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Frozen Dessert Test Results
Jul, 30. 2015 1�: 56AM No, 8140 F, 1 ElYY7ROTEC!' .:�1 ' '3 K,��t't"�.� {ES,.iNC. MA CE!° r�+"'.: �t�f-;i��.- 063 8 Jprs S:. „�. .;,,�. ,- Sar ' �.c. ,,) ,;, (508)88F �,rn_�. ° ;- (► F,�"` . '�:`�-t ' � Pirate's Cove Market Place , Yarmoulh,nnA Client Nnme catiorr Adrlress �az Maln St. S.Yarmoulh MA o��'' .�mpde Dnte 0`712717 5 Cotlected By Envirotech rmplE Te/t�t NA S�m�vle Type Frozen dessert -r�e,t�eceive�l o�rz���5 Lab Order�Vumber dW-152259 ell Spec.f NA �va;�ljort Sl��lCce. r ;, ,�(�,CQllecler' �-r. {'�,�.;�., ;; .i�o�r[►,��1'I'�e�{t � i�E�S�i�� !���, r ,. -�7(Z7/1 B +r n , �.��11111 �C��' ��' �''%:9"� ;,r'r+' , � . , ,. ,,. Annlysls 1Qeques�erl ('7n�rs ,,',: -,.,.*��,,,�' ` r�is Anrrlysls Resall MelHod Da�t Ann(yzeri Analyzerl By _ _ _._ Ice Cream Coliform lgram <1 poUr Plate 1127/2a15 MG . .. .. . . ..._.._----- -----�- -... .. .. . 5landard Plate Count /gram t250 Pour Plate 7/27/2415 MC --_...__._ _ Corn�nenls: -----�------- Yes-Paramefers o/frozen dessert tested are w � 7 � _ �imits, x ___ _ _.- re 7/29/2015 RortnlrlJ.Sanri �.n6ornlory b�r o DRL=L3eloiv Repa,rable Lin�ris "See ' Page 1 oF 1 �C�rt�(Icatlon f,r no!avullable fos th�s anafyre for norr�v�ablc . � �.�un. 18. 2[.115 3:46PM � N�. 76pb P. 3 �' ENVIROTECHLABO,RATORIES,INC. --�-----�--�- 1t�1 CERT.NO.:M—MA 063 C�3 r �iea f;{�?�,� �� 8 Jn�r Sebasr�nn bNve Unit IZ � ��� � � ��,�� Sanfit�lcl+,MA Q25b3 �; (S08j888-6460 I-800-339-6d60 � , �, .,� £�,,��-�. FAX(508)888-6d�16 � . �- .. Ctren!Name Pirate's Cove Mnrket Place LOCpt�Ort Soulh Yarmouth,MA Address 7A2 Main St. S.Yarmoufh MA 62664 ,Sa y:�(g,�nt� 06/16l15 Co!!ec[ed�8y ME Sample Time NA Sample 7}�pe Frozen Dessert Dale Recedved 06/16115 L�b Order lYumber DW-151587 Well Specs NA �;; Lo�p'�Nv�t So�rc�. �►91e,'G�unl,lec�etl 71'1�e Coll'eCt�d .,:� ��j�(�'1, � ' i,� ��,': � '! .tf ' f' "��0116, .'l'�1;. '�;;�8��r tti If �S '�� A ttiTl�. t�J �F�': Ir �1..�: . ... ,.,, . . ... . .. . . ... . , . .. . , , . , , i . .� .. . �. . � , Anafysls ltequesre�l CInits Recnmmended Llmlis Analysl.s Resul� 1Nelhod t)a�e Analyz Anrrlyzed 14y Tatal ColiForm /100m1 D <1 SM9222B __._.._...... . .---------. . .. .........__._..._....__...__...-------......... .... .--- Slandard plate Count lgr�m 50,000 960 Pour Piale 6l16/2015 MC COIItIl�2RlS: Yes-Parameters of frozen dessert tesfed are withln recommended Nrrr(ts. Dafe 6/18/2015 nnld J. nri Cn6orer Dlrector BRL—6eto���Repor(aWe Linrils MSee AlraclrsA Pag6 1 OF 1 �+Cerrificarion is not m�ail26fe for�l�rs analyte for nan-porable ivarer snnrpfe e,. apr. 23. 2L�15 11 : 28AM No. 6952 P. 1 ENtrl'ROTECX�'�,4BORATORI'�'S, r�vc. MA CERT. NO.:11I MA 063 8 Jrt,�Sebnstinn Drive U�u�l,t sn��dwlclr,MA DdSd3 (508)888-6d60 1-800�339-6�l60 FAX(508J888-6dd6 Client�Virme Pr+-ate`s Cove Mqrket Place :�OC�tt[oh Yarmouth.MA Address 742 Main St. S.Yarmoulh MA o266a S�►nple Date oa��s»s Collected By Crent Sa�r,ple 'Cime NA S�mple 7`�pe Frozen dessert DRte Received 04/16/15 Lab Order h'unrber DW-9 50746 Wel!Spees NA �,r���; '`�` �p�t��/ i a�1CG��� � '` � Aqle�o(lecl�d �TYme C�iltected'�, � Co+�nments ' a�, , +'r� � � �',i:LSu,. .�.�'�t;.:E.`.����'",�"!�','.,` ,�.;� ; ' �.4I�4t��:�:�: � � NA�:.� � Vqnlliel C� oiate IG.���:' c`l'�J.����r` � Analysis RequesieA U►rils Recomn�ended Lrmi�s rt�tnlysis Result Method DnteAnnlyze�l AnnlyzeR By Ice Cream ColiForm /gram 50 <1 Pour Plate 4/16/Z015 MC -- ----- ----------._.. . . . -------------- Standard Plale Count lgram 50,000 <250 Pour Piate 4/16/2015 MC Cvmfnenls: Yes-Peramete�s of f�ozen dessort tested are within recommendad limits. � Dnte 4/22/2015 lionnlrl�J;Saar� � Lnborrr(ory Dtreclur pRL�de(oiv Reportoble Linrits '�Ses d�rached Page 1 of 1 oCerlrfrcafion is no!nvailab(e jor lhis anoly�e for non�orable ivo�gr eQu�ples..