HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Apr 08 - Letter from J.M. O'Reilly & Assoc - Perc-rite Operations and Maintenance ���� �
\ / Site Development•Property Line• Subdivision•Sanitary• Land Court•Environmental Permitting
April 8,2016
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Ms.Sandra Perkow
28211 N.E.140`�'Ptace H����
Duvall,WA 98019
• RE: Perarite Operations and Maintenance
46 Qoherty Lane
West Yarmouth,MA
dear Ms.Perkow,
Per the requirements of the Perc-Rite Drip Dispersal System permit,issued by the Massachusetts Depar#rt�ent
af Environmental Protection,J.M. 0'Reilly&Associates, Inc. has outlined betow a budget for the Operafiions
& Maintenance services necessary for the above referenced praperty for the next two annual site
inspectians. The Scope of Service is as foNows:
Site lnspectlon:
1. A visual check and watk-through af the Drip Dispersal System, Check control panel lights and :
switches, check that pin lights are operating correctiy, verify output aperation in automatic made
af control panel, and c#�eck pump chamber liquid level (tank must have cover at gradej and float
2. Verify proper aperatian of air release vaives,pressurize system and check dasing flow rates ta eact�
zone, check flaw meter operatian. Compare to design flow (if data !s available), pressurize system
and check forward flush fiaw rates to each zone,check pump run times,check and clean disk filters,
measure sludge and scum in septic tank(tank must have cover at gradef, provide summary report
to client,and provide signed and dated report to the reguiatary agencies as required. ;
Bud�et:*S700A0(S3S0.00 per vear)
Start Date:�.�ear after installatian
Expiration Date:after two inspections
*Bud e�t does not include emergencv service calls
The following#erms apply to this agreement: •
1)Parts and labor�costs shal[apply far the repair or replacement of any equtpment which_has failed
due to flood9ng, negiect, or for exceeding design timits as set forth in the wastewater system
design. Water in#i{tration into tanks, conduit, or items instalied by others is not covered in this
agreement. lnfiltration can include-but is nat iimited ta-groundwater,rain,melting snaw,swales,
running toilets/faucets,ar water treatment systems.
I��'3 MAIN STREET,P�.BOJC I�73�BREWSTEIt�M�02631 • PHONE: (508) Sg6-66oi ' F'AX: (508) 8q6-66o�
( � f
lawunrtY 2,2015
COMP�N�A710N�OR PROF��ONAL SERVICES;Fees for engineering and emironmental services will be based upon
the time urorked on a given project They are computed bymulUpiyingtota{payroll cost bya factor{fio inciude overhead
and profitj for atl members c�f the staff. Total payroll cost ls defined as direct salary cost plus payrolt taxes and fringe
beneflts. Clients are advfsed that a41 fees are subject to increases. Refer to the current fee schedule.
TitANSPQRTATION:Time spent traveling,when travel 1s in the interest of work,wifl be charged for in accordance with
the Pe�schedule. Automobile or truck e�cpenses for persona[or office vehicles will be charged at a rate of$.55 per mile
plus tolls and parking charges.
SUBCpNTRAGTSERVIC�,S:We may engage subconuactars and/or other professtonals to perform required services such
as sotl boring,dritling,construetion,etc. "fhose contracCor's fees are subJect to a service charge of flfteen percent(1596)
and will be added ta our fees. '
O7HE12 EXPENSES:AI! expenses wiil be bilied at cost plus a servtce charge of fiReen percent {15%}. Es�amples of
expenses ordinarily charged ta projects are printing and reproduction,equipment and rr�aterials,travel expenses and
associated meals,fees,permits and licenses.
RIGHT OF EN� U�less otherwtse agreed, the dient wili furnish right-of-entry on the (and tor us to make
measurernents,conduct soi)tests,or other requtred explorations. Vlle wUl take reasonabte precautions to minimize
damage to the land from the use of equfpment. If we are required to1'restore the land to its farmer conditfon,the cast
of doing so will be added to our fee.
; �;�� _
INVo10E �fnvoices wifl be submltted perfodically,at the completlon of wortc or monthly as work pragresses and are
payable wtthin 3U days:from the date of invoice. In#erest at the prevaiking rates will be charged on unpaid Invotces ove�
30 days past the dus date.The interest char�e wfN be calculated from the date of the invoice.
INStlRANCE: We'are rnvered by Workmen's Compensatton Insurance and Uability {nsurance. We w111 furnish
certiflcation upon request.
C01.L�CT[ON OF OU'f'STANDIN6 BII.L�S):The client{s)shall be responsibte for the payme►�s of reasonable attorneys
fees and any reasonable audit fees incurred In the collection of any ciebt due J.M.O'REILIY&ASSQCI�ATES,INC., for
services rendered by them.
If J.M.0'Reilly&Associates,Inc.,is hired by a cantractor as a sub-contractor on a Job,a lien wlil be attached directfy on
the real property awned by the client/owner for compensation due J.M.O'REII.LY 8e ASSdCIATES, INC.,for senrlces
rendered by them. J,M.O'REILLY&ASSOCIATES,INC.,may instttute an action di�ectty against the ciierrt/owner. '
oWNERSHiP oF DOCIJME�f'�S:Ali documents, including ortginal drawings,estimates,specifications,fleld nates and
data are and shalE remain the sale and exclusive property ofl.M.0'REiLLY&ASS�CIATES,INC.,as instruments of service.
The ciient may,at hts/her expense,obtain record prints of drawings,with the understanding that the ciient will ase
thern safely in connection wtth the described proJec#and not for the purpose of making subsequent extensions or
enlar�ements thereto,unless otherwise agreed in writing.
PitOFESS10NAl LtAB(LITY:The dient will agree to fimit our liabifity resulting from errors and/or omisslons in engtneering
desfgn and environmerrtal cansultation information furnist�ecf m the client to those portions of the desi�n or
consultatfo�prepared by us and tn an amoant not to exceed our fees. The clie�t will agree to require Bke IimitatEon
from any contractor engaged to perfarm work for which we have provided reports,plans/or specfficattons.
The client shail further indemnify and hold us harmless from any liabllity resuki�g from the acts,errors or ornissian of
the clfent or cllent's agents.
On request,we wi(I provfde personnel to observe constructton in orderta ascertain t6at it is being pertormed in general,
in accordance with or plans and/or speciflcations. This does nat make us a guarantor of any contractor's work.
WARRANTY: Our professional services wlll be performed in accardance with generally accepted ertgineering and
environmental practfces. This warran#y ts in lieu of all ather warranties expressed or implied.
` • ;
Page 2 Proposal
49 Doherty Lane,West Yarmouth,MA Aprii 8,20t6
2) Parts and lahor costs shall apply to ali equipment which has nat been properly main#ained ar
equipment which has been disassembted, repaired by unauthorized persons, subjected to external
damage, or otherwlse mistreated. 3} Parts and labor after the one-year Amerlcan Manufacturing
Company Inc.warranty has expired wflf be bilfed to the owner for any repairs reqaired.4j Parts and
labor direc#ly related to the lack of proper Drip Dispersal System maintenance shail be bified to the
owner. -
N�TE:The owner shaU be bilfed for the cost of pumping and hauiing of waste.
* Regular business hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. $95.00/hour
*Emergency service from Monday-Friday 5:00 p.m.-B:OQ a.m. $120.00/hour
*Emergency service during weekends and holidays $160.04/haur
*Three-hour minimum for all service calis
�wr�er's Responsibility ta Maintain/Convey J.M. �'Reilly & associates, inc. Service Contract shall be as
follows: 1) I/we understand, as owners of a Perc-Rite Drlp Dispersal Systerrt, thafi the system requires
maintenance once a year by a Massachusetts certified Wastewater Treatment Plant operator af at least a
grade 2. 2} i/we understand that this Maintenance Contract must remain in place. �ailure to pay the
annual fee wili void the warranty on the system and cancel this agreement. 3) i/we understand that 1/we
are ab(iged ta disclose the lnfarmation in this Maintenance Contract to any subsequent property buyers.4�
1/we understand a Maintenance Contract must re►nain in effeci for the life of the sys#ern
Above budget fs based on all necessary access covers being built up to grade. Any camponents, without
access covers at grade,will not be inspected.
By signing this document the client aggress that a represen#ative from J.M. O'Reilly&Assaciates, Inc, may
enter the praperty anc�have access to all areas necessary to perform aH activities listed in thfs contract.
Therefare, if you are in agreetnent with the above Scope of Services and its associated budget please sign the
authorization belaw and return or�e copy with a pre-payment for the first year of maintenance ($3SOA0)to '
our office. ff you t�ave any questions regardir�g the proposal,please con#act me directly.
��. �-v
lohn M.O'Reilly, P.E. P.l.S.,Pri al
Enci.: Terms&Gond[tfonsjFee Scheduie
cc: lohn M.0'Reilly,P.E.,P.LS.
Rob Satrnanian,Oakson .� �
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