HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist TOWN OF YARMOUTH ��'"; ``- �VVAGE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST SE .�.....�. , Location A.M. L / Lot .Z q, Zone of Coirtribution: In Out�Acreage � � Commercial: Residential:�_ Street: � / Village: Floor Plan: (/ #Bedrooms: � Owner: � l� Installer: 7"�� Address: (, v 3 S� D 2 6 Phone: Phone: ,3 " ZL�7 Builder: C�vt�( Engineer: Address: J Phone: �t� - 2 Phone: � � ���{ � �����j.� �,�' ff- �/ N/A YES NO 1.Required#of co ies received �` 2.Date of soils exam and colation test not older than 2 ears � 3.45 ft of natura occurrin ervious mateaial,above water table 4.Foundation 2 ft above h� int of rpad H.P.: �o�j Fnd:/ � Var.: � 5.Water line 10 ft from s ic com onents Var.: 6.Benchmark indicated and shown-NGVD if near w�lands 7. S tic tank minimum 10 ft from foundation,deck Var.: 8. Leachin minimum 20 ft full, 15 ft crawl, 10 ft slab Var.: 9.Leachin minimum 100 ft from wetlands Var.: 10.Lea.chin minimum 150 ft from drinkin welU25 ft' ' tion well Var.: 11.Tanlr/leachin minimum 10 ft from line Var.: 12. S stem meets all other setback ' ements Var.: 13.Uses ad'ustment for maximum hi oundwater Var.: 14.Leachin set 4-5 ft above ad'.water�botto test Var.: 15. S tem no#in to or subsoil(A,B horizons 5'removal 16. ed contours are suitable ✓ 17. S stem meets sl e irements-min. 1/8", '/a" errEd 18. S stem meets breakout r uiremeffts PVC liner: Wall: 19. S ified tee sizes aze r , s baffle an outlet tee , 20. Sewa e is under 10,040 for arcel 2I.No ba. e dis al 22. S stem ad ua.tel sized for its intended use L/ 23.Minimum 6"stone or com cted below tank and dbox ✓ 24.Manhole cov�s within 6"of e, um chamber cover to ade L/ 25. ion rt on lastic chambers/leach field 26. Electrical ermit for um chamber/� arate meter f�du lexes 27.Pum stem-2"1ine,w hole,check valve,tee in dbo� um size ✓ 28. S tic tank/ um chamber to be facto wat roofed 29.Vern rovided if leachin below 3 feet,under drivewa / arkin 30. Buo anc calculations for tank/ u chamber `-� 31. E ' eer to ins ect and cert' soils: wall: commercial: 32.En ' eer/Re ' ered Sanitarian and Land Surv or s/si ture 33.H-20 loadin is subject to vehicular traffic, oundwater �-�-� 34.Title V A lication and ea�nit�ee,installer si ture �---- 35.Foundation footin min. 2 fe,et above ad'usted ound water for new house �-' 36.Deed Restriction ired max. #bedrooms: max. flow: 37.Check azea lots for oundwater/Label ndwater in Ass�.ssor's Ma ��-_ Plan reviewe�i by: � wo�io�