HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOAG T 1 1 11 1 NATIVE TREES TO SCREEN MOTEL 3 RED MAPLE 2 SWEET GUM (TUPELO) Q3 SERVICESERRV 3 RED CEDAR .O `x)11 JAP. BLACK or AUSTPo PINE ���IIIMMM , 5 SWAMP AZALEA _ UNDER SILVER MAPLE F'tic9 0& GENERAL NOTES: * Work shall be in accordance with the American Standard for Nursery Stock SPREAD (ANSI Z60.1-2004), the 1988 Massachusetts Department of Transportation FORM SAUCER WITa­0TMULCH PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT Standard Spec lications for Highways and Bridges (Standard Specifications), 3'CONTIN000S RIM BALL IEEVENDEH THEADA and OSHA Requirements all as amended and this Plan the General FINISHED GRADE , , ,PLANTING MIX PAINT ALL CUTS OVER I"DIA. Conditions, and the Special Provisions. WATER &TAMP ARO 00 UJ / TO REMOVE AIR • H W DSTAKES 2 X2 > e ex :ng porous pavement area as shown on this plan shall not be '} SET AT APPROXIMATELY•70 O �1 POCKETS `Y Qp DRIVEN (MIN. 18') FIRMLY used as a staging/storage area and shall not be crossed by any construction INTO SUBGRADE PRIOR �Q F SHRUB PLANTING TO BACKFILLING vehicles. Contractor shall vacuum sweep the porous pavement area should his work spill over on to the pavement. SCALE: NOT TO SCALE O o,� 2 STRAND TRISTED 12 GLACE X, GAL. GAL. WIRE ENCASED IN V DIA. This project Is subject to a Conservation Commission Order of Conditions, QO ALF RUBBER HOSE AT I/2 TREE HEIGHT J��, a copy of which is included in the bid booklet. .},• FORM SAUCER 3"MULCH SPLRAIL FENCE 1%' 3' CONTINUOUS RIM Due to the potential of exposure to groundwater contaminants, this project ',', ,., �� _ is subject to a 'Soil Management Plan" and a "Site Health and Safety Plan", copies PLANTING MIX of ch are included in the bid that may result from WATER AIRF °ETs these 1p plans will be considered an extra cost and Con. Any extra tractor or agrees tonegotiate ' ' ... 'I ' ' _ ' ' " ' ' ? e'� °oF a fair price for this extra,work. NOTE: Although Owner can not guarantee that t 6� 0 0� 9 contaminants will not be found during this project, contaminants were not found 1. O �G Y �s �i, during the installation of the porous pavement parking lot and the water service. ' --•-•-1••----• �ti Fti, TREE PLANTING 1 _ _ 9q oq Contractor shall guarantee all work for 1 full year after project completion. A"O s \ S SCALE: NOT TO SCALE No new plants shall be installed until after September 13, 2010. L .:......... . s j See additional written specifications and conditions contained in the bid G ........� y'" ......... �F\� booklet. m ° /' Oi, so F C@3' 6- RucoSA HEDGE CONSTRUCTICN NOTES: MAIDEN GRASS f sA s \\ @3 s oc * Contractor shall initially remove all vines from trees to remain, judiciously 3BEA PUNT • • • • •. ••• _'= •-_- ••_•_•••••-•------••• I. I. • prune all trees to remain to remove dead limbs and to shape the trees, and remove all invasive and nuisance plants as shown on the Ian. After the removal 4 G!NIAN Pc,w., ."10SWEETFERN".1. "%. . •-10•CONTOUR- •. - �Q \�� p p ,09E- - j REGRADE TOWARD STREET • • �/ '\ and pruning and prior to any new planting, the Contractor shall meet with the ' • �• ALL GRADES TO BE 3% OR LESS �'O� TY ' '\. '/ - - - - - - - /— 29 KNOCKOUT N 3 LOCATIONSOAL NGFENCE Owner to review the proposed new plant locations as shown on this plan. If - • • • • • • • • Owner so direc':s, Contractor shall install plants at revised locations at no KBER FNS .. GRASS AREA' :.-_ '� additional cost to the Owner. .RR SWAMP , •--• • • : :6° LOAM AND SEED (SEE BID BOOKLET) . • • • • • • •* Owner ac)rees snot to increase new plant quantities or sizes shown on the E TO RM AZALEA MA sswf-_ R �9� • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • Plant Schedule without first negotiating a cost increase, but reserves the right to 7 BDERBER9 EDG OF VEGETATED W NO _ -F change the locations of plants at no additional cost as noted herein. _ - Bo K TO TUPEL 0REM e a . ........ . . ................ . " * Vines shall be removed by hand from all trees to remain, and the stumps REMAIN TO E A "'TA(,o s " SPLIT RAIL '• shall be treated with full strength "Ortho MAX Poison Ivy and Tough Brush Killer � ro RO AIN �110"I � I�.". .". ."."."."."."."."_ .".". .".. "•op ai FENCE \ �� . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ • i Concentrate as manufactured by Scotts Miracle -Gro Company or approved s s:�yeca� 1Go EA RosA equivalent. RUGOSA / HEDGE C) 3'-6" O.C. SPACING Herbicide manufacturers guidelines shall be strictly followed by the Too Contractor. ExtrDme care shall be taken with the application of herbicides so as NVASIVE 1 NUISANCE PLANTS TO REMOV�\ REMOVE 3 .......... . . . . . . I. . •.*. - not to damage or kill any tree or vegetation to remain. / - � FAL.m _ .. _ _ _ _ _ • • • _ ... _ _ _ _ = . �`y \\�e Contractcr shall use an approved herbicide (or other approved method) on F.G /'�(,� all remaining onions of the invasive and nuisance plants to ensure kill. POI GRAPE �j��> - 7 m �Q " . . "� QSSO K. \�-�Lj,� Z O10 `J p / �� NIRGINIACREEPER� /J`( v 'S (i 1+ �. DL V� Contractcr shall be responsible for adequately wateringall plants duan /j�/ MULTIFLORA ROSE��j�/ 'LF ,q�`3... S P q Y g FITTERSWEEi D m G D / P p �t ......... by oti construction and for one full year after project completion. A water service has / g REENBRIER G CHERRY N m� .. • • • • • s °9 been installed / (O -, (,BASSES S A ;;.` 9y a«,L • . , • • . �j,•, �\�. by the Owner for use by the Contractor during this project, and e % G O . . . _ . . - • s FENCE ° s, Contractor will rot be charged for the water unless it is determined that the �..'.'. o ..,•! _ �; Fy'�EKXISTING O �3•+ -WATER HANDICAP ACCESS BLE ��-,LJ Contractor has be e n exceedingly wasteful. SPIGOT - - PICNIC \\ Plants aClng shall be as noted as recommended by the grower, or as Grj` \ SPLIT RAILS Jc recommended DeDsSEXISTING POROUS ASPHALT PAVING Plants shall bess installed ung a loam mix fertilizers, plant pits etc. per �•.• �z 1 NO STORAGE OR EQUIPMENT CROSSING GJ ALLOWED (SEE NOTES) this plan, per the growers recommendations, and/or per the USDA NRCS ICNIO TABLES J m BICYCLE RACK LT PENGEEND All disturbed areas (except dunes and areas around all new plants shall be guidelines. �P OA // /f /f �f �f ��/ /_sem ��! / '.DUNE'.'. f� ! •••••••••••••'•',("• {F ( P ) N `•'•'• �� covered with 3 of spruce pine bark mulch. A sample of the proposed mulch Gj y •.BEACH GR DUNE/' %buNE •, BF"a r \ shall be provided to the Owner for approval. Wood chips are not acceptable. �p a3MBGIUNGRosE �\ ..... Contractor and Owner shall visit the site after May 15, 2011 to determine E G •� O f E � � th e successfulness s cess ess of the v invasive and nuisance plant r PDNo' � :;:;.;.; �\ � �` e ine, and Inv removals and •'•'• ....... `• nuisancep lants found to be alive during this site visit at no additional cost to the TO PRUNE BALI( SEVEN Y .'• /�._.� ��— 7`RRY •` Owner. �\ \; DHERRY SILYERMAPLE o t� Contracto and Owner shall visit the site after May 15, 2011 to determine \ / pF wPNP P/ �ALKWAYTOjj%/� /Q N' NUISgN \ DHERRY To 0gIN O if any new plants have died or in need of pruning due to die off. Contractor shall 19�� DIRECT BANKVRUNOFFTO \ y P ° N CE vEG ATIO� roR�MAIN G"ERRY TOREn"N/ .•` ��� Y place any dead plant and/or prune damaged plants / N Er \ immediate) remove and re PSSOC�P THE SHOULDER �\\ ^ � oN \NJ PS J� EDGE GF�EG A �qD W --- cORv ro AIN //� // at additional RIAL NOTES:t to the Owner. ETiFiNo- TO REMAIN BUSH HONEYSUCKLE toDar, / Two (2) hexagonal picnic tables shall be recycled plastic "Hexagonal PROPOSED BER � X - \SS ��� - - to REMOVE � � � DN OF Eq / � _ -- / /'\ I. PLATFORM (bY of ER Ex �'eAVBERRY OS/pN OO T Outdoor Picnic Tables as manufactured by Barco Products (website: www. •••••. / /CHERRY / BITTERSWEET EXISTING ROL .-' / ...• ��/ �j O TO REMOVE TO REMAIN_ -- - Twee- / barcoproducts_com) or approved equivalent. Color shall be: cedar (to) black (� � '_ - ARROW WOOD � CH E.RY / • • i � � / Iii' A I I 1 yn� \ ��/ U REMOVE BITTER. 1. as ' •'• ice/ - - -_ _ IVIILI- VREE •� �j TO REMAIN BUSH HONEY3UC'` TO REMOVE TO REM / �j // moi.••.•-'-��i/ ���� / (b011Om). " POIBONnn /� ��` / One (1) hexagonal picnic table shall be recycled plastic "Hexagonal Picnic TOREO � /' � Table -Wheelchair Accessible" as manufactured by Barco Products or approved i CHERRY O REMAM / MAIN TO REMAIN / •• ' • /� / / ' / -1/ / —_ // / / ��— �� /equivalent. Colo- shall be: cedar (top), black (bottom). BEACH GRASS "CAPE" VARIETI \ / / INVASIVES 1 NUISANCE PLANTS TO REMOVE PLANT SCHEDULE JEWELWEED cHERRv r BUSH HONEYSUCKLE / / / Four (4) silting benches shall be Uptown Recycled Plastic Inground PLANTED @ 18" OC -2 CULMSMOLE� TOREMAN 6 �/ �/�j I I/ / ( ) INDIGENOUS WETLAND AND COASTAL VEGETATION O GRIENTALBrT'IERswEET / � / ,/ Benches 5 wide as manufactured by Barco Products or approved equivalent. WITHIN THE 0'-100' BUFFER AREA ° ° ° ° REMAIN �AUTUMNOLIVE // j ...••'". Color shall be: cedar (top), black (bottom). Inground posts shall be installed in 3 RED MAPLE @ 2" - 2-112" CAL ° ° / MULTIFLORA Rose / / „ ° / /i / POISON PP/ / 12 diameter hoes filled with 3000 psi cement concrete. 3 SWEET GUM (TUPELO) @ 2" - 2-1/2" CAL ° \� AUTUMN OL � � / ° / TO REMOVE i GRASSES I/ * u 3 SERVICEBERRY @ 2" - 2-1/2^ CAL ° , . -.. ° ° ° °b• ° , �;r� One (1) bice rack shall be Total Coat Inground Bike Rack (5' wide)'I as ° .•:':. !:.(,y:/ ° ° G WINTERBERRV `u �9aT 3 RED CEDAR @ 8' - 10' ° -•'-' -m -. -. . s / To REMAIN / ` PSS• ( manufactured bl Barco Products or approved equivalent. Color shall be: Black. 11 JAP. BLACK or AUSTRIAN PINE @ 6' - 8' ° :; ?: VARIES !m.> t ,,` 3 / 5� '•y[B'Adjacent fo Ktte'28 t ••',-• °\ ,. , ,l��" / s'�" / " 1 1 Split rail fence shall be 2 rail and made from locust. 5E& it 8 CHOKEBERRY @ 2'- 3' •,.,•' ' Walkwa .-.rte- :, .. m:. -r.'.,.••^:._:..,:;=--.<a:. 4 MAIDEN GRASS @ 2 GAL � - ` ' �: 1N � y$ and picnic table and bike rack areas shall be red bituminous weN'Ps • '' \ I concrete pavement with a stam ed brick tt t xt _;.'.,.:. "DUNE 18 BEACH PLUM @ 18" - 24`.SAND " --= .: -. ...;. •' �_;:, ,;42',_rv.•:M:.. 15 VIRGINIA ROSE @ 2 GAL :•.': 33 MEIDILAND ROSE @ 2 GAL 10 SWEET FERN @ 2 GAL 21 BAYBERRY @18"-24" IhIHIL " 5 AR D@2'-3' CROSS SECTION -SAND DUNE 4 BLUEBERRYEBERRY 2' @ - 3' 27 INKBERRY @ 18" - 24" 7 ELDERBERRY @ 2' - 3' SCALE: NOTTOSCALE — 16 WINTERBERRY @ 2' - 3 NOTES: 18 VARIOUS FERNS @ 1 GAL (CINNAMON, OSTRICH, MAIDEN) 1) FLOOD HAZARD ZONE 9 (elev = 10) 5 SWEETSHRUB @ 2' - 3' 2) TOPOGRAPHIC DATA BASED ON: N.G.V.D. 10 BUTTONBUSH @ 2' - 3' 3) ASSESSOR'S MAP #38-001 15 JOE PYEWEED @ 1 GAL 4) ZONING DISTRICT: BUS 1" = 20' 18 PEPPERBUSH @ 2 GAL 5) REFERENCE PLANS ARE: 220 BEACH ROSE (Rosa Rugosa) @ 2 GAL PLAN OF SITE PLAN FOR: 0 20 40 60 29 KNOCKOUT ROSE @ 2 GAL THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH 10 SWAMP AZALEA @ 1 GAL DATED SEPTEMBER 20, 2008 BEACH (DUNE) GRASS (See Cross-section) Ne ..,. urnglasspeciliedinlLhe booklet. The cross-section shall be compacted laYers: 6'" ygraded cr sh did dense 9 stone; 1-1 /2" binJer course hot mix; and, 1-1 /2" red hot mix (bituminous concrete \ 1 pavement). \ 1 The erosicn control tubes shall be 12" in diameter, shall be filled with \ 1 _ compost or mulch, shall be made of 100% biodegradable materials, shall be 1 11 installed along tie entire length of the "Edge of Vegetated Wetland" as shown on 1 this plan and as approved by the Conservation Administrator, and shall be 1 installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. I 1 q Three (3) boulders shall be approximately 3' in diameter. Owner has 0 boulders availab'e for use (stored at the old drive-in site on Route 28) at no cost 1 to the Contractor. However, Contractor shall be responsible for loading, hauling, offloading, and placing the boulders at no additional cost to the Owner. IMPROVEMENTS / VLANDSCAPING / AT ( \ 1750 PARK (281 ROUTE 128) i \ 11 �� / IN WEST YARMOUTH SCALE: 1" = 20• DATE: J'JNE 8, 2010 TOWN OF YARMOUTH ENSINEERING DIVISION 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1 DRAWN BY: RAA / �� / CHECKED BY: RAA 1 001 -- 1 OF 1