HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Sep 25 to 2007 Sep 14 - Letters, Memos Re: Reclassification of Use Group �o�..YAR� TOWN OF YARMOUTH
p _ ., _ y 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664
�'�M�A�T��L�,SE� 508-398-2231 ext.261 Fax 508-398-0836
September 14, 2007 ��p 1 4 z007 �
Ms. Meredith Keane � ` �'� -�-.-��;�
_.____._.__ .. __.�µ__.___._.�.
56 Oscar Avenue
Brockton, MA 02302
Re: Beachwood Condominiums
Dear Ms. Keane:
The Building Department has reviewed all available documentation concerning the use of
Beachwood Condominiums, 638 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA 02673, and has determined that
the property should be reclassified from the R-1 Use Group to the R-4 Use Group.
Beachwood Condominiums will therefore no longer require an annual Certificate of Inspection.
If I can be of service in this or other matters, please contact me. Thank you.
Yours trul ,
Andrew L. Arnault
Local Building Inspector
Copy: Yarmouth Board of Health
�� �� �� BUILDING D
��TM��,�S,�'� 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664
� 508-398-2231 ext. 261 Fax 508-398-0836
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MEMORANDUM N 0 V 2 2 2006
TO: David S. Reid,Board of Appeals
FROM: James D. Brandolini,Building Commissione
DATE: November 22,2006
SUBJECT: 638 Route 28—Beachwood Condominiums/Your Memo of Octobex 20,
This is to serve as a follow up to your October 20, 2006 memo regarding the use of the
Beachwood Condominiums. As per your request,�have performed an investigation ofthis site in
question and offer the following information.
I met with and have had several phone discussions with Ms. Meredith Keane regarding this
matter. She is a Member At Large representin�the Condominium�Association. I have also
reviewed the historical zoning relief sought, commencing urith Petition 915 of 7anuary 20,19b9
and other perkinent data provided by Ms. Keane. Attorney David C. Nunheimer representing
the Condominium Association and I also had a discussion and I am attaching his letter received
by fax November 20, 2046
Upon review of this information, I have deternuned the following:
1. This property was converted to a condominium form of ownership on Agri110, 1981 prior to
the adoption of our eondominium provision which was adopted April 13,1982.
2. It appeazs that Petition 915, which allowed the construction of a two story motel,
consisting of eighteen units was not exercised. The existing detached cottages appear to be
the same as those referenced as e�sting in that petition. Apparently those were used for
seasonal rentals at that time.
3. I was provided with a copy af the attached letter dated September 22, 1981 from Inspector
Manuel Wensley to 1Viichael Ford in which Tnspector Wensley states: "It is in my opinion that
the struetures in this complex were constructed at the time when cotta.ges were allowed.
Cottages in this complex ma.p be continued to be used for residential proposes,
notwithstanding that cottage colonies are not allowed as a matter of right under the cunent
zoning by-law."
cc: Bruce Murphy, Hea1th Agent
_ Board of
1146 ROUTE 28,
�@ Telephane(50$)398-2231 Ext. 285,Fax(508) 398-0836
To: James Brandolini, Building Commissioner
From: David S. Reid, Chairman
Date: October 20, 2006
Subject: Beachwood Condominiums
The Board of Appeals recently received a copy of a letter from the Beachwood
Condominiums addressed to the Health Department, relinquishing its "cabin license" for
the units. The letter indicates that the "Condominium" units are owner-occupied year-
round residences. A review of our files indicates that the permission was previously
approved as a moteL
I would appreciate your investigation of the current situation at this site in order to
determine if the current use is lawfully pre-existing, or if it has undergone an
unauthorized change of use. Thank you for your assistance.
Cc Bruce Murphy
Dan Caldahan, President(508)285-3037, S Gary Raad,Nortan,MA 02766
Ronald Gramazio Yice President(508) 362-7126 P.O. Box 234, Cummaquid,MA 02637
Liz Forance, Treasurer(SQS) 79t1-2267, 557 Ocean Stt-eet, Hyannis,MA 02601
Q►-Meredith Keane,Member-at-Large (S08)587-2379, 56 Oscar Avemce, Brockton,MA 02302
September 25,2006
Mr.Bruce Murphy
Health Division
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28
South Ya.rmouth, MA 02664-4492 �
Dear Bruce,
On behalf of the owners of Beachwood Condominiums,we would like to request that the cabin
license issued each year by the Town of Yarmouth be discontinued. At our semi-annual meeting
on October 9,2006 a vote was taken and unanimously agreed to request this terntination.
For the past twenty-four years,since we became a condominium comple�c,the cattages have been
individually owned and in several cases as of this date owner-occupied year round. The cabin
license which stipulates that we are a"seasonal campground"has been invalid since 1982.
We ha.ve no on-site of�ice with any sta.ffto procure rentals for the complex. Any cottages that are
rented are done so by the individual owners. There have been many changes in the last several
years to Beachwood and they have been for the better. Upgrading of the complex and the utilities
within it,as well as more units being owner occupied have contributed to pride in ownership and
stability witlun the complex.
We understand that the pool regulations as stipulated by the Town of Yannouth would still
Thank you for your consideration of ttus request. Your approval would be most helpfut in that it
wauld a11ow the Association to deal forcefully with any problems that occur in the complex,
without it afifecting the majority of owners who talce pride in their cottages.
Best Regards,
The Board of Directors
Beachwood Condominium Association
� Cc: Jim Brandolini,Building Commissioner