HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool Inspection Reports _ _. . _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ _ r : _ , _ ._�:-.-�.� =�;,�f.r,Q� �, I o�,+ . ��s � �.� � �� � 1Q�N OF' YAPMJUlH F�N�TH DFPAIClI�NP POOL II�LTIQd REPOIrf nu�'�`ai1?C�t�r,► S�� o�t .57,�.13 �fa�''�l na�r�_ � . ��j� _ a�xEss 3a°l �S'a►m-1- '�g ��t z�� rn�r� o�+�rox {�Kcr��z� n e`t` �+iT �srm � Regulations of the Massachusetta Sanitary Code: Article VI, Minimim Standards for Pools; and Tovun Amendments to Article VI. � 1. All items approved on the construction plan are of pern�anent nature and need not be checked at each inspection. � 2. }�'ALTH: Shower and health signs posted which state that bathers take showers; no sick or infected bathers; � � no glass or dangerous objects; and children under the age of T6 must be accanpanied .by an adult swiamer within. 3. CFnTIFIID P(lOL OPERATORS: Must staff at least two (2) certified operators in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., and have one available on the premises during pool operating hours. 4. SAFETY: One shepards crook ard one ring buoy with adequate rop,e for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool divider for shallow end with floatation buoys. 5. FIRST AID: First aid '�Cit (see back), emergency telephone n�nbers �osted, local police, state police, fire T departmenY, and aeveral available physicians. Telephone available or other means of camwuiication (no+ pay station},;� 6..:-�7CARD5: Written records available of daily operation of the pool, including attendance, water tests, chemicals � used, hours of operation, backwashing and other information required. � 7. Rk)CIRCULATION - FILTRATIQV: Purification system capable of maintaining quality of water, turnover every $ hours, maximim filtration rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equipnent finely adjUstable. Flow � meters and pressure gauges are required. _ 8. DEFi'H MARKINGS: MuRt be clearly marked on deck and wall of pool. Markings must be displayed for every foot down to a depth of 5 feet, and then at appropriate places of not more``than 25 foot intervals around the deep portion of the pool. . 9. DIVING BQARDS: Rigidly constructed. properly anchored, braced for heaviest load, seund no splinters or cracks, non slip aurface. Not over 10 feet above water level and at least 13 feet unobstructed head roan. 10. WATFR SqJRCE: Water used in any swfaming pool shall be fram a source approved by the Health Departrner_t. I1. $AGTFRIOLAGTGAL CXIALITY: Health Department shall cause water sartq�lea to be a alyzed as considered necessary. Quality shail meet the USP�15 drinking water standards. Untreated water not over 2;400 M�N Goliform. 12. t��IICAL STqiVDARp6: ,` Treated with chlorine or other effective methal. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Health Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Branine 2.0 - 6.0, Total Alkaliriity 50 - 150 p.p.m. and Gunbined Chlorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day. SWIMNING $EI�pL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Ca►�bined Cl = SWIWMING PQOL: C1 = pH = T.A. = Combined Cl = WHIRI�JOL: Cl = pH = T.A. = Goaibined CI = WADING PUOL: C1 = pH = T.A. _ Ganbined C1 = 13. TFSTING �IJIE�Nf: Testing equipment provided, in good repair and canplete with fresh reagents. �14. WATFR CUIRITY: A 5 inch black disc at bottam of deepest part of pool visable at 10 yards away. 15. WApING Pp0I,3; Quality of the water shall be the satne as awimning pools. Turnover 4 hours or less. ,"� 16. WHIRLPOOLS; Quality of ttre water shall be the saupe as swimning poola and shall be equipped with a thennaneter and a time instr�ment for the use of bathers. 17• IIV(:iAStJRE: A 6 foot high fence in accordance with M.G.L. c.140 with self-cloaing and self-latching gates or doors. Indoor pool must also be restricted in a similar manner. Pool entrances ard exits to be locked during npn-operating hours. 18• CiASURE: bperator to close pool when water does not meet the requirelnents of this code. Operator understands their responsibilities in regarda to operating a public/s�ni-public swimning pool. �s: �i C + �' - „e�, -r�., � �*�+ c�np c�- T�P�sa f1 ��.,, Pc�,i r►�, ��t tx�s'1��.,�-�� ��.. 1/r,D� '�r.r.�,.i� t+ --yp � � � 1'�C'�/ c'9�4 - c'�SalZ _ -�-- _ ��'� " �.. IItVIE�VID I 10/96 ,�1�'I�1$ C��- {J �al �1 t �- C C���} �t�d u�ru s r�� - �:���:�,.,�,�. � �,__�._ _ _ ._ _. _. _ _ �.. _„�Y,__--,;, ... .__ _�-�. _ . �.� _ � 1HE �Fai.1N OF N�T15 1�IPl UF YAII�QTl'N t�At.1f1 DFPAR'D�]� �� PUQI, IIVSPII'.TIQ�1 RFFOKf tv� , G�CE�c,r� C/v'� G�? ��,�'S ��'CC'� �T� / v7 j�' �� a�nx�ss ��`� �r�--� s�� ���?�s.� � r�t�� 8-�O�.5�" OPE�tA'POR �C��� l�Zf i,GT PERMIT F'OSTEv �k "fj�"��—��,,,�� Re�ulations of the Massachusette Sanitary Code: Article VI, Minirsun Standards for Pools; and Town Amenclments to Article YI. ` 1. All items approved on the construction plan are of pern�anent nature and need not be checked at each inspection. �K 2. F�AI�TH; Shower and health si,gns posted which state that bathers take showers; no sick or infected bathcrs; � no glaes or dangerous objects; and chiTdren ur�der the age of 16 must be accanpanied .by an adult swimrier wikhin. 4/l�„ 3. CFRTIFIID POOL OPIItAT�tS: Must staf� at leastKtwo (2) certified operators in E'irst Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., and have one available on the prgniaes during pool operating hours. � � 4. SAFETY: One shepards crook arri one ring buoy with adequate rope for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One pool divider for shallow end w.ith floatation buoys. � 5. FIRST AID: First aid kit (see back), anergency telephone numbers �osted, loca! police, state police, fire department, and several aVailable physicians. Teleplione available or other means �f camiuni�gation no+ pay station)• 1f� �?tfG'�� C�� � �� �-iG'S� /�9GSf. � vi'"'�.'�'h`J 7�/ + ,Dt� i ,�' � 6. R�OORD6: Written records available of daily operation of the pool, including attendance, water tests, chemicals used, hours of oper ion, b ckarashing a�xl other nfo tion re,yuired 1� ►�►�€.eo �v �,a.c�c+�r�l. �►.�ti cec� � �w+e S � �� OK...7. RDCIRCULATIqV - FILTRATION: Purification system ca�ble of roaintaining quality of water, turnover every $ hours, � maximum filtratiai rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equignent fin�ly adjuatable. Flarov � � meters and pressure gauges are required. � ��„ � � ��� _i )� �"c�l» SAt.T' C��{(tsR„ .�3�a� �Q ��'l � � ��e�' ' � 8. DEFI'H MARKINGSc. Must clearly mark on deck and 11 of pool. Mar���st be displayed for every foot down to a depth of�5 'feet, ar►d then at appropriate places of not more than 25 foot intervals around the deep portion of the pooi. .... : ,. ,� 9. DIVING BOARDS: Rigidly constructed, properly anchored, braced for heaviest load, sound no splinters or cracks, � ; non slip surface. Not over 10 feet above water level azd at least 13 feet unobstruct�l head roan. ��,�0. WATFR 901JRGE: Water used in any sw"i�nning pool shall be fran a sonrce approved by the Health Departmer±t. �ll. $tiCTERIOLAGTCAL G.UALITY: Hesith Department shall cause water samples to be analyzed as considered necessary. Quality shall meet the USPHS drinking water standards. Untreated water not over 2,40Q bpN Coliform. �12. �k�MMICAL STA[�ARDS: Treated with chlorine or bther effective method. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Nealt6 Department. Free Chlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Bramine 2.0 - 6.0, ` Total Alkalinity 50 - 150 p.p.m. atad Ca�bined Chlorine less than 2 p.p.m. are required once a day. SWIMylING P(yOLt CI -_�_U✓.v ( pH ��_ T.A. =�tJ Combined Cl = o ,�•�-+ t..r SWIIrMING PpOL: C1 = pH = T.A. = Canbined Cl = WHIRId'OOL: Cl ��� b pH =�_ T.A. _� Gaaibined C} = � WAAING BOOL: Cl = pH =_,^,� T`.A. = Gombined Cl = V�13. TF3PING �Up�,� Testing eqgigner►t provided, in good ii and canplete with fresh reagents. k'- ��to TEST ��C►t ( t�PW �'r►t"!$�. �14. WAT�t QARITY: A,rb inch black disc at bottam of eepest part of pool visabie at l0 yarde away. �15. WADIIVG PO(X,S; Quality of the water shall be the sa�ne as swimning goola. Turnover 4 hours or less. �16. WHIRLPOOL„5: Quality of tht water ahall be the sa�ae�'as swimning poola ard shall be equipped with a theMaaneter ard a time instriment for tfie us of bathers. C 4oCu_ c�K, �c�,t o� ,: �r 17• IIVCL,O�JRE: A 6 faot high fence in accordance with.M.G.L. c.140 with self-closing and self-latching gates or doors. Indoor poo� must also I�e reetricted in a simiiar manner. Pool enfrances and exits to be locked during non-operat i h�rs.�K��/ �'�� ����°i/�-{ V"lg, CLOSUR�: retor o close • �pe pool when water doas not meet the requirements of this code. Operator understands their responsibilities in regards to operating a public/sgni-public swimning pool. NOrtES: I'C� �� L.10S� � � i C��,C,. _ �.�P � 't' � �. — �. �3 —,l.�tf �'tin�o.,� '� �. –� $ ,Cr�,.r�,� v��-�e =`��'.�.ri., 1–'�' .C? � ��,� ,�9 �/ ,�c�tr�e �- ,k�l ���" ',�,� . �soN irrr�vi� -� 10/96 � ��� �r���� �� ����� /,�a� r�sr. pr�-►� Mvs�- ,��- �N�ct�y � 9i> �2.. �Dc c.( 91�_ � 9» ct SfP�g 'i� t Fc�.G^� �c.�►�J F,�.,J.�K 4,„ vn F'c,c N .� t�. ,�,. . ¢. . ._ Y .__ _ ,T. _�. � � __ _._. __. �.�.�.,�.,.,,,�„ 't�te aa�,1�aL1H oF �u�rrs sa�w oF Y�ott� t�[.� n�arn�rrr POOI. II�X.TI(N RFY�OItf Y� w� D Ce� C'[�� u� S•�»v crq I ec5 ;_�=�� naT� 1�,� -�"j� �' ..S-�o...� �ss .3a9 �1� ��u� Si�2�. � �e� nn�� .S(�-3'9�—(►>S� , OPERATOR �Gr'�7.5� ;�..r�,�•��a.�.{� � PF1tMIT P(3STID # Regulations of the Massachusette Sanitary Code: Article VI, Minimim Starutards for Poo1s; and Town Amendments to Article VI. 1. All items approved on the construction plan are of pern�anenf nature arid need not be ehecked at each inspection. � 2. I�'ALTH: Shower and health signs posted which state that bathers take showers, no sick or infected bathers; no glas$ or dangerous objects; and children under the age of 16 must be acca�anied by an adult saviamer within. � 3. GERTIFIID POOL �'FRATORS: Must staff at least twu (2) certified operators in First Aid, Water Safety, C.P.R., ard have one available on the premiaes during pool operating hours. � 4. SAF'ETY: One shepards crook airi one ring buoy with adequate rop�e for each 2,000 sq. ft. water surface. One,,pool divider for shallow end with floatation buoys. � 5. FIRST AID: First aid kit (see back), emergency telephone n�rribers �+osted, local palice, state police, fire department, and several available phyaicians. Telephone available or other means of ca�uiication {no+ pay station)• Drai f�( �T�� G.t���t"�S C�� (1� 6. RDCORD6: WrHtten records available of daily operation of the pool, including attendance, water tests, chemicais used, hours of operation, backwashing and other inforrn ion required._ " � i E'St- f �2 e c�oa a t� 12.e ce�ds y �s ��4- ''� 7. RF�CIRQ1iATI0N - FILTRATIQV: Purification system capable of maintaining qu3lity of ter, turnover avery $ hours, maxim�m filtration rate 2-3 gal. per min. per sq. ft. filter. Disinfection equignent finely adjustable. Flaw meters and re�sure gaugee are required. G�' poal- Sa�+ 6er��x... 3��ss'Rs�tt�, �jo �,�� 53'�y�► � c.h+�qc, T�43s , � 8• DEFTH MAI2KINGS: Must be clear y marked on deck and wa 1 of pool. Markings muat be diaplayed for every foot dcnm i to a dept h o f 5 feet, a�i t hen at appropriate places of not more than 25 foot"intervals aroucxi the deep portion of the pool. i � 9. DIVING BQARDS: Rigidly eonstructed. properly anchored, braced for heav�est load, sourd no splinters or cracks, 1 ;� non slip surface. Not over 10 feet above water Ievel a�l at least 13 feet unobstructed head roan.. 70(Ah10. WATER SO[jRGE: Water used in any swimning pool shall be fran a source approved by the Health Departmer_t. �11. $ACTERIOIAGTGAL ITY: Health De rtment hall � tX1AL pa s cause water samples to be analyaeri as considered necessary. . Quality shail meet the USPHS drinking water standards. Untreated a+ater not over 2,400 M�N Goliform. �12. Cf�MICAL STADHJIARD6: Treated with chlorine or other effective method. Tests taken at least 4 times a day as required by Nealth Department. Free thlorine 1.0 - 3.0, pH 7.2 - 7.8, Branine 2.0 - 6.0, Total Alkalinity 50 - 150 p.p.m. arati Go�e�bined Chlorine less than 2 p.p.m. are xequired once a day. SWIbMING PODL: Cl = �� (J pH =�_ T.A. = �� Combined Cl = �, SWIA�MING PC10L: Cl = pH = T.A. = Combined CI = WHIW�PQOL: Cl = o?� I� pH = /-�. T.A. = ,�� Canbined CP =�` WADII�IG EqOL: Cl = pH =�� T.A. = Gasibined Cl = �� 13. TF�TING EX�UTA�TP: Testing equi' t�providect, in good repair a�l cariplete with fresh reagents. K- �cob T'�Sr�a � TI�S.e,� �,14. WATFR CLARITY: A b inch black disc at bottam of deepest pasrt of pool visable at IO yards away. m �15. D1�IDING PQOIS: Quality of fhe water shall be the sa�ne as swimning pools. Turnover 4 hours or less. _ �16. WHIRLPOOLS: Quality of the water shall be the sa�ne as swimning paols and shall be equipped with a thermaneter ard a time i t nt for tk�e u of bathe � �.6C.�, -c5 t� �i�r�'S 6�.: ���,�,c�� ,.�c,T o�' --pl'� � 17. IIVCi,pSURE; A 6 foot hi fen in accordance wit M.G. c.140 with self-closing and self-latching gates or doors. Indoor pool must also be reetricted in a similar manner. Pool entrances ard exits to be locked diuing n4n-operating hours. �'7���uf �6t�� l� `" �18. CLOSUREs Operator to close pool when water does not meef the requiraaents of this code. Operator understands their responsibilities in regarde to operating a public/seni-public swimning pool. C n � r�r�s: -- S�ep S Tv,,, �- �� �c�,�rJ� � V�.���2. � � � � � � � � ° �a11 i ar.�� � PERSW I INSPEIGT 10/96 ______._._._ .____.� ,;