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�� '� 4ffice ojtbc Secrcta�y ojsrar�: ��
Re�ulation Filins To !x complcred byfilin� agency _ _
CHAP'I'ER NUMBER: 105 Ct�t 410.000 � �
Minimum Staadards of Fitness for Auman
CHAP,1,ER,f�TI.E� Habit�tion (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II)
Dcpartment of Public Health
State the general requirements and purposes ojtbis rc�ulation:
REGUTATORY AUI�iOBIT�i: MGL c. 111, ss. 3 and 127A
AGEi�GY CO?�TAC'I�: Roward Wenslev pHp��; 617-727-266G
ADDRESS• 305 So �th Street Jamaica Plain MA 02130
Compiiance with M.G.L c. 30A .
Ijtbis regutation is adopted as an emergenry regulation, state tbe nacure ojtbe emer-
N/A � �
ljprior notijication to a�rd/or approvat ojthe GouPrnor, legislature or otbers was re- �
quired, list each notification, approval arul date, isccluding notice to the Local Govern-
ment Advrsory Commiuion: •
gp� — 1-13-94
. 1rIl�iA -- 1-13-94 • �
• 1i'�cu notice ojthe hearing or commerrt psriod filed with�ehe Secretary ojState published
in ctppropriate netr�spapers and serct �o persons to whom specijic norice must be giraen at
, lecut ZI days prior ro such hearirrg or comme�nr period.�
Y�5 C7O�D2te of public h�aring or comrnent period: February l0, 1994
, .. . ,. . .
� .
� 410.036: Owner
�meaas every pe:toa who alone or s�vetally with othecs:
(a) has legal title to any dw�elliag. darelliai m�. mobile dweIIing tmis. or patcel of
land.vacant az otharariae,iadndiag a i�oim7e ho�ne Pa��o� '
(b) 1�as care.charge or c�col�'sny darellin&dwevin8 uait.mob�e dwe3Iing uait or
parcel of laAd. vaea:st o� othervvise. iad�ia8 a mobile home parfc, ia aaY �P�'
� iacluding bnt not litniud to agent, a�. ac��• adnunis�ator. administra�c.
i �usox oz gnardian of tbe esate of t}u bofidet of legal tule; or
(e) is a moitgagee ia posaestion of aay anch paoperc�, a�
(d) is an agent, avstee a� otha � �� bY the comu aad vaud wirh
possession or conaol of aay snch propesry; or
(e) is aa offua or nvs�e of tlu aasociaIIon of uoit owners af a condomiaium. Eadi
anch peAon is bonad to comply with the provisions of these minimum standards at if he
were the owner. Owna aLSo means every petson who operates a moming honse.
410.037� Person �
on tr�eaas every isuiividusl.pa�aership.coaPa�a�a�.f�m►associadon.or grouP.including
a cicy� cown.county or otba gove.�anusml�mit.owaiag prepecty or canyin8 on aa acdviry
reguiated by 105 CNIIt 410.000.
� 41U.U48: Provide .
'de meaas m supply�nd pry fa�
410.100: IGteha� F�c�ities
(A) Every d�eBin�mri�,aod erery roo�ag 6oase aha+e�cooJdag facilides ate 41�
pm�ded.st�alI�aia mit�b�e spsoe to s�ote.P�ePse�e aad save foods ia s�►�
�Le oae�a slnll p�v+ride�rishia th��
(1) A l�n aiak of sa�ctimt sme a�d �► for a�ashing diahes aad Idtdun
� . �and
(� s a�ave aad oren in=ood:epair(se+e 103 C�VIIt 4103S1)ea�ap:aad t�t!u excmc
the oowpsat is�qaiced m do so uoda a wRimas les�ag a��aad . .
t3) spaa md P�oPe fac�ities for tl�e ia�llaaou of a�5i�
(H) Tl�e fae�iiaes requi� ia lOS CNIIt 410.I00(�1) shall have smooth and impavions
stafaas and be i�e 5+�rn defeas tbac mal�e thern diff cnit to kxp cka�. or aeates an
accideat hazatd.
410 1 SO• washbasins Toileu.'Tubs. and Showers
'ILe ovvner shall pmvide no lass tl�►the followiag:
(A) For r.ach dwelliag uni� liy�g,�p• 8. S
(1) A toilet with a toilet seat in a raom which is noc used far m coolan
or eadng pmpeses and which aff�ds priva�Y to a pe�son within said room.
(2) A wash buia ia the sune mom aa the toilet. close �� du door lpeading
ia the same room as the coiles,it shall be Plaad� P��
dire�lY iato the roorn in which the �OS CMR 410.1 0(Ald�chea sialc may noc be
subsdmud for d�e wash bu�requind .
(3) A bsthtnb or siiower in the same r����s°T��O��which is not
used for living, sleeping. cooldng or esciug pmposa and which affotds privary to a
person wi�ia said roosn
(4) Each zoom which contaias a to�et, bathmb a� showa shall be fiaed wiih a do�
which is capabk of beiag closed.
(D) The fi�m�es zt�Qni:+e�ia 105 C.MR 410.L�(A)and 410.150(B)shaII have smoorh and
impervions sorfaces aud be frx ftom defectt which maloe dum diffunit m]cxp cuaa, or
aeate aa aecideat l�ard.
' 410.180: Potable Wacer
The owna shall provide.for du oxupant of every dweuia�.dw�eIliag�it,aad rooming
m�it,a suPP1Y of water anfficient in qoaamity and preasnre to mat tlu a�divar�►�eeds of the
oocupant.�with d►e pnblic waxr snpply sysxm.or wids aay other aonca that the
boac�d of health Las�en�d doea not eadangar du he�of any poca�al nser. (Ste 105
C1�IIt 41Q3S0 d�rough 41035Z).
Exar�on of tl�e waoer syaoem shall iachide an acatruaatia�of the phanbiug syscem and
itt aca�al peefo�e. If posn'bte,snch�nadon ahall occ�u the dmes and m►da such
condiaons as d�ocxapant bas ideati�ed dre aysxm at beit�g ias�t.
alo.i9o: �oc wac�
The ow�shan prov;a�aaa n�i�ia sooa operawis conditio�� the�c�itia cxpabl�
_ of heating wata, �Le ewner shali also pmvide the hot vvater for nse u a oanpaaam of not
less than 110°F(43° C�aad in a qnantiry and plzssae'e sofficient ta satisfy the ondinary use
of all plmnbdag facaaes whidi na�mally need hot.water for thea propc nse and fuaaron.
unlas and m the e�tmt the oocapaat is re�uired m pro�vide foel for the operarion of the
fac�ities m�der a�vrimen lettin$a�t ZLe hot wwscer shaII Aot acceed 130°F(S4° C�.
Inspecdo�of tbe�t wata apaoan s1�11 iac.inde an e�inaaon�of t1�e hot waoer ss►saan.
aad'us acd�al pafaamaaa. If po�le,mch e�nmiaation shaII oocta u the times and under
such oonditi�s is t1�e oaa�paat h�s ide�fied d�e syscem�o be insu�cient.
410.200: Heatin¢ Fac7ities Reanirrd
(A) T6e oama si�11 p�avide a�d m�i�ia ia good opearin8 oondition the fac�ities for �
headng evay babitable:oom and every mo�con�inimg s�ahower or buhmb to auch
oanpcanae as reqtared m�der lOS CNIIt 410?Al. �
B) Pormbse spaa 1uaKes.pnlaz heataa+ cab�inet heaoe�,room hatas and any sinu7ar
heace� hsvia� a baro�etiric fed f�t co�oral and its fuel sapply tanic loaatod less tl�aan 42
iaches fr�m tbe an�ttr of t�e barner aa a�eu aa t!� type of beadag appliance sdap�od foz
beanin8 kaosdee.r�e oii or�mbet ooe fnd oit a�I aaY P�����
ahall no:be nsed and ahall not meet tha:eqna�of 105 CNIIt 410.200. (Ste MG.I..c.
]48, �$ SA aad ZSB.) •
410.201: Temoeram:e Rea�ements
The owAer shall p�ovide hat ia eveey�ble roo�t aad every r�m eonsaiaing t to�es,
sho�ver, or bathmb to u least 68'F(�0'C�betaem 7:00 A.M.a� 11:00 P.M.and at kast
�64°F(17'C�betwaA 11:01 P.M.a�d 6�9 A.M.every day otba tina d�ing the period finm
Jnne ISdi m Sep�eenber lS�h. bod� i�ive, in ach yar aooept �nd to ths ex�eat the
ocxnpaat is�to p�vvide the finei mida a ariimm leltiag s�au. The tesnpeisua+e
shall u no tirne a�seed 78'F R3'C�dmin8 dre hatin� saso�. 1�e�mpaaaae msY be
� read aad tl�e reqni�wneat ahaII be met u s hdght of fm feet sbvve floor level on a wall any
point�thaa five�ea tsmn dse esoerio�waII. 'lUe nomber of diys Pc Y�ar duri�g which
hac mnat be pro�vided iA�cco:d�ooe ar�h lOS QbIIt 410A00 mry be�e�da�easad
throngh s variar�a gianted ia aocerdmoe aith the pcovisioas of 105 C'MR 410.840
noewi�g �x p�ohi'biria� of d�e fa�t danu of t!� 5tst ad�tenoe of 105 CNIIt
410.202: Yerttin�
Space heatas md waca hes�as. e�apt ekc�ial ones. sdall be prepaly veaud to a
chinmey or veat leadiag to du ontdooza. �