DOA - 2 Florence Lane - Folderfor, CO w:Sh 4 st- t LI �Ssc�n�Cg- �-;&6,- f( -11-t3 4/3/N4 Ot H ARINGS CI O' TOWN OFGALy UH RMCMIS .CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Yarmouth Conservation Commission will conduct public hear-. Si�ngs pursuant to the Massachusetts tion 40 antl theG.L. Chapter 731, Ry law oufh Thutrstla Chapte 743 28 g11 Son outh Y W°r'0f3ces b6 R ute 7:60 p.m. for the tollowMnA begginning at 9 ma7ters APPllcabilit a Determination of Florence Way p Weal Yarmouth Construct a pan est and armouth MA 1l0 a si singleFamily dwelling two additions 9 within a "k . Flak yartl Lane, Clifford Retro,, g 70 raze Wast Yarmouth, MA " struct a re[aiGinnglace a garage, corn - tlrivewa 1 wall and modify a Ywithina lootlplain �E / C Plans and. applications /or the above may be examined in the Yarmouth 146 Commission m z ; MgndaoOfe 28, Office, Y thru F tlath or MA. hourso 9:66 a. m. and 4.00 the Hoopes Chairman Yarmouth Conservation Ytl C4 Commission The Register The Register 3/271!4