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Frozen Dessert Test Results
� � 0�t. 17. 2014 10: 18AM N�,. �649 F. 1 ENV�'ROT.EC.i�':G.9BORATO.RIES,INC. 1�A CERT. NO.:M-MA 063 8 Jan Se6ss(lan 1:IrI ve Un![12 . SonAw�c/r,MA 01563 (508)888-6460 1-800-3�9-6060 FAX(508)S88-b446 Client Nahre �a�iyQneen/Yarmouth LOC[�l1�Of1 Yarmouth,MA ��'������ f�(�lirESS 917 Main St. 5.Yarmouth t�cr 1 r �a j� nnA ozssa snmple Drrte 1010$/14 H��fi� ���% Co/lected By Glien[ Srrmple Tlrne Na Snmple Type Froze�aessen Da[e Recetved 10/08114 ,Lab Orrler Number DW-743379 Weld Specs NA .u,c�r��;�,� a� �`., :,. .bere Collecyeur. ,.�.:�������.:z: 4, {{t ,��y,/•�.a ; �� l,s)vf i 2y lt r� ..�, ��v�:,:�.,4. �4 � �� �f15 i�iY�1 g �, J,N � r il��`.m,{�iS*'�' .i ). .�r �.�,.�.. � ��4 '1 : .�i-' "��,.�:';iy� 'f+ �f,p + ". r �i y�l. r�., � DIP� ,,. i�:' � �t.��_F.��,C�ACNflnX�:�.:�� 7 �:� , .. .r ,. . ..... .. . , ,, � Annlysls keqrtes�ed U�rila Recorn►�rerrded Llntlls Annlys(s Resul� Melhod Dale Analyzerl r1 nnlyted By ICe Cream C�Iiform /gram 50 <1 Pour Plate 1018/2014 MC �__: .— -•---- ..........g . _..,,-- -- ---- Standard P�ate Coun( / ram 50,000 310 Pour Plale 1 0/8120 7 4 MC ------- --...,.�-�.__...__. _.�.. �_....._--------- --....�...._ Commen�ls: --. ---�--- Y�s-PararrTaters o�froren dessert fesfed are wlfhln recommended l,imlfs. �'1 Dnte 10/14/20�4 Rannl�J.SanrJ Laboratory Dlreclor ) �� BftL=1Jelow Repor�ndle L;mr�s "'See Alruched Pflge 1 of 1 aCerrrfrcalron is nor avaiipble jor rhr's analyle for non po�a6le ivaler sanrples.. Oct, 17, 2O14 10: 17AM � No. �648 F, 1 ENVIROTECHLABO�ATORIES,INC. MA C,�.RT.1V"O.:M—MA 063 8 Jnn SebnsriAn Dr1ve Ur�1t 72 . Sn►+rfw►ck,M,9 O2S63 (508J888-6460 I-8D0-339-6460 . FAX(508J888-6d46 i Cl�errt Name �p�ry Queen/Yarmouth .�OCptton Yarmouth,MA � Adrlress 917 Main Sl. t:f������D !N 5.Yarmoulh MA 02684 SrtmplelJrrte 10/08/74 OCT 1 /2014 Gvllected By Client Srt►nple Ti�rae Nq NE/�L.TH OEP1. Srrmple 7�pe �rozen vessert bate Recet'ved �aog»a ' La8 Order Number DW-743379 Well Spees tvA � � �� .. �����,.,�:� .. . ,,,.,-, ,� - ,'�, �� r 3�!s t?�` Dnte Co/lectgd��:'i"-�/�,t.4+;�Q�,� �i�d�`� '"' �, , : ,�� . j i �� .,f�i �Y A . . . ��AQ � ,i:���i} ��i. .'y.�A' ,. ��;::: �� 1 �.fi �`��R4f��ilt� , I ...7. ':j.., ::!f( Ot: V.ir,{�, Annlysls.RegWesfed C1i�Ns RecommerrderlLlm�'(s Aanlysis Result Metl�od DnteAna/yzer7 Anafyzed By ___ Ice Cream ColiForm _�_ _ lgtam 50 c1 Paur Plafe 10/8l2014 MG .. __�..--- --- .._ __ ._. Standard Pla�e Caunt /gram 5d.000 310 Pour Plafe 1018l2D94 MC ---__....__..._...._...----- Comments: -----._,_._..—.--- __.._. ...._� Ves-Aaramefers of froxen dessert tasfed are wJthin recommended limifs. Date 10I1412014 Rwurlrt J.Srtar! ._......_.��.��.._ L�borplory Dire[1or BRL=13e1v��-Reporrnb�e Umrrs `Ste�i��rrcheal Page 1 oF 1 �CerrfJicarfon�s no►avatlable for�his rn�alyte for no�yorable,vorer so�nples,. Or.t. 7. 2f)14 2: 04FM No. ��17 P. 1 ,ENVIROTECH LABORATORIES,1'�V"C. MA CERT. NO.:1�I-MA QG3 $J'rni Sebrtsllrrn Dr1ve Unll I Z ����Q��D Strnrlwich,MA 02563 (S08)888-60d0 1-800�339�Ga60 (���` (� �Zo 14 � 1�AX'(508)888-6446 HEALTH DEp�. Client Name � Dairy Queen/Yarmoerth LrvcRtrpn Yarmouth,Mq Address 917 Main St. 5.Yarmouth MA �zssa �Rmple Date os�zsr�a ; Collecled By c�ie�t �'�rn�p�e TFme NA � ,' S�mple Type Frozen dessen Date,Received 09/29/14 ; i La6 Order Na�nber DW-143258 We![Specs NA .. ... . . . .. Locollor+So���e. . Da/�CoNecleal 7Ynre CoU¢cled C'on�»��ti/s:. .� , A ' ' :;8fY81t4 'NA;: . VanlHfl!Chocolate 71�vist slnalysls.�eques�ed rIn/ls l2econimeade�l Limifs A�mlpsTs Result MeU�o�! Dode Annlyzer� Ri,a►yzed By ICe C�e�m Coll►ofm �gram 50 <1 Pour Plale 9/29l2014 MC _ _. ..._. -----.._._._.—___ — ------._..._�._..�.. _._ Standard Plate Caunt lgram SO,d00 45D0 Pour PlaCe 9/29/2014 MC _..__.............�........ ....�.......... . . � Commenrs: —��� Yes-Paramefers of fiozen dessert fesfed -thln recommended limifs. i Dnte 10/3/2014 � . _..--- ------- . ..�,..._._...........__ ----�------��---.. Roenlrl J.San ' L�rborn�ory D�ec� r BRL=Belo�v Repor�rrbTe r.l�,�rts '�See Ai►ached Page 1 of 7 �Cer��ca�ior is r,or avnrfubfe for rhTs annlyle for nori-potable tiraler sarnples.