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83-1302 - Pump Details
Uh1DER CA.OUND GABLE TO CONTROL PANEL - .0 C1 uF"� CAST IRON MANHOLE CAVER 4 FRAME @ GRADE 0 � I � e. CONG. BLOCK RISER INV,EL:750 — —' MAX. (IF REhlUIRED) 1r ( SCH STEPS PVC, PIPE ALARM ON = b•�'�% • PUMP oN • 4.5-0 "l . I�� I PUMP OFF; LJ e- 3,25 4 _f EXTRA WIRING )NC. BLOCK 6 PUMP CHAMBER SN,�Rcy PRGc;AST O'= APPROvED EQUAL AS MANUFACTURED Bf W0 SCALE- Pump CALE- PUMP CHAMBER NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL For the pump chamber the contractor shall furnish and install a complete pumping system consisting of a submersible sewleveiump and motor, discharge piping and valves, mercury switch controls, high water alarm,'a simplex control panel, and a precast and oncreinstalledpinPnccordancechamber swithwthenmanufactureris specquiificatment l 0 iar.ons The recommendations and shall be wrCee operation at least one year. The contractor shall conduct one pumping P 2. PUMP R recast reinforced concrete structure The pump chamber shall be a P concrete surfaces All exterior able to withstand an H-10 loading. paint or shall be waterproofed with two coats of a tar base epoxy other concrete seal lulic cementrortotheion rwisesmade wand ater tight. PC sealed with a by .5Hc, ,REL Precast, Inc. (or approved /000 &AL loofas manufactured by into pump chamber shall be a minimum equivalent.) Access op of 24 inches. 3. PUMP ANDS TOR z��, l„( c 7)submersible sewage pump or Pump and motor shall be a _.__----- and capable of passing 2 approved equal, with a 2 -inch discharge inch solids. The pump motor hall15 be fsingleubmersiphaseblepand shall operate at 1095 Rpm, witha sourcat e (NOTE: controlElecpanell)cpumpashallctor tbevrated asafollows�:o0t59s horsepower;L'54 gallons per minute; --LD feet Total Head. 4. PIPING and sewage force main Pump- chamber discharge pipings and fittings, ressure'tested. The I shall be 2 inch schedule 40 PVC -class 150 p discharge line shall include a 2 inch PVC swing -type check valve for mounting in the vertical position, a 2 inch PVC disk -type gate valve, and a quick release union. Force main shall be laid in s"bedding trench shall The terminus ofthe force main xinlet shall be I have, a minimum cover of shall discharge to the distrutiohownon Sheet ib fitted with a'Pc The two inch diameter pipe leaving the pump chamber shall have a 1/8” weep hole. A I 0 Y N T D�T•r} /L 0 A/C �c446 Z AP47- j A,/07TJ��"'amu h ScRc�uu,/i •`1�'THOO FLGk/ pJ�`•F'U5:c.0 AO.DI T/OIVAL I ! o GC R /1�li�R'-NfiL CO`�E �. 7� K �f ✓O�t� U' X�'� iSr'R' /SGL'. CRL• I I 1J0 SCALE t" �G a•2V F/Jd. �iiJl•-� •3- I �P lt. i"� ✓e/G � a r•w � �`�•,vF� '.,,,,.._Joe<^ �f,�,� VAL. 5. LEVEL CONTROLS Two switches shall be supplied to control the sump level and alarm signal. A i--,,, "--Adjustable Level Control and Connection Box shall be used to control the pump "of(" and."on' conditions. A mercury float switch shall be provided with a power source separate from the pump power source and shall be for the alarm unit. This switch shall be mercury switch to operateoatdtheuelevationsrhe float indicatedlonetheontrols shall be plans. 6. CONTROL PANEL The panel shall be for simplex pump control and shall be provided with a manual -off -automatic switch and run light for the pump• The control panel shall be housed in a NEMA -1 control box for 115V, single phase operation. The panel shall be installed in a suitable location inside the.building. 7. ALARM The alarm unit shall be supplied with both audible and visual indicators with a separate power supply from the pump. Tho alarm shall bo mounted in a NEMA -1 enclosure separate from, but adjacent to, the pump control panel. S. r:iscellaneous The sewage pulp shall be installed with :=-L K - lift -out rail system or equal., <f • G� ' U ��� >? � r � mss. 7a*" -r '" -•• C t ^rC „` I rsl7. �J,lfi� JAV ` ' /vV, /5oG 4�L, /c•er P A/J liA A+�A14, A4,iC ��if�JGL r-7�n.+.> LILT' 6✓� J N/5 GF-"FJ<� ik'/^,C' i'"o G+s"•.'::s.t•U�.'"�.'?.i SYST�r! } ::J c f�..�t f r'. .�.� , c 9 f Ir'� .,� .. T,.',_-. /.i �• KJFl .ice!_..... •,'.- - -------------- CU6�.a�L. -r , •< . , - 217 % r PUMP CHAMBER DT.411-5 SEN(AGE ©ISPOSAL SYST'Ehl — PRE.nAr2t✓ � FOR — ,. ICHARE) ALBRI6H T SC•HOFIEL.D BROTHERS INC. j2EGlSTERED PROFESSIONAL E1iG1tJEERS AND LAUD SURVEYORS lCol CRAt1BERRY 14GHWAIf P.O. SOX t01 ORLti=ANS ,MASS O?G53 2�v le2 ` 55- 2098 � SF4EET 2 O � 2 CONG. BLOCK RISER 6 — —' MAX. (IF REhlUIRED) I � . al i QUICK RELEASE - - ' UNION .0 _� oiBC TYPE GATE VALVE ¢SCH4O ' 2(� PVG -' A. 1 �_2`0wPVC lr�o PSI MAW PYC PIPE % I 1TOPSI MAW �- STEPS O�D� BOX \ TD D" BOX 7 / IrLOA% f' \-�s6 WEEP HOLE x �- SEALED LEVEL COI.ITROL AND BOX - -- 6- Pvv+P� p/6AP COIJNEGTI0N / ` PVC CHECK VALVE FLGAT L �FLCA•HiGH WATER ALARM \ CONTROL MERCURY SWITCH `-MAlJHOLE .6 T SUBMERSIBLE EJECTOR- PUMP OR APPROVEDIf f/4u t secTlotJ A -A PUMP CHAMBER SN,�Rcy PRGc;AST O'= APPROvED EQUAL AS MANUFACTURED Bf W0 SCALE- Pump CALE- PUMP CHAMBER NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL For the pump chamber the contractor shall furnish and install a complete pumping system consisting of a submersible sewleveiump and motor, discharge piping and valves, mercury switch controls, high water alarm,'a simplex control panel, and a precast and oncreinstalledpinPnccordancechamber swithwthenmanufactureris specquiificatment l 0 iar.ons The recommendations and shall be wrCee operation at least one year. The contractor shall conduct one pumping P 2. PUMP R recast reinforced concrete structure The pump chamber shall be a P concrete surfaces All exterior able to withstand an H-10 loading. paint or shall be waterproofed with two coats of a tar base epoxy other concrete seal lulic cementrortotheion rwisesmade wand ater tight. PC sealed with a by .5Hc, ,REL Precast, Inc. (or approved /000 &AL loofas manufactured by into pump chamber shall be a minimum equivalent.) Access op of 24 inches. 3. PUMP ANDS TOR z��, l„( c 7)submersible sewage pump or Pump and motor shall be a _.__----- and capable of passing 2 approved equal, with a 2 -inch discharge inch solids. The pump motor hall15 be fsingleubmersiphaseblepand shall operate at 1095 Rpm, witha sourcat e (NOTE: controlElecpanell)cpumpashallctor tbevrated asafollows�:o0t59s horsepower;L'54 gallons per minute; --LD feet Total Head. 4. PIPING and sewage force main Pump- chamber discharge pipings and fittings, ressure'tested. The I shall be 2 inch schedule 40 PVC -class 150 p discharge line shall include a 2 inch PVC swing -type check valve for mounting in the vertical position, a 2 inch PVC disk -type gate valve, and a quick release union. Force main shall be laid in s"bedding trench shall The terminus ofthe force main xinlet shall be I have, a minimum cover of shall discharge to the distrutiohownon Sheet ib fitted with a'Pc The two inch diameter pipe leaving the pump chamber shall have a 1/8” weep hole. A I 0 Y N T D�T•r} /L 0 A/C �c446 Z AP47- j A,/07TJ��"'amu h ScRc�uu,/i •`1�'THOO FLGk/ pJ�`•F'U5:c.0 AO.DI T/OIVAL I ! o GC R /1�li�R'-NfiL CO`�E �. 7� K �f ✓O�t� U' X�'� iSr'R' /SGL'. CRL• I I 1J0 SCALE t" �G a•2V F/Jd. �iiJl•-� •3- I �P lt. i"� ✓e/G � a r•w � �`�•,vF� '.,,,,.._Joe<^ �f,�,� VAL. 5. LEVEL CONTROLS Two switches shall be supplied to control the sump level and alarm signal. A i--,,, "--Adjustable Level Control and Connection Box shall be used to control the pump "of(" and."on' conditions. A mercury float switch shall be provided with a power source separate from the pump power source and shall be for the alarm unit. This switch shall be mercury switch to operateoatdtheuelevationsrhe float indicatedlonetheontrols shall be plans. 6. CONTROL PANEL The panel shall be for simplex pump control and shall be provided with a manual -off -automatic switch and run light for the pump• The control panel shall be housed in a NEMA -1 control box for 115V, single phase operation. The panel shall be installed in a suitable location inside the.building. 7. ALARM The alarm unit shall be supplied with both audible and visual indicators with a separate power supply from the pump. Tho alarm shall bo mounted in a NEMA -1 enclosure separate from, but adjacent to, the pump control panel. S. r:iscellaneous The sewage pulp shall be installed with :=-L K - lift -out rail system or equal., <f • G� ' U ��� >? � r � mss. 7a*" -r '" -•• C t ^rC „` I rsl7. �J,lfi� JAV ` ' /vV, /5oG 4�L, /c•er P A/J liA A+�A14, A4,iC ��if�JGL r-7�n.+.> LILT' 6✓� J N/5 GF-"FJ<� ik'/^,C' i'"o G+s"•.'::s.t•U�.'"�.'?.i SYST�r! } ::J c f�..�t f r'. .�.� , c 9 f Ir'� .,� .. T,.',_-. /.i �• KJFl .ice!_..... •,'.- - -------------- CU6�.a�L. -r , •< . , - 217 % r PUMP CHAMBER DT.411-5 SEN(AGE ©ISPOSAL SYST'Ehl — PRE.nAr2t✓ � FOR — ,. ICHARE) ALBRI6H T SC•HOFIEL.D BROTHERS INC. j2EGlSTERED PROFESSIONAL E1iG1tJEERS AND LAUD SURVEYORS lCol CRAt1BERRY 14GHWAIf P.O. SOX t01 ORLti=ANS ,MASS O?G53 2�v le2 ` 55- 2098 � SF4EET 2 O � 2