HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertifications i � �� � � � � � � �ERTIFICATE {JF � ALLER.GE .I�T AWARE N E 5 S TRAI N I.I`�T G � Name of Rec'rpient: Wiliiam Surprenant � Date of Completion; November 2, 2016 Date of ExpirafiQn; November 2, 2021 � � �' ?he a6ave-nnmerl�erson is h,erc:by irrued tl,ris cert�cate lsxned By: � for compt�tinb an all�rger�uarene�s traanin�program -----; recognizedl�ytbe:Yla.ssach.usPtts�e��rtmcr.toJ"f�uhlicFlealth f ' AS�rkshSru in accord�rnr.:zwith 1(35 C!LLR 5y(1.�09(G)(.1 f jaJ. .�i lEC Ayra fiealtli E�lucatior�Ceatx�r .�1YS CPTf�l�:'lI�'''[flfl��!,''7.'/7�241 tOY�7,�C(:T�}�PllT,P ft07Y!C(QtP-0f LDtIS��PtTd17. 1'1[tSPield,t3:iS88C11USCitS .^`��.. .. . .�vw+ntrnstbac9:dler�'t�trairring�:oi�, _ . �� � � � �� � � , ; ; i � ', ; ; i �� �� �, �, �, � � �� �ERTIFICATE OF A.LLER�EN .AWAR.ENESS TRAINING '�` Name of Recipient: Pedro Davila '� Date of Carnpletion;'November`2, 2016 yA Date of Expfrafion: November 2, 2021 � Issued$y: 7F,e crbaue-na�ned�e�rsorr is I�ereby issreed t:�is rert��Rte fcr corrapleting un�x'ltr;�en n;z�m�enesr t*aii,ir.�prohram. rein�rnized I�y tlJ�r:l�Izssach.usetts De1sartmer.t of I'ub�ic Health ': Iierke;�hS+re in at�or�ince u-ith 105 CtLIR S9D.(J09(GJ,(,3Jrq)� �L''� �1roa HeaHh Educ�tiun Centxn• Yittsfield:.ftiassachvsetts 71�is rerte�tafQ u;ill h.v•r,rf¢�l farj'�t'rr(S)Yearr from clate ofr.ompletion. . . �wwx•.rtaai2�odallrrgytrlining�.otg �� � �� �ii ( i � � I �� � � � � CERTIFICATE C�F � �.LLERGE �T � .AWAREI�TESS TRAININ� � Name of Recipient: Terri Putnam Date of Comple#ion.`November 2, 2016 Date of Expirati�n: Norr�mber 2, 2021 � ZF,e adtrue-named�erton is herzdy fssr{i�d this:ert�tate Jsxned$y: f r canapl�ting an allergen n2varenes.r trnining pragrz»z j�eta3rn ized l y tlie h1,�ssach,uretts 1�e�sartment of F'ublic flealth xSe�rks�hi+re in nr•or,fnnc.>u�ith 105 G;YLFt S�IJ.�09(Gl(,"3)i 7), rii1L'� Area fle�itla F.�Pucat,ion CenCcr 733is rertd fiuttc wil?hr,z��J¢d fr.n-fa���(S)yeurr frr,m date nf rnm�letion. t'iccsseid,rtiassac��nsetts www.rn stboc?alier,K.ytrait3 ing.:>�� �`� `�' � �` � �' � I ; �� � � ,� �� � CERTIFICATE OF � 1�LLERGE.1'�T AWARENE S S TR.�IINING � Name of Reciprent: Kyndra L Keller Date of Cample#ion: November 2, 2016 Date of Expiration: November 2, 2021 a! Issned By: The abrrue-�nmed�erson is hereby issu��d t�is cert�cRte .f r cornpF�Cing an allergen n:c:arene,s trnining prohrram rewKnized I�y th�l�larsach,usetts IJe�nrtment of f'r�blic Itealtl� ":i ,�Beyr�ksrhir�e zn urrordanr.e with 1PS C?1�1R 59(1.009(Cy)(.?J(rz1. tli1L'� Ar•va Fteattt��'.ducaiior�G'en4x�r I•itCsfietd,h4aseaclius�Fts 7f.�is r.ertificnt��:il?f;�r,�r�lid fnr�vr(S)year.s from aate of'r.ara�letdon. . . . �w�ww.rxxaibc7c�:dlecg'ytr.6rung�.uqr, �� � � �� I , i � � � � � � � � � ' � � ��: � ` � � � p � � 4 � � D �m N O � � w Q � r= �'�'7 '' r �O C� 4�" � � n �� � � � � � � 3 � � � � � � � C � �� � � � � N V � �., ° � � ' � 3 ti„� � - � � � m . ..a o z � - � � ... � � R '� m � � � m � � `D z � � � N � � � � � g"' �v � .�a �" � —� 3 o N .� � � � T O � m p � �.� > " X � � o � � - z � � y c �'` � �' � � � ' � z � �'� �..� � � � ` a �..; , � �. o� � ' � , ^ � � v � i �� � ; ; � c�� � � __ _ � � �w � � � � � � � � - • M � � r D � T ' � � �m N O T � � �o � � � Z � �� � n � � � �� � n m - `�.. . � � � � � � C ��� � � � � � W � � � m � � m � �. � r �.. � � � � � Z � m fl � �� � Q �° '�S' � N � . . a p � � � � -� � � o p � � � � m � � x � i �'m N � � � � I $ -�• � .�► � � i � d N Q � � � � � m O �' � . X � � ,� � .Q o � �. � � ' � � � �' � � — � � � � � �� � �.� � � � �� � �, � � , . � a � � www.capecodsafetytraining.com '�' NSC CPR Course � � Adult, Child, Infant, FBA� & AED 3 hour class Name: Kyndra Keller Security Controi No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant �� � � �� � w. ��� �, � Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date: 11/211ZQ16 Training Center: Cape Cod Safeiy Training Expiration Date: 11t2112018 Instructor Name: Rick Tadd Instructor Number: 1040918 Kyndra Keller has successfuliy compieted the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The Nationai Safety Councii saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. For more iife-saving courses from NSC piease visit nsaorgffatraining ��� THlS DOCUMENT IS VOtD tF REPRODUCED Security Control No. � � � '�'= Kyndra Keller �t� �-� � �� � � : has completed the ' - NSG CPR Course � Yaur experience in the National Safety Council CPR,Adu�,Chiid,k�fant 8 AED couse you took is very important to us. T�aining center. CapeCod SafetpTraining Piease give us your feedback at com�iet�on aate: 11121f2o76 nsc.org/firstaidevaluation �p��es »n�np�g instr�ct+onai Hours; g h� ; �,Q,�o.,',� #104Q918 � instructor Signature instructor Na I ' NSC-in it for life' nsc.org/fatraining I . s �� • • e e e e a� a r aeorwos�s �o�s sa000aiso�zo�s Nauo��s�retv co�nc;� �e,�a-��a www.capecodsafetytraining.com ''" NSC CPR Course ' � Adult, Chiid, lnfant, FBAO & AED 3 hour ciass Name: QiannB WitCox Security Gontrol No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant ����� � Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date: 11121t2016 Training Center: Cape Cod Saiety Training Expiration Date: 11121t2018 instructor Name: Rick Todd ►nstructor Number: �pqpgig Dianna Wilcox has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. �.��.�.�.__,.�.�„� The Nationai Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. For more tife-saving courses from NSG please visit nsc.org/fatraining �� THIS DOCUMENT tS VOID tF REPRODUCED Security Control No. � ! � Dianna Wilcox ��� � ����� -T- has completed the - NSC CPR Caurse � Your experience in the National Safety Council CPR,Adu1�Chitd,InfaM BAED � Cape Cod Safety Traini� � couse you took is very important to us. Tra�n�ng center: Please give us your feedback at comp�etion oate: 111Z1t2078 n3C.org/firstaidevaluation Expires: ������$ lnstructional Hours 3 hr i ,��j,'�� #1040918 i Instructor Signature Instructor No. ' NSG-in it for life• i nsc.org/fatraining -•• . • • • • • * • , '• •° '° 4 � � I � 300MD316 1015 90D008130 �02018 Nationa)Safetv Cou!�cll 1917a-QOCO www.capecodsafetytraining.com ''' NSC CPR Course � � Adult, Ch'rld, Infant, FBAO & AED 3 hour cfass Name: Stephetlie Catnpbell Security Controi No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant � � ,���,� �� Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: South Yazmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date: 11121lZ016 Training Center: �Cod Safety Training Expiration Date: 11/2112018 Instructor Name: �Tald fnstructor Number: 1040918 Stephenie Campbell has sucaessfuily completed the NSC CPa Course based on the current Guidelines far CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the roads through feadership,research,education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC piease visit nsc.org/fatraining TH1S DOCUMENT fS VOID IF REPRODUCED i Security Control Na. , + � �� �� � ; Stephenie Campbell �_�-�� � k- ♦ has compieted the s NSC CPR Course : Your experience in the National Safety Council CPR,�1da�,Child,lnfa�rt 8 AED ' couse you took is very important to us. rra�n�ng center: Cape Cod SatetyTraining � Piease give us your feedback at compiet�o��ate: 11l21lT016 Expires: instructional Hours: ; nsc.orglfirstaidevaivation 11/2112018 3 hr i /�- '�s��i #1040918 ' Instructor Signature Instructor No. N�\,/-in it for life� nsc.org/fatraining '• • ' - • • � • ,k �• •Q nnna.nn+r_ �n+c nnnnno��n nnn�rAi..+,..�.��CA<,.�..(`..��n���i �Q17,'_(1"(1'1 www.capecodsafetytraining.com "'. NSC GPR �ourse � Adult, Chiid, lnfant, FBAO & AED � 3 hour cfass Name: Lisa Miller Security Controi No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant � ���� � `� �� �� ��s�� �� �_a Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State,Zip: South Yannouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date: 11t2112015 Training Center: Cape Cod Safeiy TraiNng , Expiration Da�e: 11l2112018 instructor Name: Rick Todd instructor Number; 1040918 Lisa Miller has successfully campleted the NSC CPR�Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council saves fives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please v'rsit nsc.orgffatraining THIS DOCUMENT!S VOID !F REPR4DUCED , Security Cpntrol No. : � Lisa Miller �. �� � � � ���, � �.�� + has compieted the - NSC CPR Course � SYour experience in the National Safety Councii CPR,Adult,Ghi1d,infant 8 AED + Training Center. Cape Cod Satety TrBining � couse you took is very important to us. Please give us your feedback at Compietion Date: 1112112{i16 nsc.orglfirstaidevaluation F,cpires: ���f�p�g instructicnat Hours: 3 hr j � .-- #104�18 , �• >�f � lnstructor Signature Instructcr No. i NSC-in it for life� nsc.org/fatraining " � ' ' ' ° ' ° ' " " i .. , , a , �,y, _�. _��# ���,F�t �. � �F ,._ � '�' NSC CPR Course �: ' Adult, infant, Child, FBAO & AED � 3 hour class ����9� ����� �����,��'1 Name: pedro Davila Security Controi No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant �� � � ��� : .. �� ��� Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: s.y�Quth,Ma 02664 ' Course Completion Date: 11t21l2016 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration D�te: 1112112018 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: 1040918 Pedro Davila : has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. � - -- ._..m �,,�� �m..� �._�m _�� �.�� The Nationa!Safety Council saves iives by preventing injuries and deaths at work,in homes and eommunities i and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. � For more life-saving courses fram NSC please visit nsc.orgJfatraining � .__._a_.�w��mu.,���..�._wN...�. �..,:z��_� �_�__. . 7HIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED Securi4y Control No. � Pedro Qavila �°� �� ��' + has compieted the _ NSC CPR Course � Your experience in the National Safety Council Tra�.nanq cent Adu Cape Cod Saiety T inng ��D couse you taok is very important to us. Please give us your feedback at Completion Date: ��m��g Expires: Instructional Hours: 3 hf nsc.orglfirstaidevaluation 11121►2018 - R. ;��> ��asoQ,s Instructor Signature Instructor No. � ,___, K„ i �IC 9 . . • ��RO P' 0 e e q tl °. 8'"�.,.ti NSCi-in it for life° nsc.orgtfatraining 300M0316 1015 9000Q8130 Q20101dationa!Safefy CouncN 79774-OOO�J _ A � .� . + ,f... g �' ���t a r d y�€ F:. _ _ "�' NSC �PR Course " � Adult, lnfant, Child, FBAO & AED 3 hour class ���€�� ���°� `��3�.`��� Name: Janelie Manchester Security Gontrol No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant � �7 ��� Address: 1329 Main Street,Route 28 City, State, Zip: S.Yarmouth,Ma 02664 Course Completion Date: 11l211Z016 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Tmining Expiration Date: 11t2112018 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: i040918 Janelle Manchester has successfulty completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidetines for CPR and ECC. ' � � ��..�.�� .�mm� , c�� I �� � The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities � and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. ; � For mare life-saving courses from NSC piease visit nsc.orglfatraining ! � � ��..�.�rs,�..�.�_.�rh�,_�._,v...�,.�.� i � � � THlS DUCUMENT!S VOlD!F REPRODUCED � Security Control No. � Janelle Manchester � ����� � has comp!eted the r NSC CPR Course Your experience in the National Safety Council Adu�,Child,IMaM CPR,FBAO 8 AED couse you took is very important to us. Training center: Cape Cod Safeiy Training Please give us your feedback at comp�etion oate: �����g nsaorg/firstaidevaluation Expires: ������ Instructional Hours: 3 hf /L. � /�e�.? #104Q918 Insiructor Signature Instructor No. { � -- : . . . : ' NSCi-�n �t for I�fe� nsc.org/fatraining ' -. • . . . . a > . e . •o . ,_,& - ' 3IX1MD318 1015 9�Q008130 m2016 Nationa�SafeTy Cou!�cfl 7a174-0000