.ng. 11 . Any �criolation o� these rules and zegulation.s will result xn the follawi�g p�nalties: FZRST oF'F'ENSE: 24 Hour Suspension from Pxivzleges . SEcoluD oF,FENSE: $5 0.0 Q Fine.* THTRD QFFENSE: Revocation from pool privileqes for the remainder of fihe season as we11 as $100 . p0 Fine.* *Manetary iSine� wi.Il be assessed to the O�vzxer of the Una.t in violation_