HomeMy WebLinkAboutCamp Information, Policies and Procedures GAMp WINGATE ;�,3,� KIRKLAND �� 2013 APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE TO CONDUCT A RECREATIONAL CAMP Name of Camp:Camp Wingate*Kirkland Site Address:79 White Rock Road armouth Port, MA 02675 Site Telephone:508.362.3798 Name of Camp Owner: ingate Kirkland Operating LLC Off'ice Address:79 White Rock Road armouth Port, MA 02675 Office Telephone:508.362.3798 Name of Camp Operator:Sandy&Will Rubenstein 20 Linnell Lane armouth Port, MA 02675 Telephone:508.362.3286 Name of Health Care Consultant:Sheila Kane, PNP 11 Kingsbury Way armouth Port, MA 02675 Consultant Telephone:508.375.0419 Type of camp:Co-ed Residential Hours of Operation: pril 1 — November 1 Swimming Pool:No Bathing Beach: es Meals Provided:Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Signature of Applicant: Title: wner/Director CAM P WINGATE*KIRKIAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM caMp ; , 4 . WINGATE �,'�= KIRKLdNQ �� Enclosed please find the following required documents: Staff Information Forms Application for employment Archery Range Rules Background Check Release Certification of Archery Staff Employment History Acknowledgement of Staff Policies Horseback Riding Procedures for background review of staff and volunteers Camp Wingate*Kirkland Power Tool Policy Camp Wingate*Kirkland Staff Screening Camp Wingate*Kirkland Smoke Detector Policy Procedures for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect Camp Wingate*Kirkland Child Abuse Prevention Policy Camp Wingate*Kirkland Laundry Policy Health Care Policy Camp Wingate*Kirkland Special Contingency Plan For Day Camp Wingate*Kirkland Health Care Policies& Campers Procedures Current Certificate of Occupancy Discipline Policy Camp Wingate*Kirkland Child Discipline Policy Written statement of compliance from Yarmouth Fire Camp Wingate*Kirkland Ladder of Discipline Department Fire Evacuation &Disaster Plans Camp Wingate*Kirkland Emergency Procedures Camp Wingate*Kirkland Carbon Monoxide Plan Lost Camper& Lost Swimmer Plans Camp Wingate*Kirkland Crisis Response Traffic Control Plan Camp Wingate*Kirkland Transportation Safety Policy Waterfront Procedures Camp Wingate*Kirkland Waterfront Procedures Camp Wingate*Kirkland Waterfront Director Certification of Waterfront Staff CAM P WINCATE*KIflKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCQM PO CAM PWK.COM CampInTouch https://campwk.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/staff/App? Staff Application E � � _----__..---_____._._..__-------..,.--.------.._..____.__..._.___._.___.___.__.__ . ..� � � ; • _Noticea Required fields have a dotted bordec � About You �_.� ..�._ � � First Name � Last Name � �� ��� �� � � ; � _ .. .............. ....... . ....... ....�.."... '- _ " � _ 4• ,} ..:_. ..: : 4 , . a mm .... ...... �+-i`� j� � �L Ema�l ; r�� � a'y ��xa ��� � �xy�������� _' " - - �, ��`Y� � _ .- ;�_ .- � ' Continue� �- - l ?�r,a,-��- - � ' :}� �� �� l oe ( ;r2?��? 3:�; Pi ! CampInTouch https://campwk.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/stafflApp? � i ! € Staff Application � for Janet Smith,20i2 Season Instructions I 1 I � •1 f 1 : Thank you for your interest in working at Camp W*K! Please foilow the instructions. We look forward to learning more about j you! i � � _ j Best wishes, ��� � ��.�,� :�y' � � Sa�dy,Wiil,Janet and]en .�"�e ����"�,�°�� ;�„M`s�` _ ': � �,�`-�i�� 3 ,�,���.�����` s � General Information � ��� ����`��� ��'�������" �' � '� , . � - � ,r--� - �� r� m��x�.4}��t��-.'"� , ����� . - ��,� - ��-�.�,�r�-*�,��4�T,�, ° }� ' � `� . Please upload a current photo of yourself by ""�'�� �"L`�^�� �� ' dicking on the image to the right. i - �`_ Click fi€r�r tn c3•�I�A�si Date of Birth : ��"""" _._._�_ Birth Place -����_~.���.4�1 __._ ...._ � . MM(DD/YYYY NickName ^ f 3,.j F � �.� ;.,_....__�.�.__._.�.�...._.,�. Gender '.:'�Male '_:.�Female Citizenship ! : SSN ��� _ _ xxx-xx-xxxx Driver's __.-___-_„�,,._.,__...--., Driver's :,.""_�,...�.__,..._.. _.,,....._... : � ..... . ' ��cense# ' ' " " License State ` ' _....__._............. .._-._...--....__._._....._... Bus License ' Yes .=No (CDL} .. �, y � ._ - � - How did you hear a6out us? '� •;, ^' . .... _......_.. ........___.......--- __---__._..._......_---------__--...._....____ Select _ � -- ConUnue � ._..__._-__.._._ ': '� �'��ns.-.' save for Later }Save your work and complete this form at a later time �� - �cr�. i of l 3/22/12 3:�2 P� CampInTouch https://camp4vk.campintouch.comlui/Forms/application/staff/App? Staff Application for}ane[Smi[h,2012 Season [nstruCtions I 1 ! Staff Positions � � � � Maintenance �_�-.+ �;R�a - ? Administrative � � ...� Staff 'j �a�zt�'�s���������' �4`��; � R a � ' s �. _ � i��� �����.�������� . �, a.. `� R • .n � -��.cY� z�.�% �e�5.�� �� -- Kitchen - �� , ���„ },: ���rta �' � k ,7� . �.L z 4 � �a ,,�,a��� t . �, - .� � }:�`t� �}.���.,�.-�;,�.�� � : � � '� Counselor ��'- i'" ���j`rvz Nurse F Day Camp Counselor _..__— �� Back 1 � Continue ' ____..__....._.._...___ -. Save(or Later ;Save your work and complete this form at a later time � _ � �:.� . :�.' I of 1 ;/�2I 12 :i:i� Pi ! CampinTouch h[tps://camp�vk.campintouch.com/ui/formslapplication/stafF/App? i l F f I Staff Application ` i for lanet Smith,2012 Season Inst�uctions � � � � I � � i � E _. . � � Permanent Address �. : �.��� �- �,,�_� � .; .� ., , , [ � ���� ' ��_. _...._. � Er Country Select Coun[ry . City l�' ���� � � $ ° � � -. ; ��F�����t�, �� � � � �.__._.._�:_._ ____; .__ , t's.,,3;��,;�,..� . �,�'�,....'�i,,��.,�k�:.b?�+ � . �� 4��.�'� : Address ' ; State � "� ___...._......... � .............. Select State � ._.,...,,�..�w,.. �� , ,_.__r,...�..__, � -;� x sx�',, �� '�� ! Z�P ; ; ; � }a e*� ���$�����t�����'��'���`����'{ _ _ _ : , : . „ :n;'. �, , '. ,. ,.��.��` ��Y.. . _�.a.��,d.�.�..,r'�"?..,���:�:.� ..... _ ._,.<.�.,�. _, Home Phone + ; _ _ . �,� x �z fr+�s�,' � q#` ,s� j ... . ...._ _... -' S �5 . .._. .. �, f 3 - C '. " ti R"s �`� � '��� �[��.'i'` At anx point during the year do you reside at an alternate address? ' �'� ""'� '"�'"� _ �W� � 3a x 2i ,5�;;a.£ �.?�� ��.I, �� __... .._. . .. . .._.. ..............._............ ,y�s '_No ,,,. ,.__ � Contact Info __.__.___._�.__ .__. ,.__ _:._.�.. . _: Cell Phone 4 Other Phone _... ._._.. ; _� ,wv.�v ,�y.� -. `5 .... �.. Best Time to : : ; - Reach _ - ` :, Education ' Areyouu_currently.enrolied in school? S ....._._' -----_.---'--...___........ - �.�Yes 'No Emergency Contacts In the even[of an emergency,please provide two al[ernate contacts. �_ ._ � Name&Relationship Telephone Number ��' � ,.__ _�„_..._ .._ ..._..._. _._....__ ' �'a . •�� _.�.T.___...__�_._,. �._..._.._� �,t Contad 1 _,. _,. : JOHtI DOE(RrTHER} � � 645424-7I24 .�.�.,_<,.�_.�..,.. _.._.._._._ . _,.."_".. .__..._..._ ..____,,. COf1YaGt Z =i:. , . ..:. . .. . . . _ . .. .. ... . ..... . ._. .. . - � c _ c� , Back : , Conlinue : ' ���'-� ._.............._ ___.._ � Save(or Lacer ;Save your work and complete this Form at a later time -�er � O�' � i/��/�� 3:1-��7i Camp1 nTouch https:/lcamp�vk.campintouch.com/ui/formslapplication/stafF/App? Staff Application for Janet Smi[h,201Z Season Instructions 1 1 t i i � : Employment History Employment Information#1 ��� ���a"� - � �; '� . � — ....�. ...._. 3`.t §. €�����; � r . Employer � Position , �`���� '���`��� � �;� } � _ _; _ ; � t! � �:.::......_,_, q.��. .:.. �_...__��_ �a � '. ""1 '_"_'i �-+..�Ffi�_���x����,.. �,.i-,�.�.���r�t ^?.�.a.�-,���F.i.�.�3��zra��§ City,State { Start,End _ _ . _._. ._.__. Dates � _ __ ' Employer Contact Info x� � r � � €�� �� � - s �kr s� f 3 a � �t ���s��a�c,.�y���� � __.._>,.,...___� ..._. '� r i ; r 5 x����t�a ����'r� g�'S�s-.� Name .,�.�_ �__i Phone , ._ . ..,_ .�,_ ..t �F.,a�a� ..�,s�..: ..�..a�_.:�� ; _ �, ' .._,._ ,._�,.....,.__.i __.:. Email ,. ...�,.�` _.. i � � ���� s �'� ` ,� �'�' �i� '�t�-_� fi �,�,. -:b ' 4� k ���.�� ���z!)������'�� ';Do not contact this employer V � : ,_,_.:_ ,,�``' `�= - Employment Information#2 P,t_,u_�..�,..�.._,_,.._n_, ,_,_.._...._._._.._��._:z_.,�-- 1 EmploYer = i Position i _ _ __.: City,State � �� . j SWrt,End J-ti� � <. _ , _.__€ Dates - __ _ _ ' Employer Contact Info :..__._.�__...w..._,.�_..,�...s. ...,..._ .�_..,..<.,.,.... ._.., . Name � Phone Email - ,�����—^� :Do not contact this employer � Employment Information#3 . - - � .....__—.--_---...�,__...__:., ._..._..`_-.w..__._..._---'-.-••^ EmPloyer ' � Position ' ; _...._,_..___._.�.�.,_.�_.. ;_._.__...._..._...�-__..�...._..�._: City,State Start,End ___ _ . _� Dates _ ' Employer Contact Info � ...._,.,_..,...,_._._. _.. :..._,_.-. ......__.__ . Name ': Phone ' ; ._ _. ; �� _- _ , _ ' � ' Email ,_,_._..._ ._ _ _ ,Do not conYact this employer _ x'�.-� Previous Camp Experience Have you.ever worked at or attended another camp? _._..-------......_..._- -......._- _....... . Yes 'No Back ��_ -�� Continue ; ._...._- --_ '__ Save for Later ;Save your work and compiete this form at a later time l O�� 1 J�����2 3:J7 P� I CampInTouch ht[ps://camp�vk.campintouch.com/�i/forms/application/staff/App? � I ( i Staff Application I for Janet Smith,2012 Season Instructions 1 l � I •� i } i i I Please answer the foliowing questions. They help us learn more about . � � � � 5,' you! - � i � �� ��_ ����.��ze�°� �� � k. s �. Please use the space below to teli us about yourself and your gaals 1:-�-z.��"s�'`�a�G��`�"'"�t�� . for next summer. �`��"��'��`"t ����� ��x,a � i3 1 � -���Y�`���;��� �� � �� i � •.���'� F'�'��e=���..��--��`'�"' - . Please use the area below to tell us your reasons for wanting to join 1 the W*Kcommunity. � I At W'K we ask each counselor to"Major"in a Program Area and offer that activity two times per day.Please tell us what your"Major" will be for the summer and your quali£cations. i � J Are you available to work before or after camp?(before June 18th and after August 17th) Select one Are you aware that all employees at Camp W'K are subject to a CORI and SORI Check? _....____.....__._..___._..__ Se�ect one _____._.... ____._-- �I Back i ; Continue , " ��, '-_:.......,..- . ._ .. i :..__..._.. . , _;,:.: . y : � ,._.._._..._._....___.._. • �.. � Save for Later �Save your work and complete this form at a later time >- 'v Foi:c ..� � � 01 � ��77���`�.�J ��I CampI nTouch https://camp�vk.campi ntouch.com/uilForms/appl ication/stafflApp? Staff Application for Jane[Smith,2012 Season Instructions il � 1 1 t . -� �..� � -� . � _, �_t �a'd �'_�_ . _ _ ' Teli us a bit about your qualifications. Activities Sst Preference - �,.� ��� -�� � _.��,� Category Actrvity ���`�-`"� .�����`������ ' . '�. _.. .......... '� �tr � Selec[Ca[egory � SelectActivity . . �: ��; ����`����� �����'��� � � _.___ _ .._.... ___ _ . ... ` ar -����- �� �a��� � � �� � � t � � i Experience �,.. . -,,�<_y,. < <;��_.e�,,,�;.. _.�����-,�:�x_,�,�a,���'}?,> �.:�; b; i _J SQO CHAR MAX Teachin.g_Levei. �:.:geginner �Intermediate '�..:Advanced .' Expert ,���y _ �= cz , � � �� �`t��fi_� ����c�-���4��'-�'`'i 2nd Preference . _ . , _.'.;.,, _ . ,; ,��_z�,n t s, CategorY Act�vity � = F �,�..__.�<... ... _._...._. —.....__ Select Category Select Activity Experience ; � , ;� � p +��'�i:�;i ���. j 'e ���y3 ,,��..:.�_: ! f F - —= , ia�_� �` . ; _J ` ...._.��>;.�:;,�� ----� _— ----- -___ __-- ---__------- --- ._ 500 CHAR MAX Teaching.Leyel ;��geginner �:Intermediate `�'Advanced i.`Expert 3rd Preference Category Act�vity -- ..,.;_.... - � __...._ _ _.._ , . Sele�t Category 7- Select ActiviC� = � � Experience I :----- -_____._ __- -..--__ _____. � _____ ___._-------- 500 CHAR MAX Teaching_Level - Beginner =��Intermediate -_,�AdJanced -„�Expert ._.._....--- 4th Preference Remove Category Activity -...__ __ ____ _ . ,s� __._ _ Select Category Select Activiry Experience i ---- — -� 500 CHAR MAX 7eaching Level .•Beginner . Intermediate .:Advanced .;Expert 5[h Preferenre RemOve Category Activity _...___.....--__.______...._.__..______-_ Select Category Select Activiry Experience i 500 CHA0.MAX � �j�i: � _. 'r.:. Teaching Level Beginner °.'Intermediate ;Advanced .`Expert - Add Activity �� �� s-g , t .c�`_� ..... � Of 7 i��7���`�:��i ��I f CampInTouch https://camp�vk.camPintouch.com/ui/forms/applicalion/staff/App? i Certifications � i 3 Certifying Body Expiration Date ! I ;Archery i ;Canoe i iCPR I t First Aid � :Kayaking . j Lifeguard ,Nursing 'Ropes :Sailing Serv Safe s Wilderness _..._._, __.._._____ Back ? �: Continue:� �save forLater ;Save your work and complete this form at a later time -_ r_�,,-.. �O�7 i/��/��=�:�� ��\ CampInTouch https:Ucamp���k.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/staff/App? Staff Application for Janet Smith,2012 Season InSt�uctions � I i •� � � .�. .- - - � -- - ' ' - Availability Dates , .___ ,__ __Wn. ., '� �;����" --��`-�'„� �. Eariiest � Latest Ending , : ���-��r �n� ���'�� � ....._..,.... Start�ng Date __ , Date _ � _ �s��3�-'��r� � �s ���,� � � � 't � ` �_ _.... ?' i �s 5�L ���f'�����"e � � � __ � Desired _.,,..,.. . ,�-�.� ... _ �.._ ....f�_�'�����,���,�.��.��.-..?����� � c: .. Salary . _ : _- 100 CHAR MAX , .� �#,�, �$ Y 9 P Y , .. ..«. .., „,__ , s�....} ...a�_.�..ss�-�s�=,+��.�,;,,i`X:,r.:�:c If there are an dates durin this time eriod for which ou will be z � ' 4 '� ' � � _��� �° a� unavailable,piease specify them below: 3. , � . ; # 9� u=�s.� I r �,� fi�����1����.•: r ^ �250 CHAR MAX _---.___—_'—__'____--'_ .. � ? t' r.=__ ? - .,_a�_,._�.._....,.-'a+, Additionat Questions i Can you perform_the essentfal function of the job.for_which you have applizd with,or without reasonable accommodations7 .._...----------............._..........__......._.._...__._...__. . Yes �.;'No Our camp.is_a smoke-free.environment_Do you,smoke?If you do,_doyouu understand L� that smakmg wili be severely restncted on Camp property? - - - _ .... Yes .'No We_have a_zero tolerance policy with.respect to onderage_drinking and intoxication.If you are under the age of 21_ the Ieyal dnnkin�age in Massachusetts do you agree . ..._.. _ _. . .. .... . to abide by this law7 ...__....._._._.. Yes .. No Do_.you,have_any visible_tattoos or body piercin�s7 Yes -'No Do you understand that,we will_conduct a criminal background investigation as part_of the applicat�on process? .._.. Yes -No ���� w�h�. . .s.,_ `-�_ Have you.ever(ij been..ad,jud4ed_liable for civil penalties or.damages involving.sexual . or phxsical abuse,of a child �2)been sub�ect to a court order involvmg sexual_or _ __ .._ .. . ........ .. .. physical abuse of a.child,.or(3).had your parental riQhts_terminated because of sexual .. ....... _........ or physcal abuse of a child? "°= ._..................... Yes 'No *'`*' A' __ _......__.... Back � '. Conlinue ; .____....__ ...__.. Save tor�ater �Save your work and complzte this form at a later time i of 1 3l221 I 2 4:29 I'i P CampInTouch https://camp�vk.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/stafF/App? � � i . e Staff Applicat�ion � for Janet Smith,2012 Season InStructions - 1 I � j •i 71 1 i �n�i��� . i Please list 3 professional references.Please do not include family members or friends. �t��.'��''�� �� �N" ° � ' °� � � � � -t ° �P ` f �`;� ��� �-,��"'��_�'�'��a���' � - i References s� ,3.r�������,��'���,�,�«:_���. ,A-. _.. i � s .��, �:� ��- y� C:�.y� q�r^���s Reference Information#1 ' ; . � ���t'�+��� a.�"� .w, __._..___,._.._ _._-___.,._____.._ ...,, � < ,s _� _ ..:� �T.,,.�� .x.�."�.�.�.��-`��av���§.������� First Name Last Name ...... .._... ....._.._........... - : ; r �.k� � ,3- �'� 'S7x h a,€'#�-y' +� ............. .., � !.,.T ._. ... '-. ,� .,_. .x...�.,.�.�ia.. ` � � ��`-.��}�X' F. '���'�`"tf','�� Reiationship ; Email , ? s � } k ,���t���4 _��.�}� ' �:�`�;� ......._..._ .. ...._ - '� Phone � � ��RP Years Known !� �� # Company R�.�.������ Title �X����✓ �� Do not contact this reference yet � Reference Information#2 fi. ,.._.._.�.._.._.�..,_...___, ,__ : .,,..�._,___ . ._..t . first Name � Last Name ; � _ __ _ _.. _ _ ._._ .,__W_.... _ ,_.,_._�__._� f Relationship �3 Email + '" ,�:n__��;:_w:�_.:::�..' :�:.� .__=:=_µ r.� Phone � Years Known _. _, �. _ _.__ . Com an ��T�����-� Y�j Titie �� �� P Y Do not contact this reference yet Reference Information#3 ��.__....�.n�____..�__. ,,..,.._.__..,.._��..._.__-_.__, First Name ? Last Name .._.._.____ _.___ .__..-., �.Y _.. _:.�, Relationship = Email � ................................_ : i ..........._.. ; : . ' ......�'� ..�.-..,Y.�.�_.. .e�::....� ...:. .......,:;_ .�.�.i �=.t ... - Phone ! Years Known �-,�°�'�``:'��- _... _... __ . Gompany -._._ _.....__ —j Titie .___.._ ;Do not contact this reference yet .:� - Back `. Continue - � `Save our work and com lete this form at a later time � SaveforLater ? V P � I. � I �,iv�c�r P.:rs,, I � � Of` � J�»�1��.1� ��I CampinTouch https:/lcamp�vk.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/staff/App? Staff Application for Jane[Smith,2012 Season � Instructions t I i •I 1 1 : Terms & Conditions �, � � f � �,��� � � � �s- �f���� y � By si�in�here,you agree[hat you have answered the questions in this application[o the best of -_����.�� �Y �g����'�'�` � � s .� . your ability. Any false statzments or purposeful omissions may lead to your immediatz dismissal `� �' ��"��,�����'��i{� �s� .�a �.- ��� '� �, �r� �;= „s ";�=^r. {��������,�� ��-�.�i��������3 �� � ����� � �P� �. ������ ''�" � ��4��#��.A. �a � x�. ���,z,,v�= � �`. t ,By entering my electronic signature below,I affirm that I have read :: _..... .-•-....__---...------..............._._. and agree�to the terms and�conditions in th'is application. ._. . . ;By entering my electronic signature below,I acknowtedge that a ' background cFieck�maybe performe�ori'me. ..-._..._...._..._._._......._..._... Signature . .�....}������mrvW�^~�.K��Y� o3t22I2ot2 ,....__.._ __..___._. Back = Submit j - . �,�r-. � _ 5 ,;. �L � � I� � 1�7?��7�.�� ��� ( � Of � i �aMp � � WINGATE ��,` u,�� KIRKLaND ,� �� CAMP WINGATE�KIF�(LAND BACKGROUND RELEASE I acknowledge that, in order to employ me, Camp Wingate Kirkland is required by law to perform a criminal background check on me in Massachusetts, my state of permanent address, and if applicable, the state in which I currently reside. By signing this letter, I hereby give Camp Wingate Kirkland permission to use a third-party company to perform this search. I also acknowledge that I understand that I have the right to access the results of any such inquiry performed by Camp Wingate Kirkland. Name Date Signature CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM DUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• NEYCQM PO CQM PWK.COM �,aMp .. WINGATE � ' KIRKL.AND �r� �� CA MP WINCAT E�*KIRKLA ND STA FF SCREENING POLICY Application and Screening Processes for All New Staff Each job candidate fills out a Staff Application. The application includes requests for the following information: . Work experience . Training or certifications pertinent to camp . Three references Attached to the application are the following forms: . CORI Request Form (Commonwealth of Massachusetts criminal record check) . SORI Request Form (Sexual Offender Registry Information) . ACA Voluntary Disclosure Statement (FM 16) Expanded CORIs (adult and juvenile records) are submitted for all prospective employees. For prospective candidates who are not permanent Massachusetts residents,criminal background checks are conducted in their home and school states through a private company called National Background Investigators. Massachusetts SORI checks are conducted on everybody who has ever lived,worked in, or visited the United States. For candidates who live or attend school in states outside Massachusetts,we do whatever is required by the home state to check his/her name against its Sexual Offender Registry Board database. With the exception of a few overseas candidates,each prospective counselor is interviewed face-to-face. If face-to-face interviews are not possible,the candidate will have an extended phone interview with one of the camp tlirectors. In either case, references are always called and notes are taken to be kept in the staff member's file. The international staff placement agency that we work with (CCUSA and BUNAC) conducts background checks on all of the counselors that they place. Policies for Returning Staff All returning,seasonal staff members complete CORI and SORI Request Forms and Voluntary Disclosure Statements. The above background check procedures also apply to returning staff members. Performance evaluations from past summers are also kept in each staff member's file. If counselors spend any summers away from camp, additional references are checked prior to their return. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCQM PO CQM PWK.COM �AMp WINGATE �,`,� KIRKLAND �� CAMP WINGATE�KIRKLAND STAFF EVALUATION Staff Member: Evaluator : Date: 1. The counselor is a role motlel for neatness antl appropriate behavior. 1 2 3 4 5 Never Sometimes Always Comments: 2. The counselor takes initiative in keeping the lotlge clean. 1 2 3 4 5 Never Sometimes Always Comments 3. The counselor sets consistent limits with regard to rules. 1 2 3 4 5 Never Sometimes Always Comments: 4. The counselor follows through on decisions and plans. 1 2 3 4 5 Never Sometimes Always Comments: CAM P WINCATE*KIflKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �AMp , WINGATE � x` � KIRKI.AND ��� �� CA MP WINGAT E*KIRKLA ND CHILD A BUSE Pf�VENTION POLICY I. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to help Camp Wingate Kirkland provide a caring and secure environment for all of its campers and to help the camp reduce its legal risk and liability exposure. II. Definition Child abuse refers to an act committed by a parent, caregiver or person in a position of trust which is not accidental and which harms or threatens to harm a child's physical or mental health or welfare. III. Types of Child Abuse A. Physical Abuse A physical injury, threat of injury or creation of a real significant danger of substantial risk of death, disfigurement or impairment of bodily functions. Such injury or threat of injury, regardless of intent, is inflicted or allowed to be inflicted by non-accidental means. Examples: asphyxiation; bone fracture; brain damage, skull fracture, subdural hematoma; burns, scalding; cuts, bruises, welts, abrasions; internal injuries, poisoning; sprains, tlislocations; gunshot, stabbing wounds. B. Physical Neglect The failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, or supervision for a child if the child's health or safety is endangered. Physical neglect may include multiple occurrences or a one-time critical or severe event that results in a threat to health or safety, such as toddler left alone. Other types of neglect include abandonment, inadequate supervision, inadequate clothing, inadequate shelter, inadequate personal hygiene, inadequate food and malnutrition. C. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse includes any act defined in the code of Massachusetts which is committed, or allowed to be committed, upon a child be his/her parent or other persons responsible for the child's care. Examples of such abuse are: sexual exploitation, sexual molestation, intercourse/sodomy and other sexual abuse. D. Medical Neglect Refusal or failure by caretaker to obtain and/or follow through with a complete regimen of inedical or dental care for a condition, which if untreated, could result in illness or development delays. E. Mental Abuse/Neglect A pattern of acts or omissions by the caretaker which result in harms to a child's psychological or emotional health or development. IV. Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse In an effort to create the safest possible environment within the camp, several abuse prevention measures will CAM P WINGATE*KIRKIAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YAflM OUTN PORT, M Q 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .P267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM be utilized. These measures include provision for regular training on child abuse issues to staff inembers and standards for appropriate discipline. A. Staff Trai n i ng Before camp begins, all staff inembers will be required to read the camp's abuse policy and indicate that they have read and understand the policy and agree to abide by it. B. Discipline All staff inembers are trained in appropriate methods of camper discipline. No physical punishment or verbal abuse, e.g.,ridicule, are to be used at any time. VI. Reporting Child Abuse Should there be allegations of child abuse at Camp Wingate Kirkland these procedures will be followed: 1. Treat any allegation of child abuse seriously. 2. Immediately begin documenting all procedures observed in the handling the allegation. 3. Immediately notify the Camp Directors, who will notify the appropriate authorities. Camp Wingate Kirkland is mandated as an organization to report all allegations to the Massachusetts Department of Social Services, at (800) 792-5200. 4. Do not confront the accused with allegation unless and until advised by the Camp Directors to do so. The accused will be temporarily relieved of their camp duties until the investigation is concluded. 5. Observe confidentiality for both the alleged victim and the accused until advised to the contrary by the Camp Directors. VII. Policy Review The Child Abuse Prevention Policy and Procedures of Camp Wingate Kirkland shall be reviewed annually by the Camp Directors, with assistance from legal counsel. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM � ;. caM� , WINGATE � .` KIRKI.AND �,.� �� CAM P WINGATE�KIR�(IQND HEALTH CA� POIIqES � PRICEDUf�S SUPERVISION The health care administration of Camp Wingate*Kirkland will be the responsibility of the Camp Nurse. The lead Camp Nurse, Sue Roach, is a licensed RN in the state of Massachusetts. The Camp Nurse will administer health care to all campers and staff within the camp community. The Assistant Nurse, Mary Cowell, (also an RN) and our part time nurse, will be on duty when Sue Roach is not available. The Camp Nurse will be available for assistance in planning and assessing the health care needs of campers and staff according to the Rules and Regulations of the township. RECORDS All campers and seasonal staff will have completed and submitted a Camp Health Examination Form to the Camp Nurse prior to or on the first day of the camping season. The Camp Nurse(s) will maintain the Daily Health Center records in our Camp database. At the end of each summer, all camper and staff health forms and other related history are stored on a hard - drive and moved to the Director's house for long term storage. All medications are sent home with the campers. MEDICAL LOG BOOK There will be two separate logs, one for staff and one for campers. Each log will contain the names of campers and staff with a statement of their chief complaint as stated to the nurse and the action taken by the nurse. There will also be a separate log to record the daily prescription medications for all campers and staff. Documentation on individual camper health issues/visits will be maintained in the database and password protected from all but the Nursing staff and Directors. MEDICAL STORAGE All Health Center supplies and equipment will be stored in the Health Center, which is located ne� door to the Camp Office. All medications, prescription and non-prescription, will be locked at all times in a clean, dry place. At the time of dispensing, only one of the two RN's will unlock the medications and dispense them Every medication that is dispensed is logged in a bound notebook according to instructions on the child's Health Examination Form. They can be dispensed only at the Health Center, the Dining Hall, or at Planning Session. All equipment and health supplies will be purchased by the Camp Nurse or the camp directors. They will be purchased from a well known mail order dealer or at a local pharmacy using a camp charge account. All CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M Q 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM � � prescriptions written by the Mid-Cape Medical Center or a physician at the Cape Cod Hospital will be filled at the same local pharmacy. All health supplies are subject to approval by the physician who provides the Camp with Standing Orders. MEDICATION All medications, prescriptions and nonprescription, will be kept locked in the Health Center. Each medication brought to Camp by a camper will be kept locked in the Health Center and its dispensation will be recorded in a medication log. The Camp Nurse will administer all medications.. In the event the Nurse is not available (Dr. visit, hospital visit, day offl the Nurse will delegate administration of all medications to either Directors of the Camp. The Camp Nurse will review the proper procedures with the Camp Directors. The Camp Nurse, Camp Directors, and Camp Leaders will discuss campers' needs for daily medications prior to the opening day of the camp season. In our on-going commitment to meet the needs of our campers who require medication while at Camp, we once again will be working with CampMeds Inc. to provide the convenient service of dispensing, packaging and shipping medications directly to our camp this summer. CampMeds is a service that pre-packages medications for Camp and saves our nurses from spending unnecessary hours each day sorting campers' medications so that they can focus on their primary role, tending to the health and wellness of the camp community. Camp Wingate*Kirkland's policy and procedure for dispensing and administering medicine requires camp families to have all of your child's medicine in pill form dispensed, pre-packaged and sent to Camp prior to their arrival. This includes: • All medicine taken daily (prescription and non-prescription) • All medicine taken "as needed" • Vitamins *Our Camp stocks most over the counter items such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, etc. HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS The following Health Care providers will be involved in administering health care to the campers and staff of Camp Wingate Kirkland: . Bass River Pediatrics, 508-394-2116, 237 Station Avenue Yarmouth, MA 02664 • Mid-Cape Medical Center, Hyannis, MA, 508-771-4092, 489 Bearse's Way, Unit A-4, 02601 • Cape Cod Hospital, Hyannis, MA, 508-771-1800 Any instructions received over the telephone from the physician to the nurse, will be written in a bound notebook separate from other Health Center records. All phone orders will be co-signed by the physician and the Camp Nurse. TRANSPORTATION All campers or staff needing to be examined by a physician during the day will be seen at Mid-Cape Medical Center. The Camp Nurse will accompany campers and staff and they will travel in a designated camp vehicle. In the event of a camper or staff needing medical care during the clinic's off-hours, a camp nurse or camp leader will take them to the Cape Cod Hospital. CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM , , Y The Standing Orders are updated prior to Staff Orientation Week each camp season. These orders are signed by a physician, the Camp Director, and the Camp Nurse each season. EMERGENCIES All emergencies will be called into 911. All emergency transportation will be coordinated through 911 at the time of the emergency. FIRST AID All first aid will be administered by the Camp Nurse and logged immediately in the appropriate health log. First aid will be administered in accordance with the Standing Orders of the attending physician. In the event the Camp Nurse is not present for non-emergency first aid, a first aid certified person will attend to the needs of the individual. This person will record his/her actions in the appropriate health log and report these actions to the Nurse upon her/his return to camp. All first aid procedures will be reviewed with certified first aid staff prior to the opening day of the camp season. First aid kits will be provided to the staff for all out-of-camp trips. All camp vehicles will have a first aid kit. Staff will receive an orientation to the use of the first aid kit during staff orientation week. All out of camp activities- day trips and overnight trips- are required to include a First Aid Kit prepared by the Camp Nurse. Each first aid kit will have a copy of the standing orders, emergency procedures, and accident report forms. Each first aid kit contains the following: Band-Aids, sterile pads, q-tips, antiseptic towelettes, ice packs, ace bandage, bacitracin ointment, adhesive tape, antacids, Benadryl, Sudafed, Tylenol, alcohol prep swabs, resusci face shield, after bite, and gloves. A minimum of one staff person is to be trained by the staff nurse in First Aid basic procedures. If a camper is in need of inedication during field trips, the nurse will package the individual's medication in first aid kit and instruct and delegate a staff inember to administer it. FOOD SERVICE The Camp Nurse will be available for assistance in planning and assessing the health care needs of the kitchen facility and staff according to the rules and regulations of the township. The Camp Nurse will work closely with the kitchen staff to address special dietary needs of campers. HEALTH CENTER The Health Center is located next door to the Camp Office. The Nurse will be available for routine health procedures, exams, and the dispensing of inedications during established Health Center office hours. These office hours are 8:30a.m. -9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. -5:00 p.m. The Health Center is also open immediately after evening activity for those campers and staff who need bedtime medication. Parents of campers who are seen by a physician at the Mid-Cape Medical Center or the Cape Cod Hospital Emergency Room will be notified after the doctor visit. All campers admitted t�o the Health Center for an overnight stay will have their parents notified at staff's earliest convenience. Campers becoming ill during the night will be accompanied to the Health Center by one of their Lodge counselors. CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM caM� , �IVINGATE � `� 1� KIRKLANQ �� �� (J�M P 1MI�',ATE*KIFf4Qf� CAM PER DISqPUNE POULY Basic Principles ■ Our focus at Camp Wingate Kirkland is on teaching and positive encouragement rather than on punishment. ■ We strive to be a high quality staff providing a high quality experience. ■ Instead of having many detailed rules, we always appeal to the community to respect each other. ■ The Ladder of Discipline is a framework through which camper behavioral challenges are addressed. Counselor Guidelines Responding ■ Ask for help unless you are confident that you are responding in an appropriate way. The single biggest mistake that counselors make is not ask for help with camper issues. The Lodge Leaders and Directors are always available and should be interrupted if they appear busy. ■ In interactions with campers, counselors should strive to respond rather than react to children. Guidelines for Responding to Children ■ You are being entrusted to be a care-taker for children. ■ There is a clear power difference between you and the campers which should inform your actions. ■ You must be sexually appropriate with campers at all times—verbally, non-verbally and physically. ■ Be aware of sexual or sexualized behavior in campers. Be firm and non-shaming when responding to such behavior. ■ Be aware of, and minimize, activities that tend to over stimulate campers such as tickling and pillow fights. ■ Be conscious about your own stress level and take appropriate steps to respond. ■ If you have any question about any behavior or suspected behavior of a camper, please ask for help. ■ Safe places to touch are the hands, shoulders and upper back. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2 � 67 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CQM PWK.COM Policy ■ Under no circumstances may a counselor hit or strike a child. ■ Counselors must not use abusive or derogatory language with campers. ■ Counselors may never touch a child against his or her will, unless there is a clear and present danger to the child. ■ A counselor may never touch a child if the child appears uncomfortable with the touch, whether that discomfort is expressed verbally or non-verbally. ■ Never touch a child in a place on his or her body that is normally covered by a bathing suit, unless for a clear medical necessity, and then only with supervision by another adult. ■ Hazing of campers by other campers or counselors is not permitted. ■ Campers will not be subjected in initiation rites that are abusive in any manner. ■ A counselor will under no circumstances share a bed or sleeping bag with a camper. A. Nuts and Bolts of Child Abuse Laws Please be aware of and understand the following, which are covered on the page following this one ■ The definition of a mandated reporter. ■ The purpose of the mandated reporting law. ■ A report of abuse is based on suspicion of abuse, rather than proven abuse. ■ Summary of procedure —time frame, reporting agency, providing the information requested. ■ Penalty for not reporting. CAM P WINCQTE*KIflKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M Q 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM � CAMp �� . , W I N GAT E ��� �`���� ����� K I R K LA N D �N� . �� CAM P iMI�ATE�!-4Fi�QND IQDDER OF DISpPUNE Step One: After a sign of disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, the counselor points it out to the camper and asks for a change in behavior as needed. It is important to explain the reason to the camper and make sure the suggested change is a reasonable one. Step Two: If the behavior continues, the counselor should remove the camper from the presence of others. Ask the camper the reason for their unacceptable behavior and try to work together to create an appropriate alternative. Step Three: If situation has still not resolved in an acceptable manner, the counselor should ask for help from a co-counselor or another counselor. With the camper, the counselor, and the new third counselor, review the situation that occurred. Let the camper know the reason for the meeting. It is important that the camper knows that this meeting is very out of the ordinary. Campers most always know this.Try to come up with alternatives/solutions, without threatening. Step Four: If disrespectful behavior continues in any way, the counselor next goes to a leader. The counselor, leader, and camper will then meet to discuss the situation. Once there is a meeting with a leader, Sandy and Will are informed and the parents are called. Step Five: If the disrespectful behavior continues after meeting with a leader, the ne� step is for the counselor and camper to meet with Sandy and/or Will. Changes for the behavior will be clearly stated to insure complete understanding by the camper. Parents will be informed of this meeting. Step Six: If the campe�'s behavior does not change significantly, there will be a second meeting with Sandy and/or Will and the camper will probably be sent home. Parents will be informed of this and a departure time will be established. CQM P WINCATE*KIRKIAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M Q 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .P � 67 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM - __ ,� �AMp . WINGATE � `` KIR �CLAND ,�,,� �� CAM P W INCATE * KIR�(LAND EM Ef�ENCY Pa]CEDUF�S Waterfront Search and Rescue— Lost Swimmer Plan � 1. If a buddy tag is left on the buddy board or if it is determined that there are a different number of tags on the board than campers in the water, the Waterfront Director or the person in charge at the waterfront will blow four short whistle blasts to signify that the water should be cleared. 2. The Waterfront Director or the person in charge of the waterfront shall tell the lookout person to get one of the two horns out of the boat shed and run the upper loop around camp. While running the upper loop the lookout should be blowing the horn. The upper loop consists of the camp road past Redwood, the Health Center, the Office, Lodge 1, the Dining Hall, Lodge 2, Lodge 3, Lodge 4, Lodge 7, Lodge 5, the mail shed, the frog pond field and back to the basketball court. A CIT/the lookout, or person designated by Waterfront Director goes immediately to the Office and gets the clipboard/Sign-Out book, and runs to the Basketball Court. After the runner finishes the upper loop, report back to the waterfront. 3. A second person, preferably not an LGT, will be instructed at the same time to get the other horn from the boat shed and run the lower loop around camp. The lower loop consists of Hilltop, Motel, Joel's Place, Cottage, Lodge 6, the art barn, Lodge 8, Lodge 9, the tennis courts, the beach volleyball court, the softball field, the upper soccer field, the lower soccer field, the archery range, the Leoj, and the campfire site. After the lower loop is run, the runner should report back to the waterfront. 4. Upon hearing the horns, all members of the camp community will proceed as quickly as possible to the basketball court. One of the camp nurses will immediately bring the AED to the waterfront and assist as necessary. As they arrive, bunk counselors will get their campers seated in a line and will quickly count the number of campers present from their bunk to determine if all campers are present. Some bunks will have both/all counselors taking part in the search and rescue at the waterfront. A Leader or other available staff member will count the number of campers if all the bunk's counselors are not available. 5. Will or Sandy will supervise the operation at the basketball court. He or she will take the clipboard and the walkie-talkie from the office and be responsible for communicating with the Leader at the waterfront. It is EXTREMELY important that the waterfront personnel are notified IMMEDIATELY once everyone is accounted for, or it is determined which camper is missing. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YAflM OUTH POflT, M A OP675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2 � 67 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM 6. Janet McGill or a camp Leader will take a walkie-talkie from the office and any cell phone to the waterfront and be responsible for receiving messages from the basketball court and communicating them to the Waterfront Director, or the person in charge of the Search and Rescue procedures. 7. While this is taking place, all staff members who are LGT certified will immediately assemble at the waterfront to begin the Search and Rescue procedures. These procedures are to be led by the Waterfront Director or the person in charge of the waterfront. 8. Once the horn is blown and the waterfront is emptied, the Waterfront Director will assign the first LGT to check underneath the two floating rafts in third crib. The next two LGTs are instructed to check underneath the docks. All remaining LGTs will line up at the first crib rope and wait for further instructions from the WSI in charge. Search and Rescue will start differently if the missing person was checked into 3�d crib. During the entire Search and Rescue the Waterfront Director will have a rescue tube and be standing on the dock between second and third cribs. This is to ensure the maximum safety of the LGTs. 9. At the command of the waterfront director, the LGTs will begin walking through the water, (this will be different if searching for missing person checked into 3�d crib) constantly scanning the bottom. Once the waterfront director feels that they are deep enough, the LGTs will do surface dives to the bottom, swim three strokes, and return to the surface. They should be scanning the bottom the entire time. All lifeguards should come up with their hands above their heads. Once they have reached the surface, they will stroke back to the shallowest person, and then take 2 additional strokes backwards. On the count of the waterfront director, the procedure will continue: a) All campers are accounted for at the basketball court; or b) A victim is discovered —at which point the leader, or the LGT who discovers the victim (if the LGT is not too tired), will attempt an American Red Cross rescue; or c) It is determined that the camper missing at the basketball court is the same one who is missing at the waterfront. If this is the case, the Yarmouth Rescue Squad will be called immediately by the Janet McGill or a camp Leader at the waterfront, or if necessary by the office. 10. In the case of a potential neck and spinal injury, the most qualified lifeguards will initiate the procedures outlined by the American Red Cross. If the lifeguard feels any hesitation about securing the victim to the backboard, he or she should wait for the Yarmouth Rescue Squad to arrive. In this scenario, the victim should remain immobilized in the water. 11.Once everyone is accounted for at the basketball court, the procedure will end and the waterfront director will debrief campers and counselors at the basketball court. 12.This procedure will be revised, reviewed, and rehearsed at least once during staff orientation week, and twice during the summer. CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLANO 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A OP675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCQM PO CAM PWK.COM �4 _ _ '.�J CAMp i.M wi � GATE � � � K � RK�.� N � �.� �� CAM P WINGATE�KIFf4QND EM E�EIVCY Pf�CEDU�S Fire Evacuation Plan When we run the Search and Rescue drill within the first 48 hours of each camp session, it is communicated to the campers and staff that the same procedure applies to fires and other emergencies. 1. If a fire occurs at Camp, we must gather and account for everyone in Camp. 2. As soon as the fire is reported to the office, someone there should call 9-1-1 and report it. Give directions to 20 Linnell Lane and if needed, information about the location and type of fire. 3. The witness will report whether or not he/she knows if any campers or staff might be trapped in the area of the fire. 4. Simultaneously, the nearest person should run to the Office to alert the staff there to begin our emergency procedure. At the Office, he/she should take the red horn hanging on a hook to the right of the door. The person will take the horn and run around Camp and end up at the basketball court (or alternate location depending on the location of the fire). In addition, someone will be instructed to continuously ring the bell at the Office and the Basketball Court, signaling an emergency. 5. Upon hearing the horn, all members of the Camp community will gather at the basketball court, unless the location of the fire makes that impossible. The Frog Pond Field, Tennis Courts and Upper Soccer Fields are alternate locations. 6. As campers and staff arrive, bunk counselors will get their campers seated in a line and will quickly count the number of campers present from their bunk to determine if there are any campers missing. 7. Once everyone is accounted for, everyone should stay there until the fire fighting personnel tell us it is okay to leave. While the emergency procedure is happening, Sandy (or Janet or Will if Sandy is not available) will assign roles to the maintenance crew. He/she will use the office staff and Leaders, as needed. At least one person should go to the Camp entrance at Linnell Lane to help guide the fire trucks to the site of the fire. Others should be assigned to go to the fire location and do as much as possible, without risking his/her own safety. CQM P WINGQTE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAO YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .� � 67 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �� _� .� Natural Disasters (Flood, Lightning, Wildfire, Tornado, Hurricane, etc.) In the event that we can predict the possibility of a natural disaster, Will and Sandy will assign a Leader to stay tuned to local media outlets. If the community is advised by local authorities to evacuate the area, the Camp will do so immetliately. When appropriate, the Camp will follow its standard emergency procedure of blowing the horns and having the entire community gather at the basketball court. Otherwise, Leaders will be sent around Camp to give evacuation or other instructions to the entire community. In case of tornado or high winds: . Go to basement of new bunks (Hilltop, Joel's Place, Cottage) or to Linnell Lane, as instructed. . Stay away from glass enclosed places or areas with wide-span roofs, like the Leoj • Crouch down against the floor and cover the back of your head & neck with your hands • If no suitable structure is nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch or depression and use your hands to cover yourhead In case of flash flooding: . Evacuate low-lying areas (waterfront, Frog Pond, etc.) and go to higher ground (Hill Bunks, Upper Soccer Field, Office) . Do not try to walk through water that is more than ankle deep . If in a vehicle, do not drive through a flooded area , even if it looks shallow enough to cross In case of lightning: . Go to safe shelter immediately . If boating or swimming, get out of the water immediately and go to the Leoj . If out of camp in a wooded area, seek shelter under a thick growth of relatively small trees . If you feel your hair stand on end, squat down with your head between your knees . Avoid isolated trees or other tall objects, bodies of water, sheds or fences • Once inside, avoid using a telephone or other electrical appliances — do not take a shower In case of wildfire: . Listen to local radio or television stations for updated emergency information . Follow the instructions of local officials. Wildfires can change direction and speed suddenly. Local officials can advise you of the safest escape route, which may be different than you expected. • If you are trapped, crouch in the pond. You cannot outrun a fire. . Lie flat and cover your body with wet clothing or soil. . If water is not around look for shelter in a cleared area or among a bed of rocks. . Breathe the air close to the ground through a wet cloth to avoid scorching lungs or inhaling smoke. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YAflM OUTH POflT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CQM PWK.COM caMp . , W ! N GATE � ' �y KI R KLAN D �a�� �� CAM P W INGATE*KIFKLAND EM EfGENCY Pf�CEDUf�'S Carbon Monoxide Evacuation Plan When we run the Search and Rescue drill within the first 48 hours of each Camp session, the Carbon Monoxide Evacuation procedure is reviewed with the campers and staff. 1. If a Carbon Monoxide detector activates, campers and staff should evacuate the building immediately. 2. The counselor in charge should immediately call the Camp office (after hours this phone rings in Sandy &Will's house). 3. As soon as Carbon Monoxide is reported to the office or to Sandy&Will, someone there should call the Yarmouth Fire Department and report it. Give directions to Camp if needed and information about the location. 4. At least one person should go to the Camp entrance at Linnell Lane to help guide the fire truck to the building in question. 5. A second person should be assigned to go to the location and do as much as possible to keep the campers away, without risking his/her own safety. 6. No one should enter the building until the Yarmouth Fire Department gives the approval that it is safe to return inside. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK flOQD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .z267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM � . w caMp �G. � ` � KI KL� NQ WINGATE �,� R �� CAMP WINGATE�KIRKLAND TRANSPORTATION POLICY Emergency Equipment/Forms Every vehicle used to transport campers and staff should be equipped with a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and emergency accessories including reflectors, maps, change for a pay phone. For trips outside the neighboring towns of Barnstable, Brewster, Dennis and Yarmouth, the staff inember accompanying the group must carry health forms for all passengers and a cell phone for emergency communication. A rental agreement or vehicle registration, insurance information, vehicle safety maintenance checklist, and this sheet should be in the vehicle at all times. Vehicle Type/Capacity Campers and staff should only be transported in vehicles designed to carry passengers. They are not permitted to ride in the back of trucks except in an extreme emergency and when directed by appropriate staff (i.e. fire evacuation.) Vehicles should carry only the number of passengers specified by the vehicle manufacturer. There should be a seatbelt for each passenger. A staff inember (adult) must be present in each vehicle. If traveling by bus, this is in addition to the driver. Extra staff and/or aides must be present for campers with disabilities, based on ratios established for persons requiring additional assistance or supervision. (See established camp ratios.) Vehicle Safety Checks Prior to transporting campers, the following must be checked: _ lights _tires _ horn _windshield antl wiper condition _ brakes _ mirrors _ emergency warning systems If any of these areas do not check out, either remedy the situation or do not take the vehicle. Report all vehicle problems to Greg Gorman. Pre Trip Checks Before Using Camp Vehicles • Check all tires for tread wear and proper pressure. . Check to see that the spare tire is in the vehicle and is in good condition with all necessary equipment to make a tire change. . Check to see that a fully equipped first aid kit is in the vehicle. . Check the gas gauge and determine that all gauges, lights and equipment are functioning properly. . Make sure lights, brakes, mirrors, horn, emergency flashers and windshield wipers all work. . To get gas, ask the director for a credit card and bring back a receipt. When getting gas, the driver should check lights, tires, windshield wipers, emergency flashers, horn, oil level and coolant level. Problems should be referred to the Site Manager immediately. CAM P WINCATE *KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM Passenger Orientation Passengers should be instructed in the following safety procedures prior to transporting: . Passengers should remain seated at all times with hands and arms inside vehicle. • Seatbelts should be fastened — one person per seatbelt. . Noise level should be such as to not distract the driver. There should be no throwing of objects or other disruptive behavior. . Passengers should enter and leave the vehicle under the direction of a staff inember and/or driver. If the vehicle makes an emergency stop, passengers should follow directions of staff inember and/or driver and use buddy system if leaving the vehicle. Supervision Ratios All camp trips with campers out of camp in a camp vehicle will have at least 2 counselors with the group. For example, in a 15 passenger van, there could be up to 13 campers and 2 counselors, one of them driving. In general, there should be a ratio of 1 to 8. Exceptions include short trips within the adjacent towns of Yarmouth, Dennis, Barnstable and Brewster: for these short trips, there may be one driver for 10 campers if circumstances are unusual and no other counselor is available. Otherwise, even for short trips there must be an additional counselor in the van, in addition to the driver. Driver Requirements To transport campers or drive camp vehicles off the site, drivers must be 21 years of age and hold valid vehicle operator's license for the size and type of camp vehicle, and have no moving violations for previous 18 months, verified by a background check through DMV. Travel Procedures Vehicles should be kept a safe distance apart if traveling together. It is not recommended that vehicles travel by convoy. Drivers should pre-establish rest stops to check in with each other. All drivers should have maps, complete directions to destination, and appropriate telephone numbers. One driver should be appointed lead driver. On any trip, stops should be made only at acceptable rest stops. After three continuous hours, the vehicle must stop to rotate or rest drivers and rest the passengers. All traffic laws of the state are to be strictly obeyed when transporting campers and staff. Behind The Wheel Training If you are driving a vehicle that you normally do not drive, the camp director will evaluate and determine when additional behind-the-wheel training is required before transporting persons or equipment. (Includes training in vans, camp trucks, buses, and vehicles pulling trailers.) Camper Behavior In larger vehicles, behavior problems should always be the responsibility of adults or staff inembers other than the driver. If the driver is the only staff inember available to handle disruptive behavior and verbal corrections are not successful, he/she should pull off the road in a safe area. Follow established camp discipline procedures. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �_ , Backing Up Because you cannot see everything behind your vehicle, backing up is always dangerous. Avoid backing up whenever you can. When you park, try to park so you will be able to pull forward when you leave. When you have to back, here are a few simple safety rules: 1. Look at your path. 2. Back slowly using your mirrors. 3. Back and turn toward the driver's side whenever possible. 4. Use a helper whenever possible. Loading and Unloading Passengers Load and unload in areas that are free from vehicular traffic unless an emergency. The vehicle should be in park with the emergency brake on and the motor turned off. Loading and unloading will take place in an orderly fashion following directions from staff member. Campers should be directed where to assemble after unloading and kept under supervision of an adult. Refueling Always refuel before getting down to a quarter of a tank. The engine must be turned off to refuel. If transporting campers, they are to remain in the vehicle. Do not allow unsupervised campers to leave the vehicle for any reason. Dealing with Passenger Illness • Administer first aid as needed. Keep the camper comfortable. . If you need to stop, try to do so in an authorized or designated area. . Contact camp about the camper or return to camp as soon as possible and have the camper check in with the Nurse. Accident Procedures If a counselor or staff inember is in an automobile accident, with or without campers in the vehicle, the first priority is to ensure the health and safety of all involved. If there are any injuries to the driver or passengers, call 9-1-1 (of if no phone is available then find a witness and ask him/her to call for help.) If the accident is serious, with any injuries or substantial damage to the vehicles, do not hesitate to call the police. However, if it is a fender-bender with no injuries and limited damage, the driver can simply exchange insurance information with the other driver. In any case, do not admit any liability—try to remain calm and objective, while providing and requesting the required information. Each camp vehicle is equipped with the following: . First Aid Kit . List of Emergency Procedures . Emergency Phone Numbers . Insurance Information . Fire Extinguisher • Reflectors CAM P WINGATE*KIRKIAND 79 WHITE ROCK flOAD YARM OUTH PORT, M Q 02675 TEL 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM r ' � The reflectors should be used if there is any risk of the accident causing a dangerous situation for other drivers or for your passengers. In case of a fire in the vehicle, do not try using the fire e�inguisher. Just move yourself and all campers as far from the automobile as possible. Likewise, any injuries should be treated by professional health care and emergency care providers, rather than with the provided first aid kit. The first aid kit is provided for minor injuries sustained out of camp, such as cuts, scrapes, bug bites, etc. As soon as the situation is under control, call the camp at 508-362-3798 or Sandy & Will at 508-362-3799 and let us know exactly what happened, how everybody is, and what future actions are likely to be taken. If possible, we will have a member of the Leadership Team or maintenance crew come to the site of the accident. Dealing with Vehicular Breakdown 1. Move off the road as far as possible. It's better to drive on a flat tire than park in an unsafe place. 2. Place the transmission in low, reverse or park. Turn off ignition and remove key. 3. Set the emergency brake. 4. Turn on the emergency/hazard blinking lights. 5. If vehicle must stop in nondesignated parking area (ie., the side of the road), carry reflective triangles between yourself and the oncoming traffic when placing reflectors in the following places: a. On the traffic side of the vehicle, within ten feet of the front or rear corners. b. About 100 ft. behind and ahead of the vehicle, upon the shoulder of the lane you are stopped in. c. Back beyond any hill, curve, or other obstruction that prevents other drivers from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet. d. If stopped on or by a oneway or divided highway, place warning devices 20 feet, 100 feet, and 200 feet toward the approaching traffic. 6. If safe to do so, unload passengers and move them well off the roadway away from the vehicle. Make sure campers are supervised at all times by an adult. If evacuation from a bus is necessary, follow established procedures and directions of the staff inember. 7. Contact camp with information about nature of the breakdown and your exact location. Additional help may be requested if needed. One staff inember must stay with the vehicle and campers. Tips for Driving the Camp Vans 1. There is an enormous blind spot in the rear view mirror. With children in the van, the rear view mirror becomes even less useful. Use of the side view mirrors is essential to safe driving. Both mirrors need adjustment before each trip—take the time to do this. 2. A van is heavier in the front than in the back. Therefore, when driving in the rain, the rear section may hydroplane or skid. Extreme caution and slow speed minimizes this possibility. 3. A van is not as controllable as a car. A van corners poorly, so extra caution should be used on entry and exit ramps. 4. When passengers are entering or leaving the vehicle, it should be in park and the engine should be off. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAO YAflM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM � , . Health Forms and Camp Trips For Challenge trips, copies of health forms will be in the First Aid kit which accompany each trip. Any trip out of Camp, whether by car or foot, that is in the town of Yarmouth, or the nearby towns of Barnstable, Brewster or Dennis do not require health forms. All other trips require them. On all trips out of camp, a minimum of 2 staff inembers must be present, one of whom may be a CIT. All boating trips, no matter what town, require health forms. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WNITE ROCK ROQD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �a M�► . W ! N GATE � ` K � R KLAN D a�� �� � CAMP WiNGATE�KIRKLAND WATERFRONT PROCEDURES 1. The waterfront is completely off-limits unless a person or persons with WSI, LGT, CPR and first aid certifications is/are present and the waterfront gate is open. 2. Campers must only enter the waterfront area through the main gate. 3. No camper can enter the water for any purpose unless a lookout is present and attentive in the lookout tower. 4. All campers will be tested on the first day of programming to determine his/her swimming ability. This placement is only to be done by certified WSIs. 5. Every camper will, after crib placement, have a buddy tag with his/her name, bunk, crib placement and boating designations on it. Before entering the water for any reason, a camper must hand his/her buddy tag to a staff inember who will place the tag on the active buddy board. This is to let the lifeguards determine how many people are supposed to be in . the water at any given time. Upon exiting the water, campers will ask a counselor to remove his/her buddy tag from the active buddy board. Campers do not remove their own tags. This procedure appties for all aquatic activities — including swimming, boating, nature and any other activities being done on the waterfront — during both instructional and general swi m ti mes. 6. The waterfront should close immediately at the first sign of thunder or lightning. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �AMp . , WINGATE �-,'�: KIRKLAND �� CAMP WINGATE*KIRKLAND WATERFRONT DIRECTOR The Camp Wingate*Kirkland Waterfront during the 2012 summer will be under the direction of Erica Davidow & Marissa Diaz. Erica and Marissa are both certified in Water Safety Instruction, Lifeguartl Guard and CPR. The Waterfront Director is responsible for planning, directing and supervising the Camp's waterfront program. The number one goal of the Waterfront Director, at all times, and regartlless of any other demands on his or her time, is the safety of every camper and staff inember in relation to waterfront activities. The importance of this primary goal cannot be emphasizetl enough. Other responsibilities include helping the winter staff with recruitment and training of waterfront staff, teaching waterfront staff their responsibilities for the summer regartling instruction and general swim times; teach staff and campers the rules and regulations of the waterfront including the use of the Buddy Board; teach staff and campers, by lecture and demonstration, the Camp's emergency procedures; teach staff and campers the proper use of waterfront equipment inclutling life preservers antl boats; check all waterfront equipment daily for safety, cleanliness and good repair. In addition, the Waterfront Director is has overall responsibility to set up and oversee the instructional swim program at the Camp. This inclutles the initial placement within 24 hours of campers' arrival, assigning swim groups and instructors, keeping records on progress and recognizing achievements publicly. In addition, the Waterfront Director is responsible for the development and evaluation of the aquatic teaching abilities of the waterfront staff. In addition the Waterfront Director is responsible to be familiar with all ACA Standards that relate to the aquatic activities, both in and out of Camp, and to make sure we are in compliance at all times with each Standard. If the Camp is not in compliance, the Waterfront Director's responsibility is to remedy the situation immetliately or to inform the Camp directors right away. The waterfront is especially risky during general swim times and the Waterfront Director is responsible to follow all waterfront regulations to ensure camper and staff safety. If at any time, the Waterfront Director feels that there is inadequate supervision or faulty procedures, he or she should immediately consult with the Camp Directors. The Waterfront Director is responsible for ensuring that the waterfront area is neat and clean at all times. Given the high risk in the waterfront area, it is vital to have a neat waterfront to project an image of order and safety. The waterfront should be clean and organized before closing it each day. This includes the tlocks, boats, boathouse supplies and anything else found in the waterfront. Any environmental or other hazards should always be eliminated immediately or managed according to agreed upon procedures. The Waterfront Director reports to Sandy &Will Rubenstein, Camp Directors. CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE flOCK ROQD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2P67 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM Cp�yp' , w � � Ga� E � �+ KiRK �ANQ �� �� C'�►M P WINGATE�4Fi�4�►ND HAZAf�OUS M ATERALS All gas and flammable liquids, explosives, and hazardous or poisonous materials may only be handled by Site Staff who have been trained specifically by Christopher Berardi, Camp Wingate*Kirkland Site Manager. Training includes the handling and disposal of fuels used to power maintenance equipment. All dangerous substances are kept under lock in the "Gas Shed" located in the Maintenance Barn area. All dangerous substances must always be kept in a safe and locked cabinet located under the main building, and must be kept separate from food at all times. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M QIL HEYCQM PO CQM PWK.COM �AMp i.1. WINGATE � �` � KIRKl.AND ��,��' �� CA MP WINGAT E�*KIRKLA ND A RCHERY RA NGE RULES 1. Only a counselor who has completed a Camp-certified archery course during Orientation may lead and supervise an archery period. 2. Only six archers shoot at a time; all other campers stand behind the archers 3. Campers are not allowed in the shed where archery materials are kept. 4. Always pay attention and stay alert 5. Range Commander (R.C.) will use a whistle system to communicate commands to campers. 6. Nock an arrow only when the Range Commander gives the command and a. You are standing over the shooting line b. You are facing the target and c. You are sure in your own mind that the area is clear 7. Aim and fire only at the target. 8. Before firing an arrow make sure it is in good condition. If it is not in good condition, give it to a counselor in charge. 9. The arrows should be in the quiver unless knocking or shooting it. 10.PIace bow on the ground quiver when done firing. 11.Bows, arrows and quiver should be on the firing line unless taking equipment out or putting it away. 12.When not shooting, sit quietly on the bench (at the waiting line). 13.Always use proper stance and proper knocking grip. 14.Always listen for the grange officer and respond immediately to his/her commands. 15.Retrieve arrows only when instructed to do so. If an arrow falls ahead of the firing line, wait to retrieve it until given the signal. 16.Check your bow to be sure it is in good condition and that the arrows are straight and have all proper feathers. Check your bow tips to be sure the string is securely attached. CAM P WINCATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAO YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM C A M l� :. WI IV GATE � � ` s KI R KLAN D f�� "'T'� C4M P 1MNGATE*KIR�4QND HOf�EBACK RDING Camp Wingate*Kirkland contracts Sea Horse Farm, a licensed stable located in Dennis, Massachusetts to provide Horseback Riding lessons for our campers. Horseback riding is an ala carte program, only offered to campers who sign up prior to the beginning of Camp. Horseback riding is available once a week to 18 campers (six attend at a time). For the six Camp Wingate*Kirkland campers, Seahorse Farms provides 2 or 3 instructors, all of whom have been qualified by Seahorse Farms to instruct. Most instructors are certified. Some are apprentices, seasoned riders who are learning under the guidance of trained instructors. Marcia Nugent, the farm's director, has been running this farm for 2 years, and horse farms for 15 years. All horses are monitored on a daily basis. They are deemed unsuitable for riding based upon health, soundness, lack of training, aggressive behavior, biting, bucking, and kicking. Equipment is checked on a daily basis, prior to campers' lessons. Equipment is repaired as needed and replaced every two or three years. Campers are required to wear riding helmets supplied by Seahorse Farms. Campers are also required to wear boots with heels and long pants. Prior to departure from Camp, the staff person chaperoning the group will ensure that all horseback riding participants are dressed properly. : CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YAflM OUTH PORT, M Q OP675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM G p M�o' . WI � GATE � ` .�� �CIRKLAND ,t�` �� CAMPWINGATE�KIRKLAND POWERTOOL POLICY Power tools may only be used by the Camp Wingate*Kirkland Site Staff, who are trained to do so, and by any other staff inember or camper who has been approved by Christopher Berardi, Site Manager. All power tools used by the Site Staff for Camp maintenance and renovations are locked up in the Maintenance Barn. Campers and counselors are not permitted to enter the Maintenance Barn without approval and supervision of a Site Staff inember. Campers who wish to use power tools in areas such as Woodshop or Arts & Crafts area must always first be instructed and observed by a staff inember who has been approved to teach the use of such tools. Safety rules are posted in both program areas. Campers may not enter the Woodshop without supervision from a designated Woodshop staff person. All tools must be kept in good condition at all times, and those in disrepair must either be immediately fixed or discarded. At all times, ANY ONE using a power tool must observe the proper safety methods, including wearing eye protection and any other necessary safety equipment. CAM P WINGATE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �AMp � 1MINGATE �- ` r KiRKLAND �� �� CAMP WINGATE�KIRKLAND SMOKE DE7ECTOR POLICY All of the residential buildings at Camp Wingate*Kirkland are equipped with hard-wired smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. They are inspected by Sandy Rubenstein, or a trained member of the site staff, to ensure that they are in working order once in March and again in June. CAM P WINCQTE*KIRKLQND 79 WHITE ROCK ROQD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 0 � 675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM �aMR , W ! N GATE � ` �� Ki R Kl.A N D �.� �� CAM P WINGATE*KIF�►ND IQUNDR� POU�C1( Cape Cod Laundry Center of Yarmouth is contracted by Camp Wingate*Kirkland to provide laundry services for our campers. Once a week, laundry is delivered by a Wingate*Kirkland employee to the Laundry Center. Laundry is wash, dried and folded by a Laundry Center Staff. The follow day, a Camp Wingate*Kirkland Staff member will pick up the laundry and return it to Camp. Campers must use their own bedding and towels. CAM P WINCQTE*KIRKLAND 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD YQRM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2 � 67 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CQM PWK.COM ' r ..�- I . ; - � CAMp ,. , wi � GATE �- � Ki R K �a N Q �,,� �� � SPECIAL CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR DAY CAMPS � + Children who are reaistered and on the camp roll but fail to arrive for a ivq en day's activities iThe Day Camp Director or day camp staff member checking in campers will notify the camp office after a reasonable time (ten � minutes) that a registered camper has failed to arrive. The camp office wiil contact the Parent/Guardian via phone using the information available on the Emergency Notification Card for that child. The camp office will keep the Day Camp Director appraised of the information gleaned ( camper delayed,sick). Children who fail to arrive at the point of pickup following a given dav's activities The Day Camp Staff will notify the camp office and the Procedure for Lost Camper plan will be initiated immediately. (see attached) Children who appear at camp without having registered and without prior notification The Day Camp Staff will notify the camp office and bring there any unregistered child. Office staff will call the Parent/Guardian who dropped off the child and arrangements will be made to register the child over the phone or to have the child picked up. The child will wait at the camp o�ice until registered or picked up. CQM P WINCATE*KIRKLQND 79 WHITE flOCK ROAD YARM OUTH PORT, M A 02675 TEL• 888 .71 4 .2267 E-M AIL• HEYCAM PO CAM PWK.COM