HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA - 17 Harbour Hill Run - FolderYARMOUTH/CC PUBLIC HEARINGS
The Yarmouth Conservation
Commission will conduct public hear -
Ws pursuant to the Massachusetts
Wetland Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131,
Section 40 and the Town of Yarmouth
Wetland B -law, Chapter 143 on
March 15, 212 at the Yarmouth Town
Offices 1146Route 28 South
Yarmouth, MA beginning at Y:00 p.m.
for the following matters:
Noticef ri
ancy ou ie and Diane Wilcox, 20
Turtle Cove Road, South Yarmouth,
MA 02664 Construct addition and deck
to single family dwelling, expand an
existing garage, propose decking over
existing patio and mitigation plantings,
construct berm to alleviate flooding,
and remove rubble from Long Pond.
Notice f Intent,
fever y reig, Trustee, 121
Pawkannawkut Drive, South Yarmouth
MA 02664
Repair an existing bulkhead and pier
along Parkers River.
R ue for Determintt'o of
eorge fa e, Director Yarmouth
DPW 265 South Shore drive, South
Middle Beach, South Yarmouth, Me
+ 02664 Repair an existing stainvay.
Re u I for Determination of
A�e_-rt --
u va Xnp 17 Harbor Hill Run,
South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Remove
existingqhinm t construct new elevated
tl the Riverfront Area of Bass
River. wr.
Plans and applications for the above
may be examined in the Yarmouth
Conservation Commission Office, 1146
Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA.
Monday thru Friday between the hours
018:30 a.m. and 4:d0 p.m.
David D. Flaherty, Jr, Chairman
Yarmouth Conservation
The Register 3/8/12