HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA - 9 Crow St - Folderwo eiE 1 c vfr+e S eop,� 4EP, �a„e coPJ Sr den e`` coin be _v o e'F P' C,';rt-AD_1 Cc> U 2ne "P bC+ Q Cart Cow+2 � ,r ack;on fGmEn9 �erl � r�ayes�s+'� no LvE� AyGp CC 11/1/12 HEARINGS y �-�n�2C.1 Cyr C^ C TOWN OF YARMOUTH (/is tB CONSERVATION COMMISSION' The Yarmouth Conservation Commission will conduct public hear - j ins pursuant to the Massachusetts • Wgatland Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40 and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland ST -law Chapter 143, on Town Offic s 10146 - Ro to 28 South Yarmouth, Md beginning at 7:80 P.M. - for the following matters: Nonce of a Cape Cod Hospital, 72 ayview lee West Yarmouth, MA in sin lefamily dwelling within th Buffer Zgone. ti f I .Charles White West Yarmouth pMA (Ma251 7Lot 621) -L 6V j��mLiJe Po p Cl S Ca??� Roadway construction within a flood. plain. �" ti 9 Charles White West Yernmouth,is o. 251 Route 218) ka �G+t'rooe Reconstruct/upgrade an existing paved pa n of an propose nds apinT 12�1�n4 U1C wtplain!Aslshowprianas Zone and"t0 he Riparian Zane anaaaeemen o. t nc 2 1eRc to eh2a Removeran existing tle37tcow11o n shoot a six bedroom duplex within the Riparian Zone and floodplain. As shown as proposed lot 2 o i tie f nt Charles White West Yarmouth,oMA(Ma251 621) 7RLot the Ri eranZone, floodpllaiwithin a d Buffer Cane. As shown as proposed lot 3. '.. Uicq 9 nt: Charles White West Yarnouth,oMA(Map Remove37Lot 621) struct a six bedroom dwellinguwithcon- floodplain and buffer zone to a wet- land. As shown as proposed lot 4. .. R u t for minat' n { ns o Cmeann, W ((Map 25 Lot 169) Remove veuefatiM on fhree dead trees and install a fence within a floodplain and buffer zone. Re ue t for D t rminatio of (Map22 t ad 0 0 West Yarmouth MA Construct second Lon, - - story. d deck the Riparian. Zoneand rocilamwgdd bufferzone. Plans and applications for the above may be examined in the Yarmouth Conservation Commission Office, 1146 Route , thru South Yarmouth betweenfthe hours of 8:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Yadrrnouth Conservation Commission AD#12838789 - The Register 10/25/12 i r