HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrozen Dessert Testing ResultsAug. 11. 2015 1:15PM E VIROTECHLA,BORATORIES, INC AM CERT. NO.: M MA 063 8 An Sebastialt Drive WIN 12 Sandwich, MA 02563 (508)888-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX (S08)888-6446 Client Nance Noodle Is ice Cream Location Address 926 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Yarmouth, MA Sample Date 08106/15 Collected By Client Sample Time NA Stemple Type Frozen Dessert Date Received 06106/1 g Lab Order Number Ow-152449 Well Specs NA No, 8315 P. 1/1 i AUG 't 12015 Location Source A ,Date Collected 08/08/15 Time Collected NA Continents SS Van IC Analysis Requested Units Recommended Limits Atratysts Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By ice Cream CDIIrOMI /gram 50 <1 Pour Plate 81612DI5 RS Standard Plate Count 14r8m 50.000 <250 Pour Plate 8/6/2015 RS Locatloft 90.1ree t3 Dare Collected 08t08/15 Time Collected Cpmments NA SS Choc IC Analysts Requested Units Recommended Limits Analysis Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By ice Cream Coliform /gram 50 <1 Pour Plate 6/6/2015 RS Standard Plat6 Count /gram Y 5D,000 <260 Pour Plate 8/612015 RS Comments: Yes -Parameters of frozen dossed to ed are within recommended limits. Date 8/10/2015 BRL = Wow Reportable limits 'See Attached Page 1 of 1 oCertylcallon is nol avatlable for lhis onalyle for iron potable water samples.. i ' .!ul. 16. 2f�15 1 : 53PM Ne, d014 P, 1/1 ENVI,�OTECHLABORATORIES,,INC. � c.�.�r. �ro.:M-1Kf1 �63 8 J'arr Sebnsr�na Dr�ve(I���l I2 Snnri'wlch,lNAl 02563 (508j888-64G0 7-800-339-b460 �'.4X(S08j888-6446 Clrent Name dlondie's Ice Cream Lacation 5oulh Yarmoulh,MA Ad[�reSs 928 Route 28 Soulh Yarmoulh,MA 02664 Semple Date o�i�o»s C011eCled By Client Safnple T�me NA SRHtple.'Cype Frozen dessert Drrte Received a���a�s �Rb Order Nufnber DW-151969 Well Specs NA ,,._ ;..,.�- ..,.:,::: ,. .. � . ;. .:... . , :. ,.., r�,!?F4lllR�;�R�!`,ce Date Coll��led. .. 7Yme. o leeled CQ rire't�,l�'. , � <<•A ;'. 7IZON6 �: = NA ���Valillla'�IC � � Anniysis Requesled Unlls l4eaommenrled�trnr�s Analys/s 1Result Method Da�eAnalyzed Analyzed By Ice Cream Coliform /grarn 50 <1 Pour Plate 7/10/2095 MC _... . ...••-- ••---••-- --- -...�.. -._.._ Standard Plate Count l9ram 50,000 �250 Pour Plate 7/10/2015 MC . , . r_ �Lq�Q��o►i�'QNrt�°e� Drrte Collecte'd. ��TYhr'��Colleeled �.:�''di�en�s� „'�� � i B;,`�: 07/101,76�.� NA � � �:�Choc"olate IC ; �.;,,: ,., `r,� .�� � Ai�alysJsRequesred (lai�s 1t¢ean�ender�Urrrlls AnnlyslsResul� Method Dnte�lnrrlyzed AnalyzedBy Ice Cream Coliform /gram 50 <t Pour Plate 7/90/2015 MC ._ _...,:----- --.._. Standard P�ate Count lgram 50,000 500 Pour Plate 7J10/2015 MC _ _..�.., ... _... .--_..�--- Commen#s: T �. .- ------ Yes-ParamatArs of frozen dessert tesfe are wifhin recommended!!m/ts. Dale ���312015 Ronaldy S r Loborrt(pry i ctor 61?L=Below Repa rab(e LYmits *See Armched Page 1 of 1 �Cer�fca(;on is nor�va;lablefor�his nRalyre for�ron�orabta i�arer san�p�es.. :!un, 1$, 2f)15 3; 49PM No, 7603 F. lIl ENY7ROTECH LABORATORIES,!'1VC. MA CER�: h'0.:1VI—MA OG3 � B Jnn Se6nsrt�n Drlve U�rir IZ Snr+dwtch,lvl.9 pZS63 (508)888-6460 I-800�?39-6460 "� , ; I��`�,�-•. i_J . FAX(508)888-6446 ��� � ��� E � ,Il1�V ? ,� 7��5 Client,Name �londie's/Ce Creanr Localron South Y�rnouth,nna i AddreSs szs Routa 29 '�E ;:ti '`,�� ���7 . ! Soulh Yarmouth,MA D2664 """ � Sttrnpi'e:Dp(e U6l95/15 Collected By Client Srtrnpde 7Fme NA ,�Omp�� `Ly�� Frozen dessert �f�(e.�eCe[vg(� Ofii15l15 Lnb Order 1Vr�rmbew Dw-151535 �e�l,S,peCS NA X.;����(��,�,5"��t�Ce Dale Co!/ec�ed" �e'Co/(ec[ed �o�i�fieer��s ; , , �'h�lr�t�"�r� ' ur�.`- ' �n r° �L '� . � � . .. . �, '��. . 7 �i t G li1 � %&�I l�r�t:,� „ >W.�.,,.r.. i. : 4 �,:+A:, ,.. 61,16M6., .. NA ' Vetllll9.�C :.:,,.��;.€�ta.,.�.1�i , `,t; AnrtlysJs Requesled rlalla Reeo►nmenAe�l U�niLv Aanlysls Resuit Method Dale Analyzett Analyzed By Ice Cream Coliiarm lgram 50 <1 Pour Plate 6/95l2015 MC .__ _ _... . . -- -._, . ..-- 5tandard Plate Count lgram 50,000 <250 Pour plate B/15l�015 MC - Loca�lon,Sbkr�t�: ' Dale Collec�ed 7Ynre�CoMl"ecled -G'orn�hehl� � �� `` r'+���,x�> .B: �:. a��6nB �-� NA � �cnocaa�;l�� � �r�w�:�;w��f���,� ��� � ,�. Annlys�s Requesred Unks Reco+nmended ximils Anolysis ResuU Me(horl Dnte Anrrlyzed �1 nalyzed By Ice Cream Caliform lgram 50 <1 Pour Plale 6115l2015 MC _..... .._.__. . ._ ---- --...— Standard Pfate Count /g►am 50,000 <250 Pour Plale 6115I2015 MC i Cosi�sxents: -.--.�_. _. - -.- - -•_ - . ; Yes-P�rametars of fiozerr dessert te ed are within recommended l/mits. I Date 6�1 S/2015 J�onnld J. h rl Laborrrto rrector BkL=Beroti�Repo�•�ubre L��,�;rs =See,4f/�rched Page 1 of i �Cerr�fCAli01r iS 7r0f�vpYl�bl¢fOr IhiS pHplyte jor�ron�o+able rv�ler sptnyles..