HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval Letters and Applications 1 �'Y`� r ,�° � �o T4WN OF YARM4UTH •� �'�> > � '„� �' — y SOUTH YARMOiJTH MASSACHUSETI'S 02664 � �Y� , � �"��,«�s� BOARD OF HEALTH .�- WALTBR DA�LBY Variar�e fran Pravisiaris of Title 5: P.O. BOX 8 Regulation: MBST DENIIIS, LIA 02670 Z�v�arl A�en�e,nts; Sectipn; 3,� g,�; LOT 111 - GRBBNLAND CIRCLB ��; MARCFi 22, 1985 , YARMOUTH, MA As Shown On Engineered Plans By: R.J. O'HBARN, INC. • Dp.ar MR. DAWLBY Dated: ���X 9/26/84 'Ihe Yanrouth Board of Health has reoeived your application for a Variance frcm the provisians of Regulation of Title 5 of the State Enviroranental Code and/or Section 3•� of the Zbwn of Yarnxxith Amenc�nents for S�.ibsurfaoe Disposal of Sewage. Havin� determined that strict enforcenent of the abave Regulations in this in- stance wauld do n�nifest injustioe, and further, that yvur rectuested varian�c� c�oes not oonflict with the spirit of the State Ehviror�nental Code or the Regu- lations of the Zbwn of Yarniouth AmQs�.nts, the variance is herel�y granted on �S �� MARCH 22. 1985 , as follvws: To allow top of foundation elevation to be at 0.9' below high point of road affronting lot rather than 2.0' above. Variance of 2.9'. You n�ust prwide a 3/4 inch Aegative grade for fifteen €eet surrair�ding the fwndatian. Yau are hereby advised that the variarioe granted herein will expire in 90 days from date of issue unless all work auttnrized by said varianoe has been oc�letsd prior t�o the date of expiratioa�. In grantinq this variance the �bwn of Yarnnouth wi.11 not be responsible for any water daQnage to the fauxlation, septic system or adjoi ni r� lots. I hav�e re�cl ar�d fully underst.and the � �S Je- eonditio�ns of the abo�ve variance and Bnice Nhirphy, .S., Health Offioer than written. T�a�m of Ya,nm�uth c;c: Building Departinent � . / � file �� �� � : �b . _ � "�. 't : - . .�b � ;�;`�,-r*g'' '�`: �, �,`�»�+x�'� i�� i$��,��`�#,��- ��+�y`�' : > . . . . - , , . , ,, .. . .., ,. - � � :. , „.� , t ,,z �.. � � �� R � � �`�o 3 �.< � �,a, � . ; �.:> . - � a � � - � ., . . _ , ... �p - 1�.�; . . , ,. .. . . � , . � ., .... . ... .• _,. . ., . . � � , . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . �.{ � � � � ;V�IY.i1r 7�1[Y�7Vi[Z � . . . ..I � � Kr..i�i3llll� ���i1L�J1Y�4�+ ' - �� � � � � � t . I l i n��: � .�l Z-z� S S' � tv�,r�: ; �mx�ss: � Locativn of Variance �.. - - - , Description of Varimzce`�o c�.\c+� `�'� Q� �a�� � . . 1� � . q ' �� h�vh..����� c� +�ac�� . �r,� �c.a1 �� . � � , a�,�i�� 2. C� C;�l�� . Q v� G�,�l c� 2��t Sketch of Proposed Canstiuctian: ; Work to be perfozmed by: Pernii.t N�nnber: Inspected by: Date: Signature I � _ � ,��°� 4���o T (� '� N OF YARMOUTH � �, , v�a1 �'' � - � ,_ ^�� ., _ - y SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETI'S 02664 (� �•:N.�1 , � . "�. MATTACM � �" BOARD OF HEALTH ���AOOR�TEO�b � � I�AT_TRR nA�i.I�Y Vd�'1c1I1Ce fran Prc�visions of Title 5: �X g Regulation: WAST 1�RNNiS, l�fA 0267n TOWl1 Pu►�end[t1P_T1tS: SeCtiOri: �.7 � �= T_OT l i l - CYRRRNT_ANT� [!IRC`_i_F ��= i�RRRijgRY $r i48S YARMnLtTH. ]�dA �s Shown On Engineered Plans By: � r�r�--�-i�,14�H�-�'i�. � s • Dear bfR. DAWLfiY Dated: e„�,Q� 'I'he Ya�ith Board of Health h�as received ynur application for a Variance fran the provisions of Regulation of Title 5 of the State Enviror�nental Code ar�d/or Section 3 ? of the Z'awn of Yarn�uth Amenc7ments for Subsurface Disposal of SEwage. Having det.ennined that strict enforc�ent of the abave Regulations in this in- stance would do manifest injustice, and further, that yaur requested variance dces riot conflict with the spirit of the State Envi.ror�nental Code or the Regu- lations of the Zbwn of Yanmuth Amenc�ments, the variance is hereby granted on �'11.S C�'h� FRRRiIARv R_ 1985 � dS fO11C1WS: TO ALLOW FOUNDATION BLBVATION TO BS AT 0.5' BFLOW HIGH POINT OF ROAD AFFRONTING LOT INSTBAD OF RBQUIRED 2.0' ABOVB. A VARIANCS OF 2.5'. You must provide a 3/4 inch .negative grade for fifteen feet surro�znding the four�dati.on. Y� are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire in 90 days fran date of issue unless all w�rk authorized by said varianoe has been cxnq�leted prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Zbwn o£ Yanmuth will not be res�onsible for any water clamage to the fouri�atio�, septic system or adjoini.ng l�s. � � �: I have read arad fully w�derStand the �`',,,,_�-_l',, �-' ''�'' / conditians of the above varfa�ce an�d , , R.S , Health Officer accept thenr as itten. Zbwn of Y th � ;f f, . f . • �'J,, GC. Btti.ldlrig L�:pdt^tmerit Date: \ � � ��� file , f . , . 1t74JN OF YART�"DUtN � APPLICATiON �1DF VA1i.IANC.'E � NAME:�-�,��G%l�,�L--�� �ZE: �- �' ..S , ADDRESS:�D.,,1C� . � -- D C� Locativn of Vari�ce � v�- 111 �t reR� l�tn� � �C�x • . � . . Lescription of Variance To �A\dw -�-vra,c� _ �- -�v����� -� � d•� �luw �i�1-� flv���,� � ��.Y..d � nS-�c�� GL c�e�t.�,�e d-- -2 � C>'_�--�U..e- � ' �- _ �, i 2'S �' '�'�T ' � Sketch of Proposed Construction: , Work to be perfonned by: w// � �� �i� ��� Peimit N�unber: Inspected by: Date: Si�abur �