HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1167BENCHMARK 1 STAKED HAYBALFS TOP CB/DH FOUND \ Proposed Water Line Utility Pole WORKT LiNE ELEV. =12.5B� N.G.V.D. Proposed D -box I i 13�i s • '05• \ \ -T- `�---t I -w "i 1 5 I I 1 M/"\ 5• �I' Exist Post & Rail -,m I 10 'fin' ". 40� \ r1 \ \ i } I to E,T.O.. �� . o l N I \ , rcobse \ m 1 . , xso7 Gala I I tic ! _ b. aN .� l I Coastal Beate ! ) O k xya, N \ \ of J 1 ' \\1 Ili �9 u 3 g a o LOT 23 ' C L U rr l fl JettCP Dw6flin 12,373 aq. ft++ 1 N r ♦ 9 0.29 acres I I z I f / / I REVISIONS 1-13-92 ADD DRYWELLS, BENCHMARK, SWALES, tNs- BREAKOUT CAL.C., 10' REMOVAL AREA 8 f n I t0 •, `\ � `{.w�`' "�� i I / / / O TEE SIZES. I I r' " ".••i33 '." 'at5% Top f / / / MOVE SEPTIC STSTEM 8 WATER LINE. x7.B E .-90 92 bu iaSLA �y N. iw� xlDeep \ \ I I / / / 2 V 1-21-92 A:JJST£D HG-IClTl� WATER, INVFJ? s, !0 REMOVAL AREA I �, t I I 1 GRADING, T.O. F. ' ( I /-3l-92 MIT OF DUPE HA YBALESSEEf4OTE /2 r+ J'265,�. I; } one R-15 ^R y„ Setback Requirements: i} Abutting Q Boardwalk I J Front JO' }Z7 I i r •� Side 6' RUNOFF TO SWAPROVIDE BERM ODIVERT Ili 9 DRYW L FOR ROOF 1ODRAIIVAGE 11 12 UM/T OF LJ<JNE Rear 20' r (1"YPfCAU RESOURCE ARE 5 3 {TT/est Pit Data IX p Indicates Indicates Perc � Groundwater Test Fill Sub/Topsoil Yellow Sand 4.8 Coarse Sands With Pebbles Trin Ground El.= 8.8 r ---F//-/-77. Light Sands NOTE: LOCATION OF FLOOD ZOAE BOUNDARIES AS DETERMINED FROM FEMA MAP FOR TOWN OF YARMOUTH PANEL 6 O 7 DATED JUNE I7, 1986 AND CONSULTATION WITH M. GOETZ OF FEMA. Top Of Foundation El.= 10.5 Scale: l-- 20' 0 20 40 50 Feet Existing Contours f0------10 Existing Spot Grades + 7.89 Proposed Contour ---[ --- BREAKOUT CALL CRiTICAL ELEVATION= 7.73t 4" + 2"= 8.23 LOWEST FINISHED GRADE BETWEEN LEACHING 8 ROAD= 823 THEREFORE NO BREAKOUT. flntsh Crude Mtn. EL= 9.23 W7th Mh. Sops Of 2X -,7- 4' .T-,7- 4' ttl hcvl Pipe 0.01 ff Fbat 2 Feet To Be ft Sopa Mplcel Laid Leel 8.26 it c ,TM7 3 1 See Note �9 y^ Tanit Pf, Bax s 1500 Gal. 7.92 7.75 8.1G J outlet Pit No. #1 Z99 7.73 Test By. C. /oily Test Date. 10/17J91 Witness: D.Mason BOH F-- ]0' --� 3 6.5'--`� 3- 4' Perc Rate: <2 Min%nchI Foundation - Tank - - Pit No. #2 Test By. C. Jolly Test Dote: 10/17/91 Witness. D. Mason BOH Perc Rate: High Groundwater (E1.=22, Based On Site Readings Token Over The Tidal Cycle During Full Moon Tides. 10-23-91 Design Flow: TITLE 5 J Bedroom ® 110 Cal/Bedroom = 330 CPD Septic Tank Requirements. 4i0 GPD x 1509 = 495 Gat, Use i5oo. Gal, Tank Leaching Faclllty Requirements.- Use equirements: Use Sidewall Infiltration Of 2.5 Gals./sf Bottom Infiltration Of 1.0 Gals./5f Leaching Facility Provided: Side: (2 SF/LF x 45" x 2.5 Gal./Sf) = 225 GPD Bottom: J SF/LF x 45 x 1.0 Gal. SF = 135 GPD Total = 360 CPD Notes: 1. Unless otherwise noted, all construction methods and materials shall conform to T1Ue V of the state environmental code and any applicable local regulations. 2. Precast concrete septic tank, d -box, and leaching facility to withstand H-10 loading unless under pavement, drives, or travelled ways where H-20 loading shall apply. J. All plpes in the system shall be schedule 40 or equal. 4. No field modifications to the sewage disposal system shall be made without prior written approval of the engineer and the local board of health. 5. 7his system Is not designed for a garbage disposal unlL 6. Elevations are based on N.G. V.D. 1' Of 3/4' - 1 1/2' washed Stone 45' Of 4' Perforated PVC Poe • .005 ft/R Slope. 7.50 6.50 High Groundwafer 2.50 7. Property lines shown hereon were compiled from a plan recorded of the Barnstable County Registry Of Deeds In Land Court Plan 21122A Sheet 7 and do not represent an actual survey on the ground 8. Site is located in F.E.M.A. Flood Zone A9 (Flood elevation 10.09 Dwelling Is to conform with the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts State Building Code Section 744.0 'Design Requirements For Construction In Flood Plolns'. 9. Watertight se/fsealing manholes shall be used for the septic tank and d -box. f0. Septic tank to be weighted 11. Outlets and downspouts to be directed to drywells. 12. ALL IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FOR A0' IN ALL DIRECTIONS AROUND THE LEACHING AND REPLACED WITH CLEAN COARSE SAND. Locus Mai Yarmouth Assessor's Map 22 Parcel N23 o c o � N y Dr• Share m 0 c 4- tn ocus L 0 s et ck d NaS0�n Scale: 1 =2083' Project Title: L o t 23 Sh ore Side Drive Yarm o u th Ma. Preporrd For: Peter Haritos r r � A.M. VYlson Associates w _ Inc. X: x� 40 9 911 Main Street 1t Ostev]le/MA 02655 506-428-1450 Drawing Title: Subsurface Sewage Disposal Design Date: Nova 20 1991 Dwg No.- o:Desi Sheet 1 of 1 n: GP.J Design: Check: Drawn: J V.B. Job No: 2.0589 0