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3 YARMOUTH/CC/PUBLIC FARINGS 8/2111 d TOWN OF NOTICEC HE R BCt,-: jr e CONSERVATION COM.M,.. frOU' in i The Yarmouth Consc©tlly Commission will conduct pubric near - d ingqs pursuant to the Massachusetts S ction 40 antlnhe TowChapter of pYarmoutfi Wetland 136 -law, Chapter 143 on ust 2, 211 s Of Off9ces 1146 Yarmouth, MA at the Yarmouth Town Route 28 South beginning at 1':00 p.m. forthe following matters: f I Rea est for Dete i sign: Steven Paul 4Tlin e, othnphem Drive, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675. To conduct vista pruning and remove dead or unhealthy trees. - Re gest for Determin tion: David c ar y, rver ree South Yarmouth MA 02664. To construct a i second floor addition and replace cesspools to a Title 5 System. Plans and applications for the above may be examined in the Yarmouth Conservation Commission Office, Yarmouth M. daovuth uBFri deo ean tithe hours of 830 a.m. and 4:00 p.m, 1 David D. Flaherty, Jr., Chairman Yarmouth Conservation Commission }4e AD912561609 The Register 7/28/11 VitIG C9� . rnG 5c�� Co�� 17t� C3ra,� me t1� 7��0 ser -I-- Cr-c.'c� C