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b ©c(� off, o �5,,�� i n Q f1K,3` t 19t1 i7 YYY (r71i YAMOUTH/CGlPU BLIC H EARINGSK"� 01 , 5/16 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN , OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION " The Yarmouth Conservation Commission will conduct public hear- WIWings pursuant to the Massachusetts 1, IA'd Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40 and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143, on Thursday May 5th, 2016 at the Yarmouth Town Offices, 1146 Route' 28 South Yarmouth, MA beginning at: 7:d0 p.m. for the following matters: Reqquest for Determination o[ A7plicabflity: Blue Rock LLanding Association, 256 Blue Rock Road, South Yarmouth, MA, proposed landscaping work to create 1 an upland beach area within the river:.) front area and buffer zone to a coastal, bank. Notice of Intent: - Richard Bishop, 17 Point of Rocks. Road, Yarmouth, MA, roposed instal-, lation of a spa pool antl ppatio, antl mitt= patio, gation plantings within the buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland. a Steven and Gail Trulli, .184 Blue Rock Road, Yarmouth, MA, proposed coir;' fiber roll installation. re-stabilization of 1 the coastal bank, removal of English Ivy, and replacement of existing land- I scope steps and walls and other asso- ciated improvements within the buffer zone of a coastal bank. John Lizak, Sailin Winds LLC, 8 Kelp Lane, Yarmouth, avlA, proposed bulk- head replacement, and replacement of '.. existing landing on Parkers River. Jacqueline Hughes TR, Bluefn Realty TR, 11 Kelp Lane, Yarmouth, MA pro- I1 - - _ ---- pgsed bulkhead re lacement at a raised elevation wit the use of fill, USPS TRAI removal and replacement of the dock landing decking and walkway on IIIIIII�II�J I�I� Parkers f-ler. John and Catherine McNamare7 Kelp Lane Yarmouth, MA propose d bulk I'4A`I head replacement at raised elevation with the use of fill lacemenl of tleckingg and landing, eck addition shed au on, reconstructed patio and 5550 5402 1578 on lParke�s Ri eidening of the driveway ® �1 Paul McGrady 3 Kelp Lane, Yacementt United States • g, aVIA,t proposed bulkhead replacement Postal Service ae placement of landing th and decking,' reconstruction of patio and walkway at 1, new elevation, and shed antlenemtor Pad replacement on Parkers fiver. Mano Montanile, 2 Swordfish Drive Yarmouth, MA, proposed bulkhead replacement and replacement of exist, ing landing on Parkers River. - a /! Faisal and Linda All, 8 used Swordfish hea4 Yarmouth, MA, proposed bulkhead replacement a raised elevation with, the use of fill, replacement landing 1 and decking on Parkers River. Plans and applications for the above 11 maybe examined in the Yarmouth' Conservation Commission Office, 1146. Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA;: '.. Monday thou Friday between the hours. of 8:45 a.m. and 4:d0 p.m. a Hoopoe, Chairman YaYarmouthConsese rvation Commission AD413421106 The Register 428/16 �., PemiRTto,. ��"-"►p"'"'er Z6 i3- Z077 Il�lil�fiillli