HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 Jul 01 - Letter from D.Callahan, Pres. Beachwood Re: Safety Report ��� 9�80- E'— S-1 �xe�
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Dan Callahan, President, 508-285-3037, 5 Gary Road,Norton, MA 02766
Robert Francis Astle, Vice President, 508-778-1077,
Beachwood Condominiums, 638 Main Street, Unit#3, West Yarmouth, MA 02673
Marina Guidetti, Secretary, 508-339-7855, 333 Balcon Street, Mansfield, MA 02048
Jonathan Sides, Treasurer, 203-269-9883, 12 Deer Run Road, Wallengford, CT 06492
Meredith Keane, Member at Large, 508-587-2379, 56 Oscar Avenue, Brockton, MA 02302
� � = f� ,_ ;; � July 1, 2004
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Town of Yarmouth [ HEALTN DE�T. �
Board of Health
ATTN: Mr. Bruce Murphy
Mr. Murphy;
I apologize for the delay in submitting this request for the re-issuance of the pool
usage variance for the 2004 stuniner season. I was negligent in the procedures of the
variance being issued annually. I thought that when the permit was issued it was the
approval to continue operating as usual.
Mr. David Flaherty did contact me requesting the Safety Report and I dropped the
ball in forwarding his requested material.
That being said we at the Beachwood Condominium Association would like to
submit that the variance be re-issued. We are an owner run complex,with only rentals
being allowed usage of the pool if they posses the three certificates (CPR, First Aid, and
Water Safety). We do not operate in the same vain as a MoteL
I certify that we functioned according to the enclosed Pool Rules for the summer
of 2003 and will continue to operate in this manner, if the variance is awarded. Also
during that period of time the pool was free of any accidents and/or incidents detrimental
to our agreement with the Tov�Tn of Yarmouth Board of Health.
We did operate with Tom Ho maintaining and overseeing the pool last season, but
due to his departure for California we have solicited the services of Dave Stevenson from
Pooltechnics for 2004.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel F. Callahan,President
1 . The pool season will be from Saturday, June 19,
2004 (tentative) thru Sunday, September 27, 2004 .
2 . The pool hours of operation will be from 10 : 00a.m till
B : OOp.m.
3. The authorization for use of the pool is limited to
the pool and the immediate adjacent area only. The wood
deck will not be utilized. Any use of this deck wil7. be
considered a violation of these Rules and Regulations .
4. The authoriaed users will be Owners and their
immediate family and/or guests accompanied by the owner or
the immediate family member.
Tenants will be allowed pool privileges, and will
rece�,ve a key from the Board of Managers, when they provide
to the Board of Managers a va�i,d CPR certificate, a valid
F,irst Aid certificate, and a va],id Town of Yarmouth V�ater
Safety certificate. Tenants eligible for consideration of
pool privileges are only those tenants listed on the lease
provided to the Association, zn addition only those tenants
listed on the lease may accompany an authorized tenant in
the pool area. Authorized tenants may not invite guests to
the pool axea and may not invite tenants from other Units
�o the pool area. Owners that do not want this pxivilege
af,forded Co their tenants must put this restriction in the
lease and notify the Board of Managers af this clause.
For all Units the Treasurer must verify that all
monies owed to the Association for said Unit are pai.d in
�ull and a current lease is on file with the Association.
Only two keys will be issued per Unit .
If at any time during the season an awner, guests
and/or tenants should becozne delinquent in mairataining
their positive status with the Association all pr�vileges,
for the owner and/or the tenant will be revoked until such
time as the specific shortcoma,ngs are rectified.
5. The minimum age for any person unaccompanied by a
responsible adult is 18 years o� age.
6. The pool gate will be locked at all times, even when
�he pool area is occupied by users. Each entrant as well as
each user departing will be responsible to assure �hat the
gate is locked behind them. Under no circumstances is a
user to open the gate for another party. It is each
individual' s responsibility to provide their own key and to
police themselves .
7. All users and guests are required to sign in and out
of the pool area. A log book will be provided for this
e. If an authoriaed user should leave the pool area for
any reason (includinq to utilize lavatory facilities? all
parties in the pool area with that authorized user then
become unapproved users and must leave with their host.
9. Although it is strongly �ecommended that no individual
swim alone (alone being without another responsible adult
accompanying them) any person possessing the three xe�u�xed
certifications will not be held to this requirement, All
non-certified users will require a res�onsible adult
poalside at al� times while utilizing the pool for
recreational purposes .
10 . Any perceived violation of these Ru�es and Regulation
will be submitted to the Board o� Managers by the person
�nterpreting the offense. The Board of Managers will review
the submission with both the submitter of the complaint and
the party against whom the complaint has been lodged. If
the Hoard of Managers a�ter conferring with both parties
deem that a violation has occur�ed Article 11 will be
invoked. There will be na appeal process for this
11 . Any violation of these rules and regulations will
result in the following penalties:
FIRST OFFENSB; 24 Hour Suspension from
3$G01�1D OFFENS$: $50 . 00 Fine. *
THIRD OFFEN3E: Revocation from pool privileges
for the remainder of the seaso�
as well as $100. 00 Fine. *
*Monet�ry fines will be ass�ss.d to the Ot�ner cf
tho Unit ir� Violatioa.