HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 Feb 27 - Letter to Christy's Re: Tobacco Sales Compliance Violation Y
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February 27, 2001
Christy Mihos/Christy's of Cape Cod, LLC
d/b/a Christy's#612
105 Pleasant Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Re: Tobacco Sales Com�pliance Check
Location: 14 East iVlain Street, West Yarmouth, MA 02673
Dear Yarmouth Merchant,
The Cape Cod Regional Tobacco Control,in collaboration with the Yarmouth Health Department,
has recently completed a compliance check to determine if minors (anyone under the age of 18)
could purchase tobacco products from your establishment.
Minors were able to purc6ase tobacco in your store during a compliance check on the morning
of February 22,2001.(Time-9:20 a.m.; Employee was female,approximately 35-40 years of
Minors were sent into thirly-nine(39)Yarmouth establishments licensed to sell cigarettes to attempt
purchases. If the clerk asked the minors their age or if the tobacco was for them,the minors told
the huth. It is against Massachusetts Law and the Yarmouth Board of Health Regulation for anyone
to sell tobacco products to people under the age of eighteen.
Please be advised this is your second violation in the last four compliance checks. You are hereby
ordered to pay a fine of$100.00 as required by the Board of Health Tobacco Control Regulation,
Section IX. You must also appear at a Board of Health hearing scheduled for Monday,March
5,2001 a�3:30 p.m.at the Yarmouth Town Hall hearing room. At the hearing,the Board of Health
will determine if your tobacco license should be suspended,revoked,restricted or other penalties
assessed. You or a representative must appear at this hearing.
Please deliver the fine payment to the Health Department prior to the Board of Health hearing.
Please make your check payable to the Town of Yarmouth.
For your information, minors were successful in purchasing cigarettes at two out of thirty-nine
Yarmouth establishments which sell tobacco products.
If you should have any questions or comments relative to this matter,please contact me at the Health
Office. I can be reached by calling(508)398-2231,ext.241,Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Si cerely,
Bruce G. Murphy, MPH
Director of Health
cc: Board of Health
Robert C. Lawton, Jr.,Town Administrator
Nancy Popp, cape Cod Regional Tobacco Control Program
j�� Printed on
e itecycled
�,.. � Pat�er
FEB-27-2001 09�31 BARNS TOBACCO CONTROL 15083622602 P.02/03
�T�p��' �0�� . Tvbacco Compliance Check Form "� '
� - Sectioq 1: � ; . .
Esta61is4ment ' � Survey Participants
Name ot Purchaser:
�+�,�,,S ' orlD#
- Addr�s.~` �4�7�2$ • '4�= Sex:O Male fdFrmale
_ . w Y��MA aZ6�3
N Adult,es Data Ilector.
City; .
Sample Ara(if smallex tdan aty or town please identif�. ' '
y' Time of Check: - � ��❑
• Date oFCheck: �
7�pe vt Establishment: �Chain ❑ lndependent O Not Known �
Sty1e otEstabt�shmenc(Check Oaly One): . �
Convenience Srorc ' O Phartnacy/Orug Store � Gas Mini-Mact � �
❑ Gas S[azion Only p Grocery Swre . ❑ Liquor Stor�e
❑ D arunrnt Store ❑ 8ar D Priva�e Club
� R�staurant ar Area) C7 -Restaurant(Other Areal �w, Legion,ecc.)
. C] Other(bowlin all olf club etc.
SeCf10l1 Z: � . .
Did theyouth enter the premises and actempt M purchase a tobacco prvdacs' Yes I�No O
�I Y�p�ease continue on�o dre�t question, if No p�ease slup�his secrion and go[o secrion 3,
,H�,o�� was tobacco marketed? � . -
� UveNthe-eouncer:youch ask5 the cfetic for rhe product
❑,Over-the�ounter.youth seleps t�e pr�duct from a self-service display_ �
❑ From a vendi�g machine with a locicout devica_ . . ,
❑ From a vending machine without a lockout device. �
Was thePurcl�er asked for ID?
Yes❑ No 9�' Was!D accurately checl:ed', � �fes❑ No� N/A�
Wes t6e Purchaser askotl his/her age? Yes❑ No�
Sex of Cterk: Mala p Female� ,•_Approximate a�e of clerk• Q�5 . , '�.y� '
Did the Clerk sa an � � ����w .
. Y y�1�in,to y hen the purchase accempc w�made7 � ,.
Tyne of to6accu asked for.� igarems � ChewlDip ❑ Cigsr� Brond 1' p Orher P
/� ������.,..� lease spec�f�,
W�s the sale made? Yes'0'No p (if Yes how much d;d the produa cosr. S
' � .
Section 3: '
if the youth dld not anter the premises or did oot attempt to purchase tobacco products please checic here: �and indinte why
❑ closed for the day p coutdn't lucace business � buyer knows cterk/merrhanc
� closed For�he season D no longe�in 6usiness ❑ esqbiishmenr inappropriace for.youth 0 vttt�r(spe�'fy�e
Cl closed to�he public ❑ doesn't sell tvbaccv Q unsafe es�ablishmen[ •
❑ denied admissinn�t daor q vending machine broken ❑ unsafe.,rea