HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter Re: Pool Safety Rules and Regulations i � 01I�1I2010 01:45 203-2B7-8873 ABLE IRRI6ATION PAGE 01104 � � I 1�{alC\�WGG4 �n�s unti tl ed 5�����'�"' ]une 07,2012 TOwn of Yarmouth; Enclosed are seachwood condom;nium Association Rules and Reguiations. we have very strict Rule ,Regulations and Guide lines for our Private community. Beachwood is a Private Community_N�one is aliowed or has access �o the pool area unless they are an owner.We ha�e a very small percentage of Rentors who are not allowed the Poal priveledges and are not allowed access unless they are and prave certi�ication by the Town of varmouth and the stae of Massachusetts.Poaltection Ser�es a11 of our Professional needs alang with our Property Manager.�'hi5 Pooi area in not available for public use under any .circumstance. our Guidelines are very clearly stated throughvut �the cornmunity.�"hank you.The Boa�d of ma�agers Beachwood condominium Ass�ciation fi38 Main Street west Yarmouth Mass.06473 �onathan Sides president (203)710-1777 Page 1 I � : � 01/01/2010 01:45 203-287-BB73 ABLE IRRIGATION PAGE 02/04 , BEACHwOOD C�NDOMINIUM ASSOCZ.ATION POOL RULES AND RE C-�JLAT Z ON3 `ao�a � 1 . T�a pooi season wi11 be from June 1, 20� thru � SGp�e._Twer 30, 20�.aQ1a. 2 . The pool hours a� opexatian will be from 1b: 00a.m till I�: OOp.m. 3. The autharization fQr use of the pool is limited �o the pool az�d the a.mmediate adj acez�t area only. 4 _ The author�zed users will be Owners and their ' immed�.ate faznily and/or guests accompanied by the owner. � Tenants wil2 be allowed pool privileges, and wi11 recei�re a key from.. the Board of Managers, when they prov.ide to the 8oard of Managers a valid CPR certificate, a valid First �id cer�ti�icate, and a �alid Tawn o� Yarmouth Watex Safety certificate. Tenants eligible for consideration o� � pool privileges are oz�1.y thvse tez�ants list�d on the lease provided to the Association. In addition only those tenants ' listed on �he lease may accompany an authori�ed tenant zn the pool area. At�thorized tenants may not i.nvi�e guests �o the paol area and .may nat invi�e tenants �rom o�her Ur�its �co the paol area. Owr�ers that do not wan� this privilege ' afforded to �heir tenants must put this restrictio� in the lease and notif� the Board of Managers of this clause. ' For ai1 Units the Treasurer must verify that all � mona.es owed to the Association �or saa.d Unit are paid in ' full and a currez�t leas� is on; fi�.e with the Association. '' Onl� two keys wi11, be issued per Unzt. � I� at any time during the season an awner, guests and/vr fien�nts should become delinquent in mainta�.ning their pasitive s�atus with �he Asso�iation a11 pxivileges, for the owner and/or �he tenant will be revol�ed unti], such time as the specific shortcomings are rectified. 5_ The minimum ag� for any person unaccompanied by a ' *-esponsible adult is 7.8 yeaxs of age. ' 6. The pool gate wi11 be Zocked at a11 ta,mes, even when �_ze paol area is occupied by users. Each entxant .as well as ��c�^` use� departing wi11 be r�sporrsible tc assure that the =��e is locked behind fihem. Under no circumstances is a �s�r �o open the gate for another party, It is each �: r 01/01i2010 01:45 203-287-8873 ABLE IRRIGATION PAGE 03/04 , , , indi.vidual' s respansibility to provid� their own key and to police thezns�lves_ ' . ; 7. All users and guests are required to sign i.n and aut � of the paa� area. A log book wi.11 be provided for this funct.ion. 8. Tf an autharized user should leave the pool axea for any reason (includin.g to utilize lavatory facilities) all ! parties in the poal area with that au�horized user then ! became unapproved users az�d must leave with their hast. � g. Although it is strongly recamraended that na individual swim alane (alane being withou� another responsible adult accompanying them) any person possessing the three requzred � certifications will not be held to this requirem�nt. �11 � non-certified users wiJ.l require a responsa.ble adult poolside at a11 times while utilizing the paol for recreational purposes. ' la. Any perceived violation of these Rules and Regulati.on � will be submitted to the Baaxd of Manag�rs by the person i,nterpr�ting the of�ense. The Board of Managers will review � tl�e submissian with both the submitter of the complaint and ' the party against whom the complai.nt has been loaged. Tf the Board of Manac�ers after conferrinq with both parties I deem, tha� a vio�.ataon has occurred Arta,cle I1 wi11 be ; invoked. There wi.11 b� no appeal process for this � i proceeding. E I 11. Any violation of these rul�s and regulation.s will , result iz� the follawiz�g penal�ies: FII2ST OFFENSE: 24 Hour Suspensian from ' Pxivileg�s_ SECOND OFk'ENSE: $50.00 Fine.* THTRD OFFENSE: Revocation frazn poal pri�crileges for the zemainder of the season as we11 as $100. 00 Fine.� *Monetary finee will be assessed to the oovner of th� UnS.t in violation_