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Pool Water Testing Results
Or,t. 2, 2014 11 :26AM � � No. 5529 P. 1 ENYIROTECHLABORATORIES, INC. MA CE1�T.ND.:M-1V1�1063 8 Jna Sebas�in�r Drlve Un![.7a Se�:dwlr.h,Ma oas63 �������D (508)888-6460 I-80a 3.�9-6d60 ��� �,� FAX(S08)8�8-6a46 N�'��. �CT 0 2 2014 ClientNnme � Ma�jlowerPlace Lotation Yarmouth, �EALTH DEPT. ' Address Rehabllflatlon Cen�er Wesf YafmoUtn MA 026�3 S�mpie Dale 08/29114 Cotlected.8y Clien� SnnrpleT�me �6:05 Snm�le Ty�e swlmming water Dn(e Received og�zs��a LRb Order Nunr6er pS-140A92 Locrrllpri Sou�ce - Da�e Co(lected 7Ynre Collec�ed Cvinmen[s A - 8128f201s 16�05.. - Pool ,... Arinlj�sfs IteqWesfeA CI��I�s Reco��rmende�I Cimlis Ar�olys�s Resul/ MelNo�t ,U�ile Ar+nlyzerl Anelyzed 8y Tot91 COliform /700 m[ Z U 9222 B 9/30/2014 R5 Standard Plate Count 11 ml 200 61 9215 6 9�3612014 RS Pseudomanas Aeruginosa l900 ml 1 0 9213 E 9/30/2014 RS Comments: Ves-Water is suitabJe for swimming for parameters fested. '� ,- Dcrte '10/2/2014 Ro�anlrl J.S�ari Ln60rRfOry DrrEdOr BRL=Below Repor�nb(e L�mrrs Page 1 of 1 �See Alrr�ehed Se�. 79. 2f)14 9:46AM N�. �495 F. 1 ,ENVX.I�OrLC1SY,LABORATORIES,�NC. t11A CERT.IV'O.:M—MA 063 S Jrrn Sebnstlan Drive Unit 12 Sandwlch,MA 02563 (508)888-646D 1-800-339-6d60 FAX(S08j888-64d6 Clieiit Name �'►�p}1�orver PlncE LOCplrOri W.Yarmouth, MA Acldress Rehabilitation Cenler West Yarmouth MA 02673 S�mple Drete 09/26/14 CaAecte�ll3y Envirotech Sample Tlme 15:d5 Snrrzple Type Swimming Water DRIe R8C2dVCfI os�26��4 L�t6 Or�er Ncam6er P5-140890 � . , ,, ; I 4 r 1 k,���)}/� r {� /� I /�p .y� /}y•/�r //� yyy�pn i "� �.yP1��R�T ���Q�4�l��T�Y� f �L��riF+M,/gQ1�+� �1� '.l . �p4^��y'R•�.S . j. � , . ' . (��. . � '��.Sr�g�F Y (� .. i � �fi I �� �� I. � � �. �B a, 9 8z0 +;: t n�l.Q.�'-.'.c. E, ,! +� a'ti � ��,�.i�su�G a' �� u�R�;� ,, Anndysis Reguesfed U�rils Recommen�ed Lr�nils ,Annlys�`s Kesnll Me�hod DateAnMy�ert AnalyzeA$y Tota�Cvliform 1100 ml 0 0 9222 B 9/28/2014 RS Standard�I�te Count /1 ml 200 <1 9215 B 9l29/201a R5 Pseudomonas Aeruginasa /100 rnl � 0 9213 E 9/2912014 RS Comrrrents: Yes-Water is suitable for swimming forparamefe►s fesfed. . ........_Drr�e 9129/2014 ROnAIII ..Sfthri -�----------- Leborrrrory D�rec r 13RL=1�efot�Reposra6le L�r��rrs Page 1 of 1 "'See Arrached S�p. 29. 2Q14 9;46AM � fVo. �495 F. 2 L�'N�1✓1"RDT,�"CHX.�4B01eATO.R1'�'S,rNc. MA CERT.NO.:M-MA �63 8 J'ma Sebns�lnre l7rJve CJi�J[!2 Snrrriwich,rtifA Oa563 (S48)888-6460 I-800-339-6460 l�AX(SO$)888-6446 �1 h�la ower P1RCe W.Y t Cltent N"�t�ne yA ,�oc�tion armoutl,MA Ad�ress Rehabilitation Center Wesl Yarmaulh MA ozs�3 Sampte Date 09/26lid Collecled By Enviro�ecn Sa»tple nrrre 15:05 , Stt�iple 7�pe Swimming water pRte Received 09/28/ta La6 Owr�er Nu�stber P5-1d0690 � �8 " ��C��`iR�h`,�!r�,ag.. Xlul¢CvRealed� �'Yii�e;�itj{e �rj Co�n�enls ;f`: ' ` f" f ;�,A:'.�.� . 81�,612014. t�0.6: ._ � Ro I, ' , .. ,,. �� • : . ........, . ... . A t�r� .Y�� . , ...,.... �... . : . ....,,. ..,., ..:;..� A�r�lysrs Requested Unlls 12ecor�t»teairled.Clrn!!s ,4nrrfysls Resu/i 1�etho�l Dnie Ana[yze�l Annlyze�l By Totsi Colifarm /900 ml 2 0 9222 6 9/29/2074 RS Standard Piate Counl 11 ml 2d0 7B 9295 B 9JZ9/2014 R5 —._ ._.... .. ..---�- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 1100 ml 1 5 9Z13 E 9l29/2014 RS COmmenl5: No-Wefer is not suifable forswimming for parame�ens tested. . � ' Dale 9�29/2014 ..... ...— ROHOflI✓.Sl)hrt Labornrory blre r c� �9�1� � �'t"�� I � � � ��� �rZ� � � C c�l t-�c� � ir'��-r� � � e�Ca�-ecl G'�� rP� ������ , ���� 13RL=Balo+v Repo•tpbfe L/rnirs P&g0 1 OF 1 bSee,�uache�l