HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications� _ _ _ . .:��.�:>_�. . . ,� _ ::� eF O�FOODS �.� �. I '��,��` �'.�',�, : { � '1`HE NATIONA�i. REGIS7RY OF =' � ' FOOD SAFETYR�QFESSIONAL,S� ~ �a �;� r , . G; ";.°""' � � � :, , , ; ::. ,- „ , <.� t ...f ,�C�art� : . .,.�.� _ ., , w,,�... - •., n �.., ; � � _ • „ .� - ,.. �QQ���.,"� �-�E ���.j"'�� � ; ` 7 �� F�•a�Rr H � . .. . .7 ..,� .. . Ps� ..• . .. ., � . .fr S t '.. ... • . YFrs !{e �kp� ,... � � .� m.: �:. ..... uY � '��� �^";' HAS SITCCEBS�ULLY SIi1�'18PYER THE RL�QUIR"EMEN'Y'�FOR �ERTI,���:;.., .::����.�: _ noua�' �Q � k :,s� �w , , � {R" ' "�" TH��`DOD�AFETY IV��kl�fa�GER � v�, �. , . „ ,�� , , "'�" �r Ri'IF'IGATiON EXAMINAcTiON �, . rn k � .. .:)fe'K�T�f�nj'aa.. . . . . .. .. . . � w .�+�Li�.V s5i-Ya+ixP�tFfHT�RM .. . �. �� ' ' . . ����� .�.. .. . ., . ,. .. . � � . {U, n... ....r . .,. . . . .. .� .. p ..s � - . . . : .. . ....., . .,.: ' x.,.,�yr .w � _. .. , � ... . . . 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'ILb eeeWfe.ce b nm v.ua ror uore ,,. �>,:: t6aa fire�ean trom date of iuue. �uta�r ;sation of Test Result ��oo� National Registry ofFood Safety ProfessionalsL :� CERTIFIED FOOD SAFETY MANAGER \.X-XX- Test Score: 84 OOSEVELT H DE CARVALHO — _ , . i �te Status: Pass :; te: June 16,2011 � : � y �arci&�xc:Ex2063a7ab � `IsNut t�Xe::June 16,ZUl 1 � ; :;; > ; � � ���ia�r.� . . itions!Attached is your certificate and waltet card.Please notify ROOSEVELT H DE CARVALHO . ji�al Registry of name or address changes at the address below. PD$QX j j 3 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 r;g Contamination and Cross Contamination(You scored 65%corred).Competent �Personai Hygiene and Employee Heafth(You scored 71°�corred).Competent rvlanaging Controls in a Food Establishment(You scored 92%correct).Mastered �ng the Flow of Fc�ods(You scored 80°�o corred).Competent Product Time and Temperature(You scored 64°/a correct).Needs review ;:ng Cleaning ane�Sanitizing(You scored 78°k correct).Competent ���:Physical Facility Design 8�Maintenance:Preventing&Controlling Pests(You scored 62%corred).Competent `,�tional Registry of Food Safety Professionals� � 5728 Major Blvd Ste 750 � Orlando,FL 32819-0000 � Phone:407.352.3830 � Fax:407.352.3603 1 -� _ �; il, ;' '__ - ' -: �lila :.� ��'= »: nylin : _ =�f �ppil@ " _ _' -- __ � _. _ II�I � _ -_ f .�, - ' r`?' ` _ � � =_ � _ - .�. _ - � ,., : � �--� � _ -�ras`�� y� 'I p _ i �� �+��v�����`._ li���:. . ,.s .*� I ��I�IIII'z � - � s � i�Ii,,':i '`. -II,:I •V�`:.4: 1 .r „ ,. ;,W . �r .. „ . , , .�, � , I _�F = .,. 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C �y This recognizes that � tq V � Peter Robinson V ` This recognlzes that ��� has completed the requiremenCs for �� Brlgid O'Leary „0 First Aid .0 P ed the r � � conducted by has com 1� � � Fi�A auirements for a� Cape Cod and Islands Chapter QQ; conducted b Date completed: 12/12/2012 Cape Cod and Islands Cha The American Red Cross recognizes Date comp�et�: 12 i�ter this certificate is valid from The Arnery�a��Red Cro slrecogn!es completion date for: 2 Years this certiflcate is valid from completlon date for; 2 Years American Heart � � Training Tufts . Association� Center Medical Center#MA 630 �` Learn and Live TC Address ' �I e ar t s av e r� A E D �o�ta�t�nfo Boston,MA 021I1 Brigi4l;Q'Le�ry �oca ion Boston,MA This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives a�d sktlls evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA �nstructor Sheila Glynn for Heartsaver AED Pro ram. Modules Completed: A�QB QC Holder's 7IX 2/�it)t�' 7112/2014 signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal�Date O 2oos.4mericsn Heart nsaocletion rempednp wnh thk ceM wul etter ics eppeerence. 8o-1zo3 ..._.._ .. ..., . _.. .__. __.. .__ _.... ___.. ...._. . ...... . American Heart � 0 rrain�ng Tufts Association� Center Medical Center#MA 630 Lem'n and Live TC Address H e a r t s a v e r� A E D Contact Info Boston,MA 021ll Course gOStOII MA Rvb B�`qveu ' �ocation � This card ce�es that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skills evaluaUons fn accordance wtth the cur�culum of the AHA �nstructor Shel�a Glynn for Heartsaver AED ram. i Modules Completed�.�A QB CQ Holder's 7/f2l2012 7L�2i2414 signature '! Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date — �p�,qR,�;can Heart�sociation ram penng wfth thls csrd w111 afterits eppeerence. 80.1203 American Heut � m Training Tufts Association� center Medical Center#MA 630 Learn and Liue TC Address H e ar t s av e r� A E D �a^ta���fo B°St°n,MA OZ11 P�teX R+ubi�qson �o a`t;o� Boston,MA This card cerdfles that the a6ove individual has successfully completed the � ' objecUves and skills evaluadons in accordance with the curriculum of ffie AHA Instructor Sheila Glynn for Heartsaver AED Pro ram. i Modules Completed: �A BQ QC Holder's j 7/l�i/���� �/��/���� Signature � Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date m 2aos anerican Heart associetion Tempenng wRh Mis cerd will aNer ifs appeersnce. 80-1203 __.. .__... .. ...... .... . . . �i ... . ...._. .. . ... . ... .......... . . .. .... ...... ..... .._ ............ . . .. . American Heart � � Training Tufts �; Associarion� Center Medical Center#MA 630 j Learn and Live TC Address I H e ar t s av e r� A E D �onta�t��fo Boston,MA 02111 i ��r���o������ �o��e Location BOSYOII�MA This card ceAifies that The above individual has successfully completed the ', obJectives and skills evaluaUons in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA �nstructor Sheila Glynn for Heartsaver AED P ram. Modules Completed:�A QB QC Ho�der's 7lI�12Q�2". �l12/Z�I4 signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �Zppg qme�can Hean,�sociation Tampeiing w!M thfs cerd will alter Rs eppevsnce, BO-1203 ' �Fl-S z C� i,c��`�,C_, ��.a�'� t �.�t �n-c-�t � �Z'f�L�-..3r ��i{��'/`j� / � � ��� ``��v I ��Z������� ����� ( I ti � � I i American Heart � � Training Tufts , Associa6on� CeMer Medical Center#MA 630 i .� � " Learn and Liv�e TC Address H e a r t s a v e r� A E D �ntact Info Boston,MA 02111 coU� "�������!���`�� � Location BOStOII,Mt� � _ .. This card certMies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skills evaluatlons in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Instructor Shella G1yIIII for Heartsaver AED Pr ram. Modules Completed:�A QB QC Holder's ��1�/Z��� = T/12f2014 Signature �Issue Date � Recommended Renewel Date -� 8 2008 Americen Heart Asaociatlon TamperN'g with this cerd wlll etter tts appearance. Bo-1203 American Heart�� Training Tufts Associarion center Medical Center#MA 630 Learn and Lir�e TC Address H e a r t s a v e r� A E D �ntact Info Boston,MA 02111 co�rse ���������'�' �ocation Boston�MA This card certlfies that the above indhridual has successfully completed the objectives and sldlis evaluations in accordance with the curticulum of the AHA Instructor Sheila Glynn fw HearGsaver AED Pro ram. Modules Completed: �A QB �C Holder's : : 7l��2l11Z" 7/12/Z034 signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date -- p Zppg p„��n rieerc Assoclatlon Tempering wNh thls eard will stter tfs eppeerance. BO-1203 American Healt Training Tufts Associarion Center Medical Center#MA 630 Learn and LiNe TC Address H e ar t s av e r� A E D �������fo Boston,MA 0211 :1V��ikS#1�at Locaton Boston,MA This card certifies that the above individual has successfulty completed the o6Jectives and skilis evaluations in accordance with the cuMculum of the AHA �nstructor Sheila Glynn tor Heartsaver AED Program. Modules Completed: AQ QB QC Holder's �.'.'����f��� �i���QX� Signature � Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date p ppps,q,nerice„Hear[qssocienon Tampenng wtth mis cero w!�!ercer xs eppearsnce, eo-�2p3 American Heart Training Tufts ' Association�• centar Medical Center#MA Learn and Liwe TC Address H e a r t s av e r� A E D Contact info saston,MA 0211 course ���tC#�t£����tSilli � Location BOstoll�MA � � This card ceitlfies that the a6ove Indhddual has successfully completed ihe objecHves and skflis evaluations in accordance wtth The curriculum of the AHA forHeartsaverAED�ram. Instructor Sheils Glym1 Modules Completed• l�J O O : Holder's ; "��22I���2" ' ����� Signature Issue Date ` ReCommended Renewal Dete � - O 2008 Amedcan Heart Assocletion Tempenng with this cero w7ll aker Its _.._.._._ ePPeerance. 80.12(13 .- .._._.__.____.. _..... .._.._.__._..... .. ..._ _._. ..__. .. . ...__._-__..__._. ._.. _..._. ........__..._.. .._.._ .._.._.. . _.___. ....._.._._._ � � a . . American Heart� Tra�rnng Tufts > . Associaaon Center Medical Center#MA 630 : Learn and Live TC Address H e a r t s a v e r� A E D Contact Info Boston,MA 02111 co��e �a�aes�tlh�sr?tt �ocation Boston,MA This card certifies that the above individtial has successfutly completed the obJectives and skilis evaluations in accordance wtth the curriculum of the AHA Instructor Sheila Glynn forHeartsaverAED ram. Modules Compieted�.�A �B QG Holder's '7'��.21�1}'1� ?/12I211�4 . Signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date '�. 0 ppp�p�,i��n Heart Aesocietion TempeArrg wlth thls cerd win elter its appearence, ea1203 . ...,... ._ ......._, _.._ ._._ __. ....... _.._. _._ _._. American Heart Training Tufts Association Center Medical C'enter#MA 630 Learn and Liue TC Address H e a r t s a v e r� A E D Contact Info Boston,MA 02111 co�� ��'�:���&�ti�- � Location BOstOri,MA This card certifles that the above individuai has successfulry completed the objectfves and skills evaluatlons in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA �nstructor Sheila Gl riri I for Heertsaver AED P ram. y Modules Completed:�A QB QC Hoider's �������� ����/����{ Signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date ^^ O 2008 American Heart Aasociation TemperMg wRh this ca/n'wNl alter Its eppeerence. 80-1203 American.Heart � � Training Tufts Associadon� cer,ter Medical Center#MA 630 Learn and Live TC Address Contact info Boston,MA 02111 Heartsaver� AED course goston MA M&tlreClu NIC11tl�8a Location ' This card certifles that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives and skilis evaluations in accordance with the curAculum of the AHA Instructor Sheila Glynn for Heartsaver AED ram. Modules Completed�QB QG Holder's 7/12/2t112 7/12f2{114 signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date - p 2pps,q,,,e,;ca„Heen qssxiauon Tampenng wnh m�s caM wm ener ns appearence. eo-i2a3 _ .__._ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ American Heart Training Tufts Associarion�� Center Medical Center#MA 630 Learn and Live TC Address Contact Info Boston,MA 0211 Heartsaver� AED � Course $oStoII MA �}ijY1�lt�t��p�i` Location � ' This card cettlfies Uiat the above individual has successfulty completed the obJectives and skilis evaluatloos in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA instructor Sheila Glynn : for Heartsaver AED Program. �am�c�pi��a: O O O Hoiaer5 7fj2/2t112 :,]f 1�/�4�d Signature Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date o ppps qmertcan Heert nssocienon rempering wkh thta cerd wm alter ns eppearance. eo-�2a'i i � '