HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Jun 30 - Sign Off Sheet with Plans; DEP Letter - Not ApprovedTo be completed by Applicant: Applica MS= TOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off, please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: Ma_ �_ Owner Address: ci SCG (`�U � G C, HEALTH DEPARTMEI tA, q 5 • . . No'�20 l -/' S Date Filed: � . 34- 1(0 i/a er Tel. No.: 1-7 & � 7S Regulations; i.e., Requirements th Activities. ins, to include: S Wings, water line location, ��� \within building G required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3. P. -ury, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS : "' 49 14 ."L'3Ae �� 1B 16 !0 •,4 AC .23 32 8 : 46 47 Z�.r[3nc (TOWN] STR 2 I /� 44 (TOW NI I / 47 y� 48 DpNBURY 13a I 3 AC 68 41 13 3 g', � Al I 53 .23 Z I 59 '-- A 43 .23 AC I v 48 2 ❑ 37 1 7 I w, AC 2 AC p 1 3 .15 ` 135 .2'9k3 ^7 L 23 AC 34 24 132 r-i'� 44 �ROWNI 2 +n 60 I W %.20 AC 0.0 c' 64 CEDAR 12 u [ Z 60 125 . 12 1 1 126 128 .0 � a .2 '� 29 A, 127 13C _�-� 12 tg (1121 0.17 f� 2 x119 L2i2 .2g-fcC- 1 ne 1 9 I W.2 O 116 117 50 44 ITOWNI 99rrcc AC 60 BRADDOCK .109 ? r I ii '2 0e 114 23J%1C o 145 L�2�c r -10 .22 a .. tt b 53 3.20 AC 3 5 rT� r m Z o 103 ,. 1 AC '2 147 1� POtNT 2 153 2 157 ITOWNt 0 6 1 + p 167 163 BREEZY 1 2 9 Z _�35�1 C 1 (�` Q 15 g J l -J 2 5 97. + ,215 I I .35 AC o L- ] gg WWN 100 99 .58 AC 14 61 10 (1110 AC .54 AC OF YARMOUTH 2 .50aAC 1 CON COM, ch .2 13 in NI,i: A Do 94 ^ri-t rn 6 �'. {¢6 AC C 67 �' 7A� 26 30 32 / 24 \ 22 SNE 2 1 �� .�0 10 O\ 77 .261\C 0.23 AC & s 5 4 4 .3 C \ 75 v � � .34 AC X46 /.n. 93 .19;9 130.68 AC O 72 1.62 AC Q 90 7 0 `n\O 8Y 7 e 12 A .25 AC AC p 83 .9 86 .17 81 8a cr .24 ACAC 11 _ 62 � (TOWN) ROAD 0 C 1•� AC 1J v� .22 Af 0 2: ? (-?-24 6�( X22! .42 j 31 A� 248 44 A sb y� 9O <`124 a� 65 Information Shown Hereon is for Assessing wC DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: 4/26/1989 Purposes Only. No Liability for Error Boundary n, J water DATE OF LATEST MAP REVISION: 9/16/01 is Assumed by the Town of Yarmouth. j \; Wiliam F. Weld Governor Trudy Coxe Secretary, EOEA Thomas B. Powers Acting Commissioner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office Bruce Murphy, Health Agent Board of Health Town Office Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664 and Christopher Lynch 202 High Rock Street Needham, Massachusetts 02192 Dear Mr. Murphy and Mr. Lynch: April 27, 1995 _;) CS. tl W 0 1 1995 I RE: YARMOUTH --Subsurface Sewage Disposal -Proposed Variances to 310 CMR 15.02(22), "Reserve Area", 15.02(17), "Const. In Fill" & 15.13(2), "Groundwater" of Title 5 of The State Environmental Code for Christopher Lynch, 124 Breezy Point Road, Transmittal No. 73046 The Department of Environmental Protection has completed a Technical Review of the above -referenced application and hereby approves the variances granted by the Board of Health pursuant to 310 CMR 15.20 of Title 5 of The State Environmental Code subject to the following: 1. There is to be no increase in sewage flow to the repaired subsurface sewage disposal system and no increase in square footage to the existing structure. If you have any questions, please contact Brett A. Rowe at (508) 946-2754. G/BAR/bh cc: Ronald Cadillac P.O. Box 258 W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 Very truly yours, Jeffrey E. Gould, Chief Water Pollution Control Section a 20 Riverside Drive a Lakeville, Massachusetts 02347 a FAX (508) 947-6557 9 Telephone (508) 946-2700 W DlJ 7=4 Sp, 7=4 19 W .sl yy Sh. 9- IIJ IA - IV r -R Z -L ff I rN LA A I 0 3 Vi In I . k �� } . . � \ � .( .} | � � } .�_