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German Hill Estates Associates
RarnStahl a xoi in� Co , Inc Vasic..`lCe �ra:n Provisior.s of Title 5:
100 West Main Street Regulatior.•
Hyannis, MA 02601 Tc�n A��en�rte,nts: Sec�ior.: 3.7
. g,�. Lot 20, 13 Rhine Road Date: March 9, 1990
Yarmouth MA 02675 �s Shoti�m On E:.y ir.eered Plans Fy :
� Flaherty Associates, Inc.
�� Dated : Revised March 9, 1990
_'I'::� Ya�;�out'� Board of He.�1th h�s received yot:r a�tilication for a ��ia.*�ce fren
t:e provisions of Re�ulat.ion 3.7 0� Title 5 or the S�:=,�e Envirorfi`�:tal
- Coce and/or Sec�ion oz t_e To�Vn oi Y�m�ut`� C,;,,�*��,,�,.n�s �or S•�suriace
j ' . Dis�osal of Se:aage.
. Having dete,�Y-nined that sL,sict �^.�orce*�:�nt o� the above Reyu.la'-�..ions in t�is i*:_
s�..nce wc�uld do mani.�est injust�ce, �*�d fur`-��er, t�.at your re�.:ester variar.ce
dc�s not co.zflict wi�� the sni.r;t of tt:e State E.:viro:lm�..ntal Coce or t�:e Reau-
la�ons of the Tcwn of Y�.�,nout� a;�`TC;,:e.rts, the varia.*:ce is h�r�y �ant�? en
t��s date_ March 9, 1990 , as follo'Ns:
To allow the top of the foundation to be 1.5 feet above the high point of the
fronting road. This is a total variance of 0.5 feet. Top of foundation 81.5
Ycu must prcvi�e a 3/4 inc� n.�a��ve c,�race for ii���`� f�et s.:�-�-cu.^�.n� t;-:o
fc�;.��on. -
Ycu a:e her�y acvis�3 t�at t`:e c`iance �:,.-:t�3 here:..n will e�:�ire in 90 cr.
f�.;aa Cate o� issLe �^less all wc=� autt:oriz� b� said variar:c� has been c� �r
pr�or to the date o= -1-�z`r'
� e�i.ration.
In 9z'an�g this variar:ce the Tc:•m of Ya�ieu�� will not be res�ons�le for anv
w�ter damage to t�-.e four.d.ation, se�tic syst�n or ad;oining lots. +
I have read and fully ur:ders�.�d t'�e �� `�c�-��
cer.ditions of tt:e ai�ove variar.ce a.^.d Bruce �'�;_.� �i �_•
accept th� as written. rY, R.S. , He....�t� 0���c�r
T�,an of Yar.;Aut'� .
cc: Buildir.g De��;.��t
Da��: � / j� ��c C) file