HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Apr 17 - Letter Re: DPH Emergency Regulations f : .��'Y� �li � _ �'o TOWN OF YARMOUTH O .. � y ,,, . 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 � MATTA n�cse�"� Tel(508) 398-2231 —Fax(5�8) 39�-2365 � - ���aaonnTco �., I BOARD OF HEALTH � � I �o. Camp Wingate/Kirkland ' Camp Greenough (�,�/� G From: Bruce Murphy, Health Agent, MPH �I1' ,�, Subject: Emergency Regulations Dept. of Public Health I Date• April 17, 1991 Enclosed for your information is correspondence from the Department of Public Health, letter dated, 4/16/91, in regards to t,he above subject. As a reminder, please contact the Health Department for your annual camp inspection, ' prior to opening. If you should have any questions or comments relative to this matter, please contact me ';, at the Health Office. I ean be reached by calling (508) 398-2231 ext. 241, Monday - i ; Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. � cc: Chairman of Board of Health. ` Robert Lawton, Exec. Secretary Pat Armstrong� Recreation , f ile BM:fs � � � �� Printed on , �.�3 Re�cled Paper \� • � �j�� t%�%'G(/ � � � = v � �i�r�c�i����of��tea/t!L aizd S�urn�r�L�I'ei+vice� . �e�bai��te�rt�f��%����l�a� . �� >�so �.,��J'� wimem F.weid �st.o� 02»> I�[�C�(�U'!�'[�I�! �� : ��a P.� A�'R 1 7 1991 s�«�r � David H.Mu�igan MEAt.TM DEPT. � Commissioner TO: Boai3s of H�alth and Health Departments FROM: Howard S. Wensley��irector : Division of Com,munitv Sanitatioar� DATE: April 16, 1991 I i SUBJECT: Promulgation of Emergency Regulations � 105 CMR 430.000 MINIMUM SANITATION AND SAFETY STANDARDS FOR RECREATIONAL CAMPS FOR CHILDREN (STATE SANITARY CODE, � � CHAPTER IV) + The Public Health Council has promulgated emergency regulations amending 105 CMR 430.000 regarding recreational camps for children. Although they are effective immediately public hearings will be held on May 21, 1991 at 10:04 AM at the State Laboratory. There are three changes in these regulations that you should be aware of which are to be effective this campinq season. 1. 430.155: �Required immunizations The regulations redefine the required immunizations that campers and staff must have before attending camp. It is essential that these ie�jslations be tigY�tlx enfa�ced in oxd.er �o aG�i�* ia? tie elimination of ineasles in this state. Massachusetts has been able to maintain a universal immunization program which has resulted in a relatively low measles case rate. �his has not been true for the rest of the ca•sntry, however, where the case rate is climbing dramatically. Please impress upon the camps that they require that all campers and staff be properly immunized and, of course, your ; inspector should check the medical records when you conduct � your inspections. � ' � 2. 430.154{c) : Tuberculosis The amended regulations require that all camp staff and volunteers be found to be free of tuberculosis. Freedom of tuberculosis is to be based � �' " ppropriate screening not more than 90 days upon a priortto the report of freedom of Tb. AlI staff must be tested this year. In subsequent "'_ ' ' years returning staff will not require testing. 3. Staff Qualifications The regulations regarding staff qualifications for � AQUATICS, SWINIl�tING, WATERCR.AFT and SCUBA DIVING, have � been amended in ord�r to reflect change� in Red Cro�s � Training and Certification programs. a If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (617) 727-2660. HW/ch . � , � I ; � . � • � � �I � , � � 105 CNIl�: DEPAI�Il�'I' OF HTBLIC �AL�i Amenr�ments to 105 Q�t 430.000 et s�: M� ��T�� � �� STANI�P,RD6 FOR RECREATIONAL CP�S FOR CHILi�2F�T (STATE SAI�]ITARY CADE CEiAPI'ER IV) 1. 105 Cr42 is am�rided by de].etiryg in its erYtirety the existing section � 430.102(A) A�iatics ar�l inserting in i.ts place the follawing: E i (A) Ac�uatics Aquatics activities including those events associated with swiauning, boatirxJ, canoei�J, watercraft ar�l water skiing shall be directly supervised b�' an aquatic director who holds the follc�raing current certifications: (a) A�xican Red Cross Lifeguard Trainirig or Water Safety ` Instructor; or � (bj YMCA Progressive Switrnnirig Instructor; or � �% °r ! (c) Boy Sc.outs of America Lif (d) their equivalent: and (e) American Reci Cross Standard First Aid Train�ng or its ' equivalent and age appropriate CPR frflm the American � � Cross� American geart Association, or its equivalent. When an aqua.tic dixector supervises two or more aquatic staff inembers the aquatics director shall be at least 21 years of age and have experience in a management or superyisory position at a similar aquatics area of at least six weeks duration. 2, 105 C�1R is amended by deleting in its entirety the exi.sting section 430.102(B) Switrnnina and inse�u'i9 � i� Place the folla�ing: (g) Swinuninct In addition to the aquatics director, swi�nin�J supervision shall include for every 30 campers in the watex or on the beach, at least one counselor who shall hold the follawing current certification: (a) American Red Cross Lifeguard Trainirig or Advanced Life Saving; or ; (b) YMCA Lifeguard: or (c) Boy Scouts of America Lifeguard: or (d) Royal Lifesaving Bronze Medallion; or - ; te) their equivalent; and ., , ' . (f) American Red Cross Standa�,d First Aid or its equivalerit arxl age approp�iate CPR frc�n the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, or its equivalent. ; 3. 105 C34Il2 is amerided by deleting in its entirety the existing section � 430.102(C) (1) Wate.rcraft and insertinq in its place the follawing: 430.102(C) Watercraft (1) All watercraft activities carried out on flat water shall be stipelViSed by a minimnlm of one counselor for ; e�'e�' 12 cat�ers �.r� w�terc�'aft• Each counselor shall hold ' the followimg c.�urrent certifications: a ; (a) American Red Cross Lifeguan�, or Emergency Water Safety Certificate; or �b) YMCA Lifequard Certificate; or (a) Boy Scouts of America Lifeguard Certificate; or (d) Royal Lifesaving Bronze Nledallion; or (e) thei.r' equivalent; and � (f) American Red Cross Standard First Aid and � ; C�urn�nity CPR training, or its equivalent. r 'rhese counselors shall be in the water and in position to t effect rescue. 4. 105 C1� is amended }�, deletirig in section 430.102(D) Sc�aba Divin_c� �e �"�O� ����" ar�i inserting in its place the worrls, "National Association of Scuba Diving Schools, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, National Association of Undexwater Instructors, Sc1�ba Schools International". 5. 105 Ci�2 is amended by deletirig in section 430.150(A) (8) in t,he second line, the words "105 Q� 430.154(B)" arid .i.nserting in their place the words '�105 C1�t 430.154(C) ". 6. 105 C3�2 is ame,ncled by deleting in its entirety section 430.154(C) �1 �serti.ng in its place: (C) No person lmown to be suffering from tuberculosis in a co�m�unicable form, or having evidence of symptarns the�-�f, shall be employed or continu�l in e�loyment at any recreational camp for children in any capacity which might bririg him into contact with anY camper at such camp, I�iately prior to his enterinq into any s�� �loyment �ch person whose duties, either official or voluntary, bring him into such direct contact with c�mpers �11 file with the _ h ! • ,S � (B) For c��ers and staff 18 years of age or older: (1) Measles Vaccir�:: Unless born before 1957, two doses of live measles containing vaccine administered at/or after 12 a�nths of age (at least one month apart) are requi.red, or proof of laboratory evidence of iitamunity to measles. : (2) Nh�s Vaccine: Unless born before 1957, at least o� dose of mw�rps vaccine ac�ninistered at or after 12 months of age or proof of laboratory evidence of inmuanity to measles. (3) Rubella Vac�cir�e: At least one dose of rubella vac�ccine ac�tinistered at or after 12 morit.'�s of age or proof of laboratory evidence of i�rninity to rubella. (4) Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids: At least three doses of Dr/Td are reguired. A booster dose of tetanus/diphtheria, adult type toxoid (Td) is required if n�re than 10 years have elapsed since the last dose. 8. 105 CMR is amended by deleting in sect,ion 430.300: Petable Water Requised in lines five arxi six the words "Q�a,ality IIzgineering" and inserting in their place the word "Protection". 9. 105 Ci�1R is amended by deleting in its entirety section 430.336: Service of Food and insexting in its place the words: 430.336• Food Seivice Food service shall be in co�liance with 105 QKR 590.000, State Sanitary Code Qzapter X-Minim�nn Standards for Food Establishments. The reqttired permit to operate a food establishment shall be prominently posted in the food service facility. 10. 105 Q�t is amended by deleting in section 430.355{E) : in line three the words "Quality Engineering�� and insertirig in their place the word "Protection". 11. 105 Q�h2 is amended by deletirig in section 430.432(A) Physical and Bacteriological Water 4ualitv in line four the words "Quality Enclineering" and insertirig in their place the word "Protection". �