HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Snug Harbor Rd First Floor Framing PlanSitting Room Bath 2 HSS 5x5x112 pos� uo and down wl Moment connect; n l0 end 1FL Beam 2: W1000 Steel Beam Fuds 5x5 114 pot up a d dow wl existin MIment ing nnecton @ nd u n U �3 New First Floor Framing (Align with existing) loise Cascade Series AJS 2519.25 @ 16" o.c. Note: Check wall for lateral brad ng OFirst Floor Framing Plan Scale 114" =1'-0" Existing First Floor Framing to Remain Architect to feild verify beam conditions during Demolition f: � E• i I Bath 1;• Infiil exi t ng staff open; g to m tch Up to 4'-6" existin forfra ing Up to 8'-0" up to 10'-0" m N K D CO E 4V m 1 FL Beam 1: HSS Bar 1 FL Beam 5: W10x26 Steel ne Patio ube steer Beam HS53"x318 pecks - Deck Floor (4" step down from 1 st Floor) Oldcastle Precast Elematic Hollowcore Plank E6x48 section with no topping Pitch framing 4" (min.) away from house WINDOW & DOOR HEADER SCHEDULE SPAN REQUIRED SIZE Up to 3'-0" (2) 2x6s or (3) 2x4s Up to 4'-6" (2) 2x8s or (3) 2x6s Up to 6'-0" (2) 2x10s or (3) 2x813 (2) 2x1 2s or (3) 20 [is (3) 2x12s Up to 8'-0" up to 10'-0" 2x1 0 Framing Legend Provide solid oontinuas bearing bearing stall ® Post Down point loads to foundation 0 Post Up & Down ❑ Post Up Bearing WaH (below) Flushed Framed Condition B.W.L. Braced Wall Line NBW Narrow Braced Wall - See detail Existing garage above Braced Wall Line Notes: Table 5602.3(1) - Fastener Schedule For Structural Members Design Criteria: basic wind speed of 110 MPH & ExpoSure'C' Exterior Walls along Braced Wall Line 2. Method #3 (unless otherwise noted) Material: Wood structural panels, Fasteners: 6d common nail @ 6" o.c. (edges) & 12" o.c. (intermediate supports) Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panels fasteners: (3)16d @ 16" o.c. Interior walls along Braced Wall Line 3. Method #5 (unless otherwise noted) Material: 112" Gypsum sheathing (min dimension 48"x96"), Fasteners: 6d common nail or 11/4" type W or S screws @ 4" o.c. (edges) & 15" o.c. (intermediate supports) I Narrow braced walI segments along Braced WalI Line: 4efer to details I Ole FILE COPY P`ts� OF 414sS FRANK P ti� CAIVIPEA • STRUCiUBAt r No. 41.722 Io GENERAL FRAMING NOTES: 1. Contractor to verify that actual conditions do not vary from those shown, and notify Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the affected portion of the work, otherwise contractor to assume full responsibility for changes. 2. Lawton Welding to design steel beam connections. 3. All post supports for new steel beams should be 3.5 x 3.5 x 0.25 steel tube posts wl bearing plates top and bottom unless other wise noted. 4. Provide continuous wood block; ng in the webs of all steel carrying beams for flush frammed joist connections. 5. Refer to outline specifications for more info. N W 00 m W o a F � � U s u n U �3 �r� N L 1 [ Q Ln N CO > O H y E En m 3 UN Cll Cn CV C) -� }. 0 cc Cn Cn O 1f ` >- O C) �+ C6 C/1 C) 12 O >n C� N eo � [V L E -0 co o i c O CD Cn Drawing Number