HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceTHE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �-�--^ BOARD OF HEALTH V..OF..... v.! ............................................. Appliratinn for Dispoiitt1 Works Towitrnrtion Permit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair O an Individual Sewage Disposal System at • oZ�- JaS 104A �J •---... (_..��. '.? ::.. 'fir !••-•......................_.---•--•......................... _.... ...._._....-• ._......_-._..............__....._..__.... Location ocation - Address or Lot No. ........... AXAV ... sir. a .................................. ........ �:�►._.. . _...w....i nor ' i d e ........................... ........................L `......_..... a Installer Address Type of BuildingSize Lot ............................ Sq. feet Dwelling —No. of Bedrooms............................................ Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other — TYPe of Building ............................ No. of persons............................ Showers Cafeteria ( ) Q+ Other fixtures ......--•---•••-• ................ . WDesign Flow......... ._........gallons per Person per day. Total daily flow .............. .................. gallons. WSeptic Tank — Liquid capacity ............ gallons Length ................ Width ..... 7......... Diameter ................ Depthh-----------_-.---- x Disposal Trench — No...... j ............. Width ..... 3.......... Total Length............ Total leaching area..... T --sq. ft. 3 Seepage Pit No ..................... Diameter.................... Depth below inlet .................... Total leaching area .................. sq. ft. Z Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by .......................................................................... Date ........................................ ''la Depth of Test Pit..:.__....._.._..... Depth to ground water_._.____....:......__... Test Pit No. 1................minutes per inch Test Pit No. 2................minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit .................... Depth to ground water ........................ a--------------------------------------------------------------------------•--•------- ------------- •........ •-------- ----------- •.... .------- -- oDescription of Soil ........................................................................................................................................................................ W................................••---•••..........................._.._.._._ ................••..... .................c•-•-••----••---•---•---•-•-•--------•------• —�------------•---------- U Nature of Repairs or Alterations — Answer when aplicable...� !�S' -4. 1......�•- L 4C ....... 1u!�s' ....'4-�?Ec.....'�.-......._-...3'-!r' ` - ST...3._.�+Qe�e....,e�.-P.�t Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the afor escribed Individu S wage Pisposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE .5 of the State Sanitar ode — The and ed furt r agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has 'ssued y th o h Si.............................................. .........���.1 .._.... _ D Application Approved By__..._.._ .. ......... --- -.--- Date Application Disapproved for the foil ' reasons: .......................................................................................................... . . . •••-•-------------------•-•-----••-•-••--•......-----•--••••-•---------•-•-------•--------•---•---••••.......••----------.._._.............•--••-------............................................ ate Permit No.. ----------- _......._ Issued.._:..'OK _ . �........._D ...... .Date / THE COMMONWEALTH, OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH (Urtifuttte of. Tim'Pliot.rr THIS IS -TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage"Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired( _/() by..... f_.c `_>....-- ......................................-----.......-•-------•----................---........ _Install ( / at. ' G✓..... -x '1.... 1' ZG e �' ... =------....�� i. 3 .. -..........................` ..............................•-------------- has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary, Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No .... dl�-_ =_._ 3 .. .......... 'dated.... :._:2. t f ----------------- THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT'BE CONSTRUED ASA GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. i DATE. % Inspector..tii���'