HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA - 44 Crab Creek Lane - FolderYARMOUTH/44 CRAB CREEK LANE LEGAL NOTICE F YARMOUTH CONSERVATION q. COMMISSION F NOTICE T Notice is hereby given of the Request for I' Determination o Applicability: a Fruean Family Trust it Edmund Fruean, III Trustee F 44 Crab Creek Lane c YarmouthPort, MA 02675 b To construct a 2 toot high retaining wall at 44 Crab Creek Lane, YarmouthPOH, MA in F ALc,rdance with the plans filed with the r,J Yarmouth Conservation Commission. i rl l i r Hearing on the above will be held in the, Yarmouth Town Hall, Route 28, SobtW Yarmouth, MA on Thursday, November;; 4, 2004 @ 7:30 p.m. DAVID D. FLAHERTY JR. CHAIRMANr'u� CONSERVATIONTOWN OFYARMOUTH ION ADk647872 !! The Register 10/28/04 d