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Recorded Deed Restriction, Quitclaim Deed, Etc., and Application
1L�N/�6/2016/MQ� 01 : 1 : PM Today Real �state F�X No, 5084328291 F, 0�3 � I � i , QU�CZ,#�,IM b�D I,Donald Mossinger,Personal Rep�seutative o£the Estate of Jar.aes I.�Vialone, Iate of 45 Lowe�Brook Raad,�South Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02664,�robate Docket No.BAl51'1614EA, of I 1 Oa��tca�CiXc�e,Harwich,Messachuse�tts 02645,putsuant to the powex to se]I z�eal estate coz�fex�red by the Wiil af Jaxnes J.N�alazxe dated 7uly 27,2U IS, ("Grankflr"}, in considvzation o� �vo Hu�ndr�d aud Fifly-�'ive Thousstxd Dollaxs($255,000.00),the receipt az�d su£�iciency of which is ber�by ac�owledged,�gr�t with QCJITCLA,]M COVENArIT�,t�o Bxett B.W�uitebusst and AllysonN.Ayala,as joint tcnac�ts witl�zaghts of survivoisliip, whose addxess is 45 Lt�'wcz' B�oo��toed,South Yarmourh,MA 02664("Grrrantae"), Pro�e�iy Addres�: �E5 Z,owe��,roa�C�toad,�.outh Xarmouth,MA 02669— That laud sitUa�d frt YARMOUI'H is�the County of B�rnstable�d thc Commvnwealth o� Massacb.use�tts,described as follows: LOT 255 �la�30561�(S�SeeK 6) There is ap�urtetaant to ssid land a ri�g}�of way avea the ways ahown on sa.id plaai in cvmmon with all vthe�s�aw�u��y entitled theseto. A,rad it is further certified that said J.and 'zs u�dex t6iie opezation and�.vvisions of Ch�p�x 185 of the General Laws,szad that the 6�t�e of said owaers(s)to said�az�d zs zegistexed under saxd Cha�ter,subject hawover,to say of the cz�cuz�bz'aacea rnentioned in�uection forty-six of said Chapte.r,whic�t ma.y be subsistiztg. �ar source o�f titte,see Gerlxficate#207240 Aoeume,nt#�,277,362. JCN/�6/2016/MOV 01 : 12 PM Today Real Estate FAX No. 5084328291 F, 0�4 � , ��.acuted wntdez s�t�is�day o£May,2016. ��`� �- �� � � �d Messiu�e�',�'ersonal R.e�xese�►tative,Prarbate Dock�No.BAISP614EA. COiViMONRtEAI.'�UP MASSAC,I�iJ3ETTS B,A,,�2.NSTA�BZ.E,ss. � an t{a�s the�('�day af 14�ay,201b,before me,the wudexs�aed notary�ublic,�e�o�a�ly eppeared Donald Mess�ge�r,Pezsonat.$��i�e, Pra'f�DEa�etIV9.��1_5P614FA_.,� ,;,;y..__.,�.-,�..� . to zrxc tluougb�satis�acfory evic�enc�of ideaatif�cation,whic3�was I�lR_�r i►�zr� d,t��+�S f, ho t�the persons who signed on�taa pxeceda�ag or atteched dvcumeat, aud ackaawledged to m� that they sagned it votuntarily for ifs sYab�d pnrpose. � fr i� O Pub�xc ' • My Commission Expires:. �;7 7 �.�f� � + � MAR71-IA.1.FiOCK1N�LL +tp NoM1eryPublc 1�1' COtIbMtONWE+ll3M OF MAS9ACHUSE17s . 9K bAy Comrlssbn Expires Ju�I27.2ot3 � 1 ,`: • • , �.� ��� ''"�`�, . � � � ;� � �. � S'•3 t- �b.,, ,.,... .,,<<.V,�;t�:��. .t,:::r�,yy��•s1! J:• :�,i::+:"t � .fat,fi•�•� � �lf i�'s� yt,,i•,�c ;� �,w.»+-�-Y-�,'�',�:,��"r� '.�3�tS�'� !�€1:.s". JLN/�6/2016/M4� 01 : 12 PM Today Aeal Estate FAX No, 508�3282�1 F. 0�5 . I , � - i � AF�IDAVlT . � 1[�GL. c. 6sc, ,¢14(a} . � : ■ �: 7am.�s J.Maloz�e("Deced�n.Y'}. �. • • Late o� 4S Lowsr Broak Road; S.X�oaavut�a,Massacb�usetts�026�4 • � ,Date o�Aeath: August 19,2015 . . . � I,Donatd Messiurkger,a pexso,�iux aetual or constructive�ossession of property of tl�e Dece�clent Iocated at 45 Lowez Bzoak Rnad, �.Yarmo�tth,Massachusetts Q2664 after first being• � duly sworn,do depose and say#hat a�tbe�,e of bus death,4he Decedent owned a�rx intez�est in real e,stabe situated at 4�5 Z.owez Braok Ros�,S,Xazxnouth,Massachuse�ts 02664,as mor�pa�rtaculatiy described in a cerf�i.a de�d froz�a Jaxnes J.11�e,loa�e a3ad�ary B.Ma�one, da.ted August 16,201�,aud ieearded with the Bar�astable La�d Court Registry at Docum�t#1,�77,�6�,Certificate#2072g0 and the gross astate of.the decedent does not x��cessitate a Fedesal estate ta�:�ixcg and the gross csfa.te o�`the decede�at does�a�z�ecessita�e a 1dLassachusetts estate tax fi�ing. � ' T7us a�'idavit zs�ivex�.puxsuara.t ta a�ad in accaxdance wi�th�:he�rovisions of Massaehusetts � Genexal I.aws Chaptor 65C,Sectzon 14(a). � Executed undez tl�e paiu�s aud pene�l.tzes o�per�this,��ay of May,2016. . �•. ��� � � � .r'� �- ' � . � ess' ` COMMC7NWEAU'�OF MAS�ACHUSL�'!"TS Bazrxsta�le,ss.. C�a t�a�is 1��day of May,2016,befvxe u�.e,tb�e u�udexsxg�ned notaxy public,pexso�xal.ly ap�►eared Donald iViess�nger,whv pxvved to me tiuough sa�is�actory evidene�of ide�tification,which was • her�hoto id�ntification,to be the�ez�sson wb,ose name is sign.ed on the�recedin,g or attachaci . dvcu�nent,and acknowledged to xne tk►at she sig�ed it vQluntai7lp for its stat�d purpose. . ����.����� . • �c►�r.�n�.�u��as �'vt �'ubl�c � � �$nr r�� � �Y ' �r�eecn�� NZy Co�oazaaa.ss,io�Expiu�,: ���2b'l�t . Cqomml�sloR�1p1t06 Ms1180.2018 JLN/�6l�016/MQV G1 : 12 PM Today Real Estate F�X No. 5084�2�291 F, 0�6 r � a d � � p • ,_ .._ 4d� . e��;tit�; � • r � . ��is'' ^eq:•v, h*- r'^sarwe't �•R''�F;'t ..i:;i:"t•P<i:: :fii. :'1:: '.5{_:a:. ?'I'. ••t�'.:?';•'�'�` . ' �•. .• . • •� . ••i .:�y.cx,..sr:a?i s�' s - :i...�S;� �ii�:�:: �;':.'Z,3�i...:��P -1 't"'�S�> .x�.�r"•'.•:'•�.x�f, .-a •,,�;^• :5� ,�f. za::�.:L''n.:y_� c;w'd�� - .'t:'%;Ii���s.,,r;`tkt:t.: i ;� ~<%.� -( +"^!: �-,`' �(� ([� C :�y;'r�;:�•' < �f �.d`'y. . .:.�..:»�.:�. ��1: <<� .�: .:.�:c� �:�::�:� �� r�._ .Jt.�.�.�-� �.'r�'*'.$.'i:i- „�..t::a.5q.._ � "�, ,�,T!�•.•�`e+` � .�.. ;r!'..�a,. ..7<����'��. �K,�,•�,.. : !:�x�.s`•'it�,. .;.�.���;ti;;x:�: ,:f'4:i::'pi,.•} ��. �'i�+.^�w��"�`' �Y ?t 'vhe - -F�•.y .a4r'Y"` �., .�i. . "�j��; `lis;`�;Iin:i.�zL:'.i;:6:.'.'•i't.. �27.,�^¢,.�. ix- _L..`�,hs`.��,�;,d.. ,�1:.Lt,��. s-f.w:�;:a^i�. ..,.. i,:,�� ?' ;a:'� +�;=w. r.as �. .'aW.�. 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'�� �^... �'��ephoue l�Tu�be�r: (508) 4 $ . ���ly hy: [� ��.o�►e � �-Z� � . - �` ��'/ �� ��z �Tuml���': (508) 430-5291 ❑ �ax Gona�emts: --- .� . x � �' � ��-,.,�-f c._ • � ��� � .�-�2.�',�o�n Q'�0 aLa r�,��s�fr.�e _ .p , a� l Car�t i .��'Y� TOWN OF YARMOUTH � �'o C �' `—' 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 ����� Telephone(508)398-2231 ext. 1240, Fax(508)760-3472 BOARD OF HEALTH May 4, 2016 Atty. Alicia Hoffinan Lahti, Lahti, & O'Neill, P.C. 1 Richmond Square Suite 303N Providence, RI 02906 RE: Two Bedroom Deed Restriction 45 Lower Brook Road, South Yarmouth, MA Dear Atty. Hoffman: Please find enclosed the Two Bedroom Deed Restriction which is required as part of the septic system approval process for the replacement of the septic system at the above address. The Deed Restriction must be signed and dated by the current owner(s) or legal designee. Once the restriction (and a copy) is signed,please have the original restriction recorded and the additional copy stamped with the new Registry recording information at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Route 6A, Barnstable. The copy of the stamped Restriction must then be returned to the Health Department as proof of the recording prior to issuance of the Title 5 Certificate of Compliance which is typically issued upon installation and approval of the septic system. A faxed or emailed copy to this office is acceptable. I have left the Certificate#, Document#, and Owner information blank on this original document for you to complete once you have the updated information. If there are any further questions,please contact this office at 508-398-2231 X1240. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sincerely, � ,�- y . ori Hone, R.S., C.H.O. ssistant Health Director cc: file 1 ' JCNI�6/�016/M0� �l . l: PM Today Real Estate FAX No. 5084328291 F, 0�2 ; •a��'���, '� OV� N O ]� Y� A �MOUT � � o � � '^ „, ��46 ROVTE 28,q01I'�'kI XA�tMOi1'1'H}MASSAC�IUSETTS OZ664��AdS� � � Tel¢phone(50t3}398-2231 ext�240, �ax(50$)760-3d'72 - sa,�n o� x�A,�t,�rx rroTzcE aF n��n�sT�uc��o�v x�s����. Notice is he��eby �iven of the applica,bility vf t�e Tow�o�'Yarmouth Board of Health fi�z a deed reskrictio�,,45 T,owex B ook Road ,shown vn Town A,ssesso��ov.k dat�d 2015 , Map 58 ,Farcel a99. As Aeed�s z�ecrnrded zn the Land Court at the Ba�stab�e Couz�ty Reois�ry of Deeds on tGe �7eed C�tificate# 207Z90 and Document#A27736Z A�s p�am of land is rec�rded in the Land Court at tlae Baxuswible County Registry �f I]eeds, an s subdivisiou pi�b.Gtled. Subdivision Plan of�,$ud i� Yarx�aou'kb.�v Gerald A. Mercer dt Co., ,Tn�l Survevors,P��n 3Q5¢�{ heet 6},I,�t 255 aa,d dated.November 2�1964. �e exigineexed plan prepared by David$,1vlason,R.S. ,da�ted. November 20.2015 approved t�y the Hea�th Depaxpruent Qn December 2$.2015 ,requires a�a�uxa,not to eacceed; (�) tb�e�uzx�bex of bedrootns not to exceed�'�,�2� pez desa8a zest,r�ctions,TiYI�5, SectiQn 15.�14,Niixogen Loading Limitations, Zone II Are�s o�WeIlhead Contribution. Ya uth �ttt Aepart� t: � � /� �a ��.�,��v,�.s. c. .,�.p�x. �a� HeaJth Director O�nerl.lt�e�ireseutatsve: Y b�ave read a�ad fiilly wa►dcrat�md tb.e comd�tiox� of tbie abo'�c restxnctio�as a -��,eept �an as wrltken• �''i�/ r ��� �� �r'`�r"..�:�J ,i/�� �/C'j•/� anald Me�aiuger, Pexsoual Representativa Date Est�te of 3al�tes J. Malone pocket 1vo. HALSP 1614E,Ei , t; 1� .�:t���;, .e-�:,- •;,- � :-,.�•�, . , ..ti,,,,,. ,,�:�.: -y�" ' ' '.�`�. o.-.�: :t f. J.�]'t ��F 1y►�' %•...�F.�y. . � . . . � •b k' ''s�. . . . ' r�h��r �r..1G�Yv� _ YiE�{Y.'.���I�.���.i���t!�S�i' , ��!