HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA - 222 Pleasant St - FolderI�,�,\. ,,L\ q yA� ',f\ Seng C-C'�`�ft sr" c L Y)yl%e_ `Z� �YY1Cir\ CC 7"` J \ J Lac On Cv�eMan t/ci>rl-• Jv�l nS ko n 11/6/14 .. LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF YARMOUTH r CONSERVATION COMMISSION 1 The Yarmouth, Conservation e pursuant too the Massachusetts S ect on 40 a44nd the Towe Chapter' Ymoupi ThursAayBlVovembCerh ag, 2 r 143, the F Yarmouth Town Offices, 1146 at the 2at 8 South Yarmouth, MA be inning to j = 7:66 p.m, for the following matters:. Re gest for -0etermination.. of + Brian & Mar ann Manzi 24 Braun Road, West armouth,,MA (Map un Lot 2g) propose to remove existing deck and construct a remove exi and 38 deck. within buffer zone and rrvertrent „. of Thornton Brook. m -cling veg-. I elated we lantl and her zone. Plans and applications for the above may be examined m the'Yarmoulh Commissi�an Office -1146Route 28, South Yarmouth MA. Monda9 thnr Fdda be6veen tie hours of g 00 a m. and 4vb0 p.m. Yarmouth Conservation Commission 97472 The Re The Register 10/30/74 m s t�tEV IS E tilt li4-k v - m '114, � MAO 1r Postage $ Q1 s 43.10 0 Ln Certlfled Fee r Z O$2.70 Retum Receipt Fe; 17 (Endorsement Required es 40.00 ' ✓ O Restricted Delivery ired) (Endorsement Req $7.40 1p/2�1ZO 4� OTotal Postage 8 Fees $ ""T U C3 rn Sent o _� R n - SEPC1 ......... ..... ......................... fU S(� Street, AP 9 ............... 17 or PO Be. No. ._f ------ -^ Z ,Y U v <a CD _ N _