HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1834 - Site PlanSITE DATA LOT AREA BUILDING AREA PAVED AREA GREEN AREA (SQ.FT.±) (SQ.FT.±) (SQ.FT.±) (SQ.FT.±) EXISTING 51,752 3,052 29,339 19,361 PROPOSED 51,752 9,060 23,169 19,523 PARKING 12 EMPLOYEES =12 SPACES 600 SO.FT. OF PUBLIC SPACE @ 1 SPACE/150 SQ.FT.= 4 SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED =16 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED =21 SPACES JAMES POND � - pC17 q rEo '117/ ' PROPOSED -- \ Og t EROSION CONTROL_ _- �r//' EXISTING /,- PAVEMENT `��- - `- � .. �---- _ ... �_, -- ��^-a, MIRAFI 140N FILTER - - �I V FABRIC OVER STONE ROOF LEADER PRECAST SLAB TOP A VERFLOW4' DIA WITH 18" DIA 30.0' Vii► - _ __ o CONNECTOR BO CONC. COVER I II 11/jii�� SPLASH BLOCK O (MIN) o MEDIUM DUTY CAST IRON FRAME /� P�� f T / /" ; i ;' / i o v AffM£�^ - _ _ Z /� & GRATE (ROUND) (USE PROPOSED 11 II / / �zp� PROPOSED o°oa y �� NTnF�, \`a NK:;S'`; O ` \ 6" MIN LEBARON R918 OR EQUAL) SET ROOF DRAIN DRY Ilii FLOOR ELEV.=236' r 042 �* �-0 ;u _ e.+\�_ g PROPOSED RIM AT FINISHED GRADE. EROSION CONTROL (9 -� 12' SII S=1.0% MIN 1' -- WELL (SEE DETAIL) Qi 1� 4 z T/�� PRO RIM=20.0 2 II / / o �� Ck POS �Z it o�l / PROPOSED ADDITION ! /; ti �OAp�NCD ��`� \` ,` �� SEAL CAST IRON FRAME I / OFFICE 3,000 SQ.FT.± j�� 2pNe _ ��� \ m \ 3' WITH CONCRETE MORTAR 0 ) II / WAREHOUSE = 3,008 SQ.FT.± `<< II �%% = 1'`� �:.\ 6" PVC OR 5.5' / BRICKS AND MORTAR o� �I // TOTAL 6,008 SQ,FT,± { - �`���� ADS (N-12) / FOR ADJUSTMENT O u PROPOSED v ROOF DRAIN DRY �I DRAIN PIPE V MIN \\ \\ j SHOREY LEACHING CATCH '.i ZQ WELL (SEE DETAIL BASIN LCB -600-H-20, t _ �j Ja RIM=20.1 ) REMOVE // 3/4" TO 1 1/2' \'.\ ..\ ..\"..\ ..\ OR EQUAL. n 30.0' f ,�, ro,i_y ,,�r i i / j EXISTING ISLAND / 1 8' DIA -il EXISTING / WASHED STONE PAVEMENT- \ NOTES: J'+� I / , (ENTRANCE NEW tiI ✓✓✓,\ III/� - PLANnNcs EXISTING / 1. ALL ROOF AREA RUNOFF FROM THE PROPOSED ADDITION SHALL BE COLLECTED IN I 30.0' j NEIN PROPOSED PAVEMENT !! ✓ 11 / PLANTINGS 6" CURB/ GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUT SYSTEMS OR DRIP TRENCH SYSTEMS CONTAINING WASHED t i ' n f 18 Gil STONE AND PERFORATED COLLECTION PIPES, AND DIRECTED TO THE SEEPAGE PIT. 11 1 ENTRANCE /16 12 21 a� 2. THE SEEPAGE PIT SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL IS DESIGNED TO HANDLE 3000 SQ. FT. OF ROOF AREA. EQUIVALENT INFILTRATION DESIGNS TO BE CONSIDERED MUST HAVE A t7 0 MINIMUM WATER STORAGE VOLUME EQUAL TO 1/2 INCH OF RUNOFF OVER THE PLANTINGS !/ Ncs �® CONTRIBUTING ROOF AREA. 11 I EXISTING .-25.2't1 i I ' BUILDING i z I // O is!/ 4 •H r 3. SEEPAGE PITS SHALL BE LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: "I I (3,052 SQ.FT.±) _' RAMP / 4 _ t0 Q co - NOT CLOSER THAN 10 FEET FROM A FOUNDATION WALL OR STRUCTURE. II M' 15 !; �' - AWAY FROM VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AREAS UNLESS DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADING. II I I i Ld >' I` O EXISTINGo PAVEMENT Il - NO TREES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE SEEPAGE PIT. Qs 20' THE BOTTTOM OF THE SEEPAGE PIT SHALL BE ABOVE THE SEASONAL MAXIMUM TITOOEUNDWATER 5 CRITERIA ELEVATION AS DETERMINED BY SOIL EVALUATION PER MASS ROOF DRAIN DRY WELL DETAIL (NO SCALE) 111011IIIIIIIII XX EXISTING CONTOUR x.x EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION UP UTILITY POLE OHw OVERHEAD WIRES 0 SEPTIC SYSTEM MANHOLE C TELEPHONE MANHOLE REVISED: JANUARY 11, 2008 NOTES: 1. OWNER OF RECORD: OLE SALTS NOMINEE TRUST JAMES R. GOODE AND KAREN E. GOODE, TRUSTEES DEED BOOK 20114, PAGE 58 PLAN BOOK 200, PAGE 85 2. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: DISTRICT "B2" REVITALIZATION OVERLAY ARCHITECTURAL DISTRICT (R.O.A.D.), GROWTH INCENTIVE ZONE (GIZ) 3. PARCEL AREA = 1.188 ACRES± 4. ASSESSORS MAP 60, PARCEL 3 5. LOCUS FALLS WITHIN FLOOD ZONE B (ALONG POND) AND FLOOD ZONE C AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) FOR THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 250015 0004 C. 6. ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929. SEE BENCHMARK ON PLAN. 7. EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING TOPOGRAPHY WERE OBTAINED BY FIELD SURVEY ON OCTOBER 31, 2005, NOVEMBER 11, 2005 JUNE 1, 2007. 8. PROPOSED ADDITION CREATES NO ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS. THIS PLAN PROPOSES TO REDUCE THE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA BY 162+/- S.F. 9. ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE TO BE CLEANED OUT AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING. DEAN ADAMS SCHofIELD No. 27508 CIVIL _ CONSTRUCTION NOTES A. UTILITIES 1- All utilities existing underground shall be protected and/or modified in accordance with the standards and specifications of the individual utility companies concerned. Installation of any utilities must be coordinated with the utility companies, who shall be notified prior to the commencement of work. All waterworks shall be constructed in accordance with local and state requirements. This work shall be coordinated to maintain a minimum period of service interruption. B.PAVEMENT 1. The pavement patches shall consist of two courses of Class I bituminous concrete: a 1" top course and a 2.5" binder course. The job mix formula shall meet the Mass. DPW Standard Specification M3.11.03 for binder and top courses. The construction methods shall meet Mass. DPW Standard Specifications Section 460. No pavement work shall be done during rainy weather, upon saturated surfaces, where water is standing, where the''temperature is lower than 40'F, or where frost is in the ground. The subbase processed gravel shall meet Mass. DPW Standard Specification M1.03.1 for processed gravel. C. DRAINAGE 1. Provide drainage facilities as shown. Any loamy -sand, silt -loam, silt, clay or other unsuitable material encountered on the sidewalls of the excavation for the leaching areas shall be removed to a minimum distance of 5 feet outside the perimeter of the leaching area and replaced with clean gravel or sand material, having a minimum percolation rate in its original location and after placement of 2 MPI. If unsuitable material is encountered at the base of the excavation for the leaching area, said soil shall be removed and replaced with 2 MPI soil until naturally occurring permeable material is encountered. 2. All construction must be scheduled and the inspecting Engineer notified so as to be available for inspections. 3. Final cleanup shall include the cleaning of off existing catch basins, leach pits and manholes. 4. All drainage piping shall be 6" diameter ADS polyethylene pipe or equal. 5. All cast iron frames and grates shall be 24" square heavy duty (H-20) 6. Use Lebaron LF 248-2 or approved equal. All cast iron frames and covers shall be 24" diameter heavy duty (H-20) 7_ use Lebaron LA 248-2 or approved equal. Frame for grate or cover shall be brought to grade with hard red brick and mortar. 8. Provide concrete collar surrounding cast iron frame for grates and covers. 0 10 20 40 80 FEET 0 5 10 20 METERS SITE PLAN SHOWING A PROPOSED ADDITION 1180 ROUTE 28 YARMO U71'1-11, MA PREPARED FOR: JAMES R. & KAREN E. GOODE SCALE: I" = 20' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2007 SCHOFIELD BROTHERS OF CAPE COD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS & PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS P.O. BOX 101, 161 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY, ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. NO. 508-255-2098 FAX NO. 508-240-1215 rN COPYRIGHT 2007, BY SCHOFIELD BROTHERS OF CAPE COD 0-10422 22.9,- SUPPORT ' 2" STAKES - 1P DRIVEN-- 1/2' TO 2'INTO GROUND FILTER FABRIC BENCHMARK:BRASS RIVET ------------�-._ IN CONCRETE HEADWALL SIDEWALK ELEV:=22.51 NGVD 1929 -------�---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - SIDEWALK F LOW NATURAL STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 28 GRADE _ I=III TAMPED SOIL ANCHOR 1~ 6" TRENCH SIDEWALK FOR SILT FENCE USE ENVIROFENCE ------- ------- ------ -- - - - - - - ---------------------------------- OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL BY RECOMMENDED TOE -IN TRENCH METHOD. SILT FENCE SEDIMENT BARRIER DETAIL (NO SCALE) 111011IIIIIIIII XX EXISTING CONTOUR x.x EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION UP UTILITY POLE OHw OVERHEAD WIRES 0 SEPTIC SYSTEM MANHOLE C TELEPHONE MANHOLE REVISED: JANUARY 11, 2008 NOTES: 1. OWNER OF RECORD: OLE SALTS NOMINEE TRUST JAMES R. GOODE AND KAREN E. GOODE, TRUSTEES DEED BOOK 20114, PAGE 58 PLAN BOOK 200, PAGE 85 2. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: DISTRICT "B2" REVITALIZATION OVERLAY ARCHITECTURAL DISTRICT (R.O.A.D.), GROWTH INCENTIVE ZONE (GIZ) 3. PARCEL AREA = 1.188 ACRES± 4. ASSESSORS MAP 60, PARCEL 3 5. LOCUS FALLS WITHIN FLOOD ZONE B (ALONG POND) AND FLOOD ZONE C AS SHOWN ON THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) FOR THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 250015 0004 C. 6. ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929. SEE BENCHMARK ON PLAN. 7. EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING TOPOGRAPHY WERE OBTAINED BY FIELD SURVEY ON OCTOBER 31, 2005, NOVEMBER 11, 2005 JUNE 1, 2007. 8. PROPOSED ADDITION CREATES NO ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS. THIS PLAN PROPOSES TO REDUCE THE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA BY 162+/- S.F. 9. ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE TO BE CLEANED OUT AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING. DEAN ADAMS SCHofIELD No. 27508 CIVIL _ CONSTRUCTION NOTES A. UTILITIES 1- All utilities existing underground shall be protected and/or modified in accordance with the standards and specifications of the individual utility companies concerned. Installation of any utilities must be coordinated with the utility companies, who shall be notified prior to the commencement of work. All waterworks shall be constructed in accordance with local and state requirements. This work shall be coordinated to maintain a minimum period of service interruption. B.PAVEMENT 1. The pavement patches shall consist of two courses of Class I bituminous concrete: a 1" top course and a 2.5" binder course. The job mix formula shall meet the Mass. DPW Standard Specification M3.11.03 for binder and top courses. The construction methods shall meet Mass. DPW Standard Specifications Section 460. No pavement work shall be done during rainy weather, upon saturated surfaces, where water is standing, where the''temperature is lower than 40'F, or where frost is in the ground. The subbase processed gravel shall meet Mass. DPW Standard Specification M1.03.1 for processed gravel. C. DRAINAGE 1. Provide drainage facilities as shown. Any loamy -sand, silt -loam, silt, clay or other unsuitable material encountered on the sidewalls of the excavation for the leaching areas shall be removed to a minimum distance of 5 feet outside the perimeter of the leaching area and replaced with clean gravel or sand material, having a minimum percolation rate in its original location and after placement of 2 MPI. If unsuitable material is encountered at the base of the excavation for the leaching area, said soil shall be removed and replaced with 2 MPI soil until naturally occurring permeable material is encountered. 2. All construction must be scheduled and the inspecting Engineer notified so as to be available for inspections. 3. Final cleanup shall include the cleaning of off existing catch basins, leach pits and manholes. 4. All drainage piping shall be 6" diameter ADS polyethylene pipe or equal. 5. All cast iron frames and grates shall be 24" square heavy duty (H-20) 6. Use Lebaron LF 248-2 or approved equal. All cast iron frames and covers shall be 24" diameter heavy duty (H-20) 7_ use Lebaron LA 248-2 or approved equal. Frame for grate or cover shall be brought to grade with hard red brick and mortar. 8. Provide concrete collar surrounding cast iron frame for grates and covers. 0 10 20 40 80 FEET 0 5 10 20 METERS SITE PLAN SHOWING A PROPOSED ADDITION 1180 ROUTE 28 YARMO U71'1-11, MA PREPARED FOR: JAMES R. & KAREN E. GOODE SCALE: I" = 20' DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2007 SCHOFIELD BROTHERS OF CAPE COD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS & PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS P.O. BOX 101, 161 CRANBERRY HIGHWAY, ORLEANS, MA 02653 TEL. NO. 508-255-2098 FAX NO. 508-240-1215 rN COPYRIGHT 2007, BY SCHOFIELD BROTHERS OF CAPE COD 0-10422