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-� '� � ��� �`� _� �` - �� � �� �Emergericy Medical TeachingTc��#
. . � Training MA00640
H e a r t s av e r° American center Name Services
� C P R A E D � Heart 20� oalc street ��
Associationo Tc � F=p�c(,'�81)826-2011
Info /Git�;J?�I�roke MA 02-35
PEE< Course ,
Harmony Fowler Location Yarmouth Fire De artment
HERE � �nst.I�#
�, This card certifies tfiat the above individual has successfully completed the objectives �nstructor (031123 � .
and skills evaluations in accordance with the curricuium of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Mazc Omerzu
� Program.Optional completed modules are those N�en test Holder's
Child CPR AED Infant CPR
01-14-2016 01-2018 signature so-is�3
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date � @ 2ott a.merican HearcAssodatlon 7smpering with thB cerd wtl�etteries appearance•
Strike through the modules NOT completed. R8P1aCCIY1Crit f00 fOP IOSt Car(1=$lO 90 ig13 3/11
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery.
------------------------------------- - -
� �v . � -� = �_ �'�. ,; x. � `, � ' �
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: . _ _
��� -� ��� ' Emergency Medical Teaching TC��#
�� ' � " ` � Training MA00640
H e a r t s av e r o American Center Name ServiCes
� � Heart 201 Oak Street ��
� C P R A E D Associationm TC �;,(,�;$1)826-2011 ,
Info C;;��3Ya�k�roke,MA 02�59
PEEL � Course
HERE �, Ronald Kenworthy t.ocation Yannouth Fire Deparnnent
—' Inst.ID#
This card certifies that the above fnd'nridual has successfuily comP�eted 1he objectives �nstructor Q( 31123fi5289�
and skills evaluations in aceordance with the curriculum of ihe AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name M8z'C OII10iZu
Program.Optional compteted modules are those�d7�n test
Child CPR AED Infant CPR Holder's
01-14-2016 01-2018 � Signature
RecommendedRenewalDate � �2011AmericanHeartAssocieGon Tarnperin9wimm�s�`"'����$0P�`�"0e' �1813
Issue Date •
str�ke tnro�gn tne moduies nror�ompieted. Replacement fee for lost card=$10 90 1813 3/1'
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery.
------------------- .._.. .
------ - - ----------------- --
� €� , � � � . � � . � � - � � �
� ��� ���� - Emergency Medical Teaching Tc�p#
Po � � � � Training MA00640
H e a r t s av e r° American center NameServices
C P R A E D � Heart 2oi oak st�eet -r�
Association� TC , p 7$i)826-2011
. Info C����ke,MA 023fi9
PEEL course Y�outh Fire Department
HERE Cheryl Knott �ocation
—� Inst.ID#
This card certifies that fihe above individual has successfuily completed the objectives �nstructor (03112365289)
and skills evatuations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Marc Omerzu
Program.Optional completed modules are thos�3�1�t� Holder's
C il CP AE� Infant CPR Written test ,
01-14-�1$1� 01-2018 signature
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �2oi�nmerican tieart association TarnpeNg with tliis cerd w1�1 altet its appee�°B• 90'�6�3
Strike through the modules NOT completed. 90-1 s13 �
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery.
—_ :,._ Z'. £ ..,i �,? �"�� " �` 4 , _. �: �
.: .¢ 6 m�. 6�°' �'+. t �� ."�`i v;:,� 7-!!d �'"..°... �!a ... i.<,. .� ! 4"„ "3� x i,ra i�.. �..,,�., � ': ...`,`� �-...:
Tra�ning Emergenc, Medic TeachingTc io# �00640
H e a rt s av e r° � American center tvame Services
C P R A E D � Heart 2oi oak str�et �c
Association� Tc � �.np,�gl 826-2011 �
_� , Info C;�y.P.�:�broke,MA 0�9 � �
PEEL course Y�outh Fire De artment '
HERE Kelly Banks �ocation P
—> Inst.ID# �
This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives � InsVuctor
� and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Mazc Omerzu (03112365289) �
Program.Optional sompleted modules are those N
Id C R AED Infant CPR Written test Holder's
O1-��-2�016 01-2018 Signature
IssueDate RecommendedRenewalDate �2o»nmericentiearta,ssocisaon rsmperirewnnm�sca.dwareneri�seaaearance• eo-is�a
Strike through the modules NOT completed. RC�IaCeIYlerit fee fOr�OSt Car(�_$1�
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1 s13 3/11
� . � . � � �: �� a �� � �' � s ��� �
X „_ _ �.
• �, � -
£'�� � � � < „"'s ,�P, .., "_ f_ . � .,, . .. .
`' Emergenc Medical Teaching TC�o# �00640
American Training
� H e a rt s av e r° � Heat't center Name Services
� C P R A E D � Association. ; TC 201 Oak Street TC
Info �i��,'�1bt'oke,MA 02��9 �i3U��1)826-2011
NERE i Debra Clark �ocation I'annouth Fire Department
—� 1 �Instructor Inst.ID# �
! This card certifies That the above individual has successFully completed the objectives
� and skiils evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Marc Omerzu (03112365289)
Program.Optional wmpleted modules are thase�:
hi P AED Infant CPR Wrdten test Holder's
Ol-l�-���6 O1-2018 � Signature
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �2011 American Heart Assoclatfon TamperinH��������P��' 90'1813
Strike through the modules NOT completed. R8jl1aCCIriEIIt feC fOP IOSt CaI'(1=�10
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1813 3/11
--------------------------------------------------� ------- ___ .- -------------.._ .--
� `" ,_� �� ��,� � � �� � -� �..� � � a.rz � � �. ;��: .�� '_� �-� :- �.> . � �; r .- _
Y . Trainin9 Emergency Medical Teaching TC��#�,00640
� H e a r t s a v e r° � American center tvameservices
. C P R A E D � Heart � 2oi oak street
Association� Tc T� $ 826-2011
� ; Info C�'�'L�1dt'�ke,MA 023� �'.����)
HERE ' James Curtis �cat on Y�outh Fire Department �
—� �
This card certifies that the above individual has successFulty completed the objectives Instructor Inst.ID#
and skilis evaluations in accordance with the cur�culum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Marc Omerzu (03112365289)
Program.Optional completed modules are thos�G�ut
O1-14�����lP�� InfantCPR Olri�n�is8t Holder°s
IssueDate RecommendedRenewalDate �2oi7americanHeartnssociauon TempenngwiHithiscerdwillalteri�seppeerance- ea�a�s
Strike through the modules NOT completed.
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1813 3/11
_a. - - � i.<= � '" 'A{".x, �� �
,. � .r�, ,. � .� �,.�_ x,..# _
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� ._ � _ �' � MA006 �
� , r ,�� � ti,, , _ „_ , ��
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� ` Emergency 1Vledical TeachingTC ID#
` Training 40
� H e a r t s av e r° � American ce�ter tvame Services
� C P R A E D � Heart
Associationm Tc 201 Oak Street '�
� � Info ���h.R��iroke MA 0�3�59 Phaf'�81)826-2011
PEEL � Course
HERE Leroy Morgan � �ocation Yarmouth Fire Department —
—> Inst.ID# �
i lhis card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives Instructor
and skilis evaivations in accoMance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name jyj�C Omer�u (031123Fi52R9) �
Program.Optional completed madules are those N T��{
Ghild CPR AED Infant CPR Writteo test Holder's
01-14-2016 01-2018 signature
Issue Date
Recommended Renewal Date � �2011 American Heart Ass�a6on Tampering with this ra�d wiAalter its ePPearar�ce• 90-1813
Strike through the modules NOT completed. RCp1aCClriCrit fC8 fOr IOSt CaPf� _$10
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1813 3/11
-------------------------------------- --
� "� �i•.: s�` ,r.,.. � z �� ��. . :;� .�i�� �"' q'il„,�- �� d - .
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Training Emergency Medical Teaching Tc I�# �00640 '
� �.
iH e a rt s av e r° � American �nter tvameServices
' C P R A E D � Heart 201 Oak Street sc �
i Association. TC
_� Info i;;F�?�'tit�t'oke MA 02�'-S�I '�(���1)826-2011 ,
PEEL Course
NERE , Bobby Nunes �ocation Yannouth Fire Department
—� ' Inst.ID#
This prd certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the objectives �nstructor
and skilis evaluations in accoNance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Ny�pe Marc Omerzu (03112365289)
Program.Optionai completed modules are fhose�{ip r�cg�t:
ChiIdCPRAED InfantCPR Writtentest Hoider's
', 01-14-2016 01-2018 signature
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �20'17 American Heart Association Tampering with tivs ceid w�71 alterits appearance. 90-1613
Strike through the modules IVOT completed, Re�l1aCCII1CIIt feC fOP IOSt CaI'CI=$1�
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. so-1813 3111
-------- ------ -.___ - -..---- - - - ----------------- --------------------
x. � �+� s �� �. �: -� . �, - � � -� �� �= �?.. _ },�
� ` "` ' -� '� r � � Emergency Medical Teaching Tc�p#�00640 ':
American Training
H e a rt s a v e r° � Center NamServices
C P R A E D � Heart 2oi o�x street -c
Association� Tc 826-2011
' � Info C��rnk�eke,MA 023�' �'�����
HERE Ryan Reypani ocation Z'�outh Fire Department
This card cerGfies that the above individual has successfuliy completed the objectives �nstructor Inst.ID#
and ski�is evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Marc Omerzu (03112365289)
Program.Optional compieted modules are thos�Aut:
C il CPR AED infant CPH Written test Holder's i
_ O 1-14-�1$16 O 1-2018 Signature
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date � �zoi t americsn tieart nssocianon Tampenng wffh this card wil!alter iGs sppearance. 90-'1813
Strike through the modules NOT completed.
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1 e13 3/11
� � _ .�. �. � _. �--.� �� _ " �-�
� � � �� ��
,. . , � � ,, , �,
° :�
-_ - __ , , _ , _
� � 7 � �� Training Emergency Medical Teaching-rc��#
H e a r t s a v e r° � American � center Name Services M�00640
C P R A E D � Heart ,
Association� TC 201 Oak Street i C
_D , Info /C�;P���roke,MA 023�9 �'���'�81)826-2011
PEEL course '
HERE Donna McClellau �ocation Yarmouth Fire Denartment
—� '
This card certifies that the above individual has successfully completed the o6jectives Instructor Inst.ID# '
� and skills evaluaHons in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED Name Marc Omer�l (031123652A9)
Program.Optional completed modutes are thase N�{
Chiid CPR AED Infant CPR Written test Holder's
O 1-14-2016 O 1-2018 signature
IssueDate RecommendedRenewalDate �2oi�nmericantieartnssodaaon TamperingwiMihlscardwillalteriGsappearance. 90-1813
Strike through the modules NOT completed. RePIaCCIY18rit f8C f01'IOSt C`sll'(�_$10
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1813 3/11
;� �i; �{ � �,: ,:r � � �� �"„ ,a ` �`' ,-� ,s
� � � E p � � � � ' Training Emergency Medical Teaching Tc�p# �00640 '
� American
e a rt s a v e r Heart center Name Services
; Association� TC ZO1 Oak Street �C
—� � ,
Info C��?QY�k��oke,MA 02�'-5`9 �'�����$1)826-2011 i
PEEL ; Course i
HERE ; Michael McGovern ' Location Y�nouth Fire Department �
—> ;
, This card certifies that the a6ave individual has successFully completed the objectives lnstructor Inst.ID#
, and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED ; Name Marc Omerzu (03112365289) .
Program.Optional completed modules are those p�
Child CPR AED Infant CPR Written test Holder's
01-14-2016 01-2018 , signature ;
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �2ot 1 nmerican Heart Associa�ton Tampenng with this card w�l altefits appearance so-�ei a
Strike through the modules iVOT completed. RCPIaCeTriBrit feC fOP IOSt Cal'(�_$1�
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 90-1813 3/11
_ . � � { - � �` �'� ^ ., '= n. -. - .� ,t . ,'� �=' � �+� �
�, � . .. -
' � TM p � Training Emergency Medical Teaching Tc�p#�00640 !
H e a r t s a v e r American center tvam�ervices
C P R A E D � Heart 2oi o�c st�eet �
Association� TC �
—� Info C�'je�ake,MA 023�9' Pl.��$�)826-2011
PEEL Course � �
HERE ; Dorcas McGurrin �o�at�or, Y�outh Fire Deparhnent
—� �
This card certifies that the above individual has successfuliy completed the objectives �nstructor Inst.ID#
and skills evaluations in accordance with the curriculum of the AHA Heartsaver CPR AED • Name Maxc Omerzu (03112365289)
Program.Optional completed modules are thos&��'1C8d?IIu�: �
C il P AED Irrfant CPR Written test � Holder's •
01-14-���1� 01-2018 signature I
Issue Date Recommended Renewal Date �2oi i american Heart nssodacion TampeAng wkh flus card will alteriLs appee(ance. 90-1813 �
Strike through the modules NOT completed. '
This card contains unique security features to protect against forgery. 9o-1s13 3/11
� �
E, _
, . _. , �_..,.
Berk�hire �HfC
Area Healtfi Education Cen��er
Ab°�'t u� Cor�firmati�n �f Re istrataon
30th Anniversary Event
on��ne Registration Thank you for registering online! You have completed the process successfulty! You
should receive a confirmation of your registration via emait shortly. Please ctose your
�ducation�nd�raining browser window at this time or return to our home paae.
Pvbiic tieaith lniti�tives �� istration S�mmar
Confirmation of Order
in the News Print Confirmation
contaCt us Ryan Rupani
�'t���p MA Food Allergen On-line Training
FinancialOption Quantity Amount
HOf17@ ' Pood Allergen Fee 1 $10.00
Program Subtotai: $10.00
Subtotal for Ryan: $10.00
Ron Kenworthy
MA Food Allergen On-line Training
FinancialOption 4uantity Amount
q $10.00
Food Allergen Fee
Program Subtotal: 510.00
Subtotal for Ron: $70.00
Grand Total: $20.00
Amount Paid:($20.00)
Balance Remaining: $0.00
Order Confirmation Number: 46735726
������� s���� � c��.8, P,���.������,��;���
G'ax��;��s � Batr�r fl�a<c�
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