HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Snug Harbor Rd Second Floor Framing PlanBlocking under wall above Typ. X x 0 co co X v E w m ca J U_ N Second Floor Joists; 2x12 SPF#2 @ 16" o.c. m I CU Second Floor Joists: 2x12 SPF#2 @i6" o.c. Top justify with Main 2nd Floor joists 0 2FL t 1.75 6^ Bi ori 5x5x1 post p and Idown 1 _m a wl nectod @ en � Up to 10'-0" (3) 2x12s 0 to O U rn' � C CD E lL 0 Ch Q O E co N CD 310 Fb alp 0Cn CD nxi co CO I T �n '' FL Be m 5: 10x7 Steel eam Q7 °'Sz 2FL m W10 12Ste I Bea of 2F Beam 4: 12S I Be mar /T T 'I a F f2ol. :1.75" 1 25" L f2o )1.T 'x11.2 "LVL ' - E a _m N O LO CU m N 1: W110x22 HSS 5x5x1 post p and Idown 1 Mor wl nectod @ en (2) 2x1 2s or (3) 2x1 Os Up to 10'-0" 2FL Beam 2: W1 6x36 Steel Beam align under side of beam with underside of second floor joists HSS 5x5x1l4 post down ! � I 2FL Beam 14: HSS 10x5x1l4 (continous beam) Second Floor Framing Plan Scale 1/4" =1'-0" x x 0 Y t= 4) w m J LL N HSS 3-1124-11204 post up and 5x5x114 post down 4: W10x1A Steel 2FL Beam 13:(2Ply)1.75x9.25" Boise Cascade Versa -Lan Balcony Framing: 2 x 8 P.T. Joists @ 116" O.C. Note: Check wall for lateral bracing New Deck 2x12 Framing Legend Provide solid continuos bearing bearing at all ® Post Down point loads to foundation D Post Up & Down ❑ Post Up Bearing Wall (beiow) {-- Flushed Framed Condition _B. W. L.- _ Braced Wall Line NBW Narrow Braced Wall - See detail I U_ lL d E W� in T J d LL y N Hip Framing: 2x8 SPF#2 @ 16" o.c. 2x10 SPF#2 Hip Beam j1-0 ""! Z M' E 1U -•-^y-',fir^ Jo id -Lan , a ]N 4F 474ss FAANK"P '60 ZEF EAMPEA r_�, STRUCTURAL No. 41722 gFGIST�P FSSIONAt- WINDOW & ❑ OR HEADER SCHEDULE SPAN REQUIRED SIZE Up to T-0" (2) 2x6s or (3) 2x4s Up to 4'-6' (2) 2x8s or (3) 2x6s Up to 6'-0' (2) 2x1 Os or (3) 2x8s Up to S'-0" (2) 2x1 2s or (3) 2x1 Os Up to 10'-0" (3) 2x12s Br6ced Wall Line Notes: 560 .10.3 - Braced Wall Panel Construction Tabl, 5602.3(3) -Fastener Schedule For Structural Members Design Criteria: basic wind speed of 110 MPH & Exposure'C' Exterior Walls along Braced Wall Line Method #3 (unless otherwise noted) Material: Wood structural panels, Fasteners: 6d common nail @ 6" o.c. (edges) & 12" o.c. (intermediate supports) Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panels fasteners: (3)16d @ 16" o.c. Interiorwalls along Braced Wall Line Method #5 (unless otherwise noted) Material: 112" Gypsum sheathing (min dimension 48x96"), Fasteners: 6d common nail or 1 1I4" type W or S screws @ 4" o.c. (edges) & 8' o.c. (intermediate supports) Narrow braced wall segments along Braced Wall Line: refer to details GENERAL FRAMING NOTES: 1. Contractor to verify that actual conditions do not vary from those shown, and notify Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the affected portion of the work, otherwise contractor to assume full responsibility for changes. 2. Lawton Welding to design steel beam connections. 3. All post supports for new steel beams should be 3.5 x 3.5 x 0,25 steel tube posts wl bearing plates top and bottom unless other wise noted. 4. Provide continuous wood blocking in the webs of all steel carrying beams fort ush frammed joist connections. 5. Refer to outline specifications for more info, Q W 00 to Q to 00 V C Ute;` 0 to L I i" •F qp > O � 3 U V; a� C1? y C> Cn � U � o Q cc W _� ♦zti C W CU O if Ca O _ Q C) AE? Co CT3 07 C3 I F- O O+ r 2 co LO � � �7 N C6 N LL_ M o 0 C> LL_ o 0 O � v U as CID C Drawing Number F2