HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter Re: Pool Safety Rules and Regulations� _ � � � BEACHWOOD CONDUMINILA�I A,bSpCIATION POOL RtJLES AND REGULATIONS 1. The pool season will be from June 1, 20Q� thru September 30, 20��. 2. The pool hours of operation will be from 10: �0a.m till 8: OOp.m. 3. The authorization for use of the pool is limited to the pool and the immediate adjacent area only. 4 . The authorized users will be Owners and their immediate family and/or guests accompanied by the owner. Tenants wili be allowed pool privileges, and will receive a key from the Board of Managers, when they provide to the Board of Managers a valid CFR certificate, a valid First Aid certificate, and a valid Town of Yarmouth Water Safety certificate. Tenants eligible for consideration of pool privileges are only those tenants listed on the lease provided to the Association. In addition only those tenants listed on the lease may accompany an authorized tenant in the pool area. Authorized tenants may not invite guests to the pool area and may not a.nvite tenants from other Units to the pool area. Owners tha� do not want this privilege afforded to their tenants must put this restriction in the lease and notify the Board of Managers of this clause. For ali Units the Treasurer must verify that all monies owed to the Association for said Unit are paid in full and a current lease is on file with the Association. Only two keys will be issued per Unit. ` � If at any time during the season an owner, guests � and/or tenants should become delinquent in maintaining their positive status with the Association all privileges, for the owner and/or the tenant will be revoked until such time as the specific shortcomings are rectified. 5. The minimum age for any person unaccompanied by a responsible adult is 18 years of age. 6• The pool gate will be locked at all times, even when the pool area is occupied by users. Each entrant as well as each user departing will be responsible to assure that �he gate is iocked behind them. Under no circumstances is a user to open the gate for another party. It is each f � � ��� ���� � ;��� �� � �; ' � ������ � �, � p �� �� T � ��� ��� `�� ��� � , ' . ; _ �" � ��REME�BER ���,,��A,TION�4F T'HE P4OL�� UNUER THESE GUIDELINES ARE � �� A PRIVt�DGE C>F T�E YARIANCE A�PARDED BY THE YA'f�OUTH BQARD � ` �F HEALTFI, IN THE FAST THE PC)OL HAS B�EEN UNDERUTILTZED. WE " ARE RESPQNS�BLE ttiWNERF AND WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH UNTIL WE �� . � � ? PRO�YE Ot3R$EL'STES OTFIERWISE. b � �r �� ��� _ ,���£ �r� ��; ��:. �.' � }#���_ - �� � -�,.-~` �x,� h� � "-, ; � �.�� ��'� �._ �x 3 ,�� _ � p �� f�'i!1 � i�� . *��.� I� ' I i :�d � � �. �"u��li,��. d' � i f x�� ��, i� i 4 j