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Frozen Dessert Sample Results
�)u1. 30. 2f)15 11 ; 34AM No, $169 P. 1 ENVIROT,EC! ' , � r? rEs,IN'C. MA CE�` '��, ;t,_�:t; �63 8 Jan 5' ' � �,� n-���� �',�tr Srtr�' �;r'� �'.�i U��,Y:? (S(18)88Y �a�r; ;-;'i�rt_:;z,_ :� lc�""�/Sj'_ �."�fi f..f.+6 CCient Nnme Hnlfet's�rore ��calton Ysrmoulhport.MA Address 139 Hallet Street Yarmouthport,MA 02875 -rmple Date o�/zz115 Collec�ed,8y ��ient -rmple �tme NA Sample Type Frozen dessert �/6 RBCCiV6d 07122/15 Lnb OrderNu�ber DW-952783 PUSpCCS NA Loqql��ry.Soure¢ .. Da�e.Cp����r '' ' l , Cvrttmenl� ,`ir, .,: 7!2?h6° . �.Vanlqa IG � ,;, �.,� � .. . _ AnalyslsReques[ed Untfs ��'�� �1 alls Analysis Re.�'u!� Me�hod DateAnolyze�l rinaly�erl By ___ ... Ice Cream Colifortn lgrarn _ <1 _ Pou�PIBte 7122l2075 MC l Slandard Plale Coutlt Jgram " ::: 61U POU�Plate 7/22I2015 MC Commeltts:-- -•~ Yes-Parameters of frozen desse�t tested are w�' ^ �< c��+� - •r� �Imlfs. ; .re 7/28/2015 Rona/d .Saa Cahora(ory �re r BRL=Beloi�Reporrnble I.�mrfs gSe� •�:� Page 1 4f 1 aCerl�flca�lon is�ro�avoila6Je for(/ris onaly�e for no�t polob'• �:�- Jun. 24. 2U15 4: 51PM Ne, 7672 P. 1/1 ENVIROTECHLABORATORIES,.�NC. MA CERT.NO.:M-1KA 063 8 Jan Sebns�lnn Drlve Un��12 Snredwlc%,�lA 025G3 (S08)888-6460 1-8D0-339-6f60 1�'AX(S08)888-6446 Clren[1V�me Hallet's Store Locatron Yarmoutn Port,nnq Acldress 139 HaJlat Slreet Yarmoulhpo�t,MA 02675 Snnrple Da[e 06/19/15 C�llecte�By Clienl Snirrple Tlme Na Sample 7�pe Frozen Dessarf Date Received d6l19/15 Lab OrderNumber �w-�s�sse I%1reHSpecs Na � � •,Lf,. ,_,;, �,, „:., x:.. .Lo�q��Arr.s,v ,(+{�i!& �t ''`` ;,�ale Cblfeeled TYti{� � t'���� s ,s �^ _ e/l;/s ,�. ���7,� �' N r: � � r �. Y' ' '•'�'i �' �4r�r q , OBNBl16 `;Nq' - t , �r•�,+��.. ;:�� .,.::. VanflCa tC ��ts��. ,,, �tr!. Anulysls Reques�err UnHs Recornmesded L1m1rs A�rolysls Resul( / Merhor� DRte Ana/yzed A�ialyzed$y IC9 Cre&m ColiForm lgram 50 <7 Pour Plate 6l19f2015 R5 -..,---. . . .. ' ._,_. . .. Standard PI2l�Courlt /gram SD,oao c250 POU�Plate 6h 9/2D15 RS ...._ --- Coname,�ts: - - --.....__ _ Yes-Parametars of froxen dessert tested are within recommended limlCs. Date 6/22/2015 --_... -- -. Rorrald J.S ri � Lnbvrarpry k lor RRr=i�elo+v Reporrable Lln�irs *SeeAnacked Page 1 of 1 �Cerr ficanon ls no!availryble for rhis analyre fnr non por�Lle��ale.sarnples..