HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Mar - Letter Re: Camp Wingate-Kirkland; Regulation Info; Email from S.Rubenstein � f • . O��Y`��� �� ;_ : o TOWN OF YARMOUTH 0 '"3 1 146 ROL'"I'E 28 SOUTH�:-�Ri�10tiTH �I�1SS.�CHL'SETTS 02664-4451 � MATTAGMEES � C� �,i.,..�.�to�,��� Telephone �508} 398-2231, Ext. 1241 -- Pax (508) iG��-3472 '�a B O A R D O F H E A L T H March 9,2010 Mr. and Mrs. Will Rubenstein 20 Linnell Lane Yarmouth Port MA 02675 RE: Camp Wingate/Kirkland 79 White Rock Road, Yarmouth Port Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rubenstein: T'his letter is in response to your request for clarification of the period of operation for Camp Wingate/Kirkland. The Massachusetts state camp regulation specifies a camp "operates for any period of time between June 1 and September 30 of any year or not more than 14 consecu�tive days during any other time of the year." I am aware that Nature's Classroom uses the camp on Monday through Friday in the spring and fall. From a review of the camp operation and in speaking with Sandy, I have determined that the camp is operating within state camp regulations. If you should have any questions, please contact me at the telephone number printed above. I can be reached on Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM during regularly scheduled office hours. Sincerely, Bruce G. Murphy, MPH Health Director BGM/mar cc: File 105 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 430.020: continued Garbaee means the animal, vegetable or other organic waste resulting from the handling, preparing,cooking,consumption or cultivation of food,and containers and cans which have contained food unless such containers and cans have been cleaned or prepared for recycling. Habitation means that portion inside a building,tent,or other structure which is used for living, sleeping,cooking,or consumption of food. Health Supervisor means that person on the staff of a recreational camp for children who is responsible for the day to day operation of the health program or component. Junior Counselor means an individual who assists counselors in the performance of their duties, but who is not exclusively responsible for them without the presence of a counselor or instructor. Medical Specialtv Camv means a camp, which has one of its defined purposes to provide programs for campers with specific medicaUhealth needs. A MildlY Disabled Camper means a camper who can function on his or her own in providing total self care but needs assistance in other camp activities. Operator means an owner of a recreational camp for children and shall include any individual (1) who alone or jointly or severally with others owns a recreational camp for children or (2) has care,charge or control of a recreational camp for children as agent or lessee of the owner or as an independent contractor. The camp director shall also be responsible as if he were the operator. Primitive or Outpost Camn means a portion of the permanent camp premises or other site at which the basic needs for camp operation such as places of abode,water supply systems and permanent toilet and cooking facilities are not usually provided. Qualified Dietitian means a person who is eligible for registration by the American Dietetic Association or has at least a baccalaureate degree in food and nutrition,dietetics,or food service management. Recreational Cam,p for Children means any day,primitive or outpost,residential,sports,travel or trip camp conducted wholly or in part for recreation or recreational instruction which: (1) operates for profit or philanthropic or charitable purposes, whether or not a fee is charged; ���� (2) serves five or more children who are not members of the family or personal guests of 5�-�� ����-,�`� the operator;and � (3) operates for any period of rime between June 1 and September 30 of any year or not �� . C more than 14 consecutive days during any other time of the year. (`� � (4) Recreational Camp for Children shall also mean any program which promotes or advertises itself as a camp,even if it does not meet the criteria listed above. Provided that it is not promoted or advertised as a camp,none of the following shall be deemed to be a recreational camp for children: (a) a child care program licensed by the Office of Child Care Services in accordance with M.G.L.a 28A§ 10; (b) single purpose classes,workshops, clinics or programs sponsored by municipal recreation departments,or neighborhood playgrounds designed to serve primary play interests and needs of children,as well as affording limited recreation opportunities for all people of a residential neighborhood,whether supervised or unsupervised,located on municipal on non-municipal property,whether registration is required or participation is on a drop-in basis as provided in M.G.L.c. 1 I 1,§ 127A; (c) a program operated solely on a drop-in basis; (d) a classroom based instructional program provided that no specialized or high risk activities See 105 CMR 430.103)are conducted as part of the program; (e) a summer school program accredited by a recognized educational accreditation agency, where the accreditation includes standards for specialized and high risk activities, if the program involves such activities (See 105 CMR 430.130), and the summer program meets those accreditation standards. 8/15/03 105 CMR- 1718 (B}The operator shall develop and foliow written procedures for reporting of any suspected �' incidents of child abuse and neglect in accordance with procedures described in M.G.L. c. 119, §51A. The procedures shall include: (1) All staff shall immediateiy report any suspected child abuse or neglect.The report shall be made either to the Massachusetts Department of Social Services or to the camp director. (2) The camp director shall immediately report suspected abuse or neglect to the Massachusetts Depa�tment of Social Services. (3)The camp director shall notify the board of health if a 51A report alleging abuse or neglect of a chifd while in the care of the recreational camp for children or during a program related activity is,filed. The 51A report itself shall not be forwarded to the Board af Heaith. (C)The operator shall cooperate in all official investigations of abuse and neglect alleged to have occurred at the camp, including identifying parents of campers currently or previausly enrolled in the camp who may have been in contact with the subject of the investigation. (D}The operator shall ensure that an allegedly abusive or neglectful staff person does not work directly with campers until the Massachusetts Department of Soaal Services investigation is compteted. 430.100: Camp Caunselor Requirements and Junior Counselor Requirements (A)Each counselor in a recreatianal camp for children shall: ( I }have at least four weelcs experience as a participant in structured group camping and/or at least four weetcs experience in a supervisor role with chiWren; or (2j have satisfactorily completed a camp counselor orientation program prior to the arrival of campers. '''�"'s""" � �, (B) Each junior counselor in a recreational camp for childre�shall have satisfactorily completed a junior counselor orientation program prior to the arrival of campers. (C} The age of counselors shall be as fotlows: (1)in residential, primitive, sports,travel,trip and special needs camps: (a) counselors shall have attained 18 years of age or have graduated from high school; (b)junior counselors shalt have attained 16 years of age; (2) In a day camp (a)counselors shall have attained 16 years of age; (b)junior counselors shal!have attained 15 years of age. (3)RII counselors and junior counselors shall be at least three years older than the campers whom they supervise. (D)For the purpose of 105 CMR 430.000, age shall be determined at the start of the camp season. 430.101: Required Ratio of Supervisory Staff or Counselors to Campers Each recreational camp for children shall have the following minimum ratio of counselors to campers: (A)Residential and Day Camps. Residential and day camps shall have at least one supervisory staff person for every ten campers over the age of six. There shall be one supervisory staff person for every five campers age six or under. Junior counselors may be included in meeting up to one half of the camperlstaff ratio within each unit, living or general activity group, but only if they have received training and supervision to verify their ability to handle camper groups independently. � (B) Primitive, Travel and Trip Camps. Each primitive,travel and trip camp shall have at least one counselor for every ten campers,with a minimum of two counselors. consecutive overnights and meets the definition of a recreationai camp for children. �' Rubbish means combustibie and noncombustibie waste materials, except garbage, and includes but is not limited to such materiai as paper, rags, cartons, boxes,wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, grass clippings,tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery, dust and the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, and other combustible materials. Severely-Disabied Camper means a camper who needs assistance in self-care and camp activities. Sports means athietic activities including, but not limited to, football,soccet, dance, baseball, gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding,tennis, skating and basketball. Sports Camp means, a program which operates for two or more hours per day with a primary focus on one or more sports activities and meets the definition of a day or residential camp for children. Staff means any individual empioyeci by or pertorming services as a volunteer for a recrea#ional camp for children and who may come into cor►tact vvith campers, including but not limited to a camp director, camp counselor,junior counselor, heatth supervisor,camp physician, camp nurse, bus driver, cook,dishwasher, maintenance person, and caretaker. Stairway means any group of stairs having three or more risers. Supervisory Staff means those persons with the responsibility, authority and training to provide direct supervision to camper groups. This may include counselors,junior counselors,general activity leaders or other staff,who provide supervision to campers without assistance. Swimming and Diving Areas means and includes those aquatic facilities and operations ''" �> generally known as swimming pools, wading pools, diving tanks, beaches, rivers, lakes, other natural bodies of water and similar areas and facilities. Swimming Pool means and includes every artificial pool of water having a depth of two feet or more at any point and used for swimming or bathing, located indoors or outdoors, together with equipment, land, decks and appu�tenances used in connection with the pool. Tent means any structure of which 25%or more of the roof or walls or both are constructed of canvas, or covered or protected by any fabric material. Travel Camp means a program which provides care for not less than a 72-hour period, uses motorized transportation to move campers as a group from one site to another and meets the definition of a recreational camp for children. Trip Camp means a program which provides care for not less than a 72-hour period, moves campers under their own power or by a transportation mode permitting individual guidance of a vessel,vehicle or animal from one site to another and meets the definition oi a recreational camp for children. Trip camp includes,for example, a program which leads campers by bicycle, canoe or horseback ftom one site to another. 430.090: Employment Background Information (A)The operator shall develop and follow written procedures for the review' of the bacl�qround of each staff person who may have unsupervised contact with a camper. (B)Each staff person who may have unsupervised contact with the campers, shall have a background free of condud which bears adversely upon his or her ability to provide for the safety and well-being of the campers. The operator shall determine, whether each staff person's conduct, criminal or otherwise, shall disqualify that person from emptoyment or presence at the camp. In making this dete�mination,the operator shaU consider the following: �..CMR 430.000:MINIMUM SANITATION AND SAFETY STANDARDS FOR R�CREATIONAL CAMPS FOR CHILDREN (STATE SANITARY CODE: CHAPTER IV) Section 430.001: Purpose 430.002: Authority 430.003: Citation 430.010: Scope 430.020: Definitions 430.090: Employment Background Information 430.091: Staff Orientation 430.093: Prevention of Abuse and Neglect 430.100: Camp Counselor and Junior Counselor Requirements 430.101: Required Ratio of Supervisory Staff or Counselors to Campers 430.102: Camp Director Requirements 430.103: Supervision of Specialized Activities � 43E1:'150: Health Records 430.151: Physical Examinations by Physician and Certificate of Immunization 430.152: Required Immunizations 430.153: Physical Examinations or Immunizations Excepted 430.154: Injury Reports 430.155: Medical Log 430.156: Availability of Health Records and Logs 430.157: Communicable Disease Reporting 430.158: Rep�tting of Outbreak of Disease '" ���,15g: H�Care Staff to be Provided .160: �'�age and Administration of Medication 430.161: Emergency/Medical Facilities and Equipment 430.162: Personal Hygiene and Laundry 430.163: Protection From the Sun 460.165: Tobacco Use 430.190: General Program Requirements 430.191: Requirements for Discipline 430.201: Riflery Program Requirements 430.202: Archery Program Requirements 430.203: Personal Weapons Restricted 430.204:Waterfront and Boating Program Requirements 430.205: Crafts Equipment 430.206: Playground and Athletic Equipment and Facilities Requirements 430.207: Storage and Operation of Power Equipment 430.208: Horseback Riding Program Requirements 430.209: Telephones Required 430.210: Plans Required to Deal with Natural Disasters or Other Emergency(Residential and Day Camps) 430.211: Special Contingency Plans for Day Camps 430.212: Emergency Procedures-Primitive, Travel and Trip Camps 430.213: Emergency Communication System Required 430214: Storage of Hazardous Materials 430.215: Fire Prevention 430.216: Smoke Detectors Required 430.217: Requirements for Tents 430.250: Vehicles Requirements 430.251: Transportation Safety 430.252: Glualifications of Driver '�0.253: Automobile Insurance �, J.300: Potable Water Required 430.301: Installation and Maintenance of Pl�mbing 430.302: Cross Connedions Prohibited ` • ' Page 1 of 1 Murphy, Bruce From: Sandy Rubenstein [sandy@campwk.com] Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:05 PM To: Murphy, Bruce Subject: Camp Wingate*Kirkland Letter �,.�._.�..m.,.. Dear Bruce - Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me last week. Will&I appreciate your continued support of us, Camp Wingate*Kirkland and Pure Heat. As we discussed last week,we are requesting a letter confirming our conversation that Camp Wingate*Kirkland continues to be in good standing with the Yarmouth Health Department and that we are not under any calendar restrictions to operate Camp Wingate*Kirkland. We recognize that you are very busy. Is it possible to receive a copy of the letter by Wednesday,March 10, 2010 so that we may submit it to the Zoning Board for our upcoming hearing. Thank you very much. ���� Sincerely, Sandy Sandy Rubenstein Director Camp Wingate"Kirkland 888-714-2267 The way summer is supposed to be! 3/8/2010