HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Apr - Misc. Re: Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment � '° � iz� � E�� L�sT� �;,- �_ ��� JOLLY CAPTAIN 1376 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH Unit# Living Area in Occunancv ��(� Square Foota�e � y�{ � � � � 1 300 2 2 290 2 3� 290 2 4 290 2 5 294 2 6��Y 290 2 7 300 2 �� 290 2 9 " 290 2 10 "` 290 2 11 300 2 12�' 290 2 13 290 2 14� 290 2 15 290 2 16 1,100 9 17'" 1,100 9 18 760 7 ,�•����- 19 976 9 3 APART�VIENTS, 1 MANAGERS QUARTERS, 15 APARTMENT = 19 TOTAL UNITS STATE HOUSING CODE SECTION 410.400, MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE: A) Every dwelling unit shall contain at least 150 square feet of floor space for its first occupant and at least 100 square feet of floor space for each additional occupant, the floor space to be calculated on the basis of total habitable space. (LTsed for house or condominium) C) In a rooming unit, every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least 84 square feet of floor space; every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one occupant shall contain at least 60 square feet for each occupan� (Used for motel) ,�°��Y`9``��o T O WN O F Y A RM O LT T H plannin ,,s � C g � y 1146 ROUT'E 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-24451 BOard H ""`TT^ s�� Telephone(508)398-2231 E�.276,F�(508)398-2365 ��'°"Po""�.° MEMORANDUM �'��� ` °�'J'`�° � APR 13 1009 To: Helen Shah, Chairman HEAL�TF� ��PT. Board of Health ���.,� From: Tracy Post, Chairman / `/��c".X_-. Planning Board ��2� Date: April 13, 2009 Subject: Jolly Captain Condominium �— —._ ,. ��. , � �, ,.�_, �.. At their regufar meeting of April 8, 2009, the Planning Board met with representatives of the Jolly Captain Condominium, Attorneys Michael Stusse and Jay Murphy, who presented a draft Zoning Bylaw amendment to address the non-transient occupancy of the former mo#el, as well as others that are presently operating in a similar situation. The Planning Board generally regards this proposed amendment favorably, but before taking action, wishes to offer it to the Board of Health for its review and comment. A copy of#he proposed text is attached, we look forward to any observations and recommendations your board might have. , -�-,�S w � � � � ,�� �. �� l r - -�W ��,���-�� � �.,� �}. � u,, � t 1 '� �`1` ,�,a c� ,���.�� �,� 10.-�(r� � v�. �"� M"��',�,�, /� l�sl � y 6�.. / /�� �-@ S�`)S S�-' cc: James Brandolini, Building Commissioner T0: YARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD FROM: Lester J. Murphy, Jr., Esq. Michael B. Stusse, Esq. Attorneys on behalf of Re: Jolly Captain Condominium Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment Date: Apri18, 2009 Facts and Background. This is the third time Jolly Captain Condominium has appeared before the Planning Boazd with respect to a proposed amendment to the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw intended to allow the owners to utilize their units for more than thirty(30)consecutive days. At the first meeting the Planning Board asked the Trustees'representatives to identify the properties that might be affected by the proposed change in the Bylaw. At the second meeting the Boazd asked the Trustees' representatives to(1)Refine the language of the proposed Bylaw amendment and(2)Refine the list of potentially affected properties. Attached hereto aze: 1. The draft bylaw with recommended changes. 2. List of Properties. First Article Amendment to Section 104.4.1 in third line ... that there is no change of use, or in the case of a motel or hotel licensed as such on April 11, 2006, not located in the HMOD-1 or HMOD-2 Zoning District and for which a Special Permit has previously been issued under this Section on or before April 11, 2006, that a Special Permit is issued pursuant to Section 104.4,that the ... Second Article 104.4.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing Section 104.4.1, a Special Perrnit may be issued for a hotel or motel licensed as such on April 11, 2006, and for which a Special Permit authorizing conversion to condominium fomn of ownership was issued on or before said date authorizing a change in use to multi-family use provided further that such hotel or motel is not located in either the HMOD-1 or HMOD-2 Zoning Districts and further provided that the Board of Appeals fmds the following: A. Each single-family residential unit contains an area of not less than 500 squaze feet of living area; B. That the site contains facilities providing at least 1.5 parking spaces per residential unit; � C. That the property will consist of not more than twenty(20)residential dwelling units; D. That the Board of Health has determined that the septic system, either existing or as proposed, is in good operating condition and is suitably sized and designed to accommodate the septic flow; _ E. T'hat each of the residential dwelling units has or will be equipped with at least the minimum kitchen facilities as required under State health codes for a dwelling unit; and F. That the buildings containing the residential condominium units contain hardwired heat and/or smoke detector systems connected to a central panel. The Board of Appeals shall have the right to impose such reasonable conditions on the special permit as it deems appropriate provided that no restrictions shall be imposed that impairs the right of an owner to occupy or rent a unit that is a pre-existing year-round unit prior to filing the application for a special permit under this Section 104.4.4. C:UNurphOFFICEICL]ENTS�jolly.capteinl6y law changes.l.doc � . , Affected Properties Appeal#2215 (1985}Assessors Map 26 Parcel 65/Sea View Avenue, 2 cottages/hotel units. Use restricted from March through November. Appeal #2256. Colonial Court Cottages. 6 uniUcottages. Restricted occupancy in Master Deed. April 1 through October 31 S` Appeal#2482 (1988) 183 South Shore Drive. 14 Units/Restricted to occupancy April 1 through October 31 S` Appeal#3821 (2003)9 Windemer Road. 10 unit motel. Restricted December 15�'through February 28"'. Appeal#3851 (2003)29 Lewis Bay Road. 9 units in 9 separate buildings. 4 units seasonally restricted. 5 units year-azound. Appeal#4169. 1376 Route 28. Jolly Capta.in Motor Lodge. 19 units. 15 units restricted to transient use. 104.4 Condominium Conversion. 104.4.1 Any legally existing conforming or nonconforming structure or use may be converted to a condominium form of ownership with a Special Permit from the Board of Appeals if the Board of Appeals finds that there is no change of use, that the declaration of condominium document(s) explicitly define the existing use (e.g. seasonal use, time sharing use, number of units, existence or absence of kitchen facilities, etc.) and that the "declaration of condominium document(s)" is written with proper management authority to insure maintenance and repair of public health and safety aspects (e.g. water lines, sewage facilities, etc.) of the property being converted. The Site Plan Review Team may review condominium documents before application to the Board of Appeals, at the discretion of the Building Commissioner. 104.4.2 A special permit may be issued for an entire subdivision based upon a typical condominium unit and lot plot plan, even though said units and lots will vary within said subdivision. Any fees shall be charged upon a single special permit. 104.4.3 Deleted (ATM 04/11/06). • � .Yq .,=4` �' ,�;� � .�'�',Q �� - _ �.��.G TOWN OF YARMOUTH O __,;. .�: ►�3 BOARD OF APPEALS `�: � � ,�"r DECISION ,,�4�Nti� FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: June 3,2008 PETITION NO. #4169 HEARING DATE: May 22,2008 (Feb. 14 &28, and April 24,2008) PETITIONER: Trustees of the J�y Capt�in Motor Lodge Condominium Trust PROPERTY: 13?6 Route 28,South Yarmouth Map and Parcel: 0061.60; Zoning District: B2 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: David S. Reid, Chairman, Joseph Sarnosky, Diane Moudouris,Renie Hamman and Thomas Roche. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated above. 'The petitioner seeks a Special Permit or Variance, in order to legalize an existing mulit-family use at this existing site. The property is located in the B2 zone. The lot reportedly contains approximately 38,000 square feet of area. T'he lot is improved with four (4) buildings, containing a total of 19 "units". Units 1-15 are motel-type units. Units 16-18 are larger apartment-type units. Unit 19 is the manager's office and unit. The petitioner represents that Units 16-18 have traditionally been available for use throughout the year. Units 1-15 are limited to 10 months of occupancy, being closed during the month of January and February of each year. The property was the subject of Petition #�,�.�(�an�ry 14, 19$5) v�ich granted a Special Permit to convert the existing motel to Condominium ownership. However, that decision expressly limited the use of the site to motel use, inter alia , imposed the seasonal restriction, limited the 15 motel-type units to a total of 5 kitchenettes, limited the �cupancy of each unit to not more then 4 persons, and�, restricted any occupancy of any unit ta a period of not more then 30 days. The petitioner represents that currently all 18 units (excluding the former managers unit), are individually owned and occupied by their owners or their tenants. No manager's office exists, per se, and no central mechanism for rental of units exists. Each unit owner has been allowed (by the Condominium) to occupy or rent his or her unit at will. The former manager's office/unit is occupied by the pool and dock operator, who provides some on-site operational duties. Each of the units now has sorne form of kitchen facilities, most includes a refrigerator, sinks, and some form of stove/oven combinations. The petitioner concedes that the property has not been operated as a motel for at least 1 S years. In 1987, the Condominium received Conservation Commission approval for a 20 slip dock, extending 1 ►� • � • from the site into Bass River. The petitioner acknowledges that some unit owners rent their assigned dock slip out to use by others, non-residents of the site. The petitioner seeks a Variance to now allow the premises to be formally converted from the former motel use to a 19 unit, multi-family residential facility, with each unit having kitchen facilities. The petitioner contends that the Variance may be granted under the circumstances. They contend that the facilities have already been effectively converted to individual residential Condominium units, and can not be converted back to motel units. Each owner of a unit has invested substantial sums in the purchase and renovations of his/her unit. T'he petitioner represents that the site is well suited to this use, and the use, if allowed, would actually be less intense then a motel use, a factor especially significant at this busy stretch of Route 28. After two postponements and further hearing, the petitioner prepared 10 proposed conditions for the use which it suggest could be imposed upon a Variance, to help mitigate the impact of the proposed use variance upon the bylaw and the neighborhood. The Board finds that there are few special circumstances related to this site or its buildings. The buildings, as they presently sit, are suited for the proposed use. However, the site is only 38,000 square feet in area, far less then would ever be required for 19 residential units. The Motel Conversion Bylaw, for which the petitioners admitted are not eligible, would not allow more then 16 units per acre, under the best of circumstances. Further, the Board finds that the hardship now being experienced by the petitioner is entirely self created. The prior Special Permit and original Condominium documents expressly limited the use of the facility to transient occupation as a motel use. The purchase of the units or subsequent alterations, for any other use, could not reasonably have been thought to be lawful or allowable under the prior relief. 'The Board does find, however, that the town has been less then diligent in the enforcement of its own regulations relative to this property. Motel licenses and Certificates of Inspection were issued, even after any actual motel use ceased to be operated. Enforcement of the zoning prohibition on multi- family housing was not initiated. While such leniency was undoubtedly well intended, it did, in hindsight, embolden the petitioners to continue their unauthorized conversion. 'Therefore, while the town did not cause the petitioner's current situation, it also did not prevent it from occurring or continuing. Accordingly, the Board finds it appropriate to afford the petitioner some opportunity to help solve its predicament. Accordingly, a motion was made by Mr. Sarnosky, seconded by Mrs. Hamman, to grant only so much of the petition as requests a Variance, but to limit it to a Temporary Variance, for 2 years,�cluring which time the petitioner may seek to sponsor or encourage amendments to the zoning bylaw to provide a mechanism to allow conversion of similarly situated motels to multi-family residential use. The temporary Variance is granted on the following conditions: 1) The petitioner shall comply with proposed conditions 1-10, proffered to the Board by the petitioner(which are incorporated herein by reference and attached as exhibit A); 2) During the months of March and April, the 15 so-called motel-type units �ay not be rented, but may be occupied by the unit owner; 3) The 15 motel-type units shall only be �-an � transi��� b�i�, as cunently defined in the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw for Motel use; ` ' 2 . ; � 4) The motel-type units (15) shall be limited to an occupancy of not more then 4 persons at any : time, and the �partment-type units sha11 be limited to not more then b person per unit at any tirne; 5} The petitioner's shall secure any and all other permits (building, wiring, plumbing, etc.) for any work already done in any of the units; 6) A motel-type register shall be maintained for all occupancy of all of the units, and it shall be kept and maintained by or under the control of the Condominium Management (trustees); 7) The Board takes no action at this time relative to the boat slip/dock facilities, because of the interim nature of this temporary variance, but does not implicitly approve or condone those improvements, or uses, which were undertaken with out having been disclosed to or approved of by the 1985 Board and without subsequent relief having been granted. The Board members voted unanimously in favor of the motion. The Temporary Variance is therefore granted, in part. The additional forms of relief are denied. No permit shall issue unti120 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein are not excised within 12 months. (See MGL c40A §10) David S. Reid, Clerk Board of Appeals 3 . 4�s � 6 � Exhibit A Proposed conditions for grant of Variance or Special Permit: � l. No change from existing restriction on the fifteen (15) motel reasons — unoccupied months af � January and February of each year—will ensure that no year-round residential activity will occur. 2. If no onsite owner/property manager is available, Trustees will engage security personnel to inspect ro e and ensure no occu anc p p rty p y of Motel units durin Janu and Febru g azY �'3'• 3. No Change in occupancy terms of the three (3) yeaz-round apartment units, Units 16, 17 &18. 4. Unit 19 will be occupied on a seasonal basis only with primary use for management use and employee housing. 5. There would be no limit on occupancy of the three (3) year-round units. T'he fifteen (15) motel units would be limited to no more than thirty (30) consecutive days of occupancy by renters. There would be no limitation on consecutive occupancy by unit owners. 6. Status of kitchen facilities: a) Units 16, 17 and 18 — Existing year-round apartment units will continue to have full kitchen facilities; b) Fifteen (15) motel type units will be limited to sink,refrigerator, two (2) burner cook top and microwave oven; * c) Unit 19 (Management Quarters) limited to same as motel type units; d) All facilities exceeding above in Unit 19 and motel type units will be removed. 7. Special Pernut from Board of Appeals required for any building pernut for expansion or structural change or interior wall changes. No Special Permit required for maintenance work building permit such as for new roof or window replacement. 8. Unit Owners seeking to rent units must comply with all municipal requirements including rental occupancy permit. 9. Annual Board of Health inspections similar to current motel licensing inspections will be required. 10. The Trustees of the Jolly Captain Motor Lodge Condominium Trust will promulgate and adopt amendments to Condominium documents and Rules and Regulations to incorporate these conditions, provide significant penalties for their violation and require payment of all fees and costs for enforcement against the offending Unit Owner. * Note: Motel definition specifically allows two burner cook top and microwave. ��1MiaohOIFIC'E�('LIF;N'tS\ioltv cadainlor000sed 't � 4