HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1457 - Sewage Disposal,.,-,.•} ..�.-.,�-:. ____:.�.....�,.�..-1_1_1_1. .-•_.�...�.- _.-. ,.-.-.7.-•-�•-
Test Hole Depth ,From Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Mottling Other
A) Neither drirewaynorparkingareasare allowed ___--_-32 Existing Contour - sc ` f•
Number Surface(inch") (USDA) (munselI (Structure, I.) Basis of Design ever septic systemunless H-20 components are used. 32 r.
Stones, Consis- �- Proposed Contour Z - J
�G-F_T tency, %Grovel Number of Bedrooms' ..... ........ B) The designer will not be responsible for the system 24x5 Existing Spot Grade U
f tc pl, y ,p Other' ....... as designed unless constructed as shown. Any changes Proposed Spot Grade
O; ' GrS~t h1 Ulr sF14 Z r ! a/ w/aec�r t stroll be approved In writin�T
b Y j' ( aria„x 2.)Deslgn Daily Sewage Flow" ...-Q........G.P.D. q' -w water service jd r
.., .......:. 1111,
_I '-.,..................:.... ,..,..,.........,,. 1111 �1.......... ........Lx E FFr'Eb: a
yP r ' r/` ^O i , c� --••,-,Gad, C) Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the -ohu- Overhead Utility Llne(s) C�
Ll Septic Tank Capacity Required, _ i
Iz $1111. 3') P y Q �O location of all underground and overhead utilities - u - '
4 ..;1111 ....... Underground Utility Line(s)
wase MFc- Provided' -::1 ..Q....... Gal.
ZC (C L+ G x'!i 'x !_d s GS,r., prior to commencement of work.
a 4.)SOil Absorption System Capacity ?a1u'G - g TH Test Hole and/or Boring Location U rv\
, P y P D Da CoMti,1/1Lt; Whu Y1P--'aouRi
Required, .... 14C G.P.D. 4, r `t
714 Zit -T{n� i 4 8YLA1I <,;t,1 $icet{'O D _ S. Septic Tank
.. .... Provided .... G.P.D.
..r ¢S• i D. B. Distribution Bax
o' l- rn vn-� trA/l i. y�- q% j��/� or �1 y. �S v 2 /Gi11�1E C�iAMOt-r� CA LQAC
6Fccn, cS,... _ S.A.S. Soil Absorption System
..,,,,.,...-„ .-1111,.,., .. U/
i- .._.....:r ",h."':,>� -. r� , r..._ . •,. _. sra� 1 .� KEY MAP no scale
' Pole
.. -1111. �...... 1111. LCl.,"r•Y �l.rJ1 y S/� ..: i `1 "'-.C. S)'_.T... . jg,?v F.D1.T-.l.B^L IL l�JJx JL�i�J"".. F/T. .7-.-(..t3. L. o.. n"a"..av .v.
1 Z
b7 n r✓cr> v ? Utility
,....... 1111...
f xr
�? loti rnx,r %�yF• ,w 5.)A Garbage Disposal is - permitted w/this design. CatchBasinPage : .
... ...... .......... 1111 .. ................. 1111 .sAF^J:... Hldrant
® Plan Baok
7 '� Fire Deed Book ........... Page ......... 1111
.•......-1111. ...: .....:.. ..,.....-1111-. ...............i -.-...........` Well Map;2? ...,Parcel k' -!�,'
sq 3Z1(� SI4T2.
Date'of TeSi .. Use Soil Class..3._wltit a
Percolation Rate -L �,M1v�LlN IA 5L!Jl} pare. rate of less than..
Min./in. far a loading rate of I I/
.-1�j .GPD /sit. �.i -�' - . • �. -(4{Z �?t �,..� �(�-�(��e�.�a '
i EVAP�S c r o a'
Witnessed by...,: / Vial; 1m F� = ii.(
. ........... ... . .11.11...
To of Foundation
' Elevation= 2�o t V,."
Finish Grade- Z�S Finish Grade_
.24.5.. - ,r_/
36 max.
' 9"min. _ -
3 .
flow line`-
u IO min. 14"
1TI 1f
22.2h 22,00 21,77
i ,Go
gas baffle .i I � Ir' �y\.may ,.=.ari�`�:•`�i�`
• I 21.50 / ¢iLT3 L -S
Soo , ir�-il%1l' C4-+�14�v�/?-- � - �
1. Gal. Septic Tank Distribution Box ,IbE to -- ` ,(Z
L) All construction shall conform to the State 10.) Base aggregate for leaching facility shall
Environmental ,Code Title 5 and the requirements of
consist of 3/4" to I•I/2" double washed store free
the local Board of Heolth, of Iron, fines and dust and Shall be installed from
F below the crown of the distribution tine to the bottom'
k 21 Septic tank Is), grease trap (a), dosing chomber(s), j O �
of the soil absorption system
Bose aggregate shall
and distribution Dox(as) shall be set on a levet stable f -
bass which has been mechanically compacted, or one - be covered with a 2"loyer of 1/8" to 1/2"double (ILS C 11 G
6Inch _crushed stone base. washed stone free of iron' tines and dust V iL
' Ii1D F { =� 11.) Vent soil absorption system PF!rlAt?Fi�2 ul"I , o ektr when distribution
3.) Septictank(s) shall meet ASTM standard C lines exceed 50 feet, when located either In whole
k 1127-93 and shall have at.least three 2o *diameter
or in part under driveways, parking, turning areas,
manholes. The minimum depth from the bottom of or other impervious material, or when dosed. �NG S AC E l
septic tank to the flow line shall be 48-3- -jntt:AJ WFLEV 12.) Soll absorption system shall be covered with o �' PROPoE>'v ' k4T✓ Y ti> k WILD- 917 p .% [� F��a 4�n ` I'�M1R �p4.) Schedule 40 PVC Intel and outlet tees shall ' ii W i ED P 1 tJextend a minimum of 6above the flow line of the minimum of9"of clean medium sand (excluding IF -fir tr�_Zllvr AMA (<� . u1 to?�„ iY,�f"septic took and stroll be Installed 'on the centerline topsoil) g+ qr t€ ofthe tank directlyunder the cleanout manholes. 13.) Finish grade shall be a maximum of 36" over the (?�LIMIT- a� WOCKL 2u4L.t- e I �+V-W0 Ott : i'L-14i, 61� Sytop of au system components, Including the septic tank, /'9l7_-
RQ ALL _� ion PLANS ..
5.) Raise covers of the septic tank and distribution rJ1GE GL' tVII' f�l£S .5+V4Q_ '9l7_- Con. Tf UCT� D 1i�e 1 (kS . •
distribution box, dosing chamber and soil absorption
box with pre -cast concrete water tight risers over QpID�� iD ,dFlYW02�.
I within 6"of finish grade. system. Septic tanks shall have a minimum cover
c 6.) Pi in outlet tees to of _9. 15� 4-1_ ' P`5"t LACEX_0 .4IZCAS !i'A(1r Qr VC5F_Tk-T-I UPo�I aROJEcr r ra A 1
6.I Piping stroll eonsistaf 4 schedule 40 PVC or"OTTJAL i�L�T<7 �A 1,
equivalent. Pipe shalt be laid on a minimum
14.) From the date of installation of the soil TOE e4`KPLG_•t11jJ . 0 i'P9ShL? �1 . 11M �c r; FF � M,,r.. ift.i_I � l�
? `J--F4f!.(t jL1 S 1.CGe / 1/ILiC)i)
aborption system until receipt of a Certificate" of l�. 2iDF r-1 Lta-off �a}y1-Ct Pit- Ck+ 1�1�J J Edi PAY. FIT Z �- !
continuous grads of not less than 1 /.. i
Compliance, the perimeter of the soil absorption yr -r � / n , �,-jam--rer�y,��g uL;�*r� TITLE ��/ r� /L �/ +•�-
7) Distribution lines for,soit absorption system system shalt be staked and flogged to prevent the 1CkL{ JA:a # �YN�k�1S dr�Uj7 SEWAGE DISPOSAL, S 1 5 1 EIA
r ° (as roq'd) shall be 4" diameter schedule 40 PVC use of such a»a for all activities which might "1U_ DriP �, 0V:e- z r r t '
g � � L� F✓ .1j'i✓ L f_ i1a,I A,�1 rG.J P}, T f _ NIA
r a . iaid at 0.005 ft./ft. Line shall be capped at damage the system. " l p[j �( { Q74E`{ T��
N end or ds noted.
{ 15.) The Boofd of,Health shall require Inspection of 5u�1,'u )� � `Is �s BENNETT h O'REILLY Inc.
box shall remain level for at ' at[ construction by an ogentof the Board of Health t (i �i11 Cil L GP 1Glj B Si1i2 'f ;
t i 8.) Outlet pipes from D- " J,;r • I" Engineering & Environmental Services
t least 2 feetbeforepitching to soil absorption system. (or the designer if this system requires a variance) and , r7
Water test D -box to assure even distribution. ? r� f• -
may require such person to certify in writ Ing that all 1573 Main Street - Rene 6A
Lr� :
` 9.) D -box shall have a minimum sump of 6"measured work hos been completed in accordance with the terms P.O. Box 1667
.fl - -. o} the permit and approved plana. 48 hours advonee - +`1_ Y,:'^� ') 508.896.6630 OEFicc Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-4687 Fax -
below the outlet invert. 4� k`
F r' n011te requested. - -: ^.�}r, 3;4fr;fiJ� z_ DATE: SCALE: : eY:. CHECK: JOB NUMBER:
'/w` 1. -
4 w 1111 _ i .. � ... :.` Ln� d� vl �) ' �,: � "�tdaaVst' '�•f� ... („r /� ?... ♦A