HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool Inspection Reports ���M�� �� �^�� � �� � ���� 1+(��N OF' YAIi�Ul!# . 1ffAL1N DFPAIrlMIJf _ POOI, II�LTIUi RFIaOI�F ..:�� � -� C�..e � '��r„�� �T� -���b �� �xEss I P���1'�.�� , �t+o�vE t�u�� OPERATOR �t CI�rOrE�� �"�L.tJ+4�'�.�'S PERMIT P()STID # Regulations of the Massachusetta Sanitary Code: Article VI, Minim�m Standards for Pools; and To�wn Amendments to Article VI. � 1. All ftems approved on the construction plan are of permanent nature and need not be checked at each inspection. 2. E�'ALTH: Shower and health signs posted which state that bathers take showers; no sick or infected bathers; � no glass or dangerous objects; and children under the age of 16 must be accanpanied .by an adult swimr�er within. ' 3. CERTIFIID POOL �ERATORS: Must staff at least tvw (2) certified operators in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., and have one available on the premises during pooi operating hours. 4. SAFETY: One shepards crook and one ring buoy with adequate rop�e for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool divider for shallow end with floatation buoys. 5. FIRST AID: First aid kit (see back), emergency telephone numbers �osted, local police, state police, fire department, and several available physicians. Telephone available or other means of camxuiication {not pay station). 6. Rn00RD6: Written records available of daily operation of the pooi, incltxling attendance, water tests, chanicals used, hours of operation, backaashiKng and other inforraation required. 7. RECIRGULATION - FILTRATION: Puri�ication system capable of maintaining quality of vuater, turnover every $ hours, ' maximum filtration rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equipment finely adjustable. Flaw meters and pressure gauges are required. _ 8. DEPlH MARKINGS: Must be clearly marked on deck and wall of pool. Markings must be displayed for every foot dotim to a depth of 5 feet, and then at appropriate piaces of not more than 25 foot intervals around the deep portion of the pool. , 9. DIVING BOARD6: Rigidly eonstructed, properly anchored, braced for heav�est load, sew�d no splinters or cracks, non slip surface. Not over 10 feet above water level and at least 13 feet unobstructed head roan. 10. WATFR Sq]RGE: Water used in any swicmiing pool shall be fran a source approved by the Health Departmer!t. �11. $ACfFRIOIACIGAL CdJJALITY: Health Department shall cause water sar�les to be analyzed as considered necessary. Quality shall meet the USPHS drinking water standards. Untreated water not over 2,400 M'N Coliform. �12. CF�MICAL STANDARD6: Treated with chlorine or other effective method. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Nealth Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Branine 2.0 - 6.0, Total Alkalinity 50 - 150 p.p.m. ar�cl Canbined Chlorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day. SZNIbMING POpL: C1 = pH = T.A. = Combined C1 = �A1IMuIING PQO�: Cl = pH = T.A. = Canbined Cl - WHIRIJPQOL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Cambined CI = ' WADING PAQL: C1 = pH = T.A. _ � C,ambined C1 = ' fi�`"�.�..� i 13. TFSTING FS�UTA�Nf: Testing equiFment provided, in good repair and canplete with fresh reagents. 14. WATt�R CLARITY: A b inch black disc at bottam of deepest part of pool visable at l0 yards away. 15. WApING ppplS; (,�uality of the water shall be the saroe as swintning pools. Ttiu�nover 4 hours or less. 16, WHIRLPOOI,S: Quality of the avater shall be the satae ae'swimning poola and shall be equipped with a thennaneter and a time instnment for t�e use of bathers. ' 17• FIVCLASURE: A 6 foot high fence in accordance with M.G.L. c.140 with self-closing and self-latching gates or doors. ! Indoor pool must aYso. be reetricted in a similar manner. Pooi entrances ard exits to be locked during I nqn-operating hours. � 18• CipSUR�: Oper�tor to close pool when water does not meet the requirements of this code. Operator understands their responsibilities in regarda to operating a public/sani-public swimning pool. � �: 1 q� , -� --� � ; v� r�e� .CW1 �.� �l ��.�f�ra�' Q�. .,�,.o�- �'/��, , � �„ r PER9�1 I ppp I �ao�t �ke-Y 1 L�.- � s{�.-.. --- � , 10/96 y �. � S� n5 c�.� I! � C�7 ' �,�a� `�� ��,c� �'cu-�2 �e�ted� wc�cS �� � _ ___ _ _ . _ ___._ i �_. _ __ ._ __ _ .�� z�_ ___ __ . ��. � .v _�.w �._ ..�.,��,....�,�,..�_ . �, 1f� CX�ALTH OF��1"I5 1Q�N OF Y/U�lTlfl � l�AJr141 Dg'AKII�Nf I POOI. IIV�hLTICN RQ�OIrf NtY� C�O(.�' (�E'S� �. AATE ��v�7�� ����..� IwDRESS /,,�,� �GY/f' � TELEPNONE IVI,�SF.�t T I o�� j e1�`X , T��re5 t�+ir � � , Regulations of the Massachusetta Sanitary Code: Articie VI, Minimun Standards for Pools; and Town Amerulments to Article VI. 1. All items approved on the construction plan are of pe�nanent nature and need not be checked at each inspection. � 2. 1�'A[�TH: Shower and health signs posted which state that bathers take showers; no sick nr infected bathers; no glasg or dangerous objects; and children under the age of 16 must be accanpanied .by sn adult swimr�er within. �- 3. CERTIFIID POOL OPIItATORS: Must staff at least turo (2) certified operators in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., and have one available on the premises during pool operating hours. p�"► 4. SAFETY: One shepards crook and one ring buoy with adequate rope for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool divider for shallow end w.ith floatation buoys. ��5. FIRST AID: First aid kit (see back), e�nergency telephone numbers �osted, local police, state police, fire departmenY, arbd seveaal available physicians. Telephone available or other means of camwiicatfon (nof pay $t�iP�f Q11 �e�r�cy P�v�, ��o G�'� �� �'�6. RDCORD6: Written records available of daily'operation of the pool, including attendance, water teats, chenicals used, hours of operation, backwashing azxi other infornntion required. , �� 7. RDCIRCUTATIOlV - FILTRATION: Purification systen capable of maintaining quality of-wa�ts;; turnover every $ hours, maximim filtration rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equi�snent fYnely adjustable. F� aleteQrs and essure auges are required. �,Q � �,,,L� � ,� �� V4� �ARK� �o"b ��ia'k � ��� �� `�.�.. �}�) � C� v J � 8. DE�Ti I Must e clearly r ed on deck and wall of pool. Markings muat 6e displayed for every foot dovun to a depth of 5 feet, and then at appropriate places of not more than 25 foot intervals araund the deep portion of the pool. � 9. DIVING $QARDIS: Rigidly eonstructed, properly anchored, braced for heaviest loaci, sout�d no splinters or cracks; non slip surface. Not over 10 feet above water level and at least 13 feet unobstructed head roan.. i ' (0�1'0. WATFR SqJRCE: Water used in any swiaming pool shall be fran a source approved by :the Health Departmer!t. �11. $ACTERIOLAGI�AL L�ALITY: Health Department shall cause water sam�les to be analyzed as considered necessary. Quality shall meet the USPHS drinking water standards. Untreated water not over 2,400 WpN Goliform. �2. CF�NMICAL STqimARD6: Treated with chlorine or other effective method. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Health Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Bramine 2.0 - 6.0, Total Alkalini#y 50 - 150 p.p.m. anid Caabined Qilorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day. 9WIMutING POOL: Cl = 3 �� pFl =_�� T.A. = C7Q Can�bined Cl = ' �" 9WIA�MING PQDL: Cl = pN = ' T.A. = Combined Cl = WHIR[.�OOI�: �= �;Q pH = 7r� T.A. __��.� Gombined Cl = NI� WAAING PQOI�: � '7� � pH =_ 7.,�d T.A. _ �QV Gombined Ci =� a-�.., '., �,/ , � „ dIG.13. TF�FING �l1IPl�Nf: Testing equiFment providect, in good repair and canplete with fresh reagents. �"14. WATFR CLARITYr A b inch black disc at bottam of deepest part of pool visabie at 10 yards away. �i5. WADING PQpI,3: Quality.of the water ahall be the satne as a�viaming gools. Turnover 4 hourg or less. �16, WHIRLPOOLS: Quality of the w�ter shall be the aaavNpe ae swimning paols and shall be equi�ed with a therniccneter anci a time instr�nent for tk�e use of bathers. ?'t,e�� y�'j'.�ojC' �v�-� �r.-�r,� �`� �� �17. IIV(Y,QS[JREo A 6 faot high fence in accordance with M.G.L. c.140 with self-closing and self-latching gates or doora. Indoor pool must also be restricted in a s unilar manner. Pool entrances ard e�tits to be lxked during nqn-operating hours. ft�,,►��`A/�C1 1�'{/1'�TZ�/ �' d�'C 18. (�,ASUR�: bperator to c1osE pool when water does not meet the requiremecits of,��iis code. Operator understands thefr responeibilities in regarde to operating a public/sani-public swimni . x�: Y.�P� �luS-�'..�3 G'�{,�t = � � /1/�P � ,' c� ���E' � G��� !�7/ ctF� vK �3' C3 ` � �� �PER9Qd �tVIII�VED L I UV 10/96 i- �,�� f3t�tc.r � r�c N� ���'� s�r�ps � t � Pa MaQX�,►� �e� g1/�4tct�tv c�c�► �'P�o ,�`i+�4�'c'� �aa".C�