HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1219 - Details - Septic System Components17'-0" r - -- - - - - - ----------- - - - - - I A I 24"%C OPNG I A I I )JE I J 8"0 KNOCKOUTS (TYP) J I I L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _J PLAN SECTION A -A NOTE: TEES SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC PROPERLY SUPPORTED BY HANGAR STRAP OR OTHER DEVICE. 5000 GALLON GREASE TR 1/4" = 1'- 0" 36'-7" 1.4 8- 1-0. 11'-0" A ------------ A J I 21" OPNG L I - i �-�I I A t 1 1 8- KNOCKOUTS (TYP) - I 6" L� PLAN A M J o 0 I a 6" N o J ID e W 6EH X =) (n U � 0W N W OUTSIDE 0 O H W 0 THICKNESS SOIL SUBMR. TANK SOIL WATER FACTOR STRUCTURE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH TOP BOTTDM SIDES COVER DEPTH WT WEIGHT DISP. OF Z Z D (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) SECTION A -A 1500 GALLON GREASE TRAI 1/4" = 1'- 0" TANK BUOYANCY DATA SECTION B -B I I I f 0000 - I n I . L I__ __ __ - - _ _ __ J 1E 14 OUTL DISTRIBU 1/2" = 1' - 0" NOTEr TANKS ASSUMED EMPTY, GROUNDWATER AT LEVEL OF MAXIMUM HIGH GROUNDWATER A I I I I I I A C.I. BOLT POCKET .'I T II I 24"0 OPNG. II I BUM RUBBER GASGET 7/8"0 BOLTA 24"0 COVERS A I 8" KNOCKOUT II I / I I I D CHAMFER ® CORNER i i/ - - - - - - - - - �- - - - TYPICALIBOLT CONNECTIONI PLAN 8" KNOCKOUT (TYP) NTS - - - - - -- I 6" 36'-7" 35'-7" PLAN M I SECTION A -A 1/4" = 1'- 0" P TI C TAN r 6" SECTION B -B J i SECTION A -A 6" GALLON (H20) SEPTIC TANK 1/2" = 1'- 0" SPECIFICATIONS POR' 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Work Includes: 1. On -Site Subsurface Sewage Disposal System (Septic System). Site Removal, Disposal and Restoration 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: _ 1. Manufacturer: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of septic system products of types, materials, and sizes required, whose products have been .in satis- factory use in similar service for 5 years minimum. B. Codes. Standards and Inspections: 1. Septic System Materials and Installation: Comply with all applicable provisions of Massachusetts Environmental Code 310 CMR 11.00 and 15.00 (DERE Title V1 and local Board of Health regulations. Obtain all necessary Permits, inspections and approvals from local Board of Health in proper sequence and manner. Construction of this septic system is subject to the inspection of the Desion Enqineer. Ellis & Thulin, Inc. (500) R88-2345. The Engineer will make sufficient inspections of work in progress to certify to the local Board that the installation conforms with these plans. Notify Engineer of the proposed construction schedule and keep Engineer informed of schedule changes as work progresses. Engineer shall inspect when clean fill is in place under the leaching facility, and will verify sys`_em component location, elevation and function. 4. This project work is subject to provisions of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission under MGL Ch130 S40 and the Town of Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw, Make all notifications, and comply with conditions related to on-site execution of the work contained within the Order. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions for all septic system components not specified on these drawings. 9. Record Drawings: At project close-out, submit drawings of installed septic systems. show exact location and inverts Of all septic system components and underground structures. 1.04 PPOJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. General: The location of underground utilities, septic --stems and structures shown on these Plans is approximate. "!otify DIG SAFE (1-800-322-4844) and the Yarmouth Water Department (50e 3q2-4974) at least 72 hours prior to any - -k anon for this project work. Verify buiidino inverts, and rer,Drt immediately to Enoineer all site conditions .)nich, a,ould conflict with execution of this project work as 7eSlribed on these drawings. B. Provide. install and maintain all temporary construction to Protect persons and property from injury durino the construction period. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Septic System Pipino: 1. Provide all necessary elbows. tees. adapters, couolings. collars, piping and fittings for connection of all septic system structures and building soil pipe. Piping and fittings: All septic system piping shall be SCH40 PVC with solvent weld joints except that the buiidino sewer within ten feet of the foundation wall shall be EH Cast Iron Pipe. New water service to fish market shall be 150 psi rated 3/4" dia. HD polyethylene pipe or other as approved for use by the Yarmouth Water Department. B. Seotic System Structures: 1. Provide all precast concrete septic tanks, distribution bores, pump pits and grease traps in sizes indicated. �. Provide structures with proper inlet and outlet and other access openings as indicated. Provide precast concrete or concrete block risers and cast iron frames and covers as specified on these drawings where access to structures or piping at finish grade level is indicated on these drawings. 4. Precast Structures: As manufactured by Acme Precast. Linhares Precast or Rotundo for standard H-20 vehicle loading. C. Septic System Drainage Aggregate: J. 3/4" to 1-1/2" washed stone free of iron, fines and dust in place and <0.2% material finer than a Number 200 sieve as determined by AASHO test methods T-11 and T- 27. 2. (Peastone) 1/e" to 1/2" washed stone free of iron, fines and dust in place and <0.2% material finer than a Number 200 sieve as determined by AASHO test methods T- 11 and T-27. D. Cement Mortar: Comply with Massachusetts Standard M4.02.15. one (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parts of clean masonry sand by volume with sufficient water to form a workable mixture. E. Pumps: See pump detail sheet for pump specification and installation. W 4 !n Z O W J W Of OQ (n In I � Q= U 11J r-) � z � Q Oto !L' 00 Cn WL< �W MMMEN U Y O < of W 6EH X =) (n U � 0W N W OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS O H W 0 THICKNESS SOIL SUBMR. TANK SOIL WATER FACTOR STRUCTURE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH TOP BOTTDM SIDES COVER DEPTH WT WEIGHT DISP. OF Z Z D (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (LBS) (LBS) (LBS) SAFETY 19000 GAL. ST 36.58 11.00 9.21 0.67 0.50 0.50 1 5.5 126792 46276 138109 1.3 1000 GAL. ST 9.00 5.25 6.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1 3.7 17025 5434 10909 2.1 5000 GAL, GT 17.00 7.00 9.17 0.67 0.50 0.50 1 4.4 48473 13685 32673 1.9 1500 GAL, GT 11.00 6.50 6.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1 4.4 23100 8223 19631 1.6 NOTEr TANKS ASSUMED EMPTY, GROUNDWATER AT LEVEL OF MAXIMUM HIGH GROUNDWATER A I I I I I I A C.I. BOLT POCKET .'I T II I 24"0 OPNG. II I BUM RUBBER GASGET 7/8"0 BOLTA 24"0 COVERS A I 8" KNOCKOUT II I / I I I D CHAMFER ® CORNER i i/ - - - - - - - - - �- - - - TYPICALIBOLT CONNECTIONI PLAN 8" KNOCKOUT (TYP) NTS - - - - - -- I 6" 36'-7" 35'-7" PLAN M I SECTION A -A 1/4" = 1'- 0" P TI C TAN r 6" SECTION B -B J i SECTION A -A 6" GALLON (H20) SEPTIC TANK 1/2" = 1'- 0" SPECIFICATIONS POR' 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Work Includes: 1. On -Site Subsurface Sewage Disposal System (Septic System). Site Removal, Disposal and Restoration 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: _ 1. Manufacturer: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of septic system products of types, materials, and sizes required, whose products have been .in satis- factory use in similar service for 5 years minimum. B. Codes. Standards and Inspections: 1. Septic System Materials and Installation: Comply with all applicable provisions of Massachusetts Environmental Code 310 CMR 11.00 and 15.00 (DERE Title V1 and local Board of Health regulations. Obtain all necessary Permits, inspections and approvals from local Board of Health in proper sequence and manner. Construction of this septic system is subject to the inspection of the Desion Enqineer. Ellis & Thulin, Inc. (500) R88-2345. The Engineer will make sufficient inspections of work in progress to certify to the local Board that the installation conforms with these plans. Notify Engineer of the proposed construction schedule and keep Engineer informed of schedule changes as work progresses. Engineer shall inspect when clean fill is in place under the leaching facility, and will verify sys`_em component location, elevation and function. 4. This project work is subject to provisions of the Order of Conditions issued by the Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission under MGL Ch130 S40 and the Town of Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw, Make all notifications, and comply with conditions related to on-site execution of the work contained within the Order. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions for all septic system components not specified on these drawings. 9. Record Drawings: At project close-out, submit drawings of installed septic systems. show exact location and inverts Of all septic system components and underground structures. 1.04 PPOJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. General: The location of underground utilities, septic --stems and structures shown on these Plans is approximate. "!otify DIG SAFE (1-800-322-4844) and the Yarmouth Water Department (50e 3q2-4974) at least 72 hours prior to any - -k anon for this project work. Verify buiidino inverts, and rer,Drt immediately to Enoineer all site conditions .)nich, a,ould conflict with execution of this project work as 7eSlribed on these drawings. B. Provide. install and maintain all temporary construction to Protect persons and property from injury durino the construction period. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Septic System Pipino: 1. Provide all necessary elbows. tees. adapters, couolings. collars, piping and fittings for connection of all septic system structures and building soil pipe. Piping and fittings: All septic system piping shall be SCH40 PVC with solvent weld joints except that the buiidino sewer within ten feet of the foundation wall shall be EH Cast Iron Pipe. New water service to fish market shall be 150 psi rated 3/4" dia. HD polyethylene pipe or other as approved for use by the Yarmouth Water Department. B. Seotic System Structures: 1. Provide all precast concrete septic tanks, distribution bores, pump pits and grease traps in sizes indicated. �. Provide structures with proper inlet and outlet and other access openings as indicated. Provide precast concrete or concrete block risers and cast iron frames and covers as specified on these drawings where access to structures or piping at finish grade level is indicated on these drawings. 4. Precast Structures: As manufactured by Acme Precast. Linhares Precast or Rotundo for standard H-20 vehicle loading. C. Septic System Drainage Aggregate: J. 3/4" to 1-1/2" washed stone free of iron, fines and dust in place and <0.2% material finer than a Number 200 sieve as determined by AASHO test methods T-11 and T- 27. 2. (Peastone) 1/e" to 1/2" washed stone free of iron, fines and dust in place and <0.2% material finer than a Number 200 sieve as determined by AASHO test methods T- 11 and T-27. D. Cement Mortar: Comply with Massachusetts Standard M4.02.15. one (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parts of clean masonry sand by volume with sufficient water to form a workable mixture. E. Pumps: See pump detail sheet for pump specification and installation. W 4 !n Z O W J W Of OQ (n In I � Q= U 11J r-) � z � Q Oto !L' 00 Cn WL< �W MMMEN U Y O < of W 6EH X =) (n U � 0W N W 0 W ~ O Z (A Q U U)i N 0) CJ W 0 O H W 0 Z Z Z D W Z CL F_ > O VJ (f) ¢ s V) O < 7 U w � w J w I- o j ~ 5 w � (n J W U U Q 3 O_ ON Q O LLJ (!) W D (n W x m I � 1— d J_ W Q o V) 89-040 SHEET 4 OF 5