HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecreational Camp for Children Inspection Report r
NAME OF CAMP: �'�/1� /,�t� c�e -��� �D�ss: � ,�� ,�ar< 12cC��
Day �e i ential �?��
(Sport/No�ort) � /
Swimming Pool:Ye No
VGB Compliance Letter: S,� ^^n j���
Yes No � "-'"`T R� '
"No"column= "�"marked below indicates a violation of 430.000.
"Yes"column= "�"marked below indicates compliance with provision of 430.000.
"N/A"column= "�"marked below indicates that the rovision of 430.000 is not a licable to this cam .
.451 Current Certificate(s)of Occupancy from local
buildin ins ector for slee in assembl areas 6�
.215 Written com liance from local fire de t
.633 Cam license osted in rominent location
.300(A)(2)(a) Private water supply-DEP approval(>25 ���
o le,>60 da s/
.300(A)(2)(b) Private water supply-BOH approval and ��
chemical and bacterial analyses �
<25 0 le,<60da s/
Plans and Policies-Written
.090(A) Procedures for background review of staff and
volunteers Available/Followed d�
.090(C) CORI and SORI ,previous work history,
3 references,out of state/international criminal (�
back round checks for staff
.090(D) CORI and SORI,previous work history,
3 references,out of sta.te/international criminal ��
background checks for volunteers
-CITs a in cam or un aid volunteers
.090 Back ound information maintained for 3 ears
.090(F) Received,reviewed,and made determination
in re ards to all back ound information f>�
.091 Staff and volunteer orientation lan and review
.093 Abuse and neglect prevention/reporting
rocedures G'�
.191(B)(C) Discipline Policy with:appropriate discipline
methods and rohibitions ��
.210(A) Fire evacuation plan and drills �I
-Drills conducted within the first 24 hours of each session �
.210(B) Disaster Plan �
-Includin information on trans rtation
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 1 of 12
.210 C Lost Cam er Plan ►G
.210 C Lost Swimmer Plan Gt._
.210 Traffic Control Plan O
Contin enc lans-Da Cam :
.211 A Cam r doesn't show u for cam p�L.
Cam er doesn't show u at int of ick u c�C.
C Child not re istered arrives K..
Contingency plans-Primitive,Travel and
.212 A Itiner dail -co rovided to arents
Source of emer enc care
Cam er release:
.190(B) Camper released only to parents or parent-
designated individual in writing 0 `�--
-Other plan- a proved in writin by BOH
Promotional Literature and Informational Packets
.159(B)(2) Copy of policy re: care of mildly ill campers,
administration of ineds and emergency health (�
care rovision
.190(C) Statement re:regulatory compliance and ��
.190(D) Inform parents of right to review background
check,health care,discipline policies and ��
'evance rocedures u n re uest
Trans ortation
.250 Vehicle must comply with MGLc.90 s7B&7D:
<14 passengers and driver is camp coach,
director,etc.private vehicles may be used � �
>14 passengers,vehicle must be school bus
All vehicles must be RMV com liant
.253 Pro er automobile insurance
.251(C)(F) Seatbelts must be worn and special needs of ��
cam rs communicated to driver
.251(I� Camper<7yrs not transported longer than 1 hr
to or from cam ��(
Staff ualifications
Cam Director:
.102(A) Residential Camp:25 yrs,completed course in �,r t��/ �-
camp administration or at least 2 seasons of b� �Z, p`���,,,,
ex rience
.102(B) Day Camp: 21 yrs,completed camp
administration course or 2 seasons of ex rience �
.102(C) Primitive,Travel,Trip: 21 yrs and proof of �j�
ex rience �
.102(D) Designated substitute when director off-site>12
n�s o I�
-Sub must meet criteria above
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 2 of 12
Counselors/Junior Counselors:
.100 Day camps,non-sport:
Counselor�l6 rs. Junior Counselor=l5 s. d�
.100 Other camps: Counselors= 18 yrs or graduated � ,-y� � �
from hi school.Junior Counselors= l6 rs
.100 All counselors 3 older than cam ers ol��
Re uired Counselor Ratios:
.101(A) Residential and Day Camps: �,�s„f /Gy —
1 staff per 10 kids over 6 yrs (��-
1 staff r 5 cam ers 6 rs and under y 1r � = �'/
.1 O 1(B) Primitive,Travel,Trip:
1 counselor r 10 cam ers.2 counselor min �
.101(C) Special Needs:
1 counselor per 4 mildly disabled campers Q �
1 counselor r 2 severel disabled cam ers
.103 Aquatics Director:
Name �,,�'}�, I�qVi�C�.�one
American Red Cross Lifeguard Trng cert.,CPR
for Professional Rescuer and First Aid Cert. or �,L.
their equivalents
-If su ervise 2 staff,21 and e erience w/man ement
.103 Lifeguard: American Red Cross Lifeguard
Trng cert.,CPR for Professional Rescuer cert. � �
and First Aid Cert.or their equivalents
-List names
.103 Certifications for other high-risk activities,eg:
NRA instructor certification for firearms. (,��
-List Names and Certifications:
.252 Camp vehicle drivers: 18yrs,2yrs driving
experience,current license for type of vehicle ('�
-First Aid certified if no other trained staff aboard
Medical Personnel,Records,and Facilities
.159(A) Health Care Consultant
e:_�te_ �,r Gne.i� ��U�/9
NID NP PA(w/pediatric training)
Check for Health Care Consultant Agreement �
• Review and approve first aid training of staff
• HCC available for consolations at all times
� Si ed written orders for HS
.159(C) Health Supervisor(on site at all times)
18yrs,First Aid an CPR certified OR,
-special needs or residential with>150 staff and campers
must have health rofessional
.159(B) Health Care Policy
� Approved by LBOH and HCC �
• Policy provided to all full time staff during
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 3 of 12
.160 A Medication stored in ori inal containers O
.160(B) Meds stored in secured cabinet and if necessary
refrigerated in box affixed to refrigerator(if no
secondary lock) ��.
• Cabinet used for no other purpose
� Refri erator tem erahzre 38 to 42°F
.160(C) Medication adlninistered by Health Supervisor
� HCC written aclrnowledgement of all �
medications administered at eh camp(if HS is �
• Written remisin from arend dian
.154 Injury Reports completed for fatality or serious
iri .Co sent to MDPH within 7 da s �3�-
.155 Medicallog book-bound,pre-numbered pages, �
ink entries,no ski d lines
.161(A) Infirmary provided-day and resident camps
• Clearly Labeled as Infirmary/Medical Area ��
• Exterior li t residential Cam s
.453 Li tin rovided in'
.161(B) Area for isolation of ill child-Residential Camps
• Not used for an other ose G�
.161(C) First Aid K1t: non-perfiuned soap,sterile gauze
squares,compresses,adhesive tape,bandage scissors, �
triangular and rolled bandages,CPR mask,tweezers,cold
ack, loves.
.150 Health record for each camper and staff: Number of records checked:
-emergency contact info
-camper<18 yrs must ha�e written parental Number of ined/care
-Permission for meds and emergency care
Residential,Sport,TraveUTrip: pernussions missing:
-Health History,Physical Exam(<2yrs)
-Record of Immunizations(noted below)
Day Camp Non-Sport• Number health history/exam
-Health History signed by parenUguardian or physician missing:
-Record of Immunizations(noted below)
.152(A) Campers and staff under 18yrs: Number of records checked:
-NIlVII2: 1�`dose= 12 mos or older,
-Measles:2°ddose=grades K-12 or age equiv Vaccination records missing:
-Polio:3 doses IPV or OPV,
or 4 doses mix Il'V/OPV
-Diphtheria,Tetanus Toxoids,and Pertussis*: Number of missing
4 doses DTaP/DTP/DT or,
3 doses of Td
Campers and Staff>7 years
*Booster dose of Td: Number of missing
-grades 7-10 need booster if>Syrs since last dose of
-grades 11-12 need booster if more than 10 yrs Number of missing
since last dose of DTaP/DTP/DT/Td
-He B: 3 doses if born on or after 1/1/92
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 4 of 12
.152(B) Campers and staff 18 yrs or older: Number of records checked:
-Measles:2 doses(exempt if born before 1957)
-Mumps: 1 dose (exempt if born before 1957) Vaccination records missing:
-Rubella: 1 dose (exempt if born before 1957)
-Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids*:
3 doses DTaP/DTP/DT/Td Number of missing '
*Booster dose of Td:
-If more than 10 yrs since last dose
Number of missing •
.190(A) Activities and physical environtnent meet the
needs of campers;do not pose hazard to health ��
and safe
.163 O rator encour es sun rotection for a11
A uatics•
.430 Swimming Pool: in compliance with 105 CMR �
- ermit sted
.204(B) Bathing Beach: in compliance with 105 CMR
445.00 �
-weekl water sam lin conducted/available
.103 Proper supervision at swimming venue: � ` j U
1 lifeguard per 25 campers �,�
1 counselor per 10 campers � `_ /�d
-Plan to check swimmers-"budd s stem"
.204(A) Swimming areas clean and safe,no swimming D�
at undesi ted sites or at ni t without li tin
.204 C Swim test to classi swimmers b abili Ol�
.204 Piers and floats in ood re air dG�
.204(G) Watercraft: equipped with US Coast Guard
approved flotation devices and worn by a11 � �
campers and staff participating in watercraft
.204(I� Campers must be certified by American Red
Cross or equivalent for white water,hazardous (��
salt or fresh water activities
.103(C) Minimum 2 counselors in separate watercraft O�
supervising white water,hazardous salt or fresh
water activities
Arts and Crafts:
.205 Equipment in good repair,safety precautions b�
Pla ound and AthleNc E ui ment:
.206 Equipment properly maintained,fields/surfaces ��d
free of holes/accident hazards
.206 Playground equipment secure,no concrete �
under/around it, liable swin seats
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 5 of 12
Horseback Ridin •
.208(A) 1 certified instructor per 10 campers(Min.2 � �
.208 A Riders must wear hard hat
.208 Licensed stable
.201 Sin le shot rifles onl
.201 Shootin ran e awa from other activi areas
.201 Firearms in good condition,stored in locked x
cabinet.Ammunition locked in se arate cabinet
Arche :
.202 Equipment in good condition,stored in locked �
.202 Range away from other activity areas,clearly
marked as danger area.Must have common �(�
firin line and 25 azds clearance behind tar ets
.203 No ersonal wea ns,bows,rifles allowed
Cabins Structures,and Facilities
All Structures•
.216 Smoke detectors rovided in all structures
.453 Lighting provided in:
-kitchen and dining room
-toilet rooms �
-stairwa s
.454 Floors maintained in a11 shuctures
.455/.456 Egresses comply with Bldg. Code and are free
from obstruction o�-
Da Cam Shelters•
.457 Day Camp provides shelter for on-going camp
activities 6� '
Residential Cam s-Slee in Areas:
.452 Screens and self-closin screen door rovided a
.458 Provide adequate space:
-40sqft/person in single bed jy(,L
-35sqft/person in bunk bed
-50 ft/ erson in sle in area r uirin s ecial ui ment
.459 Campers and staff with limited mobility housed
on ground level with egresses leading to grade �
or ram rovided
.470 Bed or cot provided to each person with:
-6 feet between sleeper's heads �
-3 feet between single beds or 4'n feet between bunks
-Tri le bunk beds are rohibited
.217 Fire-retardant and non-toxic
-No o flame nearb �
.458 35 ft/ erson in tent
Toilets and Showers:
.301 Plumbin in ood workin order �
.302 Cross-connections
430-Rec Camp-Inspection Notes-Revised 8-20-10 Page 6 of 12
.360 Pro r sewa e dis sa1
.370 Adequate#of toilets:
-All camps:2 toilets/privy seats for each gender
-Day Camp:>60 of one se�c,provide 1 addirional toilet per ��{/
every 30 people of that gender ��"'
-Non-Day Camp:>20 of one sex,provide 1 additional
toilet er eve 10 eo le of that ender
.373 Adequa.te#of sinks:
-Day Camp: 1 per every 30 people �
-Residential Cam : 1 ev 30
.374 Adequate#of showers:
-Residential Cam : 1 shower or tub er 20 le
.375 Toilets and shower rooms ventilated to exterior
.376 Hot water at sinks,showers,or tubs not more
than 112°F
.377 Sanitary facilities maintained in clean condition- �,/
Shower room floors washed dail K
.378/.380 Special needs campers provided facilities that
meet their needs
.162 Residential Cam :Laun facilities rovided
.472 Bedding and towels laundered;no common
towels, sheets washed every 7 days, sleeping
ba s a.ired out eve 5 da s
.165 Tobacco use restricted to designated areas not
accessible to cam rs
.207 Proper storage and operation of power
e ui ment
.209 Telephone readily available:
-with emergency contact number posted:HCC,EMS,
-Da and Residential Cam s onl
.213 Emer enc communication s stem
.214(A) Flammable and hazardous materials labeled and
stored in locked unoccu ied buildin
214 Stora e of cleanin and other chemicals
.300 Potable water rovided
.300/.304 Adequate and centralized drinking water
-No common drinkin cu s
.350/.355 Pro er stora e and dis osal of solid waste
.400 A Rodent and insect infestation
.400(B) Rodent and insect control plan:
-Pro er externunation method
.401 A Weed and noxious lant control '
.450(A)(D) Site location does not cause undue traffic
hazards and is accessible at a11 times
.450(B) Site location not located where surface drainage
conditions create no health or safe hazard
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Food Service
.320 Food service in compliance with 105 CMR
590.000,Minimum Standards for Food
Establishments.Pernut posted in food service
.330 Nutritious meals that include a variety of foods
served. Menus osted
.331 Residential camps—Provide at least three
nutritious meals. Foods must meet
Recommended Die Allowances A
.332 Day camps—Each meal provided must meet 1/3
of the RDA re uirements
.334 Adequately trained staff and equipment
provided to ensure handicapped campers are
eatin nutritious meals
.335 Proper methods for storing meals brought from
home. Meals provided to campers who arrive
without a ba lunch
.452 Screening provided for food preparation and
food service areas. Screen doors must be self-
.453 Li htin rovided in kitchen and dinin area
.471 Slee in rohibited in food areas
- 1 S fi I-i��.F '
� � �J�^ �
. �
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