HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool Water Sampling Results ��t. 7. 2014 2:29PM No. �517 P. 1 E�r�xROT,�cr��.�a�ronr�s,xNc. MACERT. NO.:M-M,�4 063 ��6��d�� 8 Jan Sebrrstian Drive Unit Il snn�r���r,,M�[ OZ563 OCT 0 7 2014 (S08)888-646D �-8D0-339-6460 .�,�.r�5o8�sss-saq6 HEALTH DEPI . Tidewdter MotDr LOd e West Yarmoulh,MA Cllen(Nnme g Locat�on A�ldress 135 Main 5t.,Rte.2b West Yarmoulh MA 02673 Sr�mpXe Date 10/03/14 Collec�ec�By c�ient Sn�mple T�ime NA Sample Type Swimming Water D(xte ReCe�ved 10/03l1A Lab Order Nrr�rrber P5-140895 ,..; . . Loc,�rt��pn Sol�rc¢ ,Dote CON�eted 7Ym¢CorlecrerC Cory�sir�e�rs ''i t ;. ���(� :� ��: . ;" 10I312�14 NA _ "SPa ' � :;,�� Analysts►2e2uesled U�tlls .Reco�euneradeALim�(s A�ea(ysis Rtsuff Method Dnle Annlyzerl AnnlyZed By Total ColiForm l7d6 ml 0 0 9222 B 90/3/2014 RS Standard Plate Count /1 mi 200 56 9215 B 10/3/2014 RS P&eudomonas Aeruginosa /100 ml 0 0 9213 E 10/3/2014 RS Comments_ Yes- Watails sulfeble for swlmm(ng f r paremeters fsstad. Dnfe 7 0/6/2014 Ro nl[I J. ar1 Lnbor�rt0 D�rec�or BRL=Beloiv Repor�nble LNr��rs Page 1 of 1 '�See At��ched � O�t, 7, 2f.a 14 2: 29PM No, 5517 F. 2 E�+7�1"RpTECH,T.A,�O,RATORIES,INC. Mr1 CERT. NO.:M-MA 063 I 8.7sR Sebns��nr�brlve CJnIr IZ I Snrrdwlcle,M�l 0?543 �L�C�L�01�J l�D (S p8)8�88-6460 I-80 D-33,9-6d 60 FAX(S08j888-64�6 ��;T n �2��4 Grent 1Vnme !'rdetivRter Motor Lodge ,LOCItIiDh West Yarm�uth, H�►LTH DEP1, Address 135 Main 51.,Rte.28 ` West Yarmouth I 1. MA 42673 snrirple Dn�e 1�163114 Collec�e�'By Clienf Snmple 7Y�e NR Srrn�ple;(�pe Swimming water D/tte ReCeived 10/03/94 C�th Or�`er NuNtber PS-140895 ; ,. , ,...:;:,.., , • . _ .��.:.-.�� ,LP,c�y�rR�i pill�ce: Dn e Colle�led ��1►�rie Co/lee(ed �`�{�?ii����s � �: •p,. ' 19���14..' NA ' Ind`oorPool Aunlysis Regrreste�! UnJts lQecomme��rled�C/ml�s An�rlysls Resu!! Mell�od Dote�4nrrlyzer� Anrrlyzed By Tolal Coli(orm 11p0 m� 2 0 9222 B 70/3/2094 R5 Standard Plale Count /1 ml 200 7 9215 B 9013/201A RS Pseudomonas Aeruginosa /104 ml 1 0 9213 E 10/3l2014 RS ---------.__ . . ...._— --._ .....—. ........__._� _.._._.. ...-•-- ---.._._ Comment.s: ' , Yes-Waferls suitsble foiswJmmrr�g/or paramefets tested. ; I Drrle �d/6�2014 � �ionn(rl.� Sa�rl I Lnborrrfory 19Jr�ec o► i I � I BRL—Befo�v Reparla6fe Lirnrrs P9 8 1 Of 1 I �See.4rfr�cleed g I ( �