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1991 Registration Form
�"�� �APE COD T w. sruce webb �a PQ DOX T43 = ., ` ASSOCIATION OF srwt BATN,tlE O�i53o ' � • CHILDREN'S ���► .43-.854 ^���� St°te cf AAe, Arclxry Center Natianci Archery Associotion �, Vice Pcesident MEMBER LEVEt � CERTIfiED INSTRUCTOR (., Brun:wick Jr. Olvmoic Arche�s B�SIC ArCllery InStCUCtOr INSTRUCTOR Stote of Me. Archery Center *L""�1 � Level One Course �FR�,��Ea ,�T�to� ,� � c..�u�.a ca.`a � � � � AmMww CosskiAs EUeetireasw Proyram Friday,)une 1�- - Sunday,)une 1b at Wingate�Kirkland, Yarma�thpor� RE+C I ST RA T I ��tV F'c�� Rt"t InForR�aticn �or Tra:nin:� Caa�p i , NAME: ------------------------------------------- Last Frrst SOCIAL SEEURITY NUMBER � HUME . ADDRESS: . I -----------------------------�----=---------------_-------- Number - Street Crf State ZIP i f PH4NE: t ) ___ AGEc ___ DATE ��F PTRTH: - ( Ifi uncfer 18) ' ---- ----------- ----------- I MAI.E OR FEMALE C.C.A.C.C. MEMBER CAMP'S CHECK FOR $$O.00 ; �NOTE: NO CNARGE FOR SEVEN MEALS OR ROOM. ' MUST BE INC�UDED WITH THIS ARPLICATION. � ! �t�VERNIGHT ACCQMMflDATIONS NEEDED� S,cfonscrs, or ��th�rs ,aayin_C.�-tuCent'_ ' 'SPEC IAL DI ETARY CONS IDERATIDN� fees, w111 r•�c`ei r�� cople� o:` the s , �_w....� . _ s tuden t's ra ti ng sA��t. ., . � CAMP/CLUEISPC►NS�'�R'S NAME � AND ADDRESS -----------------------------_-_------- ----------------------------------- ---�------ IN CASE 4F EMERGENCY, Ct)NTACT: . f ) ---------- ---Name---� ----------- ------- - Relationship Phone------------- ADDRESS: -- ------ ---- --- -- ---- w Numberr- Street- -- -Citu --- -State - ZIF� , STATEMENT Of FEES: I Signed ---------�------------------------- � Person over 1B registering student Wi�K PAYMEN7 TO-.N�R. I�EBB: $6�. � N.A.A. CERTiFIGATE.JOAD � BOOKLET,i��t�L I��TER, & � ���—� ONE�YEAR MEMBERSHIP : $2O. � NOTE: A MAXIMUM OF TEN SPACES WILL BE AL�.OTTED AS � REGISTRATION FORMS WITH CMECKS ARE RECEIVED AT CHECK PAYABLE T0 ���� . WINGATE'�KtRKLAND,BOX 338, YARMOUTHPORT, QZC�S '�WINGATE'YKIRKLAND�� �... � . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . �. .. . 1` . ... � . . ;.� �Yq/yNIS N � ,� —,__. 3 �s� ; �, / _, r y �, � �x �� �' � ` A' ��� ` .��;� `1 ; � i5�- q � � �. � � r e�� _ � � � ~ � -��,: t r � ____,_ �, � � .�� ' . � . . . � l_./- 5r �` �-�-•. `_ . � \ � , � '� (" � 'i'�, � ��` ( �� ''g � `}� � i � � � \ o D: +i.�"' r�� . � � - , � � . � ..., - � �� �, , � . . , +.. .�� �� . n � � �- o � �� `" ..�-- � .. � .� d � �. � � � . ,�, � . ^. � � ''�4 '` � � " a a o "'' " 4 �a � g � � � � � a 8 _ . � WfS� � � � � � - m< 8� r ' - .:: 1 ��� Q � �, � n^ v „�, `� � T � p, CExr q . � � �i . � '�- �'4 . . . M � � . . . �n�,t. � . . . .WES � . .. ',. ...i�. -" ..._ �: . � ir ' � . /� r . . . � � � . � � /Ln'.i .. . 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O p � / � � ( / 3 �3 �X Z� Z ` a U l m •�_ . _ - � ..... p v' ; W A �� . . _ d 0 � . ... . . _ -� m ' 3 .- . � _ _ _ _ _, _ _ . r,-; . . _ m o_ � �` . �v. . T � � . . . . . ��� � :. � .. .� . . . ' � . � . . . . . � . . . . . W . . . ... . .. . u, � d � o � �Q � 00 � , < �• .� ��p, t i � ; Q- - � � � - �p � j' ?�, '�. � � � _ � _ , � N . , , , 0 n �"'� ... N �' _ � .� � (. :� `. � � � �• �'�' ° -p o � � � ; � � � ..S v � � -� r>: � �r � � rp `C � .� Q n . _ V . : �`1 '� • � � �' � p c� t% rn o Q � -� r-r Z o�c � _ . � ' f � � � v � � r* ____- ------ o __ - � � � � I �,�-" ��TaTE �iF MAIIVE aRCHE�Y CE�ITER � 3 Lori Drive, �r�_insc�icw.. ME la=+01t. (�07� 7'�5-5029 SUMMEft ��iMP - SPE�Ir�L P►R�'HERY TRA►INING LEVEL 1 EASIC IMSTRUCT�R Each Class r_ansists of 15.0 Hours � Final gradi�g for the Easic Instruct�r'� Course wil2 be based �r:: I . Crafts - Repair of Powstring anJ Arroa►. �. Stiooting Form Evalu�tion 3. Written Fina2 EXAM. 4. Participation in the tournament t5�tup and shooting) 5. Attendance of a minimum of f2 hcurs ot required credit ticne. 6. �Uverall grade firom the sta�f. , Since we have provided Name Tags, aI1 students MUST wear them at aIl times. We recommend tt�at right-handed archers wear thern on their right front or right side to avaid the bowstring �hen shoo#ing. Breakdown of parts for` Group Practice Teaching tGPT) : 1. Introduction ofi self,. safety, and equipment 2, Mime�ics u►ithout equipment 3. Shooting demonstr�tion (� people) 4. Mime#ics with `equipment 5. Shoat first arrows and �inish end f 6. Retrieve and score Parts can be comtrined as necessary to a�ake tf,e number af parts equal to the number of student inst�actors in each group. - DAILY SCHEDULE This schedule will be adjusted as necessar_y to meet wea�her ton�i#ions. f 1= = GreJite�+ Mirr�etes S = Shooting Field G = Classroum ff `= D`inning Hall ' E = Equipment Raam . �,���� � C 4.0 t�ours C1 7 Te,ct References I=Instr, J=JtJAD le0@pm -- - Registration, assignment of spaces, orientatian, and assignment of equipment 2s3@pm �t30) - Introductian and 1984 Olympie Film 3:00pR� Ct3@) . - Safety, including Bracing__________I :Ch3+4tpg17-25) 3:30pm C(30) - Equipment Selection -IoCh2iPg5-16) Nomenclature, antl Terminology____I :GiossarytPgS) 4:00pm Ct30) - Basic Philosophy: Athlete First, Winning Second Movie 'Youtt� Sparts - Is Winning Everything?" 4:30prn C� 25 > - Rriefi History o# Archery Wh�t are FITA,hAA, InC,JC�AD_______I :Ch1tPg�-3) -I :Ap8tPg105) -I :Ap10-13t107-i1 ) 4:45pm C( 25 ) - Es:planation o� TournaR�ent, C2out, -IzRp15+16t113-14) Field, Arct�ery Golf, etc. _____�__I :ChB�Pg�53-56) 5:00pm D -- - SUPPER b:30pm St30) - Methods af aiming, Rules of scoring, control firing line_____I :Ap7ipgs103+104) -I :Ct��b(Pg43-46) : 7:00pm S(30) - Introduction to Mimetzcs & GPT_____I :ChS(Pg�7-41 ) 7:30pm St30) - Assign GPT groups + GPT #�1 8:00pm -- - Free Time 1 _ �� _. � '� I999 Level 1 Basic Instructor Daily 5chedule - continued $�'-\T�ew:�r"sti C9_0 1'�o�irs Ci � � . 7:3Qam D -- - �REAKFAST . 3:30arn S(�0) - Sh�ot i5m, 1«cm 9s30atn S�30) - GPT #1 (Group Teacfi�es Seif) . 10:00pm` St30) - Shoot 15m and coach partner 10:30a�r+ S{b@! : - Field Shoot on sim��lated NAA range f1 :3@�m S(30> - Archery with k�andica.pped, - ' ' - - - 12:00N D -- - L.UNCH . � l:30pm S(90) - C1out & Variety Shoots 3:fd0pm St30> - Shcaot 20m and coach p�rtner 3:30pm C(30) -:Problem Correction-----------------I:Ch7 4:0@p�r� S{30) - Shoot 2@m, 122cm 4c30pm St15) - Problem Correctian Recap 4:45pm S'( 15) - Panel D:iscussion 5:00pm D -- - SUPPER - 6:3�pm E( 120] . - Equipm�nt Maint + Storage : Crafits (Bowstring + serving)-----,I ;Gh9tPgs6�b?'l Crafts tArrows + Fletching)-------I:Ap9+1?Ci�b+I15)_ 8:30pm -- - Free Time _ " . �C}?a?�� � C3.0 haurs C17 Text r.eferences . `"�'�"""`^ C 4.0 t�ours C`�7 I-Ins�r, J=J;aAD 7.3fL'aar� D -- - EREA�iFAST _ 8:15am C(45) - Written EXAM _ 9:00art+ 5t1�03 - J�7AD t�ualifiication tFormal Shooty 11 :00arr� C( i5) - Panel discussion ofi Exam and st�oot. 1i :15arn C - Individual Interviews, Remove al� itQms from room 11:45am C - Turn in ice�s and evaluations, receive A4JARDS