HomeMy WebLinkAbout83- 927 - Details & SpecificationsSPECIFICATION FOR SITE WORK GENERAL NOTES_ t ELEVATIONS REFER TO NGVD of 1929 CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO TITLE 5 OF THS SITE PREPARATION limited 4. Paint for pavement striping shall conform to Section M7.01.10, 2, ALL MASS. STATE ENV/RWA4FJJTAL CODE: AIJD TME �Al2D OF HEALTH 1. Clearing and Grubbing - Clearing and grubbing shall be _ 3 b. Borrow - If excavated material is not suitable or adequate eEQU1REMEN7'S FOR THE. TOWN OF YARMOUTH five (5) feet beyond limits of work as defined on site pian. Fast Drying White Traffic Paint of Mass. DPW Standard .5 ANY CHANGES TO IHS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD to be beyond this limit without Specifications for Highways and Bridges. Pavement markings SEPT/G TAN1500 K PROVIDED = GALLONS OF HEALTH AND SCFIOFIELD B/2OTHERS, INC. t;o work shall performed shall consist of white painted parking lines four inches wide 4: NO PERMANENT STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OVER 7,zIE authorization from the Owner's Representative. the work. carefully shaped in accordance with bedding detail and all EXPAN5/Cr11 AREA. Removal - Stumps of all trees, brush and major roots by twenty feet in length and hardicap parking designations as 5. FDR PROPER PERFORMANCE, )WE SEPTIC TANK SHOULD BE INSPECTED 2. Stump in all excavation areas and shown on the details. BY D. DUMAS, AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR, IT SHOULD BE PUMPED WHEN THE TOTAL shall be grubbed and removed All excavated and filled areas shall be raked clean. 1Z tU DEPTH OF SCUM AND SOLIDS EXCEEDS %3 OF ITS LIQUID DEPTH. shall be removed from the site. SITE UTILITIES 6. ALL TOPSOIL, SUBSOIL OP_ ANY' DELETERIOUS MATERIAL MUST BE 3. Removal of Topsoil - Topsoil shall be stripped and stockpiled 1. Storm drainage - a complete storm drainage system shall be 2. Fill Material Classification EXCAVATED AND REMOVED TO A DISTANCE OF FEET FROM at locations designated by Owner's Representative. installed as shown on the drawings. ALL SIDES OF THE LEACHING AREA. BACKFILL AS IeEQUl2ED WITH GLEAN GRAVEL O.e SAND MATERIAL 144V/N6 A PERC eATE OF material, trash, organic matter, and debris; and shall be e. All piping, with the exception of PVC roof drainage, shall 2 MINUTES PER 1NCH OR FASTER. EARTHWORK be corrugated aluminum pipe, 16 -gauge, AASHO M196 type, size 7. SCHOFIELD BROTHERS, INC. DOES NOT ASSUME RESPONSI81LITr e. Catch basin frame and grates, and manhole covers, shall be AfA7ERIALS THAT MAY BE ENCOUNTERED DURING 1. GeneralFOR and slope as shown on the drawings. Installation shall be EXCAVATION. a. Disposal of Materials - Excavated material not acceptable in conformance with the lines, grades and dimensions as S.r0E COLli1 gcTOR SHALL VJRTEP TE5T THE D15TP-1&LMDU BOX for backfilling shall be removed from the Owner's property. indicated on the drawings. A minimum cover of 36" shall be TO EPSURE ALL OUTLSTS ARE. LEUEL_. Excavated material acceptable for backfilling or filling over all piping. Bedding shall be carefully shaped o. TUE F-MG1101✓CR Sl -LA LLL IAISPI`C.T IQSTALLRTlO1J OF TUE SEWR6E shall be stockpiled to the extent needed,on sites in suitable provided DISPOSRL SVSTEVu @ CFr_-nr-Y 5AkAE TO THE 60AP,.,D OF HERLTP6 :G=368 in accordance with bedding details indicated on the gravel, and shall be areas as directed by Owner's Representative. T H 4 _ 3 b. Borrow - If excavated material is not suitable or adequate drawings. placed in lifts not to exceed 6", and b. PVC roof drainage components shall consist of PVC.SDR 135 _- for required backfilling or filling, additional material piping (diameters as shown on plans), 450 wyes,, 900 elbows SEPT/G TAN1500 K PROVIDED = GALLONS shall be provided by the Contractor as necessary to complete density as determined by the I I and threaded caps as shown on details. Bedding shall be BY LOW � WELLER,IMC. the work. carefully shaped in accordance with bedding detail and all �m c. Clean-up - All trash and debris resulting from the 64L.15.F. _ 3(09.6 excavation and filling work shall be removed from the site. pipe shall have a minimum cover of 24". WITNESSED BY D. DUMAS, c. Catch basins shall be 600 -gallon, precast concrete basins, accordance with ASTM D - 1557 All excavated and filled areas shall be raked clean. 1Z tU YARMOUTH BOH AASHO H2O -44, Linhares BCB-600 or the equivalent. BOH YARM00114 BOH d. Leaching 4dZt_*y5 shall be precast concrete basins, AASHO' 2. Fill Material Classification H2O -44, of the dimensions shown on the detail drawings, with a. General - All fill material shall be free of frost, frozen �FF=39.0 material, trash, organic matter, and debris; and shall be washed stone free of iron fines or dust, as shown on the drawings. Subject to acceptance by the Owner's Representative. e. Catch basin frame and grates, and manhole covers, shall be il b. Ccnpacted Structural Fill - Material to be used for compacted fill under pavements and walks shall be selected H-20, cast iron units, as detailed on the drawings. granular material, well graded within the following limits: f. Installation of catch basins, and leaching aallCys shall be to the lines, grades, dimensions and design shown on the Sieve Size Percent Finer by Weic_ht drawings and in accordance with Section 201 of the Mass. DPW 3 in. 100 1'�ZIu-To-100 Standard Specifications. 314 1N 50.85 9• Cast in place concrete work shall conform to Section 901 of No 4 3 0-G o u o-200 p•10 Mass. DPW Standard Specifications. Concrete shall be a Compacted fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding six miniru- strength of 4000 psi at 28 days. inches in loose thickness with each layer being compacted t0 2. Sewage disposal system 95% of the maxi -urn dry density in accordance with ASTM :est Materials and installation for the proposed sewage disposal Designation D 1557. system shall conform to Title 5 of the Mass. Environmental Code and the details shown. Installation of the system shall be c. Pipe and Utility Trench Backfill. - Backfill to elevation perforred by a contractor licensed by the Town of Yarmouth. one foot above top of pipe and conduit shall be selected sandy material with no aggregate larger than 1/4" size. d. Common Fill - For fill areas not otherwise specified, material shall consist of clean inorganic mineral soil from excavation or borrow, acceptable to the Owner's Representative, and shall be placed in layers not exceeding 10 inches in loose thickness and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557. PAVEMENTS AND WALKS 1. Roadway and parking area pavement shall be provided with a foundation consisting of at least 12 inches compacted thickness CF FROCESSED GV-AVEL. -TVA-,- PROCESSED GRAVEL. s`;all r.eet ItasE. DPW Standard Specification M1.03A All fill material which may be required within :G=368 a PRECAST REINFOOCED CO.A1C27E 1500 GALLON SEPTIC' TANK the roadway shall be of clean sand or gravel, and shall be 8cI0 T H 4 _ 3 TH f 3 0 placed in lifts not to exceed 6", and compacted to 95% of the _- I DATE : 4-ZIa-BG SEPT/G TAN1500 K PROVIDED = GALLONS DATE= 9 -21-8b density as determined by the I I PERFOPMED BY LOW � WELLER,IMC. cy ¢"PVC (SC440) �m maximum 64L.15.F. _ 3(09.6 WITH@SSFP BY T. HAYE5 WITNESSED BY D. DUMAS, WIT9=_5SF_D BY 7 ('+AYES , accordance with ASTM D - 1557 Method 1Z tU YARMOUTH BOH YARMOUTH BOH YARM00114 BOH a PRECAST REINFOOCED CO.A1C27E 1500 GALLON SEPTIC' TANK the roadway shall be of clean sand or gravel, and shall be 8cI0 T H 4 ?-A TH f 3 T H # 5A placed in lifts not to exceed 6", and compacted to 95% of the DATE : 0--Zi-88 3(0, I -/e DATE : 4-ZIa-BG SEPT/G TAN1500 K PROVIDED = GALLONS DATE= 9 -21-8b density as determined by the modified Proctor Test in PERFOPMED BY LOW � WELLER,IMC. PERFORMED 8Y LOW I!� WELLER,Nr1 FEZF02M=D BY LOW 4 V/ELLF_V',1W_. maximum 64L.15.F. _ 3(09.6 WITH@SSFP BY T. HAYE5 WITNESSED BY D. DUMAS, WIT9=_5SF_D BY 7 ('+AYES , accordance with ASTM D - 1557 Method D. YARMOUTH BOH YARMOUTH BOH YARM00114 BOH 2. The pavement for roadways and parking areas shall consist of two courses of Class I bituminous concrete, a 1" top course and a 2" binder course. The job mix formula shall meet the Mass. DPW Standard Specification M3.11.03 for binder and top courses. The construction methods shall meet Mass. DPW Standard Specifications Section 460. No pavement work shall be done during rainy weather, upon saturated surfaces, where water is standing, where the temperature is lower than 400 F, or where frost is in the ground. Cape Cod berm shall be constructed directly upon the bituminous concrete binder course where called for on drawings. 3. Cast -in-place concrete sidewalk and precast curb st,all be 3000 psi concrete, and shall be set on a 6" gravel base over a p-eparec svb--ade, installed to the lines and grades shown on the plans and details. Concrete sidewalks shall be 5 inches thick with 6x6 10/10 welded wire fabric mesh added for reinforcing. Sawn or tooled control joints 1" deep x 1/4" wide shall be placed every 5 feet. All concrete sidewalks shall ,have a cross slope of 1/4" per foot pitching towards the pavement and shall be broom finished in accordance with Section 701 of the Mass. DPW Standard Specifications. O LOAM E SUFSS01 L_ MEDIUM TO COARSE. SAt,JD -_ - {G.W.e, IZO 13 2" MED! UM TO COARSE SAND O 56, 13Z NO G.W. ENCOUNTERED O LOAM e, SUSSOIL. Z4. MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND Ipp11 �pO No G.W. ENCOUNTERED l DF- S /G/y DATA SCHEDULE OF �5LEV.477/0NS /. ESTCMATED WYRAUL/C LOAD'NG Eh�PLOYEE5 AT /C GALLONS PER DAY PER EMr LOYEE = 8cI0 .5&- G.P.D. GARBAGE DISPOSAL /5 NOT ALLOWED WITN 77415 DESIGN. IN v. Z. SEPTIC TANK SIZE : .36.67 AVERAGE DAILY FLOW= 8v0 X I$0 = IZ�O GALLONS 3(0, I -/e C MIIJ/MUM ) SEPT/G TAN1500 K PROVIDED = GALLONS 36.33 3. DESIGN PERCOLAT10" RATE = G. O M. P. I. @ 'D° BOX OUTLET = SIDEW41L LOADING = 0.0 GALLONSIS.F. INV, 80TTOM LOADIAJG - 0.83 GALLOIJS/S F. 35. 9y 4. LEACHING AREA: 34• HO TOTAL SIDEWALL AREA PROVIDED" SF x Z•C 64L.15.F. _ 3(09.6 GAL. TOTAL BOTTOM AREA PROVIDED = 7�• O $ F x O. G.3 CAI.IS. F. = 478./ GAL. MAXIMUM ALLOWAALE LOADING (UNDFB TIME 5) ,< e47.7 GALLONS ACTUAL HYDRAULIC LOADING = 84D - GALLONS CSEE(D) MWIMUM SIZE LEACHING AREA EXCEEDS 77.1A7 ALLOWED UA/DEe 80TH TNS TOWN OF YA eM0(JT/J' 8CA-D 0.4: HEALTH QZc41;eEMENTS AND TITLE S. r�- PER LOPV ,� v4/,ELLr2 IHC. S1Tc PLAN DA78D MA>' /98B AS REVIS`D T Z4"Pf CI MANHOLE W1 NZ EPVV DUTY F= AME S GOV62 C LE6AKOU TCATALOG A1UJVP_ 2 LIC 110 SI OUGHT TO GRADE WITH TA02TAR.ED SOLID COUCEETE 2(LJGS OC SOLID CONCRETE BLOCI^S / ?' 34,0 4'PVC CscYLD 40 TUBING v- OUTLET PIPE 7O 8E LEVEL FOD 2 TEST 6 OUTLET P2ECAST REINFO/?CED CO/JCQETE D/S7-,2/BUT/ON BOX PROPOSED SEPT/C SYSTEM NO SCALE THk4- DA-TE , 4--?_G-SG PERFOtZMED BT LDW � 1vJELLaR,1l,1G. WIT1aESS1 D PST V. PUMAS, YARMOUTH gOEj MEDIUM TO GOAZSE SATJ D 0 30 '1 13b, No G.W. EWCOUQTEeFD 3.24 MAWHOL.£ Wl LAFPWZUT'I- FRAtJ�E > COVER - ?-" LAYER OF A b7-0 8 WASHED STONE f� 0 c 4 EFFECTIVE LIE U6TH'48,; „ - 2•C�EFFECTIVE WICITH=t2' Z 0--. PRECAST CONCQeTE FLOV✓ DIFFUSERS I I)-L-Mu.R2.ES PUCAST CuaWZEeS 4)(.S VL.0 D PLACED SIDE TO SJrD! h { OCTTOk& ELEV- 3+1.4 C13 13 I 0 -�14 ' TO / �/Z ' AIASt-!ED STONE 12 `WIDE x `9 'LONG x 1.69'PE4 0 NOTES: I. ALL SYSTEM COi1PON6VTS TO BE AASHTO - H2O DES/GL! LOADING Z. ALL 60N57,eL.1✓TION TO COnJFORM TO TITLE 5 OF THE M,A5SAGHUSETTG STATE CODE. 3. NO PEe,Y!A,VEVT STQ(Y_TURES M.AY BF CO3V57RUG7ED OVE.e 100;6 EXPANSION 4. ALL WASHED 5TOIJE AJ LEACH PIT TO HAVE LE55 THAN 0.2 % MATERIAL FINER THAN A f 200 SIEVE. TH #S VATS-. IZ - ZO-g0 PERFORMED 8T J. RODQICKS, SCHOFIELO S;�0THF-P'S , 1tK„ WITNESSED $Y BRUCE MURPHY, HEALTH AGG�IT YAe MOUTH BOH 11 TOP SO I L F" sus 501 L FINE MEDIUM SILTY SAND MEDIUM TO COARSE' SAND WITH STOt`1ES O - ELEV. = 4O.Z Z441 7211 led' NO G.W. ENCOLNTERED FERCOLA�r,ION TEST PERFORmED AT 4%Z FT. PERC. RATE = Z MIN. 15 SEC, ADJUSTED GR0UQDWA-rE=2 ELEVATICN PER L.OW lAJF_U EQ, IQ"'. S1`E FLAN PREPARED MAY t988 AS REVISE:', IS ',0.40 (i,:OTE : LOW 4 WE:LLEG_, NC. VE'.I<T'CA.L DATOY1 IS -4-5Z.0 NIGHER 714AQ NGVD C� 19Z9.) JAW-- plan In saKrr Vvt rR iow" � ^ C SCHEDULE OF �5LEV.477/0NS INV. e 81J1LD11Vs ? G, g O IN v. SEPTIC TANK INLET .36.67 INV: @ SEP72C TANK OUTLET = 3(0, I -/e INV. @ D "BOX /n1LE7- = 36.33 IMI @ 'D° BOX OUTLET = 36-17 INV, @ FLOW DIFFUSEk> = 35. 9y BOTTOM OF FLOW DIFFUSEP = 34• HO ADJUSTED &ROUAJOWA7-E2 30.40 PER LOPV ,� v4/,ELLr2 IHC. S1Tc PLAN DA78D MA>' /98B AS REVIS`D T Z4"Pf CI MANHOLE W1 NZ EPVV DUTY F= AME S GOV62 C LE6AKOU TCATALOG A1UJVP_ 2 LIC 110 SI OUGHT TO GRADE WITH TA02TAR.ED SOLID COUCEETE 2(LJGS OC SOLID CONCRETE BLOCI^S / ?' 34,0 4'PVC CscYLD 40 TUBING v- OUTLET PIPE 7O 8E LEVEL FOD 2 TEST 6 OUTLET P2ECAST REINFO/?CED CO/JCQETE D/S7-,2/BUT/ON BOX PROPOSED SEPT/C SYSTEM NO SCALE THk4- DA-TE , 4--?_G-SG PERFOtZMED BT LDW � 1vJELLaR,1l,1G. WIT1aESS1 D PST V. PUMAS, YARMOUTH gOEj MEDIUM TO GOAZSE SATJ D 0 30 '1 13b, No G.W. EWCOUQTEeFD 3.24 MAWHOL.£ Wl LAFPWZUT'I- FRAtJ�E > COVER - ?-" LAYER OF A b7-0 8 WASHED STONE f� 0 c 4 EFFECTIVE LIE U6TH'48,; „ - 2•C�EFFECTIVE WICITH=t2' Z 0--. PRECAST CONCQeTE FLOV✓ DIFFUSERS I I)-L-Mu.R2.ES PUCAST CuaWZEeS 4)(.S VL.0 D PLACED SIDE TO SJrD! h { OCTTOk& ELEV- 3+1.4 C13 13 I 0 -�14 ' TO / �/Z ' AIASt-!ED STONE 12 `WIDE x `9 'LONG x 1.69'PE4 0 NOTES: I. ALL SYSTEM COi1PON6VTS TO BE AASHTO - H2O DES/GL! LOADING Z. ALL 60N57,eL.1✓TION TO COnJFORM TO TITLE 5 OF THE M,A5SAGHUSETTG STATE CODE. 3. NO PEe,Y!A,VEVT STQ(Y_TURES M.AY BF CO3V57RUG7ED OVE.e 100;6 EXPANSION 4. ALL WASHED 5TOIJE AJ LEACH PIT TO HAVE LE55 THAN 0.2 % MATERIAL FINER THAN A f 200 SIEVE. TH #S VATS-. IZ - ZO-g0 PERFORMED 8T J. RODQICKS, SCHOFIELO S;�0THF-P'S , 1tK„ WITNESSED $Y BRUCE MURPHY, HEALTH AGG�IT YAe MOUTH BOH 11 TOP SO I L F" sus 501 L FINE MEDIUM SILTY SAND MEDIUM TO COARSE' SAND WITH STOt`1ES O - ELEV. = 4O.Z Z441 7211 led' NO G.W. ENCOLNTERED FERCOLA�r,ION TEST PERFORmED AT 4%Z FT. PERC. RATE = Z MIN. 15 SEC, ADJUSTED GR0UQDWA-rE=2 ELEVATICN PER L.OW lAJF_U EQ, IQ"'. S1`E FLAN PREPARED MAY t988 AS REVISE:', IS ',0.40 (i,:OTE : LOW 4 WE:LLEG_, NC. VE'.I<T'CA.L DATOY1 IS -4-5Z.0 NIGHER 714AQ NGVD C� 19Z9.) JAW-- plan In saKrr Vvt rR iow" � ^ C