HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 Jun 28 - DEP Letter Re: Notice of Audit Findings�
, �
� � . Commonweaith of Massachusetts,
� ° Executiva�ffice of Energy&Envirnnmen�al Affairs .
' D�epartment ofi Environr�nen�al protec�ion �
Southeast Regiona(Offic�•20 Riverside Drive,.l.akeville MA o2347•508-94[3•270�
Govctrnor ' Secrotery�
LiautenencGwaenor . � Gommissionnr ,
� � �.. ._. .. .. . _. .�June 28,2011 .. .. . . .... ... .. : ._
Mr.Hugh Kilmartfn R�: YARM�U7H �
4 Kents f.ane Re(ease Traeking Number: 4-0012106 .
H[ngham, Massachusetts 02043 24 Littie bipper Lane
. Dear Mr. Ki[mar.tin: ' - .
; On May 25, 2011, the Massachuset�s Department of Environmental Protection�{"MassDEP" or "the
� DepartmenY') canducted an audit inspection at the lacatian referenced above (the site). The purpose of �
this inspection was to observe conditions related to an area subject to a Notice of Activlty&Use Limitation .
{AUL), In particuiar,the audit lnspection focused on the obiigat#ons and conditions of the AUL recorded for
the property an March 19,1997. Thls Notice infiorms you of the results af MassDEP's audit inspectian,
The property is occupied by a residential dwelling. The AUL is located on a 1.00 square foot portion .
o#the property and comprises a portian beneath the house. The AUL permits residential use af the
property. The AUL restricts the disturbance of soll below 6' in the area of the AUL and agricultural uses
of the AUL area. The AUL also requires that the'basement�floor and cellar walls be maintaiRed with
� cracks and breaks sealed to uphold the imperoious surface agalnst vapor entry.
� �At the time of tnspection, there was no evidence of recent disturbance within the AUL area. Site .
activities�and uses observed during the inspection of the property by Angela Gallagher of MassDEP's
� Southeast Regional Office were consistent with the terms and conditions of the AUL. MassDEP did not
identify any vialations of the requfrements appiicable to#he AUI. at the site. A copy of the AUL Ffefd
Screening�arm Is attached. . ,
� A copy of this Notice has been sent to�oseph 5alvetti,the LSP who prepared the AUL.
� The Audit lnspectian did nat inclade a campliance review of#he Response Action Outcome {RAO)
Statement, or the AUL. However, the RAO and_AUL were reviewed as part of a previously canducted
audit. The currer�t audit primarily focused on field compliance with the obligation and maintenance
condttions set forth in the AUI..Notice. �
3i�is information(s avallaplo in afternate format Call Mtcholie Waters-Ekanero,Uivarsity Dtrector,at 617-292-5761.7DDN 1•866-638•7&22 or 1•517-67A•6868
MassDEP Websile:vatiwv.mass.govldep
Printed on Recycled Paper •
k - .
; .
� . ' � Release Tracktng Number 4-0012146 Page 2 . . �
� ,
� The Department's �indtngs were based upon the certainty of the infarmation reviewed during the
audit. These findings do not:(1)a�ply to actians or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the �
i audit; (2) preclude future audits of past, current or future actions at the site; (3} tr�any way constitute a •
release from any liabiltry,obligatEan,action or penalty under M.G.L.c.21E,310 CMR 40.0000 or any other
faw, reguiation or requirement; or (4) limit the Department's authorlty to take or arrange, or to require
any Respansible Party.or Potentiaily Respansible Party to perform, any response action authorized by
M.G.L. c. 21E which the Department deems_necessary to protect health, safety; public welfare or the
envlronment. ` °
If you have any questions regardtng thts Ietter, please contact Angela�Gallagher at (508) 946-2790. �
Please reference the Release i'racking Number,RTN 4-0012106,in any#uture carrespondence to MassDEP
regarding the site. �
Sincerely, ' � .
. • �r
� �eborah A. Marshall,Chief
Audit Program : -
Bureau of Waste Si�e Cleanup
� M/AG/rr
� ,
1 W;/BWSC/Document Archive/4-4072,106/N4AF.Al/6-2$-2011
CERTIFIEb MAIL 7p101060 OOQ17067 0190 ' �
AttachmentA: AUL F�eld Screening Form
ec: Town of Yarmouth � � �
Selectmen's Office
Board of Health �
. Zoning Code En€orcement O�ciaf&Butlding Inspector .
� DEP-SEitO . .
Joseph Salvetti, LSP � _
jsalvetti@norfolkram,com �
� �
. � •
� ' .
i ; ' �
� � �f}xvv `•,��Fy . . REIBASETRACKIIVG NUMBER
, Southeast Reeional Office/Bureaa of Waste Site Cleanua q2�pg
� r
� Site Name: � Contatt Person:• Hugh Kilmartin
; ,
i Address: 2q Llttle Dlpper Lane Phone: 781-7493172 �
� AUL INPORMATION(fl!!ed out b Screenln /l} ce SFa/ S17E INSPECTION Ned ou[b fleld SFa .
Date AUL filed Descriptlan of AUl area at t[me of flhng: 8oundarfes of AUL a�ea(sj identlflable? •Yes a No
March 19,1997 • Building •Grassedf Landscaped Complete access to alf AUL�rea{sj7 . •Yes o No
o Other • Evidence of recent excavatton/disturbance? o Yes •No
'. . .... Evidence.of rec�nt canstructipn7.. p Yes .No
j Additfonal detalls/other relevant info on AUL area(sj: � . Remedfatfon Waste present7 o Yes •No
The AUL at the site applies to a Portion of the Property that comprlses �ndtcation of potentiaAy serloug site condltions? o Yes •No
I approximately 100 square feet of land on the exterlor portion of the site Other Notes• �
� and includes.a portion underneath the house. �
Permitted AcEivities And Uses Ohserved Activittes anc!Uses
• Resldentfa[ o Daycare o School o Playground • Residential a Daycare o School o Playground .
o Commercial� o Industrial o ExcavatEon o Constructlon • o Commercial o industrial o Excavatton o Construction
o Recreatlon Other/Detal(s/Conditions: • o Recreation �
• Residentlat uses and activities consistent wlEh ihe Zoning.By- Comments: The subject property is eomprised of a resldential property.
Laws of the Town of Yarmouth as consistent wlth the AU!Opinion;
• All such other acNvitles or uses which, in the Opinlon of an
LSP,shall present no greater risk or harm to health,safety,pubiic
welfare or the environment; � VfOLATION OBSERVED: •iVo a Yes o Possibie •
Inconsistent/Restricted Activttfes and Uses Observed Activlties and Uses
o Resfdentlal o Day Care o Schaol o Residentia! o Uay Care o School
�a Playground o park o Recreatton a Piayground o?ark - o Recreatlon
o Constructfon o Excavattan • Disturbance o Construction o Excavation o Dlsturbance
o Gardening: •�ruits/Veggies O Flowers/Landscaping o Gardentng: o Fru(ts/Veggies o FlowersJlandscaping
Otherj�etafls/Conditians: Corr►ments:
• Dfsturbance to solls below 6'In the"Area of AUL",including No dlsturbance of soll or agricultural uses of the property were
but not Iimited to excavatlon for provisian of publlc utiltties, observed during the fnspection byAngela Gallagher of the Southeast
construction of footings and/or foundations and installation of any Regional Office of the MassDEP.
subsur#aes sewage disposa!system and/or private wefl;and
• Agrlcultural activlties for the growth of fruits and vegetables VfOLATiON OBSERVED: •No o Yes o Posslble �
for human consumption and/or grazing of livestock for meat or �
dairy products far human consumption.
Obl�gations and Candittnns Obsenred Conditions � �
o Malntain Paverrtent o Maintaln other cap/cover/I€ner • o Pavement o Cap/Cqver/Llner o Signs/Notices
o Soll Management Plan o Nealth&Safety Plan �
o Maintain Signs/Notices Other/Details/Condittons: Comments:The basemettt fioor and wail were in good conditlon. No
• lntegrity of basement ftoor and cellar waAs must be cracks or breaks were observed. The structure venting system was afso
malntained with cracks anQ breaks sealed to uphold the itnpervlous observed to be in working condition.
surface agalnst vapor entry; �
• Continued use of the scructure venting sys#em with vent to
roof and iurbine cap.
� • VIdIATION OBSERVED: • No o Yes o Possib(e
AUL Sketch Attached to this form7.o Yes • No
Addttional Comments/Notes on Reverse Side: • IVo o Yes Additlonal Comments/Notes pn Reverse Side: • IVo o Yes
Completed by: Angela Galiagher Date:05/20/ii Completed by:Angela Galiagher Irkspection Date:05/25/11