HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and WC l�u^f��s`Aa�3�rt�' � � TOWN OF I'ARMOUTH BflAi2D OF IiEALTH «�.+'�a�n�Sr. � � APPLICATIUN 1�OR LtCENSEIPEIZMIT-20l 7 ; '"' *PIease complete form and attaeh all necessary dncw»ants by Decernher 13 lfJ £ Failure to dn so wiil resutt in the return of your applicat�on pac et. I;S7��1F3LISHMENT IVt1h4�: �Pg Mar�gement Team,LLC DBA Dunkin'Donuts 'j'�jp;p1-p7gg148 LOCATION A]7DRESS: ��East Main streetwest varmouth.MA o2s�a T�I�.#: 7a�-zTg-o2so MAILING ADDFiESS: �se Main Street Szoneham,Ma o2�80 �-?v1AIL ADDRESS: office�caut4managemenGcom UW'NER N�.ME: Sa�Couta CEo T � -�,-�,i GORPQRATIQN NA11�E(IF APFLICABLE): Dunkin'Danuts !`�i r-r� �' :`� MANAGER'S Nt11l�IE:Michelei Rankers T�L.#:T81-279-0290 � n �",� , IY1t�1LINCr ADI3Ft$SS: 169 Main Strest Stonehsm.MA U2180 � --► � ,,,� N PC}OL�ERTTFTCATt{?NS: � �v �:, : The pool supervisor must be certified as a Pool Operator,as rcquired by State t��v. Pleas�list the designated U o M; Pool Qperatc�r(s}and attach a copy of the cei�i.fication to this form. --i � 5�'� j, N/A � Poal operators must list a niinimtun of tw�a em}�loyees currentli certitied in standazc(First Aid and Cummunetv Cardic�pu[manary Ttesuscitation(GPR),having onz certikied ernplayee on pramises at all tiznes. Please list ihe emp(oyees belaw and attach copies of their certzfieations to this form.The Fiealth Department w•ill aat use past years'records. You mast praviae ne�v capies ttnd maintain a file at your�tuce of business. I. N!A '� . . 3. �. FQOn PROTECTION�iANr�GERS-CERTIFICATIONS: All food service.establishments are rc�uired to ha�•e at least one fu11-time employee�vho is ceriified as a FooJ �"" Protectian l�lanager,�s defined in i4�Sfiace Sanitary Code for Faod Service Est�blishments, 165 CMR 59d.�dp. , � Please�ttacl�capies ofcertifieation to tlus a�plicatioi�. The Iiealth De�artment�vill aot use�s�st years'reeorcls. v" You mast prot ide netv copies s�nd mttintain a f[le at}�anr establishmene. , � , �.1 1. Rosalia RichaM 2 � P�,ItS4i�!iN CI-IARGE: Es�ch ft�od establishment must have at leasi onc Person lai Charge(PIC)on site during hours of�peration. j, Ros�iia RichBrci �, ��.�:�c.G��r c��ra�tc�-rlorrs: AU food service establishments sre required ta have at least ane full-titne emplopee who has Allergen certifiefftion, �s define�in the SCate Sanitary Code for Food Setviae Establishments,I(}5�IvtR Sit�.OQ9(G}(3}(a), Please attach co�?ies of certif cation to tliis applieatidn. 'I'he He�l[h Departmeat��itl nnt usc past years'recnrds. You musE pro4=[rte new cupics and maintain a file at your estabiisunte�lt. ], Rosalia Richard ?, Donna Snarsky HEIIvtLICH CGRTII�IGATIQNS: All food service establishments�uith 2�szats ar more must l�a�°e fl2least one empinye�trained in d�e Heimlich Aganeuver oii#11e premises at alI Eimes. Please list your emplo��ees trained in anti-cholsn�prc�cedures belo«aiid attaci�copies of emplovee cerEifieatioiu ta this f�rm. The Heaitt�De arfiuenf��ill not use past y�ears'reeards. Yau must pravidc nerv copies and mainYain a fite at}?our place o�business. 1. WA � .i. �. RESTAUR.AN1"SEATING: 'rt}TAL.'-�` Q OFFIC�USE O;YLY �or�c.��t,: l..ICIrNSE R(QU(REt) ['!iE PERM17'N !_ICENSF KI?QUiRED FCSB PER�itl'# LICFNSr RFQUIRER f'GF.. PFR!�tiT tt E�S[i 5{5 CAHiM $i5 I�AOT'EL Sl ip =ITJN S55 —CA,41P 5S5 `—S!1'MMINCP�OL$IIi7�a LODGG 35� �`IR�itl.[RPARK 5105 —�� -,tuII1Rt.N001. 511{}�. FqOp S�RNICE: LiCLTiSI RI�t�U[R[Oi I'I:£ ''RMITN (.IC[.NSk:RF(}UIRGD FEE PEI2,�Ii`I�ir t.ICEtvSCREQUIRE[� FGE PER411T� _�4-It}QbEAi'S SI3{ ���� ._CONTINEM"At, $35 NC)N-PROP("C S3{� >IQ6SF.ATS �21)4 �f'Of�1Att)NVIC. Sfi0 \4'HC)[.E:S1I.E S80 —RE51[?.KITGHGN$30 RET 1f t,SERY ICE: l.(CENSE Rt:QUtREp FC:E PERhtI'f� LICENSE REQl11RGD F[�F AGRSil7'; I,1CF.,NSE REQtIIRGD PGG PEAMIT� <50.�y ft. SSiI >25.OU0yy ft. �'_$� 4't;Nt)IN(i-FOUD 52� �23;fHtisq,R. $154 V FRC)ZGTf[IESSERT S4p �"i'C3k3ACC() 5t tt? na�i�ce��r.e: srs ANTOUN'I'l)UE = � /.25'.00 `�*"**PL�ASE TURN QVER AND Cp�1PLETE 07H�R SIDE OF FnR!4t'�"*•" _ _ _ __ �Q�F- is--o��g-oZ AI?M�NIS'i'Rr1TiON � Under Chapter 152,Section 25C,Subsectian 6,the Town af Yarmouth is nowrequired to hald issusnce orrenewal crf any license or�ermit ta t��rate a business if a person�r campany does not have a Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insuzance. TH� ATTACHED STAT� WORKER'S C4MPENSATTON INSLjI2A1KCE AF�IDA\�IT M[!ST BE CQM'PLETED AND SIGNED,Ol2 CBItI".QF INSUF�AIVCE ATTACHED UR WORI:ER'S CC�h4F.AFI'IL?AVIT S1GN�D AI��D ATTA�HED X Tawn of Yarmouth taxes and liens must t�e paid priar to ren�cval ar issuance of}rour germits, PL�ASE CH�CK AFPROPR7ATELY IF PAID. YES " �O Mf�TELS AND t}TIiER Lt}DGING FSTABLTSI-IMENTS TItANSIENT OGCUPANCYc For purpases of d2e li�nitations ofMoteI or Hotel use,Transient occupancy shall be limited to the tetnporaryand short term occupancy,ordinurily and customarily associated with motet and hotel use. Transient ac�upxnts must have and be able ta demonstrate that they maintain a parincipal place of residence elsewhere.Transi�nt occupancy shall generully refer to continuous occupanc}�of not more than Ehirty(30)days,and an a�regate af nat more than ninety(90)days witl�in any six(6}month period. Use oCa guest unit as aresid�nce�r dwellin�unit shall not be considered tr�nsient. Occiipaney that is subject to the coltection of Roam 4ecupancy �xcise,as defined in M.G,Z.c.6�t'i or 83Q CMR 64G,as amended,shalt benerally be considered Transient. POOI,S POOL 4PENTNG;,�ll swinirnin�,wadin�and whirlpools which haFe been closed for the season must be inspecteci by the Health Depurtment prior to opening. Gantact the fiealth Deparhnent ta schedule the inspection three{3} days priar#o apeneng.PLEASE N4TB:People are 1vrOT allawed to sit in the paol araa until the poal h�s been inspected and opened. POQL WA1'ER TESTING: 'The water�nust be tesfed Tcrr pseudomonas,total calift�rn�anci standard plate count by u State certified lab,and submitted to the H�altli Departn��nt three{3)c�ys prior to opening,and quarteriy ihereai�er. PQOL CLOSING:Every outdoor in€nound swimming pool must be drained or covered wittzin seven(7)days of ciosing. �'OOD SERVICE SEASOP�tAL FOUD SERVIGE UPENI1tiTG: All food service establishments rnnst be inspected by the Health Deparunent pri��r to opeaing. Please cantact the Health Deparhnent tn schzdule tt�e inspection ti�ree(3)days prior to opening. CATERING POLTCY: Anyone who caiers within the Towm of Yarmouth musi notify the I`armouth Healtli L}epartment by filin�the reqmred T'emporary Food Service Applicatian f'orm 12 hours prior to tha catered event. These forrns catt be obtamed nt the I�ietilth Department,or from the Ta��n's website at ur��-v+r.yarmouth.ma.us under FIealth Department, I�ownloadabie Forrrts. FROZEN DTSSEIiTS: Frozen desserts must be tested by a Staie certified lab prior to opening and monthly thereafter,with sample results submitted to the Health i7egartment. Failnre to do so will result in the suspensian or revocatian of your Frozen Dessert Permit untiI the aliave terms have been met. OUTSIDE CAF�S: Qutside cafes(i.e.,ontdoor seatin�with waiter/waitress service},must have prior approvai from the Baard of I�eslth. OtITDOOR COOKII�'G: Outdoor cooking,preparation,or display of any faod produci by a retaii or food service establishment is prohibited. NQTICE:Permits run annuatly�fram January 1 to December 3l. IT IS YOLTR RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN TRG COA�iPLETED RENEWAL APPLICATION(S)t1ND REQ'CJIItED FEE(S)BY DECEI�IBER I5,2Q15. ALL ttENOVATIONS `TQ ANY FUOD ESTABLISHt1�fENT, A�tOTEL OR POOL (i.e., PA1��iTING, NE�V CQUIPMENT,E?C.},A�UST BE REPORTED TO ANI7 APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF HEAL"TH PRI4R TO COh4M�NGEMLNT. RENOVATIONS A4AY RE ` �;'LAN. DATE: 11/23/16 SI{;���� PRTNT NAME&171`LE: Sew�Gouto �residern ftea.ItlrU1t15 _„ The Commonwe�lth of Massachusetts � Department of Industrial Accidents � Of,fice of Investtgations �R 600 Washington Street � Bosto�a,MA Q21X.1 t-� www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses ApplicRnt Informat�on . Please 1'rint Lc�,ib� Business/OrganizationN�me: Cape Management Team, LLC DBA Dunkin Donuts Address: 16 East Main Street . c�tyis�.t�iz�p:W. Yarmouth. MA 02673 Phone#; 781-279-0290 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Business Type(required): 1.� I am a employer with 4 employees(full and/ 5. ❑Retai[ 4r part-time).* 6. �]Restaarant/Bar/Eating Establishment 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partuership and have no 7, �p�ce andlor Sales(incl,real estate,auto,etc,} ampfoyees working for me in any capacity. � [No workers' comp.insurance required] 8• ❑Non-profit 3.❑ We are a corporation and!ts officers have exercised 9. ❑Entertainment their right of exennption per c. 152, 1 4 ,and we have § { � 10.�]Manufttcturing iio employees. [No workers'comp,insurance rec�uiredJ* 11.[]Xlealth Ca�•e 4.❑ We are a non-profit organixation,staffed by volunteez�s, with no employees. [Na workers' comp.insurance req.] 12,�] Other *Any appllcant tliat chccks box#1 must�lso fili out the section below showlug tlielr wor[cers'compensaf.ion pol icy intormation. °*If the corporatc officers have axempted U�emselves,Uut 1he corporation.has other canE�loyees,a workers'compensation policy is reqnirecl and sttdl an organizat[on should.checic bmt#1. � I nrrt nn e»rployer tJiat�S provlding workers'com�ensatlun insurance fnr�:y employees. Below�S tfie��ultcy info�mrrtton. Insurance CompatYyNarne; MA Retail Merchants WC Group, Inc I�isurer's Address: P.O Box 859222-9222 City/stat�/zip: Braintree, MA 02185 Policy#or Self ins,Lic.# 014005034027116 Expiration Date: 1/1/17 Attacl�a copy of tlie vvorkers'compensatio�►�olicy declaration page(sliowing the policy numl�er and expiration date). P'ailure to secure coverage as requ�rad under Section 25A of MGL c, 1 S2 can lead to the impositiou af crimin�l penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penaities in the fortn pf a STOP W�RIC ORD�R and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator, Be advised that�copy of�his statement may be forvvardad to the Office of . Investigations of the DIA far insurance coverags veritication. I rlo liereby cert�,u � nd penudtles of,�erJrary lftnt tfte informatlon pruvlded n�iove 1s xrue nrt�l correcL �__.._... Si nature: Date: 11/23/16 Pl�one#: 781-279-0290 Offtc�al use onXy. Do not write ln tlt�s ttrea,to Ge cot�rpleter!by ctty or tuwrt nf,fictnl. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of T�Icaltli 2.Building Degartmeut 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5.Selectmeu's Office 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: www.iruiss:gov/dia � � INFQRMATION PAGE ; Insurer: PRODUCER: Agent# 1042 MA Retail Merchants WC Group Inc. Eastern Insurance Group LLC PO Box 859222-9222 233 West Central Street Braintree, MA 02185 Natick, MA 01760 (Carrier Code: 34355} Carrier Policy #: 014005034027116 Carrier Prior Policy #: NEW 1. The Insured; Cape Management Team LLC Dunkin Donuts Mailing Address: 169 Main Street Stoneham, MA 02284 Fein: 010769146 Other workplaces not shown above: , Type of Business: Limited Liability Co SEE SCHEDULE QF dPERATI�NS Risk ID: 2. The policy periad is from 12:41 a.m, an 4j2z/2o16 to 22:d1 a.m. on 1141J2017 at the insured�s mailing address. 3. A. Workers Compensation Insurance: Part One of the palicy applies to the Warkers Compensation Law af the states listed here: MA B. Employers Liability Insurance: Part Two af the policy applies to work in each state listed in Item 3.A. The limits of aur liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident $ 1 000 000 each accident Bodily Tnjury by Disease $ 1,000,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease $ 1,004,004 each employee C. Other States Insurance: D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: WC4OOQa0C(Q1/15) WCOOQ308{p4/84) WC000406(0$I84} WC�00414(07j90) WC000422B(Q1/15) WC2003a1{04j84} WC2Q0302(05j86} WC2043038{p7j99j WC20Q3d6B{06j13} WC2Q0405{06f41} wcaoosaiACo�/os) 4. The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals af Rules, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. AZl information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Classifications Code Premium Basis Rate Per Estimated No. Total Estimated $100 of Annual Annual Remuneration Remuneration Premium SEE SCHEDULE OF QPERATIONS Total Estimated Annual Premium $ 31,480.40 Prorated Premium $ 21,910.04 Minimum Premium $ , 294.Q0 Expense Constant $ .Od Deposit Premium $ .0� s SCHEDULE OF flPERATIDNS FOR: PAGE: 2 Dunkin Danuts Carrier Policy #: 014005034027116 Cape Management Team LLC Fein: 010769146 169 Main Street Stoneham, MA Q2180 DIV #: 00000 EfL Number: OOQ0000401 OTHER WORKPI�ACES : Cape Management Team LLC Dunkin Donuts 792 Main Street State Risk ID#: OOQ456527 Ostervil.le, MA 02655 Eff date: 04j22/16 NAICS: 722513 DIV #: 04000 EjL Number: aoaoa0000� Cape Management Team LLC ; Dunkin Donuts 1050 Route 28 State Risk ID#= Od0456527 Sauth Yarmouth, NiA 02664 �ff date: o4/a2/�.� NAICS: ?22513 DIV # : 04Q00 EfL Number: OQOOQQ0002 Cape Management Team LLC Dunkin Donuts 1353 Route 28 State Risk ID#; 000456527 South Yarmouth, MA 02654 Eff date: 04/22j1& NAICS; 722513 DIV #: OOQ00 E/L Number: OOOOOOOOQ3 Cape Management Team LLC Dunkin Donuts 14-16 East Main Street State Risk ID#: 000455527 West Yarmouth, MA d2673 Eff date: 04j22j16 NAICS : ?22513 DIV #: 00000 E/L Number: OOQOQ00004 Cape Management Team LLC Dunkin Donuts 464 Route 28 Main Street State Risk ID#: 000456527 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Eff date: d4/22f16 NAICS: 722513 DIV ##: OOQ00 EjL Number: OOOOOOOQII WC 00 00 O1 B